
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


At that point in time Flint yawned atop the tree monster's hand, stretching his body like a lazy cat, "Is it morning already?"

"Slept well?"

Indolently meeting Ilana's bright eyes Flint slurred, "Mm, though I prefer lying on your legs though."

Squinting her eyes and blinking several times Ilana's mouth puffed out becoming somewhat twisted.

"Amused, are we?"

Raising a brow, Flint shot up and pounced on her body, attacking her sides with his fingers.

"Hahaha! I get it already; you can stop now," a string of bell like laughter echoed as Ilana's body squirmed trying to escape from Flint's clutches.

Sitting up and gazing at the weak and panting Ilana whose generous chest continually rose and fell Flint lips curled up deviously, "Little girl, don't mess with this father you hear me."

Ilana averted his gaze, lying there like mud.

"Hmm?" Squinting his eyes Flint made a hand gesture.


Tossing her body away from Flint Ilana's loud cry sounded. Nodding lightly, he stood and cruised to the end of the tree monster's large hand and squatted; his eyes swivelled downwards towards the commotion.

"What are you guys up to?"

One-Eyed Snake who was deep in dreamland fantasy was immediately shattered. Pointing at Flint's face he stuttered with a distorted face, "It's y-you!"

Looking up he could see a small, detestable figure squatting at the edge of the of the tree monster's hand.

One-Eyed Snake somberly spat, "Slept well?"

Flint only smiled slightly, "How about you?"

"Tch. Does waking up with an aching back seem nice because I'm pretty sure it doesn't brat!"

Giving One-Eyed Snake a knowing look Flint smiled in a profound fashion, "Ha-ha, gramps sure likes them young?"

"B-Brat, what are you talking about!"

One-Eyed Snake's face was unnatural and his eyes kept darting around unfocusedly.

"You know it in your heart, both of us are men."

"Don't slander this old man!"

Rocking his face on his hand Flint leisurely replied, "There's no need to get all flustered old boy."

Turning his head One-Eyed Snake roared at the sky, "Have some respect for the elderly, brat."

"Make me."


One-Eyed Snake was livid but there wasn't anything he could do to Flint, that detestable child who controlled such a ghastly creature. Turning around he barked at Blade, "You can stop now!"

"Aye-aye, boss!"

Hawkins and Blade scampered over to his sides.

"A…ah, my head. Ouch., ouch…ouch." Scar Face uttered groans of misery.

After a few seconds of twitching Scar Face pulled out a handful of grass and crawled up. He locked gazes with them for just a moment, "I haven't forgotten you guys."

Scar Face smiled kindly at the two by One-Eyed Snake 'sides who became terrified and stuck close to One-Eyed Snake. With two kicks, Hawkins and Blade's bodies flew out.

One-Eyed Snake's face was dark, he hurriedly patted his clothes, "Aren't you both men?"

"Boss!" The two were practically crying but One-Eyed Snake ignored them allowing the approaching Scar Face to drag them away. The two were feeling great injustice while being carried off to do God knows what. But whatever it was the two were definitely going have nightmares from the trauma.

"That's rather cold," the silently observing Flint spat.

"Brat, don't get involved with how I do things. You got it?"

"Yeah, yeah. Are you guys done fooling around now? Give me the general direction out of this forest"

"The Forbidden Forest is located at the eastern most edge of the continent so you'll be fine if you continue along your original route. I mean you can never go wrong with that huge monster carrying you."

"That's good to hear. Pity I hadn't done this originally and I even got lost quite a few times too," Flint lamented.

"Ha-ha ha, as expected of a snot nosed brat, not knowing how to use your resources well."

"I didn't know that the old boy is itching to be strung up." Flint said touching his long bangs.

One-Eyed Snake's face twitched at Flint's threat.

Damn, do you think this old man is that scared of you!

Peeking behind Flint he bolstered some courage and yelled not showing any weakness.

"How about you lift those bangs and let me see what face you made while threatening this old man. Do you think I'm afraid of disciplining the younger generation?"

"Oh, it wouldn't be your turn---"

"Have you found the route?"

Ilana's who had silently approached Flint interjected. The two turned to face her.

"It's more or less the same."

"Y-Young lady, what is your name?"

Stuttering unintelligently One-Eyed Snake spoke as his body squirmed.

"Ilana, and you are?" Ignoring the way One-Eyed Snake leered at her she sat next to Flint.


"Just call the old boy the one-eyed cradle robber."

"Shad up brat!" Balor's face contorted with his wrathful eyes wanting to consume Flint if at all possible.

Ilana stifled her laughter and mediated between the two who were probably have issues in the future, "Let's talked about proper business. Balor can you tell us what lies outside the forest so we can know what to expect. Us two have been living here since forever and are ignorant of the outside world."

"Brat, see this young lady has better manners than you."

"So, what, in the end you're our hostage. I owe you nothing old boy."

"Brat!" Balor rushed out and jumped. Alas, he was too far away to reach the tree monster's hand. He could only glare up at Flint from the ground. From above Flint waved at him with a pleased look, pissing off him more.

"Sigh… it's a good time to head out now, yes." Ilana said looking to Flint who lightly nodded.

"Yeah, we were just waiting for you and got carried away,"

Standing abruptly, he yelled at the people below, "Come on up you guys or do you want to walk all the way there?"

With the sound of rustling the tree monster lowered the hand Ilana and Flint were on. Balor and the trio hurriedly got on and sat at down. Flint and Ilana walked towards them.

"Oh, outside world here I come."

Balor had a bad feeling and backed away, "Detestable brat, what are you doing."

Flint smiled roguishly, "Interrogating you of course—he turned to Ilana and tugged her dress—Isn't that, right?"


"You heard it, yes?"

Flint opened his palms and reached toward Balor who shoved Scar Face and Blade aside.

"What are you bastards waiting for? Hurry protect me from this brat!"

Scar Face, Blade and Hawkins were equally dissatisfied with their boss and pretended they didn't see anything. The only thing they did was to whistle and wish him good luck.

"Just keep still and let me take root. Should I fail, you might just croak, know."

Flint had already reached Balor who was backed against the large finger. He reached out with his hands that slowly started to writhe and wiggle like tentacles before shooting towards Balor's head.

"W-what are you doing with those things? Stay away from me, no—Argh!"

Balor's tragic screams pierced into the sky amongst the frightful cackles of birds scattering. Amidst Balor's horrified screams the large treant who remained stationary until now rose and turned; its every motion quaking the earth. The journey to the outside world was bound to be an eventful one.