
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · Movies
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264 Chs

Chapter 126 :Sirius Black & Voldemort

Alex who appeared in Azkaban heard a notification and had a surprised expression on his face.

[System fragments detected]

[Do you wish to integrate them?]

'System, what does this fragment contain?'

[It has the divinity of life]

Hearing the system explanation Alex understood the concept of life divinity.

'System, does the integration cause me to lose consciousness? '

[No, since you are already a god, integration of Divinity doesn't cause you to lose consciousness]

[So you don't have to worry about losing consciousness]

'then integrate it '

[Intiating system fragment integration]


[Integration complete]

[Gained mastery over life]

[Restrictions are removed]

Then Alex's appearance changed from that of a child to that of an adult, and he had gained mastery over life and had completed the integration process.

Alex had gained mastery over the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life, and he had gained an understanding of the cycles of life and death, and the power of transformation.

"Now, I can revive dead people."

"and it also helps me with the control of spiritual energy "

While Alex was trying out his new powers

Sirius Black, who observed Alex from the beginning,

"Who are you?"

Hearing that Alex came out of his thoughts,

"Huh, sorry, I was thinking about something else?" said Alex and turned towards Sirius black

"what are you asking?" asked Alex

"I'm asking, who are you ?" Sirius Black in a weak voice

"Me, I'm Alex a friend of Harry "

"harry ?,is he alright," asked Sirius with an excited voice

"You should worry about yourself," said Alex as he saw Sirius's condition

At that moment, Sirius seemed to be in a state of despair. He had deep sadness in his eyes and a pale complexion as if a Dementor had just been nearby.

"What happened?" asked Alex as he saw Sirius's pale face

Then he felt something approaching him and turned his head

He saw a tall, black-shrouded figure with a hood slowly floating into the room. It was a dementor, a creature from the wizarding world that brings despair and hopelessness to its victims.

"Oh, a pest is approaching."

"let's go "

Both Alex and Sirius disappeared.

The dementor stared searching the cell. The dementor, not being able to sense them, was confused and slowly floated away, unable to find them.

At the same time in a faraway place

The castle was lit up in the night sky, with its tall towers and spires reaching up towards the stars. The windows of the castle glowed with a warm yellow light and the stars twinkled in the night sky. Moonlight cast shadows across the castle's walls and the surrounding land.

Inside the castle in a hall

A large table was set up in the centre of the hall, with a group of people gathered around it. Candles illuminated the table, and the flickering light added to the atmosphere of the room.

Each person had a silver skull and snake marked in the centre of their hands, which indicates they are Death Eaters

It was a meeting of the Death Eaters. The table was set with a variety of items, including the Dark Mark, a symbol of their allegiance to Voldemort.

At the head of the table, a person was sitting with a hood over his face and a pendant hanging on his chest.

The locket consists of a gold pendant bearing a snake coiled around a large emerald. The emerald had a representation of Slytherin's serpent on it, and the locket had a ring on it that could be used to open it.

Alex would immediately recognize the locket as one of Voldemort's Horcruxes if he were around.

"Lord, what are your orders?" asked a person with a low voice

The hooded figure who heard this didn't talk

The person who spoke had a cold sweat on his back.

"Prepare all of your forces. We are going to attack Hogwarts and kill everyone, especially a brat," said the hooded person in a low voice.

"But Lord, our strength is not enough to attack Hogwarts."

The hooded man asked with an angry voice, "Do you have a better plan?".

"It is not that we reject your plan, but with Dumbledore there our plans will fail?"

"Then what do you suggest?" asked the hooded figure.

"Why don't we lure Dumbledore to the Ministry of Magic, and then attack Hogwarts," said one of the death eaters.

"How do we lure him? Dumbledore is a cautious guy. He will not leave Hogwarts. "

"Cornelius Fudge, the recently appointed minister of magic is a timid guy."

"Why don't we release the rumour that Dumbledore wanted to be minister which is threatening his position?"

"This may cause many problems for Dumbledore."

"Oh, then implement it," said the hooded figure in a low voice, but it was audible to all

"Okay, my Lord, "

"Also, gather all the wizards in a week we are going to attack Azkaban and release our people," said the hooded figure.

"Now you can leave."

"Okay, my Lord "

Then all the people left the room.

The hooded man clutched his head in pain

"I have to hurry and revive my body, this body started resisting, " said the hooded figure.

"But what makes me hate that brat?" thought the hooded figure.

This is none other than Voldemort. Because the main personality fell asleep the soul in the Horcrux became active.

A young wizard found this locket,while trying to rob a place and as he touched it, Voldemort took over his body.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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