
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Ilana had said her farewell to the ape trio in the morning and now the duo was currently walking slowly westwards with the sun beating onto their back's and their black shadows slightly in front, moving animatedly. Slouching his back, Flint ambled on the bumpy forest trail; carefully stepping over plants, stones and networking tree roots strewn about the moist soil. Beads of sweat rolled down his dull face.

Further up ahead was Ilana looking up at the flaming sun. A lot of time had passed since their departure while she constantly checked their route. Inhaling a deep breath of the surrounding hot hair Flint's gaze randomly landed on the trees further ahead of Ilana.

"Lana, let's call it a day."

Flint said stopping abruptly then leaned against the trunk of a tree to catch his breath.

Ilana frowned as her eyes met Flint's, "Why, there's still light out? Are you being lazy again? Why are you walking like that?"

Flint shook his head and then closed his eyes before opening his mouth to speak.

"Not quite, although I don't deny having such thoughts. But then again, those thoughts will remain unfulfilled fantasies. We've been walking in circles again. Do you see that tree over there?"

Ilana's eyes looked to the right side of the trail where a tree stood with an obvious scratch mark along its bark.

"Ah! Let's spend the night here then, travelling anymore today is pointless."

"Oh, I just remembered something."

"Was it very important, you rarely take the time to remember stuff after all?"

"I managed to forget it several times but I can clearly remember it now, curious?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit interested, so, do you want to share? Hehe," Ilana tittered with a bright smile.

"Never mind," Flint had a sudden change of heart.

"Something, wrong?"

Staring at Ilana's expression Flint didn't find anything strange which left him baffled. In times like these he usually went with his gut.

"I just remembered that I could have simply made all those trees form a path leading out of the forest," Flint was sighing in regret.

"You can really do that?" Ilana's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Hum, it's quite simple actually, like an inferior being responding to its better's order. Although they lack intelligence following simple orders are possible, for example"—Flint lightly tapped on the bark of the huge tree that was supporting his body. The ground shook with leaves scattered in a flurry as the tree's imposing frame shook abruptly and started moving with its many large roots, sending lumps of mud flying into the air.

One of its branches extended. Going downwards, it slowly propped Flint's body onto its crown under Ilana's astonished gaze.


"This isn't that amazing."

"Is that so?"

"Naturally, by the way, aren't you going to spill the beans already?"

Flint suddenly asked Ilana the question that'd been eating at him since last night.

Lightly having said that Flint proceeded do lie down comfortably on the sea of leaves, curled up like a comma.

"About what?"

"There's no rush, are you coming up?"


With the sound of rustling leaves another branch slowly inched downwards at Ilana's feet and she lightly stepped on. The branch safely brought her up to the top of the crown where Flint lied lazily then retreated as quickly as it came.

Ilana sat by his side quietly and Flint raised his head, taking her lap as a pillow. She lightly brushed his hair while looking over her shoulders at the still descending ball of vermilion lights illuminating the clouds along the horizon. The two's actions were coordinated in a seamless and well-practiced fashion.


"Why did those apes refer to you as sister-in-law. I don't understand."

"Are you jealous?"

Flint raised an eyebrow as he countered, "Should I be? What's the story and what do they mean by child bride?"

"If you say so. It's a young bride.

"I don't get it."

"A bride or rather child bride will be the mate of the male counterpart. That red fur ape had asked of marriage a few times when we were—."

"What? The nerve, how dare he? Let me up, I'm goanna head back there to bury him."

Flint shot up but was restrained by a panicking Ilana who struggled to hold him back. The two tussled a bit. Ilana managed hold him back but not for long. In a mere two seconds she found herself gasping for air.

It was one sided, she was being dominated under Flint.

"Relax, you're hurting me." With her eyes closed Ilana muttered.

"So be it."

Flint adjusted his strength but he didn't let her go. Instead, he lowered his head at Ilana who refused to look at him.

"So, I can't kill them?"

Ilana opened her eyes and gave Flint an earnest look, her eyes dripping in seriousness.

"The apes were just guarding me and they helped me out a lot. I owe them a debt of gratitude so how could I let you kill them?"

"But Lana didn't you remember what I said, that you wouldn't be able to escape my palm."

Ilana blushed and averted her gaze, "I didn't even agree, didn't you say that you"—

"Weren't jealous," Flint finished for Ilana who stared at him in shock. He tilted his head and said lightly, "What's mine will forever remain mine. Remember that."

Declaring that indifferently he raised his arm at Ilana who looked a bit nervous. She didn't know what he was thinking.

Just what was Flint going to do?

She felt a bit uncomfortable yet didn't reject this strange feeling. A million thoughts were running through her mind as his hand lightly touched her cheek.

"What are you—"


Suddenly an explosion went off in the background.