
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Girl in the forest

A swirl of overhanging dark cotton sponges lurked overhead. Their huge bodies approaching the critical limit as they contracted and expanded. white flashes inundated the dismal sky as deep bellows rang from within the vault of heaven. Arcs of lightening wiggled, reappearing and appearing and disappearing between close intervals.




With a thunderous peal of thunder bursting from the dark sky like a mighty battle axe slaying the general all the pitiful wails, clamouring and fighting below ceased leaving behind only a deafening silence.

Pitter patter.

Heavy downpour descended upon a horrifying battlefield voided of all traces of life. there were no voices, birds chirping, bestial howls and no sounds of crickets or cicadas. The forests original terrain was completely remodelled with more than half of the forest trees razed to the ground. The trees were marred by terrifying scratch marks. Patches of grass were charred black with flames flickering on the embers and hundreds of bodies lied askew or piled up.

Bodies of burly men, fragile women, large beasts that still looked fierce even in death and menacing tree monsters were strewn about in interesting positions upon their deaths. For example, a man holding another dude in a choke hold as the two laid on top of each other with a spear skewering them both.

They were dressed in robes, gowns and many different types of damaged armours. Coated in blood and dark soil or impaled by weapons. Others crushed to death or wrapped by vines of large tree monsters that stood motionlessly on the scene.

Maces, war hammers, clubs, knives, hatchets, spears, staffs and axes littered the area. Most of which were badly damaged from the frantic battle occurring moments before.

Abruptly, the sounds of panting echoed and a figure staggered out from a corner the forest entering the scene.

The figure was fairly young and around fourteen. A girl whose physical appearance if stated out of kindness by a nice person would be described as pitiful beyond measure. The clothes covering her, messily draped over her body similarly to that of an orphan's. Its cloth marred by holes, tears and splattered with blood either from the cruel being she ran into or could only come from her own body. The only portion of cloth in good condition was a thin poach slung over her shoulder by a worn strap of animal skin.

In any case, this girl who could be deemed as a goddess by any creature who dares to call himself a man. That said her finely crafted features could even ensnare the hearts of women as unbelievable as that may sound. A pity she wound up in this tragic plight.

Pant. Pant...

After gaining some control over her erratic breaths the girl's eyes bore into the shattered fragments of what used to be crystals lying in the burnt grass. A look of crazed madness and utter hatred morphed her face into a frightening image. A look that could have children envision demons harassing them even beyond the period of adulthood. Yes, it was that frightening.

"Where is everyone...?"

A melodious voice with a hint of worry echoed. Gritting her teeth, she held up a stump of which had formerly been her left arm. everything from the elbow was gone.

Inhaling sharply her eyes darted around her new surroundings. The strong scent of iron, burnt grass and the potent stench up blood filtered into her noise. in her eyes the scene of flies and encircling the numerous corpses reflected in her tranquilly cold eyes.

"Did they escape in time; I hope they are safe..."

Her body fidgeted while her gaze trailed from corpse to corpse until her gaze froze.

No, how could it be like this?

The girl's eyes widened at the gruesome sight at the farthest end of the battlefield. her lips couldn't stop trembling, the last of her strength escaping her in her moment of weakness. her heart was breaking. No, it had shattered.


A scream similarly to the hounding of a wounded beast pervaded the still painting like scenery.

Pulling out a few of her luscious head of hair her body hurled into the sea of corpses. She violently and ferociously clawed her way towards the end of the battlefield all while her body became mottled with blood. Finally arriving at the end her eyes glanced a huge corpse lying flat on his back with his huge eyes glaring at the sky with wrath. His arm that was raised up and seemed to be frozen held a figure in its grasp. That figure was an old man dressed in the attire of the Chapel of Quest.

The person or rather beastlike entity had the physique reflecting a natural disaster and its ghastly sight could send the sinners on a quest for the gods. The terrifying most monster was Protector Woodruff, the holder of all the guardians of the forests hopes.

He was her mentor. Ever since he picked her up since she was young and treated her like his own kin. he treasured her more than a parent ever would and she learned many things from him. This usually mild mannered being now had his facial features warped into a sight that could make forest spirits cower as tears lined his eyes. Lying on his chest was a fox that was riddled with feathered arrows.

This beast was big however seemed inconsequential next to his stature and its expression was a mask of terror. One could only imagine its last thoughts before it died.

"Ylfa, not you too..."