
Incarnation of the Demon Tree

Humanity will do 'ABSOLUTELY' anything and everything for wealth and power. It matters how not how perilous the danger in their path or how much blood has to be spilled for them to reach their aims. Any reason is justifiable as long as the goal is achieved. There is a question commonly asked by people since the dawn of this era, just what is the difference between men and beasts?

Temperance_Seeker · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Moths to a flame

Giving birth from death.

It was early autumn on a small on a small high rising continent that looked like a sword piercing into the dome of heaven. Around it was the eerily still, pale red sea. Just above the water surface bugs could be spotted buzzing around. Bodies were floating in the sea and within the distance was a sinking ship. Human shaped beasts could be seen desperately holding onto planks as they stared at the shoreline with eyes of terror.

Docked by the shore was a big ship made from golden wood. Floating on its mast was a flag depicting a cross. Nearby it was a several other large ships with armed crew men watching over them. Cries of sea gulls carrying chunks of meat pieces echoed as they flew under the sun.

Further inland the continual neigh of tens of mighty brown steed sounded in a lonely pasture. Dust and mud from puddles were kicked up as they pulled small wooden frames mounted on wheels. Steadily charging was a large group of caravans and wagons along a bumpy dirt track.

They were separated in groups by their respective flags:

An open treasure chest signified the Treasure Hunter Guild. This was an organization of busy bodies of busy bodies keeping tabs on all new discoveries. Hunters set out on adventures to find rare treasures that the guild in turn offer a reward.

A flaming Celtic cross like a sword signified the Chapel of Quest, crusaders that left the church to become a military branch. They pursue the ideal of ridding the world of beings lurking amongst men such as spirits, faeries and demons. Upon receiving blessings through prayer, the gods gifted them the power over elements to carry out judgement in their stead. They are god's hands in the mortal realm.

A black flag with a giant red eye symbol was the eye in the Eye in the Darkness Cult. Similar to the chapel however they only worship the Dark Lord and were renowned to specialize in dreadful curses.

Behind the leading three were also flags belonging to many large- and small-scale bandit groups. On the last caravan a young teen sat between two middle aged men while the horses ran. In the back shouting of bandits jollily having booze constantly sounded amidst the shaking carriage wheels.

"So, uncle Hogg... I was wandering what made all these people want to rush to that distant place. I often overheard mother's telling young children that if they'd misbehaved, they'd leave them there in the forest. Do you know why?" The boy asked curiously.


The well-built middle-aged man to the boy's left replied as stray streaks of silver hairs fluttered in the wind. He was wearing a small blue hat with worn out peasant clothes. A coarse white shirt that hugged his bulging muscles and long black trousers. His face was rough with some creases that seemed to have its own story to tell.

"Greed?" The boy looked at his uncle askance.

"Hmm... Greed is the bane of mankind."

The man the boy called Uncle Hogg heavily nodded then looked towards the other similarly dressed man giving him a knowing glance. Letting out a long sigh of sadness the man continued on in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Kiddo, you best listen clearly. Brother Ludwig will give you the details as he can better explain it to you," Uncle Hogg said slowly.

"Yes, uncle." The boy nodded obediently and focused fully on listening.

"It's an old legend that started within the depths of the Ancient Forest sleeps a demon tree that could grant powers."

Pausing for a bit brother Ludwig then continued to speak.

"Most people brushed off the rumors however a few made a trip there. Hearsay is that a huge evil tree that attacked anyone the dared approach. Many people died while tangling with it. When it was time to consume the fruit, many witnesses said a lot of people directly exploded only to leave behind a seed. Only a minority gained powers and some didn't even feel any changes at all."

Brother Ludwig sighed, "How tragic... attaining powers from the fruits is a gamble with the price being your life. If you had the bad luck to get one you had poor affinity with you may not live past a year. However, that was not the case with the Imitation Fruits from the other trees in the forest. Anyone could readily gain powers with less risk and guaranteed life expectantly of three years. If you have good affinity, you may not even suffer any side effects so they are really popular! Even after that news spread many people couldn't resist the temptation. The forest was named the Forbidden Forest and the tree became known as the Tree of Avarice- The dark radiance given to man by the gods." Brother Ludwig finished.

"So that means..." A look of realization dawned on the boy's face.

"Exactly, we'll be reaching there before midday." Brother Ludwig replied stroking his beard.

"Yah!" Uncle Hogg whipped his horse signifying it was time to speed up.

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