
In the immortal Land I invented The Cell Phone!

Ye Chen traveled through the world of immortality and became the Lord of Sacred Land. However, it was discovered that Tianyan Sacred Land could not make ends meet and was about to go bankrupt. So, Ye Chen came up with the Immortal World version of the mobile phone, which caused a sensation in the entire Immortal World... And this is just the beginning! Foundation Establishment cultivator Yujian sent express. Qi refining Rogue Cultivators home online class. Three Sacred Lands Open Online Stores Together! Generation Holy Maiden became the first sister of live broadcast! All these changes start from the day the Immortal World version of the mobile phone is released!

Manga_Boy · Eastern
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594 Chs

Word Of Mouth Erupts! ! ! !

The news that Tianyan Sacred Land sold the low-grade Magical Item spread all over the fairy cities and square cities at once.

Because this news is amazing enough.

Tianyan Sacred Land, that is one of the four major Sacred Lands.

All that can be placed in their stores are fine products.

Even if it sells Magical Item, it is also a top-level boutique Magical Item with powerful functions.

How could it be possible to sell such a low-grade Magical Item?

And more exciting news is yet to come.

Tianyan Sacred Land's low-grade Magical Item actually sold a full middle-grade Spirit Stones.

This is even more outrageous...

A medium-grade Spirit Stones is enough to buy a top-grade Magical Item.

What is the price of your inferior Magical Item?

Are you crazy?

The news spread quickly.

Many people didn't believe it at first.

That's Sacred Land.

The great power that countless practitioners dream of.

How could it be reduced to selling treasures?

But when they heard the news.

But found it to be true.

The Tianyan Pavilion in the major immortal cities is really selling a low-grade Magical Item called Tianyan Xiaolingtong.

And the price is enough for a medium-grade Spirit Stones.


Naturally, these practitioners did not dare to make trouble at the entrance of Tianyan Pavilion.

But the people behind the scenes have gone crazy.

"It's really disappointing that the dignified Sacred Land sells low-quality Magical Items. Is this the level of Sacred Land in our Greater Yanzhou?"

"I heard before that the Linxi secret realm of Tianyan Sacred Land seemed to have an accident, but now it seems to be true."

"It's too embarrassing, our eight major families are too lazy to do the business of low-end Magical Item, and the dignified Sacred Land is not as good as our Zhang family."

"The most important thing is that a low-grade Magical Item sells a middle-grade Spirit Stones. Although your Sacred Land has a long tradition, but a low-grade Magical Item is so expensive? Can't you treat us as fools?"

"I heard that the last Holy Master of Tianyan Sacred Land was someone who only knew about cultivation and did not manage Sect affairs. Now it seems that the same is true of the newly appointed Holy Master Ye, otherwise, how could there be such ridiculous generosity in Sacred Land? Things."

"The function of the low-grade Magical Item mentioned by deacon is insulting the cognition of our craftsmen."

"The entire Immortal World can be connected at will, and it can also penetrate the isolation of the secret realm. If you say that the top-level treasure created by the Great Master of your Tianyan Sacred Land refiner has this function, I still believe it. But the lower-grade Magical How could Item do this? How about a liar?"

"I tried it, and it does work, but it is estimated that it can communicate within a hundred miles."

"One low-grade Spirit Stones can buy ten of the messenger charms. I was crazy to spend one medium-grade Spirit Stones to buy one low-grade Magical Item."

"And the Magical Item seems to only be used for one year, and you have to pay for it after that. Is Tianyan Sacred Land crazy about money? The Magical Item has been sold, and you still want to collect money every year?"

There are rumors everywhere.

And the other three Sacred Land were overjoyed when they got the news.

Everyone is watching Tianyan Sacred Land's joke.


Tianyan Sacred Land.

Holy Peak.

The elders of Sacred Land have come together again.

It's just that everyone frowned, and their faces were full of puzzled colors.

"How can this happen? It's only the first day to sell so much, it shouldn't be!"

Elder Wang frowned as he listened to the sales report reported by the Foreign Affairs Office.

Sacred Land distributed PHS rings to shopkeepers in major shops.

Sales can be reported to Sect at all times.

Very convenient.

This is the convenience brought by the PHS ring.

But the problem is that the sales of PHS rings have exceeded everyone's expectations.

Wang Changchun originally thought that 300,000 PHS rings would be in short supply.

It might be sold out in half a day.

The results of it?

In one day, 6,000 PHS rings were sold.

On average, each store sells only about 30 pieces.

This is far from what they expected.

All the elders frowned.

And Ye Chen on the throne of the Holy Lord had expected this number for a long time.

Instead of frowning, he calmly persuaded the elders: "Why are you so worried, elders! Six thousand pieces were sold on the first day, which is already a good result."

Ye Chen's unhurried attitude was beyond the elders' expectations.

Elder Wang Changchun was a little anxious: "But our PHS ring has such excellent functions and such a low price."

"How come you only sold 6,000 pieces?"

Ye Chen raised his finger: "It's normal, hearing is false, but seeing is believing."

"Aren't you elders who didn't believe it at the beginning? It wasn't until you, Elder Wang, that you ran the test half a million miles away, and you didn't believe it."

"Even the well-informed Sacred Land Elders couldn't believe it at first."

"It's even more normal for outsiders to not believe it."

"To be able to sell 6,000 pieces is actually beyond my expectations."

Ye Chen is not telling lies.

Just like the previous life.

No matter how outstanding a new technology is, when it first came out, few people were optimistic.

Sales were dismal at first.

It was not until more people used it and the word of mouth fermented that it ushered in an explosion of sales.

And his own PHS ring, is also the truth.

Even if you are one of the Four Great Sacred Lands, it is impossible for everyone to believe what you say.

So, just wait quietly for word of mouth to explode.

Real gold is not afraid of fire.

Wait until the cultivators know the true effect of the PHS ring.

How arrogant the expression of disdain is now, and how embarrassed it will be to snap up at that time.

What Ye Chen said was well-organized.

Many elders nodded.

It's just that the Elder of the Foreign Affairs Office is still a little anxious: "Then dare to ask the Holy Master, when will word of mouth break out?"

Elder Wang Changchun also said, "Since we can't sell it for the time being, should we temporarily reduce the production of communication rings? We will increase production after word of mouth breaks out."

Listen to the two of them.

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly...

In this case, it is natural to take advantage of this time to stock up to cope with the hot sales that will usher in the future.

How could it start to cut production because it is not selling well now.

Waiting for sales to break out and then resuming production will save you too much Spirit Stones.


Although Xiu Immortal World cares about Spirit Stones, he still pays more attention to cultivation.

Even Elder, who is in charge of foreign affairs, has poor business sense.

Backed by Tianyan Sacred Land, there was an exclusive product such as Xiantao Ye before.

If you become a Tianyange member, you can buy Xiantao leaves first, recharge Spirit Stones and enjoy 10% off services or something.

The business of Tian Yan Pavilion can at least double.

But Ye Chen couldn't ask for too much.

Yun Dan gently waved his hand: "Don't be impatient, as short as a week, as long as a month, our word of mouth will inevitably explode."

"The production of PHS rings cannot be left behind, and the output of 100,000 per day is maintained."

"The cost of the PHS ring is not high. No matter how much production is put there, it will not affect the finances of my Tianyan Sacred Land. Don't worry too much about Elder Wang."

Ye Chen now has a lot of prestige in Sacred Land.

Now that it's decided.

Naturally no one questioned.

However, all Elders are particularly concerned about the sales of PHS rings.

So the next day after that.

When the sales of PHS rings from shops in various places were reported, they all came to inquire at the first time...

Looking forward to hearing the news of the word-of-mouth outbreak of the PHS ring.

On the contrary, Ye Chen, the Holy Master, doesn't care about the sales of PHS rings at all.

In addition to comprehending the secret of fighting characters every day.

It is to go to the forbidden area of ​​Sacred Land, study fairy artifacts, and ponder new functions!

Other time is to watch the sea of ​​​​clouds, see the big sun, and fish for spirit fish. The days are extraordinarily pleasant.

As for cultivation?

Ye Chen, who has the krypton gold cultivation system, cannot cultivate at all.

When you make money, go directly to krypton gold, isn't it fragrant for a perfect breakthrough?

And when I saw the total sales of PHS rings the next day.

The frowns of the Sacred Land Elders deepened.

Even Ye Chen showed interest after seeing the sales...