
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Iq Tax!

Inside the Great Hall of the Holy Lord.

Numerous Elders stood there, feeling a little dizzy.

Because the second day not only did not usher in a word-of-mouth outbreak, but the sales were even worse than the first day.

6,000 PHS rings were also sold yesterday.


Even if it's not hot today, it should be selling more.

But the next day, only 4,000 PHS rings were sold.

Sales fell by two thousand.

This is not right.

Even Ye Chen doesn't understand this sales volume.

It stands to reason that the product has just been released.

Sales shouldn't drop.

How come this is so?

Ye Chen frowned and looked at the Elder of the Foreign Affairs Office: "Let the shopkeepers in various places send people to investigate in the major fairy cities and major markets!"

"Look what happened."

This is product research.

When the new products of the big companies in the previous life were launched, there were special people who paid attention to the fishing reels on the Internet.

However, repairing Immortal World naturally does not have this concept.

There is also no internet.

So a lot of trouble.

The Elder of the Foreign Affairs Office nodded immediately.

They are also curious, how can such a good product of theirs continue to sell worse?

What the hell is going on in this world?

The Elder of the Foreign Affairs Office immediately asked Zunnei deacon to contact the shopkeepers everywhere to inquire.

With a PHS ring, it is very convenient to issue orders.

And after waiting for something to happen.

There are news from all over the world.

The Elder Elder of the Foreign Affairs Office turned blue when he heard the gathered news.

"Holy Lord, practitioners from all over the world say that our Tianyan Sacred Land is insane..."

"To say that our low-grade Magical Item is selling a middle-grade Spirit Stones is to fool the idiot."

"Only people with brain problems will buy it."

"How presumptuous!"

"Dare to slander my Tianyan Sacred Land like this, aren't you afraid of being liquidated?"

Speaking of the end, the Foreign Affairs Office Elder's eyes were gloomy, and God was intimidated.

The expressions of the other Elders were also not good-looking.

And Ye Chen was happy to hear it...

No wonder sales are down.

My own PHS ring, this is already marked as an IQ tax.

There is a problem with whoever sells their brains.

In this case, there may have been some immortal cultivators who admired Sacred Land and wanted to buy it and try it.

As soon as I heard this kind of fishing reel, I didn't want to buy it.

Who wants to be seen by others as a fool with a lot of money.

Ye Chen was overjoyed.

Don't care that what you create is considered an IQ tax.

Anyway, in the future, you all have to buy it obediently.

So he waved his hand indifferently and told Elder Wang to continue giving birth.

Ye Chen left leisurely.

Ye Chen is so calm.

The other elders are far from Ye Chen's mentality.

After all, Sect is facing a financial crisis.

If the PHS ring fails to catch fire, the consequences will be extremely serious.

So the next few days.

Elders are still concerned about sales every day.

Under the reels, sales are still falling.

Finally, after the daily sales of 2,000 pieces, the data began to slowly rebound.

Start to grow slowly.

But there is still no sign of an explosion.

This made the Elders anxious.

Several of them were impatient, and even took the initiative to leave Sacred Land, buy them at their own expense, and give them to their own friends to try.

Friends are shocked by Deva after the real experience.

Indicates that it will definitely be purchased for the heirs of the own dao companion, and recommended to other fellow daoists.

However, these actions of the Elders are still of little use.

The total sales of PHS rings have not seen any significant growth.

The views of most practitioners in the outside world on the PHS ring have not changed.

Ye Chen is calm though.

But the daily sales will also be concerned.

a week.

Sales fell from 6,000 to 2,000, and then slowly rose from 2,000 to 5,000.

In fact, it is already a hint of change.

After all, under the fishing reels of the IQ tax, sales can still rise.

It means that you have discovered the benefits of the PHS ring.

And Ye Chen also saw the actions of the elders.

Useful, but not very useful.

After all, it is not yet the Internet age.

A small number of people cannot influence the bigger picture.


The PHS ring wants to explode.

We have to wait for word of mouth to spread slowly, and after reaching a certain base, we will usher in a bang.

But what Ye Chen didn't expect was.

Great Yanzhou soon happened a big event.

And it is related to his own PHS ring!