
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

The Concentric Jade Pendant Is Invalid!

Western Greater Yanzhou.


One of the eight major families in Greater Yanzhou.

The Eight Great Families are the eight most powerful families in the clan.

There are strong players in the Nascent Soul period.

And the ancient clan is one of the best, with the ancestors of Nascent Soul late stage.

Although this strength is not enough in front of Sacred Land.

But it is definitely a first-class existence under Sacred Land.

And this moment.

The Great Hall, the ancient family, is convening a council of elders.

A mature and beautiful woman in a red palace dress sat at the top.

Her body exuded an unfathomable Ling Ran aura.

This person is the contemporary head of the ancient clan.

The ancient cloud rhythm of Nascent Soul middle stage.

The dozens of Gold Core Elders present looked at Gu Yunyun in awe.

Many younger people looked at Gu Yunyun with hidden admiration in their eyes.

Gu Yunyun's beautiful face had no waves on the ancient well, and she said calmly: "The Yin fire earth veins in the clan are about to be exhausted, and the production of Yin fire thunder pills is not as good as before."

"If there is no Yin Huo Lei Wan, the annual income of the clan will drop by 30%."

"Can you elders have a solution?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

The elders of the family also frowned.

The ancient people started with the refining tools, and they have exclusive refining methods.

Ninety percent of the disciples in the clan can refine weapons.

From Magical Items to Treasures are manufactured.

But the most profitable product of the ancients was the Yin Huo Lei Dan, a low-grade spiritual tool.

The power is huge, and when you throw it, you can explode with the power of a full blow from the Foundation Establishment middle stage.

Although it is a one-time magic weapon.

But for the immortal cultivators in the Qi refining period and the Foundation Establishment period, it is definitely the best trump card.

Therefore, Yin Huo Leidan is very popular outside.

However, Yin Huo Leidan needs a special earth vein Yin Huo.

The ancient people have been mining for a hundred years, and now they are about to dry up.

If no new source of income can be found, the ancients will no longer be able to refine Yin Huo Lei Dan.

This is a matter of great concern to all tribes.

Some Elder thought about it and said, "Patriarch, we recently made a thousand-machine explosion of a mid-grade spiritual weapon, which can burst thousands of spiritual needles in an instant.

"Thousand Machine Popsicles are selling very well in Fang Market, and hundreds of them have been sold."

"How about the main production of Thousand Machines Popping Flower Rain? This will replace Yin Huo Lei Dan."

Many elders nodded when they heard this.

However, Gu Yunyun's beautiful eyes lifted slightly: "Thousand-machine explosions can't replace Yin Huo Leidan!"

"Thousand Machine Popping Flower Rain is a powerful mid-grade spiritual weapon, but it is too complicated and difficult to make."

"There are only a few dozen people in the clan who are capable of refining."

"A maximum of one or two hundred pieces can be produced a year."

"Even if Thousand Machines can sell the price of a top-grade Spirit Stones, the total revenue is too low."

When many ancient elders heard the words, they all sighed.

Business is not doing well.

Low-end Magical Items have low profits.

The high-profit process is difficult, and there is no way to ship it on a large scale.

Thirty percent of the ancient people's income depends on Yin Huo Lei Dan.

Nowadays, it is really difficult to find a product that can replace Yin Huo Leidan.

"If we can sell a low-grade Magical Item for the price of a middle-grade Spirit Stones, our ancients will definitely earn money."

"The low-grade Magical Item sells a mid-grade Spirit Stones? You're trying to steal money."

"Didn't Tianyan Sacred Land just do it? They can grab it, why can't we grab it."

"Haha, you mean Tianyan's PHS of Tianyan Sacred Land. I really don't know what the Holy Master of Tianyan Sacred Land thinks, but he dares to price a mid-grade Spirit Stones for a low-grade Magical Item. I'm really confident. ."

"Maybe people think that he is a genius or the master of Sacred Land, so immortal cultivators from all over the continent will give him Face, rushing to give him money!"

Numerous Elders talked about recent hot events.

The atmosphere was much more relaxed for a while.

When Gu Yunyun heard the words, an icy aura erupted from her perfect and plump body: "Shen Yan, Lord of Sacred Land, is it also something you can make fun of?"

"If it spreads to the ears of outsiders, are you not afraid of bringing the disaster of extinction to my ancient clan?"

Gu Lingyun's words were like a basin of cold water, which shocked everyone.


Provoked Sacred Land, even if their ancient family is a top family, there is a Nascent Soul late stage ancestor.

It is also inevitable that it will be destroyed.

It's really too funny, plus there are too many people making fun of it outside.

Let them get a little carried away.

Gu Lingyun's majestic Danfeng eyes glanced at everyone and shook his head: "The meeting is here!"

"Elders, recently, think carefully about how my ancients will respond when the yin fire is completely exhausted next year, instead of talking about the Sacred Land here."

Feeling the pressure of Nascent Soul, many elders hurriedly nodded and saluted and left.

Only Gu Lingyun closed his phoenix eyes tiredly.

The slender jade hands rubbed their temples gracefully.

As the head of the family, you are responsible for the tens of thousands of people in your family.

Really hard work.

And most of the elders in the family only know cultivation and cannot share it for themselves at all.

How to solve the problem of the family's impending sharp decline in income?

Gu Yunyun thought about it for a long time, but had no clue.

Decided to let it go.

"Where has Xun'er been these two days?"

Raising her hand, Gu Yunyun summoned the maid.

Hearing the words, the maid hurriedly said, "Miss said three days ago that she received an invitation from a friend to go outside to hunt Demonic Beasts."

Gu Yunyun nodded and showed a smile.

Gu Yunyun once had a big brother.

There was an accident when he went out to practice, leaving only his daughter Gu Xun'er.

Therefore, Gu Yunyun regarded Gu Xun'er as her own.

Raised from a young age.

The aunt and nephew are as close as a mother and daughter.

And Gu Xun'er Talent is excellent.

At only twenty-seven years old, he reached the Foundation Establishment late stage, only one step away from Gold Core.

Gu Yunyun plans to wait for several decades before Gu Xun'er breaks through to Nascent Soul, and will pass on the position of the head of the family to Gu Xun'er.

Gently raised the long and white jade hand.

On the slender ring finger was a black ring.

This is what Gu Xun'er gave to her a few days ago.

It is the Tianyan PHS that the entire continent has been discussing recently.

When seeing Gu Xun'er buying back two Tianyan PHS, Gu Yunyun was also helpless at the time.

since last year.

He and his niece were invited to Tianyan Sacred Land to observe the enthronement ceremony of the Holy Lord.

Originally thought to bring Xun'er to see the world.

But he didn't expect Xun'er to fall in love with the Holy Master directly.

When I came back, I remembered it.

So Xun'er bought two pieces without hesitation after hearing that it was designed by Holy Master Tianyan himself.

He and Xun'er have also tried it, and the ring is effective within a hundred miles.

Communication is like face-to-face communication, which is really magical.

But Gu Yunyun is sure that there will be absolutely no effect after breaking through thousands of miles.

Not to mention what penetrates the secret realm isolation.

It is absolutely impossible for the inferior Magical Item to do these functions.

Gu Yunyun couldn't understand why that talented young master would do such a ridiculous and generous thing.

But she was too lazy to think about it.

These have nothing to do with the ancients, not with themselves.

Gu Yunyun plans to pick up Xun'er and take Xun'er to various Xianchengfang cities to look for inspiration.

"Look where Xun'er is!"

She tapped her jade finger, and ripples flashed in the air.

But The next moment, Gu Yunyun's expression changed.

He left a mark on Xun'er.

Within ten thousand miles, Xun'er's location can be quickly sensed.

But just now the secret method was activated, but nothing was found.

This is not right.

After all, Xun Er is only the Foundation Establishment late stage, and it is impossible to leave so far without saying a word.

She immediately took out a jade pendant.

This is the concentric jade pendant of the Tai Xuan sect, which is extremely expensive.

The effect is to sense the approximate state of the owner of another jade pendant within a million miles.

If one of them is crushed, the other will also be crushed in sync.

Both parties can sense each other's approximate location.

Gu Yunyun held the Tongxin jade pendant and wanted to sense Xun'er's state, but she still found nothing.

Gu Yunyun's eyes became cold.

She crushed the Tongxin jade pendant without hesitation.


Still no response.

This time, Gu Yunyun's face changed completely.

Xun Er could never leave a million miles away.

Therefore, the jade pendant does not respond when crushed.

This means that Kaoru has either entered the secret realm.

Or it was blocked by some powerful formation.

Either way, it represents danger!

Gu Yunyun instantly flew high into the sky, with a murderous aura.

The terrifying coercion of the Nascent Soul period erupted recklessly, causing an uproar in the entire family.

Not sure what happened.

"Xun'er, where are you?"

Gu Yunyun was extremely anxious.

At this time, she didn't care about the Tianyan PHS she was wearing.

It was just looking at Xun'er's face and wearing this low-grade Magical Item on her hand.

Now the imprint and the concentric jade pendant are blocked.

What is the use of the lower-grade Magical Item?

But The next moment...

Gu Yunyun's face changed...

Because of the Tianyan PHS in her hand, there was actually a movement.

"User number ** is requesting a newsletter?"

"Is it connected, please?"

Immortal cultivators have good memory, not to mention Nascent Soul powerhouses.

Gu Yunyun's face was filled with joy.

Because this string of communication numbers is Gu Xun'er's number.

In the case of the Nascent Soul secret method, the concentric jade pendant is invalid.

Xun'er was able to contact herself through Tianyan PHS!