
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Igor and Anna (2)

Atop the treant's hand

"Tsk, tsk."

Balor clicked his tongue and Flint glanced skywards.

"Do you have something against beast men?"

"And what if I do brat?"

"Just curious," Flint stood up from Ilana's lap pillow and gazed into the distance.

Ilana stared at the figure embracing the noon wind, "Flint…"

"You want to capture the group."

Balor frowned, "Capture who?"

"The believers who else?"

"Are you crazy."

Rubbing his temples Balor and his crew faces expressed concern.

"Kid, do you really want to die that badly. Have you forgotten how easily those beast men became vegetables in the cleaner's hands?"

"Scar Face does have a point," Spade added.

"Don't get us all killed for your Deathwish, you can at least let us go so we won't get caught up in the crossfire."

Lying on his belly while performing maintenance on his dagger Blade interjected.

Balor nodded as well, "Let us take the young lady and you can go and do your own thing."

"Oh, it looks like they are coming to us, do you plan on getting killed by staying with us?"

Flint's face was cheerful.

"Let us down quickly, this old man wants to live for a few more years, who will take care of my daughter if I die due to you brat."



Suddenly a few vines from the treant's chest shot over holding Balor and his entourage by the arms and legs who became panicked.


Spade screamed.

"Too late,"


The lot were hurled off the treant's hand and stopped just a meter above ground.

"Dear god…"

With a look of trepidation and bulging eyes Blade immediately fainted.

"I feel sick," Spade and a few others hurled.

Both fearful and furious, Balor screamed, "That rascal!"

He turned to face Scar Face whom was trembling, the big guy was so scared that two teardrops could be spotted in the corner of his eyes.

"Good luck old boy."

Flint waved at them and the vines started loosening. The group all fell into a pile like crabs.

Ilana stood up and stood next to Flint.

"Do you think we'll learn anything useful?"

Ilana's cold gaze swept the approaching figures in white.

"Don't know, we might be able to find their base. At least we'll have a target."

"That's true, but are you really fine with this Flint?"

"I don't have anything better to do."

"Thanks. Do you have anything you want to do in the future?"

"Not yet, I'll figure it out at some point. What do you want to do after getting revenge?"

"Haven't thought about it. Do you think there are others out there like you in the world?"

"That's why I want to travel, I have a feeling that there may just be a few. Do you plan on targeting the others by chance?"

"No, grandpa Woodruff said they were the main instigators at that time. It would be nearly impossible to target all parties involved."


The two stood silently as figures garbed in white made their appearance, the people of the Chapel of Quest had come.