
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Igor and Anna(1)

Flint was lying with his head on Ilana's lap while staring at the surrounding terrain. His eyes locked eyes with Balor who was glaring at him with a mixture of hatred and jealousy. The land ahead was dark and void of trees behind the horizons. In their place were numerous skulls and varying skeletal parts from both humans and beast alike. For example, the two large Skulls in front of the forest entrance; a wolf and ape head being on the left and right respectively. Many rusted weapons and decayed wooden structures were dotted everywhere. Large ditches and boulders with sparse patches of dried yellow grass were also common elements in the scenery.

"So, this is the infamous Barren Plains you were going on about?"

"Yeah, this is the crusaders and beast men personal battlefield Afterall. The alternate route here is the dragon road in the south. Welcome to the land of strife and criminal's brat. I urge you to be careful from here on out."

"Got it, but shouldn't we be parting ways though?"


Balor's gaze was complex and he stole a peek at Ilana whom was looking around curiously.

"Brat, it's safer for us to travel together as there are ambushers lying in wait along the way from here."

"Alright, a local should be more knowledgeable on certain things. We'll be in your care then."

"Wise choice."

Flint ignored him and asked, "Do we still need the treant?"

"Of course! There will be people attacking at every turn from those boulders at the side of the road. Are you really that eager to throw away your protection and become yet another corpse along the Blessed Bone Road?"

"I'll take your advice then. Besides walking will just make me tired."

"Hey, don't just fall asleep!"

Balor pointed at Flint who closed his eyes and went into sleeping mode leaving him with nowhere to vent his anger. Suddenly there was a loud shriek jolting everyone from their own thing. Further along the path a sieged carriage came in sight with more than forty people appearing from a boulder on the left side of the road and attacking the dozen odd defending people. Cries of rage and groans of the falling men that couldn't defend against the many assailants continued to spread along the lonely plains. The defending people were actually a group of clerics and a crusader wearing white clothing fending off forty odd beast men that were out for blood. They brandished large clubs and clubbed the clerics with bone breaking hits. The clerics retaliated with spiked maces of varying sizes and some even had a few with chains and spiked balls at the end.

"Savages, how dare they attack us!"

"You bastards slaughtered my village; I'll have your heads to grieve my wife and unborn child."

"Scum of the cloth!"

"The lord will smite you unclean spawns! Even in death I'll get my vengeance!"

The scene was very chaotic.

"What's going on?"

Looking to Balor Ilana asked with furrowed brows.

"It's just another skirmish with those damn beast men."

Saying so in a low voice his eyes expressed hatred. Scar face and the others all nodded in agreement.

"Let's watch the show then," Flint fixed his position and smiled lightly.


The carriage erupted in a rain of shattered planks and wheels with goods being strewn all over the road from the siege of beast men aggressively attacking.

"That's it!"

There was a bellow of irritation then two figures shot out of the broken carriage seat and into the group of beast men. One was a young woman around nineteen; she was tall and slender with blonde hair wearing a white clerics robe carrying a mace and had a whip attached to her hips. She was attractive with a calm disposition and a face that radiated innocence. The latter was around twenty-six with a rugged face and arrogant eyes. He carried himself in a proud manner. He was different from the others as he wore armor and carried a sword. Right now, his eyes radiated a thick bloodlust. Upon arrival into the group, he pulled out his blade and immediately hacked off a panther beast man's hand from the elbow and kicked him into his face, making his body soar. Feeling a strong wind brushed past his neck he squatted and rammed his elbow into another beast man's jaw; dislocating it. He shot up into the sky and bicycle kicked another two more in the neck. All his attacks were deadly and his face remained expressionless throughout the exchange.

"Just what the hell is this guy, he is more feral than us!"

A few cat beast men got cold feet and backed away. The proud looking priest immediately spotted them and ran towards all those who had ideas of fleeing. Severed limbs and heads rained as he made a bloodstained path towards the fleeing four cat beast men.

"Don't run!"

The look on the young man's face was frosty.

"Little fucker, are you an idiot or what?"

The leading cat beast man of the four angrily cursed.

"Unclean filth, I'll be sure to eradicate you. Don't dream of escaping me, Igor Dreux!"

The group of beast men suddenly picked up the pace and those who were fighting with the other clerics abandoned their opponents and turned to fled like an ant nest that had been stomped on.

"Damnit, why did I have to provoke the cleaner? This mad dog of the chapel!"

The cat beast man in lead was on the verge of tears, he and the others were especially sensitive to this infamous name sweated.

"That's right, it is I, the cleaner! Did you enjoy wrecking my carriage, little beasts?"

The arrogant Igor Dreux eyes were condescending as he gripped his sword with both hands and leaped forward.


"With a life I could still have more children. Why would I go and look for you for?"

"Well too bad, help me out Anna."

Balor's eyes widened in realization.

"So, it's really that madman and the prodigy cleric. What are they doing in these parts?"

"You know them?"

"Of course, brat. They are pretty famous in Lawless City. Always bringing a storm of blood wherever they go, the young man is a promising crusader of the Chapel of Quest and the genius girl is Anna Choques, the child being groomed to be a priest."

"Can I not do this Igor? As I said before I heal, I will not kill."

In response to Igor Anna firmly said. In those innocent eyes was an unrelenting strength.

"Why are you so naïve, ah whatever, just bind them or something then."


A loud whip sung through the air like a winding snake and rapidly extended wrapping them up by the waist.

Anna tugged and the bundled four bodies drifted from the ground and landed close to where Anna stood upon abandoning the carriage.

"Can you finish them quickly this time?"

Looking at the four cat beast men with pity Anna asked in a low voice.

The approaching Igor stopped close to Anna and raised his doubled edged sword, cleaving down.

"May you be cleansed in death."


The despaired last cry of the four cat beast men sounded.

Anna's eyelids trembled a bit and she reeled her whip, flashing it several times to get off the blood then patted the coiled bundle at her side.

"Are you happy now?"

Noisily sliding his sword in its sheath Igor glanced at Anna who gazed at a few boulders in the distance.

Anna ignored him and swept her gaze to the forest entrance.

"Was there always a large wooden structure over there? I also sense an evil presence too."

"Let me see."

Igor's eyes followed her line of sight and he creased his brows in doubt, 'Nope."

Anna nodded.

"Go heal up the survivors and let's investigate since your blessing was triggered."

"You don't have to tell me that."

"What a wilful child."