
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Eve of disaster

At midday the coalition arrived at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest. It was a land of rich towering thin and thick trees looking like pillars connecting to the sky. An average tree stood at the height of roughly forty meters and had to be hugged by three or four grown men. Moss filled the branches and vines hanged down like a sacred sanctuary by nature. The people noisily got off and sat and sat in their respective groups chatting loudly, raining curses on members from another group while preparing their equipment. They carefully checked their arrows, performed maintenance on their spears, their blades and so on.

"It's about time, is everyone ready yet?"

A robust but cultured looking man in armored cleric clothing spoke. He was a crusader around seventy with shrewd looking eyes standing in the Chapel of Quest's camp and the leader of this year's expedition. His hands lightly tapped his steel sword after which he dug into his robe and casually glanced at a golden pocket watch.

"Yes, Reverend Edmund."

With the hasty shuffling sound of people standing up they respectfully replied.

"Hmm. Good, that is very good." Reverend Edmund spoke slowly as he nodded in approval.

The sound of light footsteps echoed. A group of men were approaching the Reverend from another camp. As the steps drew nearer the temperature dropped and a gloomy vibe washed over each and every cleric as they raised their heads.

Slowly a tall figure shrouded in a long black robe wrapping up his entire body strolled over with two similarly dressed subordinates in tow.

On their backs was a red eye symbol.

Reverend Edmund frowned making his heavily wrinkled face appear rather unsightly, "I see it's the dogs of the Eye in the Darkness Cult, what do you want?"


The creepy chuckle of the leading man of the men in black sounded.

Rather than chuckling, it was more similar to the sound of metal pieces harshly grating against each other. Involuntarily it caused the hairs on one's skin to rise in fright.

"Reverend Edmund glared at the chuckling man apprehensively. His hand tightly grasped his sword before he barked, "Quickly say what it is that you want Jackal the Savage, devils aren't wanted here in God's camp."

"Let's work together," The leading man in black robes replied bluntly.

"Dream on. Humph!" Reverend Edmund snorted, shaking his head in rebuttal.

"But you haven't heard our conditions yet," Jackal whined, seemingly wronged.

"Forget it, I can't you devils. Who knows what you'll do?"

"What nonsense are you spouting? I never go back on my words unlike all you hypocrites. Easily able to weave tons of amusing excuses just to terrorize the pitiful beast men. Does that give you glory? I bet you feel strong bullying the weak, yes? What were the words again? Oh, I know, it's in the name of God they say! Look, that person is a heretic! Blah... blah..."

Jackal yelled exaggeratedly stretching out his arms and mimicked the clerics during the afternoon sermon.

The clerics' faces darkened and their eyes burnt several holes into Jackal's back.

"Reverend Edmund's brows twitched unhappily, did he come here just to look for trouble?

"No one could see his face due to his hoodie but the disdain pointed at them was clear for any bystander to see. With looks of interest on their faces several figures came over forming a large crowd to watch the upcoming show.

Reverend Edmund snorted but didn't respond. The rest of the group of clerics' bodies trembled and they glared at Jackal in anger while clenching their fists.

"I'm just preaching the truth. Are you guys angry? Well, what can you do to me anyway." Jackal glanced at them with a hint of provocation in his smile as his shoulders trembled from stifling a laughter. Then as if losing interest, he turned away.

"With those three short sentences all those clerics accompanying Reverend Edmund exploded. With crazed looks they charged at Jackal as if he had murdered their parents.

"Yes, that's it. Hurry and come at me!" Jackal shouted in relish, clearly toying with them.

"Everyone, stop!" Reverend Edmund raised his left arm and shouted in alarm.

What are you doing? the last thing I want is you guys giving that madman an alibi to cause trouble.

"But Reverend..."

"Heeding his call, the clerics immediately halted.

"Hahahaha! You'd best think again you little brats. Do you have the ability to touch I, the Dark Lord's servant?!

Jackal's thunderous laughter which was the very embodiment of untainted wickedness and savagery stemming from the core of his being ripped throughout the skies.

Heavy clouds of seemingly alive shadows oozed from his thin and lanky frame which rocked from a violent peal of evil laughter. The nearby onlookers were scared into frightful shivering as they stared at Jackal with eyes of fear and hurriedly backed away.

Reverend Edmund's face tensed up.

Why is he like this? He's become so evil, how frightening!

At this moment a terrifying aura of darkness blackened the skies and bouts of foreboding winds wailed. Patches of grass was disappearing before everyone's terrified eyes. The two other figures in black cloaks snickered sinisterly in the background while staring at the people from the Chapel of Quest's camp as if they were a bunch of mental persons.

"Idiots! I can't understand them."

The first man remarked with his head bowed in amusement.

"I see the fools of the chapel no longer plan to live anymore. To think even before death, they have yet come to their senses and fully embrace the dark path."

The second man sighed with his hand on his head. His cold eyes under the cloak expressing pain but contrary to his words his mouth licked a dagger. Blood trickled on the glinting edge but the man didn't seem to mind this, as if on stimulants he broke out into uncontrollable giggles.

"Edmund, it seems that your control over the hounds has improved a bit these days." Forcefully steadying his laughter Jackal muttered with faint disappointment.

Reverend Edmund gritted his teeth as he silently cursed, what a bastard.

Jackal shook his head and sighed, another wasted opportunity. I really wanted to wreak some havoc to pass the time. Too bad that bag of old bones was quite intelligent and saw through my intentions.

"Telling, those fellows to stop was one thing but this didn't mean they couldn't cast looks of hate and despise at Jackal while they berated him.


"Devil's little watch dog."

"Scum, it's best if you try seeking salvation and maybe the Lord shall take pity on you."

A fairly young cleric, around twenty-five berated speaking words of righteousness with a dignified look as he pointed at Jackal's nose from a safe distance. Upon finishing his speech, he gnashed his teeth and glowered at Jackal as if wanting to swallow him whole.

As if sensing that intense stare Jackal cocked his head to the left flashing a fiendish smile from under the hood of his cultist robe.

"Oh... Why don't you come on over here little man? Hehe..." Jackal cackled madly and he urgently beckoned that young cleric over.

"That young cleric trembled in terror upon noticing Jackal's fiendish grin which looked incomparably savage, akin to a fiendish demon peering at one from the lowest depth of hell. The young cleric felt his heart trying to escape his chest and beads of cold sweat appeared at his temples.

"Hehe. What's the matter ah? You don't dare, what happened to those big boy hairs?"

Jackal asked as his demonic grin widened and twisted into one of malevolence.

Jackal waited patiently however even after a long time that cleric didn't answer. It seemed he had been scared off by Jackal's savagery.

"How disappointing, and to think this snowflake wanted to berate this servant." Jackal shook his head in disinterest then turned to face Reverend Edmund once more.

"Alright. Let's talk about proper business now," Jackal said somewhat seriously.

"What are the terms of corporation, if it's not to absurd I'll consider it," Reverend Edmund replied rather unwillingly.

"Help us secure a lot of imitation Fruits, that's all we want this time around."

"Reverend Edmund's eyes widened in shock. He stared at Jackal and couldn't help but blurt in disbelief, "I refuse to believe you savages don't want the Forbidden Fruits powers after witnessing it's powers, yes?"

Jackal rolled his eyes, "Of course the Forbidden Fruits are naturally the real deal. Edmund, I hope you haven't become senile after growing this old. Even a child knows that the Imitations though less in power is more reliable. Most importantly the risks are also lowered."

"Hmm, that's true. Still, I believe there is more your plot than this. What are you scheming this time?"

Jackal only smiled slightly and remained tight lipped. Of course, he wouldn't go leaking his plans. If he did, he would be less than a fool. After having some fun here, he must get in contact with those imps to complete that project. Speaking of those crafty imps Jackal's face contorted in pain and he couldn't help biting his lips in frustration.

"Those fuckers are such robbers..."

"Huh?"" Reverend Edmund gave the absent-minded Jackal a questioning stare.

"Jackal shook his head and stared of into the distance where towering trees stood proudly, "Just wondering how much blood will be spilt on such a fine day. So, have you made your decision yet Edmund?"

"Hmm..." Reverend Edmund pondered as the creases on his forehead became even more pronounced. It was only after a long period did, he finally open his mouth to speak.

"Let's do it. I'll be monitoring you guys closely so don't try any funny business," Reverend Edmund eyed Jackal vigilantly and spoke.

"Yea... sure. You men of the cloth are all too weird. Geez!" Muttering so Jackal shrugged helplessly.

He gestured and his group of subordinates followed him cautiously from behind the Chapel of Quest's people entering the Forbidden Forest. When the other groups saw the Chapel of Quest and Eye in the Darkness Cult enter the forest together, they all hurriedly followed not wanting to miss out on the harvest. Clamoring of armor and sounds of footsteps echoed as they disappeared group by group in the forest depths.

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