
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Plans for the future

On one fine night, a slightly older looking Flint jumped down from a tall tree, steadily landing on his feet. He was returning from a long period of practice even though he'd rather sleep. He was taller and looked lean and robust. His hair grew out, covering his eyes and was messily tied in a man bun. His face remained unreadable even though his clothes were soaked in sweat. It had appeared he actually worked hard for once.

In the distance was dancing a fire with a vague silhouette in a sitting posture. The silver moonlight cascaded downwards onto the night life scenery. Ilana's slender frame was stooping over the fire while stirring the stew in deep concentration. Flint slowly approached but when he was just five steps away when something leaped out at him.

A blow collided with the shadow.

There was a stifled breath choking on air. The large shadow was hoisted up by the power of Flint's punch and sent flying somewhere behind the fire pit. One should not underestimate Flint's strength based on his appearance. Now that unfortunate fool will probably be having stomach cramps for at least a few months.


Shouting like a startled hen as she motioned back to the pot anxiously.

"Shouldn't you be more worried about me instead though?"

"What should I say to you who went away for almost two years?"

"Was it that long though."

"You tell me?" Ilana gave Flint and exasperated look before fully focusing on cooking.

Flint tilted his head however she didn't seem to be paying attention to him anymore.

"Still fine... Still fine..."


He stared at Ilana who looked more feminine and radiated a composed aura as she went about cooking.

Flint licked his lips and clasped his palms together.

"Oh well."

Shrugging, he motioned himself to the large rock he usually slept on. Upon passing the large shadow that was still struggling to get up he abruptly stomped the ground.


A low, deep groaning voice resounded into the stillness of night. The ground shook again and that figure became a shooting star hurtling forwards and landed somewhere in the distance. The only thing that remained where the shadow previously lied was an earth pillar. Flint jumped onto the rock and lied down.

"Boss!" Two dark shadows yelled in unison as they hurriedly ran towards the distance where the other dark shadow fell.

"Flint..." Ilana's questioning call rang out.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him. Probably…"

Ilana's sighed and continued to stir the pot, there was no use worrying about it.

A good while later two apes came running back. Starting from the right was a barrel looking over two meters tall ape with green fur. To the left a slightly muscular blue fur ape of similar height but thinner in build. The two were struggling to carry the tallest and central figure that should be their leader. The ape being helped by his subordinates was a three meters tall ape with large powerful muscles bigger than its already thick thighs. This ape was covered in red fur and wore a large straw hat that shrouded half of its face, giving it a mysterious aura.

"Interesting. Lana, who are these guys?"

"Don't know, I met them while hunting. You can come get your stew it's now ready," Ilana said amidst sharing the portions.

Flint strode over and sat beside Ilana who handed him a bowl. Grabbing it, he turned it down his throat, "Seconds?"

"Take your time it's not running away you know. You might hurt your stomach."

"Oh, so you still care?"

Ilana took a good look at Flint, "I see your less chubby than before."

"I can let you touch if you want to. Do you dare?"

Ilana shot a glare.

"Why the glaring, can I have a third?"

"…Sure, but that's your last one."

"Why, you don't actually hate me right?" Flint cast a curious glance at Ilana.

Ilana ignored Flint and filled several bowls for the apes that gratefully took them for taste testing in their large hands.

"Thanks, elder sis."

The blue fur ape said with a smile as he collected for himself and his boss. That red fur ape that still couldn't sit straight and had to lean against a tree so he didn't tumble over. Silently, that blood fur ape would look in Flint's direction. Neither could tell what the other were thinking and their faces were obscured; one by hair, the other by a tilted straw hat.

"Thanks sister-in-law."

The green fur ape sat close by. Flint's head tilted and plopped onto his back with his head facing the sky. Though he was doing the same as usual Flint vibe seemed to have changed in Ilana's eyes.

Did something happen on his travel? He feels a bit different… but in what way? He was already hard to read before but now he's literally unreadable. Ilana drank her soup while staring at Flint's face the whole time. This was what she usually did to be able to understand him better or figure out his mood. However today the whole endeavor was fruitless and, in the end, she could only drink her soup in frustration. Reading people was too hard, coming to that conclusion she directly confronted him.

"Is something on your mind?"

Flint shook his head.

"Not really, I was just wondering if we'll ever leave here. I feel a change in scenery would be nice. It's boring seeing nothing but beast men and trees since I got this body."

"Even if the Chapel of Quest, dark cult and treasure hunters will look for you should they find out your origin?"

"Why should I be scared of them?"

"I see."

"Don't you still want revenge. For your family that is?"

Ilana closed her eyes, her fists clenched on her thighs as she tightly gripped onto her dress, "Not sure, but If I could I would. But as you can see, I'm still pitifully weak. It's not really practical."

Agony was painted on her face, she seemed so weak and fragile.

"You may be pitifully weak now but who says you can't become any stronger. What I want to know though is if you dare to oppose them."

Ilana shuddered, her heart wanting to escape the confines of her chest. She had a brief internal struggle for a few moments before her eyes sparkled with resolve.

"I'd dare to. So, what if I can't beat them? At least I wouldn't have any regrets."

Flint smiled deviously for the first time as he looked upwards.

"I'll help out too. Things should be a bit more interesting from now on I suppose."

"Thanks Flint."

"When are we leaving?"

Ilana placed a hand on her beating heart.


Staring at her he held her hands in his.

Feeling the touch of his cold hands, she felt her body relax.

"Tomorrow, the sooner the better."

"I wonder what we will encounter on our journey beyond the confines of the forest? I'm looking forward to it."

Will we be fine? Ilana's grip subconsciously tightened.