
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Ilana and Flint

The silvery moon was floating high in the dark sky. Many tiny lights flickered gently against the black shroud covering all existences under it.

The girl was sitting as she busily fixed some firewood while the boy was still sleeping under a short tree behind her. A shuffling sound caused her to stop amid her work. Casting a puzzled glance over her shoulder she spotted the little boy rubbing his eyes as he stirred.

"Did I wake you?"

The boy only groaned and looked at her. Fluttering his eyelids, he stared at her innocently. The two locked gazes for a long time in silence.

Is he really the Tree of Avarice's incarnation?

The girl was a bit nervous at the thought and continued to silently size him up as if looking for clue yet even after a long there was not much results. The only thing could see was a boy. well, a handsome one at that.

After thinking for a bit she shook her head, it doesn't. With someone else here at least I won't be alone and this hell will be easier. Arriving at that conclusion she felt a weight being lifted off her chest.

Taking a deep breath, the girl parted her lips, "Are you hungry?"

The little boy tilted his head in confusion and looked at her strangely.

"Feeling something here," The girl patted her stomach twice.

The little boy scrunched up his brows as he focused his gaze, his eyes burning into her. The girl looked unable to bear his oppressive gaze that seemingly wanted to swallow her within its depths.

"Mm," the boy seemed to think for a while before nodding slightly and looked away.

"Great, I'll prepare some soup for you."

The girl sighed in relief and squeezed a terrible smile. For a moment she felt like a child under his gaze. How strange, just what is going on here?

"Reaching into the small pouch she was carrying a flash of soft white light inundated the area. Item after item began to emerge from this small pouch. These included pots, ingredients and fresh water. As she did this the boy looked at her strangely as he pointed at her pouch.

The girl could understand his confusion as anyone who were not aware of the features of a storage pouch would gape at the sight.

"This is a storage a pouch created by dwarf craftsmen. Items can be stored inside but the sizes vary. Look at this," raising the pouch she took up a pot and made a demonstration for the little boy by putting in and retrieving various items.

"Ah," The little boy's brown eyes brightened.


The little boy nodded his head slowly, his eyes shinning.

"Ok, wait for a bit."

Saying so she turned to the pile of items and grasped two orange colored rocks that looked rough looking and started striking them which erupted into a flame. The firewood crackled, the girl placed a pot on the stick suspended over the fire and filled it with water.

"That should do it," setting the rocks aside she began peeling the potatoes while the little boy stared at the rocks with interest.

Creeping up, he snatched the rocks under her eyes.


Awhile later the girl came over carrying a bowl of warm soup.

"Here it is."

She froze upon seeing the little boy playing with the rocks. Whenever they gave off a spark he'd smile.


Inclining his head, he locked gazes with her. She took a moment to deeply look at his face, more precisely his eyes. In its depths she could see sparks flickering continually.

"You have a name?" Rubbing his head gently she asked.

The little boy shook his head.

"That's no good, I guess we'll have to change that now won't we. My name is Ilana, you can call me Lana alright."

"Lana?" The boy replied.

"Yes, and you'll be called Flint Dread-Tree. Is that ok with you?" Ilana managed a small smile as she looked at the former Tree of Avarice or rather the boy now called Flint.

Studying the stones closely in his hands he looked at Ilana and smiled.

"Flint D-Dread-Tree," the boy stuttered those words.

"You like it?"

Flint nodded energetically in response.

"Alright Flint, it's time to eat. Put down those rocks. Open your mouth and say ah, I'll feed you." Ilana gestured, she then blew the soup and fed him until he was full.

Finishing with dinner they leaned against each other closely. Snuggling under a thick wool she retrieved from the storage bag and draped their bodies. The duo slept amidst the sounds of crickets and melody of nightingales while the shimmering moon rose higher and higher.

The next day clear blue skies awaited, stretching out as far as the eyes can see. Birds continual chirping filled the skies as they flew, riding the early morning air currents as they shuttled back and forth performing a ceremonial dance under the large sun. The forest was alive, the trees gently swayed their boughs in an intricate dance sending green leaves swirling in the air. Beams of golden sunlight cascaded down, piercing through the tree tops and landed on the lush forestry. Flint was lying with his back arched on a large rock by a rushing clear brook. Schools of various silvery fishes swam downstream. Contentedly, he basked in the sunlight that spilled through the cracks of the surrounding oversized trees. Short grass was spread like a blanket and butterflies swarmed the patches of wild flowers. It was peaceful and bound to be another wonderful day of rest until a crisp voice drifted into his ears.

"Get up lazy, it's time for practice."

Opening his eyes, he stared at Ilana approaching him from the distance. Her steps, light and steady was like a fairy.

"Don't feel like it." Leisurely he rolled onto his side and closed his eyes again.

Ilana was at the end of her patience and harshly glared at the unresponsive Flint who didn't even twitch. Why is this deadwood always so difficult to deal with? It's frustrating.


"Lana, look. My body's still sore from that craziness you call practice. You want to lift rocks and scale cliffs? I'd rather sleep which I can't anymore since my body is so sore..." Flint grumbled as his child-like body tossed about the rock in misery. He looked particularly distressed.

Ilana only folded her arms, the look in her gaze was also very cold.

"Enough a about that. What do you think about following me? Aren't I cute, a treasure?"

She shifted her gaze to meet Flint's smirking face. Propping one of his cheeks with an arm he gave his best look at being charming. However due to his childish features, rather than charming he looked very adorable instead.

"Cute..." Blinking her eyes rapidly, Ilana murmured while nodding her head absent mindedly.

"I know."

In that moment she really wanted to just to rush up and hug him however, she managed to restrain that urge. Still, she couldn't stop her palpitating heart beat and her cheeks which flushed in a beautiful shade of red.

Thinks he's so awesome just because he's a bit cute.

"Get away from here! Who thinks you're cute?"

Ilana roared turning her face away while stifling a smile that eclipsed the beautiful scenery.

"I won't force you anymore, do it if you want." Ilana muttered, turning her vision to a sea of clouds.

"Hm…" Flint face was thoughtful.

"I've decided."

"Hmm?" Ilana blinked her eyes.



"You are not allowed to fall in love with anyone except me. Do not think you will be able to escape my grasp. Got it?"

"Eh, wait…where is this coming from!"

Making a weird noise, Ilana perused the serious expression on Flint's childish face with a blank look. After several seconds of intensely staring at Ilana's face Flint silently rose and took off in a random direction.

"Where are you going?"

"To train, I guess. If I, don't you might nag me to death," Flint's lazy voice floated from behind a few trees.

Only on Flint's departure did Ilana snap out of her daze, "Wait up you forgot about your sandals!"

Ilana's shout came too late, Flint's shadow had already disappeared.

"What's gotten into him all of a sudden? He says I'm nagging?" Ilana shook her head and took up the right foot of the straw sandal that was slightly under the rock he previously lied on then placed it on top of it.

Three years passed silently.