
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Skirmish (1)

Leading the group was Igor and Anna stopped on the slope below the forbidden forest, glancing at the large treant standing stationary in between the two large beast skulls.

"The evil presence is coming from up there."

Anna tapped Igor's shoulder at pointed towards the treant's arm that suddenly raised to its shoulder and two dots jumped off.

"You mean the treant?"

"Is that what it is called? The presence has moved to its shoulder now."

Igor's eyes squinted as he looked upwards, "The targets too far away I can't make out anything."

Squatting on the treant's shoulder Flint rubbed his chin languidly, "Capture first, ask questions later."

"Do it," Ilana spat clinging onto its shoulder.


Abruptly the treant's eyes flared and its leg kicked towards the clerics on the slope.

"Move out!"

Following Igor's roar, the five other clerics scattered.

A huge shockwave with spiderweb like cracks tore the earth apart as the ground collapsed inwards. The treant raised its arm and waved at two priests clinging to the edge of a ditch.


The two screamed in horror and was buried under the treant's large palm.

"Damnit the bastard stole my thunder, do your thing Anna!"

Rolling on his sides Igor got up and unsheathed his blade.

"Got it."

Muttering Anna raised her bundled whip that started to glow with a faint golden-white luminescence. Shaking it twice she met the treant's other descending foot.


A series of whip shadows shot out and the treant's huge leg was diced into pieces of wood. It lost its balance and rapidly fell forwards.

"What? Ilana's eyes opened wide.

"Quickly now!"

Grabbing Ilana by the waist he turned and jumped towards the treant's back. Sliding along its back and reaching the waist he leaped off and landed heavily on the treant's shattered leg with his feet deeply entrenched.


The upper body of the treant shattered and piled up on the ground into a huge hill. Anna stood clasping the handle of the whip watching how it shrunk back to its original size and stopped glowing. Igor and the other three priests that looked wretched with dirt caking their clothing stood beside her.

"Man, I forgot how sharp and fast your judgement whip was."

Igor sighed and shook his head.

"Quit dawdling cleaner, the evil presence is behind that hill of scraps"

"Really now."

Igor chuckled and raised his sword, anticipation flickered in his eyes.

"Not bad, you actually managed to destroy my treant."

A youthful voice floated over and a boy around eleven appeared with an enchanting young woman in tow.

The young woman looked to be seventeen and wore a simple corset dress that brought out her figure. The dress exposed her shoulders and the vague view of her shapely legs could drive men insane. Wavy locks of copper hair brushed her butt and her bright chestnut-colored eyes could enrapture both genders. Her light steps made her body seemed like floating instead of walking. Leading the girl was a child with green hair draping over his eyes completely. He was dressed in grey and for some reason only wore the left foot of a sandal.

"The evil presence is a boy with one foot of slippers?"

Anna's eyes narrowed, making sure to scan him carefully from head to toe.

"Little girl, why are you checking me out so intensely, am I really that handsome?"

Anna frowned, "It really is him so be careful, cleaner."

"I know."

Stepping out he beckoned the other clerics over; Anna lightly shook her whip.

Standing atop the scrap heap Flint jumped down, charging towards the clerics.

Ilana quickly followed.

White flashes of light.

The heap of debris erupted and two shadows fell on the ground.

Flint stomped the ground and series of wood spikes erupted

At that moment where Anna and the others stood a blanket of one-meter-tall spikes shot up from the ground, piercing into the three clerics' bodies.

Anna hurriedly grabbed Igor and sent out a flurry of whiplashes covering the entire sky.

Ilana bit her lip and hurriedly retreated; Flint jumped in front of her and slapped the ground.

With a tremor both of them disappeared from there and appeared three feet behind Anna.

"That was close," Igor panted.

"It's not over yet, how did he manage to get behind us!"

In a panic Anna lashed out her whip.

Several large chunks of rocks with shallow slash marks on its surface continued hurtling at her unimpeded.

"Laser Beam."

The rocks were split into halves and exploded.

Looking up again Ilana and Flint were nowhere to be found.

Panting hard she pressed her back against Igor.

"How much longer can you use your blessing, Anna?"

"I'm still a novice so less than ten minutes, you need to keep your eyes open."

Igor brandished his sword and looked around warily.

"Where are they?"

"In the ground, over there!"

Igor's body shot forward and he thrust out with his sword.


The sword rebounded from the clash and a dull feeling was transmitted from his arms.


Igor looked down to meet Flint's smiling face as he placed pressure on his hardened, rock-like left arm that was blocking the sword.


Igor exclaimed inwardly as his muscles tensed up.

A bead of sweat dripped down his forehead and he lashed out a kick.


Thud, Igor felt as if his feet had hit a boulder and couldn't help but wince.

"Son of- "

A mouthful of saliva was spat out.

Igor's body shook and his body swayed as if he had been hit by a sledge hammer.

Dull thumping sounds rang out as Flint's kicks rained on his lower abdomen.

Igor's defence collapsed. Reaching out with his hands he squeezed Igor's blade into a bent piece of metal, tossing it aside.

Stepping forward to Igor's body that arched he sent a punch to his chest plate.

"Kuh- "

Igor eventually spat blood with his body falling backwards.

Anna who had been unable to act, rushed out.
