
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

How Can You Contact The Outside World!

Xun'er actually contacted herself through Tianyan PHS!

Gu Yunyun didn't have time to be surprised, and immediately connected.

Xun'er's voice came from the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

After listening to Gu Xun'er's words.

In an instant, Gu Yunyun's murderous aura became even stronger, as if condensed into substance.

The red palace attire seemed to be tinged with blood.

Under this terrifying coercion, the clansmen below the Gold Core level in the clan could not even stand up.

"Hold on, I'll be there right away!"

Gu Yunyun snorted coldly.

The ancient Yunyun at the moment.

In addition to anger, there is surprise in my heart.

Xun'er was indeed trapped in a large formation, isolating all exploration from the outside world.

Whether it's its own esoteric method.

Or the concentric jade pendant of Tai Xuan Sacred Land, all isolated.

But today Yan PHS was able to communicate normally without any impact.

This is really amazing.

The function of Tianyan's PHS in Tianyan Pavilion's mouth is actually true.

Simply incredible.

But at this moment, Gu Yunyun didn't have time to think about it.

The figure moved, like a flame.

The sky for hundreds of miles was red, and disappeared without a trace in an instant...

The entire ancient clan looked at the sky in confusion.

Why was the patriarch suddenly furious?


Outside the Wanli Monster Mountain.

Gu Xun'er's pretty face was full of anger, and her smart eyes were full of anger.


She was invited by a collateral cousin to go to Wanli Yaoshan to hunt deer.

But never thought.

Just after stepping into this place just now, it was enveloped by a large formation that suddenly rose.

He was betrayed by his cousin.

He secretly guarded his own Gold Core middle stage clan elder, and even fell in the siege of two Gold Core late stage enemies.

She glared at the young man in front of her: "Qileshan, how dare you do this? Are you Fenyangu going to fight my ancient clan?"

A young man called Qi Leshan was wearing a white robe.

Looking covetously at Gu Xun'er's sweet face, as well as the pair of dual culture that grows to inexhaustible growth, the firm long legs that can be called a perfect creation, smiled slightly: "Go to war?"

"how come!"

"With my different fire formation in Burning Rock Valley isolated, even the God Transformation Realm can't detect what happened here."

"And I still have a secret method that can fuse my heart imprint with your sea of ​​consciousness. After the fusion, you will regard me as the master and dedicate everything you have."

"Your aunt, won't find any clues."

Listening to Qi Leshan's words, Gu Xun'er's pretty face turned pale.


At this moment, Gu Xun'er can only say this sentence.

Qi Leshan didn't care: "Who made Xun'er so perfect, but didn't give me the slightest chance."

"Furthermore, as long as I take you down, it means that I have obtained the ancient family's inheritance of the artifact refining method, and I will take it a step further."

"So good things won in one fell swoop, how about being scolded for being shameless."

"In the future, I will rely on you to annex the ancients!"

"As long as I annex your ancient clan, I, Fenyangu, will reach the pinnacle of the Item Refining Realm, occupying all the fairy city markets and gaining huge resources. In the future, it is not impossible to be promoted to the fifth Sacred Land."

Qi Leshan is ambitious.

Gu Xun'er's heart froze...

Qi Leshan is the son of the owner of the Burning Rock Valley.

But without the advice of the owner of the Burning Rock Valley, Qi Leshan would never be able to mobilize the two Elders of the Gold Core late stage.


The Valley Master of Burning Rock Valley must have also participated.

While thinking about it, Gu Xun'er silently wanted to crush the Tongxin jade pendant, and wanted to inform her aunt.

However, Qi Leshan had already noticed it.

But there is no plan to stop it: "Xun'er, you don't have to work hard. In this strange fire formation, any concentric jade pendant is useless, you can't inform your aunt."

Gu Xun'er didn't believe it and crushed it.

Yet no response.

This made Gu Xun'er feel a chill in his heart.

Qi Leshan looked at the broken jade pendant and smiled lightly: "Xun'er, when I gather my good heart, you will be mine, although you will serve me as the master, I will still marry you as a dao. companion."

"Who made me like you!"

After speaking, Qi Leshan sat down directly at Lotus Position.

Start to gather your heart.

Gu Xun'er's face turned pale when she thought of that ending: "You don't deserve it!"

"I'd rather die than be with you, let alone be controlled by you."

"The Holy Master of Tianyan Sacred Land is my favorite. Compared with the Holy Master, you are like garbage on the roadside, extremely disgusting."

"You'll never want to get me."

Gu Xun'er wants to commit suicide.

However, in front of the two Gold Core late stage powerhouses, Gu Xun'er of the mere Foundation Establishment late stage has no chance of committing suicide.

It was suppressed in an instant, and the Spiritual Qi in the body could no longer be mobilized.

When Qi Leshan heard the words, his face twisted.

Qi Leshan is also a genius.

However, at the age of forty, he broke through the Gold Core realm.

Definitely the next Burning Rock Valley owner.

It can be said to be the top genius.

However, Ye Chen's appearance turned out to cover up the brilliance of all the geniuses in Yanzhou.

Thirty-seven-year-old Lord of Sacred Land, rare in the world.

And the woman he liked was also convinced by Ye Chen.

I would rather die than be with me.

This made him even more distorted.

Qi Leshan snorted coldly, and the speed of the seal in his hand involuntarily sped up a bit: "He Ye Chen is just lucky."

"With the resources of Sacred Land, the previous Lord of Sacred Land was his master."

"If it wasn't for these, I would definitely be stronger than him."

"He is the dignified master of Sacred Land, and he actually designed some low-grade Magical Item, which is really laughable and generous. It can be seen that he is useless except for cultivation."

"If he hadn't been cultivating in Sacred Land, he would have died a long time ago."

Qi Leshan's words were full of jealousy.

However, when Gu Xun'er heard the words, she looked down at the Tianyan PHS in her hand.

Qi Leshan also saw Tianyan's PHS in Gu Xun'er's hands, and his face became even more ugly.

"There are really fools who spend mid-level Spirit Stones buying low-level Magical Items."

"You're really fascinated by him. But it doesn't matter, soon, you will only have me in your heart."

Qi Leshan stopped speaking, and devoted himself to forming his own heart.

No one cared about the Tianyan PHS in Gu Xun'er's hands.

After all, the different fire formation can isolate even the concentric jade pendant of Tai Xuan Sacred Land.

Not to mention the low-grade Magical Item?

There is no need to worry at all.

But Gu Xun'er is full of confidence in Tianyan's PHS.

Just forgot before.

Try it now and dial the aunt's communication ID!

At this moment, Gu Xun'er was also very anxious.

she felt.

A genius like Lord Ye Chen would definitely not lie.

What he designed himself, absolutely works.

A handsome and handsome man like the Holy Master will never lie.

The next moment…

The communication application is connected.

In Gu Xun'er's mind, her aunt's voice appeared...

Really useful!

Gu Xun'er was very surprised.

Immediately use Divine Sense to inform your aunt of your location and encounter.

this moment.

Gu Xun'er was completely relieved.

Wanli Yaoshan is only more than 8,000 miles away from the ancient tribe.

As a strong man in the Nascent Soul middle stage, my aunt came with all my strength, and it took a few breaths...

Lord Ye is really amazing.

The design is really unusual.

It is indeed the most brilliant genius of this era.

Gu Xun'er is even more obsessed with Ye Chen who has only met once!


After a few breaths.

The seal of Qi Leshan is completed.

He looked at Gu Xun'er covetously: "Xun'er, from now on, you are mine!"

The next moment, he said to the two Gold Core late stage Elders in Burning Rock Valley: "Two Elders, please help me open Xun'er's sea of ​​knowledge."

The two nodded immediately and were about to shoot.

And Qi Leshan held the heart print in his hand, and his heart was full of joy.

Everything went so smoothly...

Gu Xun'er is his own right away.

In the future, the entire ancient clan will be their own.

Even the ancient patriarch.

Thinking of the beautiful figure of the Nascent Soul patriarch, Qi Leshan's heart is hot...

In the future, I must get all my aunts and nephews and serve them by my side!

However The next moment.

The two Gold Core late stage Elders widened their eyes in horror.

Didn't wait for them to speak.


A wave of shaking came.

The strange fire formation that can withstand a single blow from Nascent Soul shatters!

Qi Leshan looked in disbelief at the beautiful woman in the red-robed palace dress bathed in the endless sea of ​​fire in the sky, horrified...

how is this possible.

How could Gu Yunyun come here in person!

She was clearly prepared to be foolproof, how did she find out?