
7. When Somebody Plays(1)

"What do you think?" Skye asked, walking over to the doorway that led outside.

"It looks like a waltz," Castle commented.

Rolling her eyes Beckett said, "It looks great. Your hands never looked better."

"Oh, thanks," Skye said, laughing. "You heard?" she asked Derek as he was walking to them and laughing as well.

"I did," the dancer replied. "What are we waiting for?"

"We're not," Skye said as she looked outside and spotted a car pulling up to the curb.

Following her, Beckett wasn't surprised when the rest of the band looked to the investigator. It was the twenty-third of September and they were at Union Station in Los Angeles to film the first of the two videos the group had planned. They'd arrived at nine-thirty and had been waiting, for that car she realized, which made her pay a little more attention to the door as it opened.

"Mr. Lynne," Skye said, approaching the man.

"Jeff is fine," the singer replied, shaking her hand. "We've arrived in time?"

"You have, considering our traffic you've gotten here in fantastic time," Skye replied with a smile.

"I can see why her British is thick right now," Castle said, a little stunned at seeing the singer. He'd been a fan of the band ELO and knew of the connection the singer had to the Beatles, so he glanced at Julia who was nearby with the kids to see her reaction.

"This is the O'Dells," Skye was telling Jeff. "My wife Mary and our friend Jackie who're rhythm and lead guitar but we can all play everything." She waited for the singer to shake their hands and turned her attention to the two men who'd been the most eager of the five of them to meet the singer.

"We're pleased to meet you," Barry said, shaking the man's hand warmly.

"This is Barry, our drummer," Skye said with a smile. "And his husband and our keyboardist and all-around musician, Raj."

"Rick," Beckett murmured to her husband as a second person left the car at that moment.

Glancing over, Castle froze when he saw the man and then said, "Is that-"

"Mr. Dylan," Skye was saying though she wasn't aware she was interrupting the writer. "Thank you so much for joining us here. We're ready to film the opening so we'll be able to go as quickly as possible."

"Is this the band?" he asked.

"It is," Skye said, introducing the band to the singer before he was asking her something that surprised her.

"Are all those kids yours?" the singer asked.

"No, I almost forgot," Skye said. "You said you'd seen the show on Monday?" she asked the two men. When they nodded, she told them, "These are the kids. And Julia's parents are here, the writers Richard Castle and Kate Beckett."

Castle was trying to realize fully that he had just shaken Bob Dylan's hand after it had happened but shook himself as Jeff was asking both him and his wife a question.

"Are you here for the entire show?" the singer asked.

"I should stop you before you say anything," Skye said with a smile. "And introduce the others." She did so with Eliza, Martha and Jim before introducing the men to her father and daughters. "And last is my partner on the show; Derek Hough."

"I've been waiting to tell you," Jeff said, going straight to the dancer to shake his hand. "You did a great job with our song for a Salsa, didn't know you could do that."

"Thank the kids too," Derek said. "They helped with the music. And Skye of course."

"What are you dancing to next?" Dylan asked.

Skye glanced at her partner, and when he nodded to her, she smiled slightly and told the man, "We're dancing the Viennese Waltz to Behind That Locked Door," watching him to see his reaction to that as Julia sucked in a breath of air audibly.

"You know the song?" Dylan asked her.

Nodding Julia said, "Peter and I danced to it before," a little shyly.

"Are you dancing next week?" Jeff asked her.

"No, it's just going to be them," Julia said quickly. "Which is good… they're going to honor George," she said, blushing as she realized what she was saying.

"She's right," Skye said with a smile as she'd seen the expression on the girl's face. "But we should turn to honoring the Wilburys."

"Great, is that our truck?" Jeff asked.

"It is," Skye replied.

"Are we driving it with you inside?" the singer said in surprise.

Shaking her head Skye said, "Insurance. We're going to have you pull in and… oh, there's the director. They got here Anne."

"I see," the woman said. "Are you ready to start?" When the two singers indicated they were she led them to the trailer where they could get their makeup.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Castle asked the investigator.

Shaking her head Skye said, "It wasn't for sure, especially Dylan. But they're not going to be here for very long. They'll be filmed until they stop, and we'll head onto the back and hop down."

"Still, the fact they're going to be in the video…" Beckett said.

Nodding Barry said, "We thought the same. They need to leave."

"They said they didn't want to have to stay for long," Skye replied. "Oh, we can head out now," she said as she saw Anne was walking to them.

"What do we do?" Peter asked Castle and Beckett in confusion.

"We wait," the former said first.

"You lot can head around the station," Skye said, walking over to them. She smiled as everyone looked at her and she told them, "Go ahead, it may not take all that long though."

"Then should we stay?" Beckett suggested.

"Yes, you'll have the chance to walk around later," Mary said before the director was calling to them.

"How are they with acting?" Martha asked her son and daughter in law.

"We'll find out," Castle said, not surprised his mother had asked that. He took his wife's hand while they were watching the two driving the old truck up to the doors of the station, not surprised it only took three takes before the director was satisfied. "She wasn't kidding," he murmured to her.

"I know, we'll have to see how this goes with them jumping out of the back," Beckett said, smiling at him.

"Alright, let's go in the order of Barry, Raj, Jackie, Mary and Skye," Anne was telling the band. "And you'll go ahead and shake Mr. Dylan's hand," she told the investigator. "Walk down to meet your band and then you'll head inside. No lip syncing since you're not going to sing until you're inside remember."

Beckett smiled as the band climbed up onto the back of the truck, playfully complaining while they were doing so, and shortly after they were set the truck was pulling forward slightly before stopping and the band jumped out together before Skye walked to the window. After her friend had shaken Dylan's hand she looked on while the band disappeared through the doors and she braced herself for the next takes. Luckily the director was satisfied after the second and they could head inside as the singers were coming inside.

While the crew was taking a break, Beckett gathered the kids and asked them all, "Do you want to go look around?" She smiled when they shook their heads vigorously before the investigator was calling to them.

After they'd all said goodbye to the two men, Skye promising them they would have the video to see as soon as it was ready, and she watched them go. She smiled at Beckett when she approached her and said, "We'll probably go quickly."

"You're hoping," she replied. Beckett then laughed and said, "To be honest I'm more interested in going to Olvera Street."

"Me too," Skye said with a smile as they were heading there for lunch.

"I like your shirt," Castle said, walking over to her.

"Thanks," Skye replied, her t-shirt having the cover of The Traveling Wilburys' first album on it. She wore a blazer over that, but had it unbuttoned so the album cover would be visible. "We're going to go through this verse by verse so…"

"We walked through already," Castle said. "And the kids want to watch you."

"They do," Beckett said with a smile, not surprised her friend looked at her. "And I get the feeling they're afraid they'll miss where we need to come on." Since the director was calling the band, she wasn't surprised when Skye nodded her head and then rushed away to them.

"Okay, since you're here Skye you'll all walk inside, and you'll start lip syncing and walking before you split up on the second to last line," Anne was telling them. "You two head over to those phones and the rest of you walk past the cameras."

Beckett saw Skye walking to Mary and they stood together before the director called for quiet and the song began to play back. The band was walking in while the investigator was lip syncing to her recorded voice though the others were doing the same when their voices as backup played too.

Well it's all right, riding around in the breezeWell it's all right, if you live the life you pleaseWell it's all right, doing the best you canWell it's all right, as long as you lend a hand

Julia's eyes widened as Skye and Mary didn't stop though that verse was over, and the latter took one of the payphones. She then smiled as Skye stood with her and watched her wife lip sync the next verse though she was lip syncing the backup vocals for the lyric end of the line. She wasn't surprised at the looks they were giving each other while doing that and she shared a smile with Mari before the doctor was finishing.

You can sit around and wait for the phone to ring (end of the line)Waiting for someone to tell you everything (end of the line)Sit around and wonder what tomorrow will bring (end of the line)Maybe a diamond ring

Beckett was surprised when the director told the band they could move on to the next verse; after Skye and Mary had left the pay phones and walked past the camera. But she recalled they had a second video to film and she said to her husband, "I wonder if we're going to be watching the other one."

"We can always go around the Promenade while we wait," Castle said, since the couple had told them they were going to wait there with everyone else. "Also, is she wearing the same outfit? Or I should say all of them."

"You'll find out," Mary said, walking to them. "We're heading inside more for this."

"Who takes Jeff's vocals?" Beckett asked.

"Me," Jackie called as she was standing near them. "Raj has Ray Orbison."

"Who do you guys have… or sing?" Clive asked Skye and the other two though he soon looked confused.

"I sing George's vocals," Skye answered.

"I sing Tom Petty's… hopefully well," Mary then said.

"I sing Bob Dylan's," Barry then said. "Let's hope he's alright with that."

"But…" Julia began as she knew already that his vocals hadn't sung a verse of that song. She then realized something about the second song they were making the video for and she was about to speak when Skye anticipated her and spoke first.

"I've got the vocals at the beginning," the investigator told her. "Barry sang it but for some reason they didn't like it."

"Your vocals work," the drummer told her. "We told you we loved the way you sang them."

"Alright," Skye said with a sigh. She then laughed and told everyone, "Bit late to change the song now since our recording is set."

"Okay," Anne was saying, directing that to Jackie, Skye and Mary. "You two," she said to the couple. "Walk over to where she's sitting, and we'll have the camera looking at her. But you'll be in the shot so remember that."

Nodding, Skye walked over to where she and Mary had walked past the camera before and they stood together while Anne was talking to their fellow guitarist. She glanced over at their daughters, waving to the three youngest when they did so. "I feel bad," she said in Russian to Beckett as she was close enough to them.

"You shouldn't," she replied. "I think they're having fun. And we'll watch them so we won't get bored."

"Will your father and his mother take them around the Promenade before we join you there?" Mary asked in Irish so Castle would understand.

"Are we going?" he asked in surprise.

Shaking her head Skye said, "You'll be able to watch on a TV where we'll start filming at the top of the street."

"They might want to watch," Beckett pointed out to her.

"If they don't…" Skye began.

"We'll take them," Beckett promised her with a smile.

"Oh… dinner at the pub," Skye said rapidly.

"They'll be happy," Beckett said before she saw Derek had been watching and listening to them with a confused expression on his face.

"Those were two different languages, right?" the pro asked.

"Russian and Irish," Beckett replied with a nod. She then said, "Has she spoken anything to you?"

"Accidentally?" Derek said. When she nodded he said, "No, but I've been waiting for that to happen," before they looked back at the waiting room as someone was calling for quiet.

Castle, taking his wife's hand again, watched as Skye and Mary walked up to the other guitarist in the chair with an electric guitar on her lap. He knew; from the original music video; that it was the same kind of guitar Jeff Lynne had played though Jackie's was red and she was playing it even though it wasn't plugged in. He glanced at Beckett and made an impressed expression before she was smiling, and they turned as the woman's vocals were starting and Jackie was lip syncing on the chair and the couple were doing the same when they needed to.

Well it's all right, even if they say you're wrongWell it's all right, sometimes you gotta be strongWell it's all right, as long you got somewhere to layWell it's all right, every day is judgement day

At that point Skye and Mary walked past the woman, the former motioning to her to walk with them which they did together until they were past the camera.

"This'll take a while," Castle said to his wife as they were moving to a small newsstand that had been set up for the video.

Beckett looked at the kids, surprised to see they were sitting on the chairs near them and she was about to go check on them when quiet was being called for yet again. The next verse started, and Skye and Mary were walking together with Jackie behind them, the doctor lip syncing again and she wasn't surprised both of the other women were lip syncing with her.

Maybe somewhere down the road aways (end of the line)You'll think of me, wonder where I am these days (end of the line)Maybe somewhere down the road when somebody plays (end of the line)Purple haze

Julia, as Skye, Mary and Jackie walked up to where Raj was standing at the newsstand with Barry on the other side, wanted to ask when they'd discussed what they were going to be doing exactly. But the keyboardist was lowering the newspaper in front of him; that she was pleased to see had a picture of Roy Orbison on the front of it; and he was wearing similar glasses to the singer as he began to lip sync his verse while the other four were joining him where their voices were.

Well it's all right, even when push comes to shoveWell it's all right, if you got someone to loveWell it's all right, everything'll work out fineWell it's all right, we're going to the end of the line

"Perfect," Anne said after she'd yelled out cut. "You guys look great and thank you for walking down to the hall and staying there."

"Guys," Skye called to the others watching them. "We're heading down here… let me come over there," she said in annoyance as she realized she was yelling and didn't really need to. She walked down to them with Mary and smiled when Fleur hugged her as soon as she was close. "Are you enjoying this mon petite?" she asked her.

"Yes, but when are we going on the train?" Fleur asked, leaning her head back to look at her.

"Soon, we only have one more verse before we can go," Skye replied. "As I was saying, we're heading down to the hall where the different tracks are and we're disappearing onto ours and after that we'll head up to the train." She noticed Julia was raising her hand and asked, "What is it?"

"When did you talk about doing all of this?" the girl said.

"While we were planning everything out to see if we could do this," Skye answered. She smiled and said, "So Anne is just making sure we know what we're doing since we have another video soon."

"I can't wait for that," Ivy said.

"Me too," Skye said with a smile, ruffling her hair. She and Mary kissed their daughters quickly then before they went over to the rest of the band.

"What're they going to do about that line?" Castle asked his wife in Irish, keeping his voice down as they were close behind the camera on the other side of the hall that led to the train tracks.

"We'll see," Beckett replied simply as in front of them the group was walking toward them, and Mary was lip syncing the verse mainly while the others were joining her here and there.

Don't have to be ashamed of the car I drive (end of the line)I'm just glad to be here, happy to be alive (end of the line)It don't matter if you're by my side (end of the line)I'm satisfied

Beckett shared a glance with her husband when the couple looked away at the second to last line, but they couldn't say anything as the band was returning to them and they had to move again.

"What's next?" Castle asked Mary when she walked to the girls.

"We get on the train," the doctor said, calming down her youngest daughters so she could talk to them. "You're going to be seated and you'll sit with your grandda," she said.

"He's here?" Marie asked in surprise.

"He's been on the train this whole time," Skye said, shaking her head though she was smiling. "So you'll sit with him, you two sit with Jim and an extra."

"Mother?" Castle asked slowly.

"I'll be near you with other extras," Martha replied easily. She then asked her daughter in law, "Are you going to check on Josie at all?"

Shaking her head Beckett said, "I texted already, and Lenora said she's fine, I'll text her once we're almost finished."

"It looks like it'll be soon," Castle said.

Looking over at where the crew and director were, Beckett watched Skye and Mary go over to where the woman was with the rest of the band before they were being called up one of the entrances to the track. "I forgot we were first," she told her husband.

"I know," Castle said before Peter was exclaiming in front of them.

"We're going up?" the boy said.

"Yeah, the tracks are up there," Kathleen told him.

"What's that? Metrolink?" Clive asked.

"It goes to the I.E. but we were lucky to get this one to use for the video today," Skye said behind them. She smiled at the others and said, "It's being repaired."

"I think they don't know what you meant by I.E. grá," Mary told her wryly. "It's the Inland Empire and east of us."

"How far does it go?" Castle asked.

"Well… I should be clearer and let them know it goes all over," Skye said. "But the ends of the line are five cities. You better get your seats, we need to start filming."

"Wait to look that up," Beckett told her husband as she knew he was wondering. "We have to sit, and we need to finish the video."

Nodding, Castle walked with her and the kids onto the train, not surprised when they looked at the steps. "I think we're on the lower level," he told the boys as he could see they wanted to go up.

"We'll see if we can look later," Beckett told them. She was relieved when they seemed to accept that, and they continued to where they were being directed to sit.

"Now what?" Eliza asked her parents, she and her sister sitting in the group of four seats looking at each other.

"And why are we sitting on the aisle?" Julia asked.

"I think that just randomly happened," Beckett said with a smile at them. "You've been doing a great job."

"We've just been watching," Julia pointed out.

"Still, you've been patient," Castle said, turning from the seats behind him where Peter and Mari were sitting with an extra. But at that point the band was on the platform outside and the director was calling outside before the band was running onto the train. He wasn't surprised to see Skye in the lead since she was lip syncing the first two lyrics before the rest of the band was doing so as they were following her, going down the aisle.

Well it's all right, even if you're old and greyWell it's all right, you still got something to say

At the second line Skye looked at everyone and pointed to a few of the passengers to go with her words. She then looked at Jackie who took up the lyrics, putting her hands on Mary and Raj's shoulders as she was.

Well it's all right, remember to live and let liveWell it's all right, the best you can do is forgive

The band then ran down the aisle again while Jackie was lip syncing the first two lyrics and the camera filming them ahead ducked into an empty group of seats and Skye stood in the open doorway of the car to lip sync the last two lyrics while she was looking at the 'passengers,' the second camera in front of her.

Well it's all right, riding around in the breezeWell it's all right, if you live the life you pleaseWell it's all right, even if the sun don't shineWell it's all right, we're going to the end of the line

Beckett was a little startled when the five jumped out of the car though the director was soon calling cut to them. She laughed when Skye climbed back in and she said, "Don't tell me you have to do that again."

"No, we were lucky," the investigator said. Skye smiled and said, "So I want you two with the kids looking through the doorway here and we'll be filmed at the same time. Extras? Please come up behind them but don't push or else we'll have to film this again. And all of you wave to us since we'll be waving back."

"Skye?" Anne said. When the investigator turned she said, "We're ready."

"I forgot, were you going to have them approach the doorway?" Skye asked her.

"No, we'll show you walking and go to them there," Anne replied.

Beckett had Julia and Eliza come with them, not surprised the other kids joined them. She wasn't sure if Skye and Mary wanted their youngest to stand there as well but they were gathered in the doorway and she wasn't surprised to see Martha over her shoulder. She smiled before the director was calling to everyone to get their attention before she called action. The end of the song; just music; played, and she watched the band walk to a wall she knew had been made for the video. She just remembered to wave with the others as the band began to; and the director motioned them to do.

When the music stopped, Anne called, "That's a wrap, great job everyone."

"I guess filming with such a low budget makes things go faster?" Castle asked when Skye and Mary climbed up onto the train.

"It does, which is great because I'm starving," the investigator said with a smile.

"Me too," Iris said, going to her and wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Can we look up at the floor up there?" Clive asked.

"Go ahead, but I would make it quick," Mary said. "You do want to eat."

"I do," Mari said though they were walking to the end of the car to head upstairs.

"What'd you think?" Skye asked her dad.

"Very nicely done," Liam replied. "I get the feeling you'd… already?" he then said as he saw the kids were coming down to them.

"We told them it's the same upstairs," Kathleen said.

"And we're all really hungry," Eliza said.

With some laughter, the group headed outside, the band talking to Anne who asked them to be at the Promenade by four. With them being allowed to go, they walked together outside and then across the street to Olvera Street.

"Alright," Skye said, turning to the kids with a smile at a large plaza with a gazebo in the center. "You're a bit young for this," she told hers and Mary's three youngest. "But it's a historic district from the beginning of this city, founded by the Spanish."

"She's right, and there's-" Mary started to say.

"Julia!" Castle and Beckett said at the same time as the girl suddenly took off towards a large building outside the plaza.

Though she knew she needed to stop, Julia couldn't and she paused at a street before she went right up to one of the glass windows, peering inside before she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up, thinking it would be her mother, before she stared in surprise at Skye as the investigator began to speak.

"I know," she told the girl. "I heard too but…" Skye began to say before they looked inside what they could see of the building. "Go back to your mom, go."

Feeling the heaviness in the air when the investigator had, Julia didn't need to be told twice and she turned around, running back to where her parents were across the street. As soon as she had reached Beckett, she wrapped her arms around her and pressed close against her while they were watching Skye. It was then she noticed the scent of lavender and she closed her eyes saying in her mind, Help her Grandmama, just for now so she'll be okay.

"Skye-" Beckett started to say before the woman staggered back and then walked over to them though Mary intercepted her first.

Shaking her head Skye said, "I don't think I was able to push that… negativity away." Her wife was holding onto her and she said, "I'm okay grá, just a bit wobbly." She then turned her attention to Julia and said, "Your grandmother pushed me back."

"I know," the girl said with a nod. She then said, "Think the girl is okay?"

"I would try to help her on," Skye replied, looking back at the building. "But that negative energy won't let me."

"What did you see exactly?" Castle asked.

"A girl who was Chinese," Julia said when Skye nodded to her at her look. "She was standing in front of where I went. But when I went up to the windows she went inside, and I couldn't see her anymore."

"Wait," Castle said, stepping back and looking at the top of the three-story building. "Pico House…" he read at the top. "This is where Ghost Adventures went."

"It is," Skye replied. "But the girl is a first… though I suppose it's not outside the realm of possibility since we're close to Chinatown," she mused. "I just hope she'll be alright," she said, turning to the building.

"Do you see her?" Mari asked Julia.

Shaking her head, the girl said, "No, I think she's back up at the top."

"Why would she be there?" Clive asked, having been watching everything in surprise. He had known about Julia's abilities but had never seen it happening in person and he wondered if she was okay as she was biting her lower lip.

"I think she always wanted to go inside," Julia said slowly. Her face screwed up in a look of disgust before she said, "But they wouldn't let her go because she was Chinese."

"She's right," Skye said, frowning herself. "They would chase her off if she got too close," she told everyone, shaking her head. "But she can go there in death, so she'll stay. She's ready to move on though, her mother is waiting for her…"

"We'll come back?" Mary asked.

"This is where my name can work in my favor," Skye said with a nod. She looked over at Beckett and then said, "But for now we should go. We're all hungry."

"Go ahead," Beckett told the others, going to Julia and holding her arm. She didn't say anything to her husband's questioning glance; knowing he was asking if he was okay staying behind too. Once everyone was far enough away, she looked at their second oldest and said, "Don't run off like that again."

"I know I just…" Julia started to say before she trailed off and glanced at her father.

"Was she telling you to go inside?" Castle asked.

"No," Julia said firmly, knowing what her father meant since she'd seen all the episodes of Ghost Adventures with them. "She was a girl, maybe ten, but she was just saying hi… Oh! It's so Skye would come over and help her find her mom," she said eagerly. She saw her mother was looking at her and then mumbled, "Sorry Mom."

Sighing Beckett hugged her tightly and said, "It's alright, I felt… something heavy too."

"That's why you froze," Castle said. When she nodded he leaned over and pressed a kiss to her temple before telling her, "Well, Julia knows not to do that again…"

"I won't," the girl replied swiftly.

"And we should get some food," Castle said. "For-" he started to say, about to mention Skye, when the investigator herself called to them and they hurried to join them in the plaza by the gazebo before she spoke.

"I realized this was the perfect time to tell you," Skye began. "Next week we're heading to the Queen Mary."

"GA?" Castle asked.

When the investigator nodded Julia gasped and said, "Does that mean we can go?"

"It does but just for the day time," Skye said.

"That's not fair," Mari said. She wasn't surprised when the others looked at her and she said, "It's not, Julia should be going to the lockdown, not just you Skye."

"Let's head over to the restaurant," the investigator said. As they began to walk she said, "It's not up to me, it's more Rick and Kate's decision."

"You can see them during the day," Beckett said firmly when Julia looked at her. She wasn't surprised when the girl frowned but gently squeezed her shoulder before they were walking down the crowded street and stayed close together until they were going inside a restaurant with outdoor seating. They had to split up since their group was so large, but they were sitting and eating after as they'd missed the lunch rush.

"What are we doing next?" Eliza asked after they had finished and were walking out.

"Walk a little around here," Mary told them, holding Fleur on her hip as the street was crowded. "And then we head over to the Promenade."

"Where's Josa?" Eliza said to her mother.

"She fell asleep," Beckett said with a smile, looking at her husband.

"We didn't realize we'd finish during naptime," Castle commented with a smile. "So she'll meet us at the Promenade."

Beckett, still smiling as Eliza was obviously excited for their future plans, felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked at Skye who'd made her way over to her. "Change of plans," she stated instead of asking as she waited for the investigator to reply to that.

"Yes, Peter asked me about the In-N-Out by the airport," Skye replied. "And I realized we hadn't gone there yet while you're here."

"I'd like to do that," Castle told his wife.

Looking at him, Beckett smiled and then said, "Alright, but where are the headphones for Josie?"

"They're in one of the drawers in my room," Martha said as she'd heard that.

"Mom," Julia was calling them.

"Do you remember which?" Castle asked his mother as his wife left them.

"The top one on the… right," Martha said slowly as she was recalling. "Are you really going to take her?"

"Yeah, she'll be fine," Castle said before he went ahead of them to where his wife was with Julia, Peter and Mari. "You got a hat?" he asked the boy.

"Yep," Peter said, taking off his white straw fedora. "My mom said I could get something. Does it look weird?"

"No, it almost looks like a Panama hat," Castle said.

"I told you he'd think it was cool," Julia said, playfully socking him on the shoulder.

"Yeah," Peter said.

"Let's go," Skye was calling to everyone. "We need to make our way back to the plaza."

"How come?" Kathleen asked her mother.

"Some dancing," Derek said. He wasn't surprised when the others looked at him and he said, "We need some practice since she'll be working after this."

"Are the cameras here?" Julia asked.

"No, so just practice," Derek said. "You guys get a sneak peek."

Castle wanted to comment about that, but he felt Beckett's hand on his arm and he glanced at her before they were reaching the plaza again. They were standing together while the pair were dancing steps around the plaza and he wasn't surprised when people were stopping around them to watch.

"Oh… we have an audience," Derek said when they stopped the last bit he wanted them to practice and some people were applauding.

"Should we bow?" Skye asked wryly.

"Just hurry," Mary called to her.

Laughing together, the group went back to their cars parked at Union Station, talking about what they would do in the time they had at the Promenade before they split up and drove to Santa Monica.

"So there is a costume change," Castle said under his breath to his wife.

Beckett did say anything, shaking her head as she was smiling at the same time though she could see he was right on the screen they were watching with the director. They were across the street from the beginning of the Promenade, inside what she guessed was an office building, looking at a TV the crew had set up to watch the filming that was going on outside. "So that apartment is yours?" she asked Anne.

"It is, or else we would have been doing something a lot different," the director replied with a smile. She then said over the radio, "Are we ready?" Hearing the reply that they were she said, "Alright, action."

On the screen Skye was zipping up her boots and once the drums started in the song Beckett smiled at the sight of her walking in time to the beat. She had a feeling the band knew what they were going to do, but she wondered at the director's method as she had only told the group to remember what they had planned. But her attention focused back to the screen as the investigator had begun lip syncing to her vocals for the first three lyrics while she walked but after the first line climbed into the back of the truck from the train station that started to drive.

He loves your sexy body, he loves your dirty mindHe loves when you hold him, when you grab him from behindOh baby, you're such a pretty thing

Castle couldn't help laughing as at the next lyric the rest of the group was leaning their heads into the shot and vocalizing though they were only moving their lips.

I can't wait to introduce you to the other members of my gang

Smiling, Beckett watched as Mary kept her head close to Skye's though the other three had pulled out of the shot. When the investigator shook her head and nodded, all while lip syncing the second verse, she had to bite back some laughter as the doctor winked at her wife and moved before the truck was stopping at the end at the Promenade's beginning.

You don't need no wax job, you're smooth enough for meIf you need your oil changed, I'll do it for you freeOh baby, the pleasure would be all mineIf you let me drive your pickup truck and park it where the sun don't shine

There was a break there in the vocals and at each drumbeat the group jumped down from the truck before Anne was yelling into her radio, "Cut!"

"How was it?" Skye asked as soon as Castle and Beckett were outside with them.

"Great, I was laughing at you," the former said to Mary.

Laughing herself the doctor said, "Wonderful, I wanted that reaction. The kids?"

"They're there," Beckett said. "We told them to go to the bookstore, but you can see they didn't really want to."

"That's a surprise," Skye said. "Well, I suppose we'll just have to go ahead and stop after we're finished here."

"Where are we going now?" Beckett asked.

"You'll all have to stay behind the camera," Mary said, both herself and her wife looking to Anne who was calling to them. "So you'll need to go to the other end of the street and watch the camera while it moves so you don't end up in the shot. But we want you watching us at the very end."

"We'll let you know," Skye said as they were rushing to gather with the rest of the band.

"Mom-" Julia started to say when her parents had reached her.

"We need to stay behind the camera," Beckett said, looking at all the kids. "That way they'll be able to finish filming sooner and we can go to LAX."

Castle wanted to comment about the kids all nodding their heads, but he held back and said to his wife, "You're sure about Josie staying at the house?"

"I am, better that she stays home instead of out here with all of this noise," Beckett said. "But tomorrow we'll stay with her." She wasn't surprised when her husband nodded, and they turned their attention to the band. They were all dressed differently from the previous video and were wearing three pins on their jackets which were all different types and styles. She smiled at Skye's pins; though the band had said they would give them to the kids; she had a picture of George on one, a sitar on the other and one of the Hindu god Vishnu. "I should ask where she got those," Beckett said softly to her husband.

"I already did, online," Castle told his wife.

Smiling at him Beckett said, "I'm not surprised you did."

Castle took the chance and pressed a kiss to his wife's cheek before they watched Skye and Mary going in front of the camera. He glanced at Beckett; not surprised she was too; and then heard Anne calling for quiet and yelling action.

Skye and Mary started to walk, looking into the camera that was in front of them and the former began to lip sync again, her wife joining her as the backup for that verse.

Every time he touches you, his hair stands up on endHis legs begin to quiver, and his mind begins to bendOh baby, you're such a tasty treatBut I'm under doctor's orders, I'm afraid to overeat

Beckett couldn't help being impressed at Skye making motions with her hands or facial expressions as Mary was just making facial expressions. She had to wonder about the rest of the band when the next verse was starting, and the pair was beginning to react to the lyrics.

He loves your sense of humor, disposition tooThere's absolutely nothing that he don't love about youOh baby, I'm on my hands and kneesLife would be so simple if I only had you to please

"Cut! Beautiful," Anne said when the pair had walked past the camera to the crosswalk they'd come to at the end of the first section of the street.

"What about the rest of the band?" Julia asked her mother.

"I was thinking the same thing," Beckett said. She could hear a crew member telling Jackie they were going to film her scenes and said, "I guess they're separate."

"I was wondering about those instruments," Castle couldn't help commenting as they started with Barry first and he was playing the air with his drumsticks. The women had guitars they'd been wearing across their backs and Raj had a melodica. "We should ask him to actually play that," he couldn't help commenting.

"We'll wait," Beckett said, taking his hand. "Are you tired?" she asked Eliza as she had suddenly leaned against her.

"Little," she replied.

"Come here," Castle said, picking her up to set her on his shoulders. "Rest there until we need to move."

Beckett checked the little girl while Jackie and Raj filmed their parts before Skye and Mary walked to the start of the next section of the street. "Now what?" she asked.

"Just a little bit left and we're going to try to get it in one stretch," Skye explained. "You guys need to be there," she then told everyone, pointing out the drum and keyboard with microphones and amps. "We're not plugging in or playing but we'll be playing the music so you can react to that."

"That's… kind of far," Clive said slowly.

"There's a reason," Barry said. "You'll see," he said. When the director called to them he then told them, "Right now."

"Are you using a drone?" Castle asked in awe.

"Just for this end bit," Skye said. She was about to turn when she paused and then looked at Julia before the girl was telling her what she'd been about to say to her amusement.

"We can look at it," Julia stated.

"You can," Skye said. "But Rick," she said as she turned to him, pointing at him. "Do not touch, that is Darin's prized possession and it's for his career."

"Okay," Castle said. He wasn't surprised when both his wife and the investigator looked at him and he said slightly defensively, "I won't, seriously."

"Alright, we'll see you when we finish," Skye said. "Hopefully when we finish."

"You will," Beckett said.

"She's right," Liam added with a smile.

"Even I know that," Derek said. "You guys know this song as well as the Wilburys themselves."

"You've heard them play?" Mari asked the dancer once the band was back at the other end of the street at their instruments.

"I have, it's what you recorded right?" Derek said, directing the question to Beckett.

"They were in their backyard," she replied with a nod. Beckett then smiled and said, "I hope they will perform."

"They will, even if we're voted off," Derek said.

"We're ready," Anne called so everyone would know. Once she saw Skye and Mary were ready and the drone was set in the air she yelled, "Action!" and the music began where it had left off while the couple was walking, and the investigator was lip syncing.

Oh baby, turn around and say goodbyeYou're going to the airport now, and I'm going home to cry

Becket turned to Julia who was jumping up and down next to her, not surprised at her reaction to the rest of the band walking up to Skye and Mary so they were walking in a line as they began the last section of the song, the drone moving in front of each of them while they were lip syncing in turn every other lyric, starting with Jackie. Skye took the next lyric that wasn't 'He loves your', Mary going next, then Raj and finally Barry. When they sang the line all together, whoever the camera was on would look to their left until it went from Barry to Jackie.

He loves yourElectric dumplingsHe loves yourRed bell peppersHe loves yourFuel injectionHe loves yourService chargeHe loves yourFive-speed gearboxHe loves yourLong enduranceHe loves yourQuest for junk foodHe loves yourBig refrigeratorHe loves yourTrembling WilburyHe loves yourMarble earringsHe loves yourPorky curtainsHe loves yourPower steeringHe loves yourBottled waterHe loves yourParts and service

The group stopped lip syncing when they reached the two instruments and got in place before they were all lip syncing to the last lyric of the song as they pretended to play, though Barry was actually playing the drums.

Dirty world, a dirty world, it's a dirty world

"Cut! That's a wrap!" Anne called.

"That's it?" Julia asked her parents as the band were hugging each other.

"They practiced doing that already," Marie said with a smile. "At our house."

"And we couldn't stay here too long," Mary said as she and Skye walked over to the others. "Since this is a busy street."

"Are we going now?" Ivy asked.

"We are, we just need to change and then we can go," Skye said. "Quickly though, you do want to see the planes, don't you?"

"I think that's a yes," Beckett said when the kids all answered to the investigator's question in the affirmative, though in different ways.

"I think so," Skye said laughingly before they started to walk up the Promenade to return to their cars so they could visit the restaurant by LAX.

"There's one!" Kathleen cried out as they were reaching the seating area.

"One what?" Peter said before he looked over to where the girl was pointing, and his eyes widened when he saw the large plane in the distance.

"That'll be an A380," Skye said, looking with the kids.

"Are you staying grá?" Mary asked as she and Castle walked to the path over to the restaurant.

"Will you be alright?" Skye asked.

"I'll go with them," Jim said quickly.

"You don't have your radio Mum?" Marie asked her.

"It's back in the car," Skye replied, getting her camera ready. "I'll get it once this one lands."

"How close does it get…" Clive said slowly.

"Close but we'll be alright; don't worry," Skye said with a smile at him.

The plane was closer, and Fleur cried out, "Corée!" to her mother.

"Does that mean Korea in French?" Eliza asked her mother as the plane was a Korean Air.

"It does," Beckett said though she was speaking absently as she was checking on Josie. The baby sitter had brought her, and she was in her carrier with her headphones on and seemed to be alright.

"Is she kay?" Eliza asked.

"She is," Beckett replied reassuringly. She then smiled at her second youngest and said, "You didn't take a picture."

"I don't have my camera," Eliza replied. When her mother looked at her in surprise she couldn't help smiling and told her, "I wanna watch, you're gonna take pictures and so is Jules."

"Okay, but stay here," Beckett told her firmly. "Are you alright with her?" she asked Martha.

"I am, go," Castle's mother urged her as she was sitting at the table already next to the carrier. "I think Skye's about to leave."

"I am, I was just going to let you know," the investigator said before she then hurried down the sidewalk to where one of the cars was.

"What's the radio?" Mari asked Julia.

"It goes to the… tower?" the girl asked Marie and Kathleen.

"It does but she can't talk to them, just hear," the latter said.

"There's another one," Ivy said rapidly as she'd been watching the sky to the east.

"It's a Southwest," Skye said, walking back to them already.

Hearing the McDouglas kids groaning Peter shared a confused look with Clive and Mari and asked, "What is it?"

"Southwest has a hub here," Skye said. "And their terminal is right there," she told them, pointing out the planes in the distance. "So we see quite a lot." She saw that Peter looked thoughtful and she said, "If there's anything you want to know about the airport or planes you can ask. No question is silly." She smiled when the boy did before he was asking her while the plane went by them.

"There's more than one runway… you said two, right?" Peter said slowly.

Nodding Skye said, "Two here and on the south side of the airport are two more. We're not going to see every-" she started to say before the radio had had put on her belt started to speak.

"Is that an Air France?" Mari asked as they all listened to the conversation between the pilot and tower.

"It is," Skye said, looking at her watch. "It's an A350," she told them.

"How do you know that?" Eliza said with wide eyes.

"They have… schedules?" Marie started to say before looking at her mother.

"Right, they'll come at a certain time and day of the week," Skye replied. "This one's coming from Papeete."

"Pa… what?" Clive asked.

"It's in Tahiti," Beckett commented. When the three kids looked at her she said, "Did Julia tell you that's where we go?"

"I never said the city Mom," the girl explained to her.

"It's the capital," Beckett said simply as the plane was nearing. She noticed that Julia took a picture of the plane quickly before turning to her. "We're still going," she said quickly.

"You knew what I was going to ask?" Julia said as she was smiling.

"I did," Beckett said.

"There's a Virgin America plane on the way," Skye said, listening to her radio. "And another Southwest." At the groans of her daughters she laughed and then told them, "Alright, alright I know you lot don't like there being so many of those, but they need to land somewhere."

At that moment Castle, Mary and Jim returned with their drinks; since they weren't going to order food just yet; and the writer went over to his wife as Jim sat with Martha to watch Josie.

"Anything interesting?" Castle asked his wife.

Beckett listed the planes and said, when he glanced to the sky, "I know what you're thinking," speaking in Irish.

"How would you know?" Castle said.

Shaking her head Beckett said, "I thought the same when she said the name of the city. But we have a while until… whenever we go."

"It's still for your birthday, whenever that is," Castle said rapidly.

Beckett couldn't respond right away as an Alaska Airlines plane passed them by and she smiled as Eliza was squealing as the Eskimo in the back had a lei around it. When it had gone to the runway, she turned her attention back to her husband and said, "It doesn't need to be if it's past the seventeenth. We can make it just for us."

"True… but you realize in the end it is about us," Castle pointed out to her.

"That's me telling you we should do that anyway," Beckett replied. When her husband wrapped his arm around her she smiled and then told him, "We need to stop."

Castle studied her, since that seemed to be a strange thing to say when they were surrounded by their family, friends and strangers, but realized there was another reason she'd said that. "What's wrong?" he asked her.

Shaking her head Beckett didn't reply to that, but with her husband watching her instead of an American Eagle plane she sighed. "I did want to do something tonight," she told him.

"Me too," Castle said.

"We were together the last two nights," Beckett commented.

"Yes, and we've done that before," Castle replied. "Remember we just let things happen as they will."

"You'll use any excuse to use that phrase," Beckett told him teasingly. When he nodded; smiling at the same time; she laughed and squeezed his arm before she said, "I know… I just wonder if it's normal."

"It is," Castle replied. When she looked at him, he shrugged and then said, "Really."

Beckett shook her head; smiling at the same time; before she said, "Okay, but we should focus on them now."

"Oh, that reminds me," Castle said. "How's Josie been doing?"

"Good, she's awake if you're wondering," Beckett said. She wasn't surprised when her husband let her go and she watched him go to the carrier to check on the baby. When he took her out she said, "She won't see them."

"It doesn't matter," Castle said quickly, making sure the headphones were okay on her head.

"Never too early to introduce them to planes," Skye said with a smile as she had walked up to them.

"You taught them all to fly," Beckett said suddenly, realizing that about their past lives.

"Oh sure," Skye replied.

"You'd be more surprised if she hadn't," Liam called from where he was with the kids, holding the radio.

"That's true," Beckett admitted before she smiled. "And despite my protests."

"For all of that you didn't care in the end," Skye replied. "Just you being a mother."

"That's not a surprise either," Castle commented.

"Mum!" Kathleen called. "There's a 747 coming in."

"I was just checking on Josie myself," Skye said swiftly.

"Richard," Martha called. When he turned she asked, "What are we doing tomorrow?"

"School," Beckett answered before her husband could. "We need to catch up."

"But what about practice?" Julia said, looking at the investigator.

"We're only practicing for a few hours," Derek said, responding to his partner's glance. "And I think you need to pay more attention to school."

"That's unfair," Mari said, pretending to grumble.

"We don't get to go to the camera blocking, do we?" Peter asked.

"Not this time," Skye said. "But once you lot dance you'll need to go for that."

"Would you ever have us dance with you again?" Julia asked rapidly as an Alitalia plane was going by.

Waiting for the plane to go by Derek said once it had, "I will if it calls for kids."

"Hey," Clive said. "We're good dancers," he continued with before they all started to laugh.

"We'll let you know," Derek said when they'd managed to stop.

After they'd watched the planes for nearly an hour more Castle went inside with Mary, Liam and Jim to order their food.

"I thought that was so cool," Peter was saying to Skye as they were sitting for another rest from standing. "The music videos," he explained as she looked at him.

"Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed it, you were mostly watching," the investigator said.

"So you can really play the guitar you had," Clive said.

"I can, we all had our instruments," Skye said with a nod. She listened to her radio and said, "Interesting."

"What?" Marie asked.

"Swiss, I think they started a new route," Skye replied.

"Have you been there?" Julia asked.

"Switzerland?" Skye asked. She smiled when the five Hamptons kids nodded, and she said, "I have, a few times actually."

"For… your job?" Mari asked hesitantly.

"We went," Kathleen told her. "Once and the other times were for something about pilots."

Laughing Skye said, "Conferences in Zürich." She glanced at Beckett and was about to ask her friend what she wanted to know when the writer was speaking first.

"You can speak all the languages over there," Beckett commented.

"Everything except for Romansh," Skye said with a nod. She then glanced to the sky after the Swiss plane had gone by and said, "I think we have a bit of a break just now."

"Why is it so busy?" Julia said then, looking at the drive thru.

"It's always like this," Marie said.

"Because of the airport," Kathleen added.

"What's wrong mon petite?" Skye asked Fleur as the little girl had come over to her and wrapped her arms around her. When her daughter shook her head, she hugged her and said, "Would you like to go inside?"

Beckett wasn't surprised when Fleur spoke to her mother in French and Skye responded in turn. She felt a little bad that she could understand but wasn't surprised when the little girl was asking if everyone knew about her.

"They do," Skye told her. "But you're being very brave."

"You too Maman," Fleur said, pressing closer to her.

"Thank you, I'm very proud of you," Skye replied. She smiled and then hugged her daughter before she looked at Beckett. "You understood?" she asked her in Russian. When her friend nodded she said, "It's alright, she just doesn't want anyone to ask her about it."

"It makes sense," Beckett said with a nod.

"What are you saying?" Fleur asked her mother in English.

"Oh, just talking about how we love our daughters," Skye said. She smiled when Fleur blushed a bit and she kissed her cheek before she handed her the radio telling her, "Ĕtre á l'affut?" asking her to be on the lookout.

"Oui!" Fleur said happily before she went over to the sidewalk with her sisters and the other kids.

"Is it difficult for her still?" Derek asked, having gotten an idea of what the conversation in French had been.

With a brief nod Skye said, "There are times when she'll have nightmares. Luckily the last time Eliza was there with her and she comforted her." She then spotted the others coming with the food and she said quickly, "I should have asked her about the lookout after we ate," before she and Beckett got up to get the kids back to the table.

"But Mommy," Eliza said in protest. "There's another plane!"

"I see," Beckett replied, since she had seen the lights in the distance. "And we'll watch the plane while we're eating. You don't want your burger to get cold."

"We can stand," Julia said teasingly. She stifled a laugh when her mother gave her a 'you're not helping' look and went the rest of the way to the table where their family was.

While they were eating the parents were doing their best keeping the kids from running over to the sidewalk, which was difficult since there were more planes at that point. But when they had finished they went back to watch while the adults stayed at their tables.

"What time do you want me there?" Skye asked her partner.

"Nine," Derek said. "We'll practice until lunch."

"Do you want me to teach them at all?" Skye said to Castle and Beckett.

"After lunch we should have a day in Madrid," the former said.

Alright," Skye said with a nod. "But today wasn't all that bad."

"You're tired, aren't you?" Mary asked her wife with a smile.

"And you aren't?" Skye retorted quickly.

"Oh no, I am," Mary replied. "But at least you admitted it."

"Kind of in a roundabout way," Castle said.

"Close enough," Mary said, rolling her eyes before they started to laugh.

Beckett looked at the kids when she had calmed down and saw they were talking together as Marie was holding the radio. She was about to speak when she realized the older twins were starting to argue, beginning to call to Skye and Mary to let them know when the investigator was getting up.

"Marie, Kathleen," Skye said to them firmly. When they stopped and looked at her she said, "Why are we fighting over the radio?"

"I wanted to hold it," Kathleen said softly at her mother saying her full name.

"Which you have actually," Skye said. "Here," she told her oldest. When the girl had handed the radio to her she turned to Ivy and said, "Your sister hasn't had the chance yet. And if I hear arguing over it, it's going back into the car."

"Sorry Mum," the twins said together.

"I know, but we've talked about it," Skye said, motioning to the two so they would hug her. She squeezed them close and then said, "Though I don't blame you. Now, what're you going to do."

"Watch for the next planes," Marie said.

"Nice grá," Mary said to her wife when Skye sat down next to her.

"They always argue over that," the investigator said, shaking her head. She then smiled and said, "But I suppose there's something exciting in holding the radio."

"Can I ask you about next week?" Castle said after they were silent, watching a private jet coming in to land.

"Yes, we can go around the ship after I talk with Zak," Skye replied. She looked at the couple and said, "Not buying it?"

"Not really," Beckett said.

"Okay," Skye said. "We'll see them first as they want to film their segments. After that we can go through the ship, but I'd suggest going around quickly."

"The aquarium?" Mary asked.

"Why doesn't she know about this already lass?" Liam asked his daughter.

"I just realized," Skye replied.

"What about the lockdown?" Beckett said.

"Well, we'll only be there for half of it," Skye said. She opened her mouth to speak before she paused and then glanced over at her wife, who let out a heavy sigh.

"You're such a coward," Mary told her jokingly before she turned her attention to the other couple. "She's including you two."

"We already knew," Beckett commented. She smiled slightly when Skye turned her attention to her and said, "What you expect me to do though…"

"I suppose it's better to wait until we get there," the investigator said. She was about to speak again when Castle's phone began to ring asking, "Alexis?"

"Yeah… oh, it's only ten for her," he said, looking at his watch.

"Julia, Eliza," Beckett called out to the girls. When they looked over at her she said, "It's your sister."

"Hold on," Castle was telling Alexis. He tapped where he needed to so they could have a video call and handed the phone to Eliza. "Sweetheart," he said laughingly as she made a face at her sister.

"Lizzy," Alexis said with a smile. "How are you… where are you?"

"At the In-N-Out by the airport," Julia answered as Eliza moved the phone so they could all see the young woman. "We've been taking pictures. And we had dinner here too."

"It sounds like fun," Alexis said. "Did you watch the music videos being filmed today?"

"Yeah, we went to the train station, on the train," Eliza said. "And then the street in Mexico and the Promenade."

"The street in Mexico?" Alexis asked in confusion.

"Olvera Street," Castle hurried to explain. "An old street. We had lunch there before we walked around. Your ma and sister have pictures."

"I look forward to seeing those," Alexis said before Julia suddenly burst out speaking.

"We're going on Ghost Adventures next week," the girl said in a rush.

"Not exactly," Skye called so Alexis would hear her. "Your ma will be joining me, your dad and Mary there for support."

"We'll be able to see the episode, right?" the young woman asked.

"You will," Beckett said with a nod. "But that's next week. How are things with you?"

"That patient is still meeting with us," Alexis said. "But I'm working more with them, Dr. Frost thinks I can do better work with them than she can."

"So she has more trust in you," Castle commented.

"It looks like it," Alexis said, nodding. "That's it for me," she then said. "I should let you go to enjoy the planes," having to pause for one passing by.

"What was it?" Eliza asked her grandparents.

"Hawaiian Airlines," Jim said. "It's nice to see you Alexis."

"Oh, sorry Grandpapa, Gram," the young woman said. "I didn't see you there. And what about Josa?"

"She's asleep," Beckett said, glancing at the carrier. "But you're going to bed soon, aren't you?"

"Louis needs to," Alexis said. "I'm going to read some case work. I love you, all of you, and we'll talk soon."

Everyone in the family said goodbye to the young woman before she was hanging up her connection and Castle was doing the same with his. "Okay, how much longer do we have?" he asked his wife as the girls hurried back to the others.

"Not that much," Beckett said. She stood up and leaned over the baby saying, "Since she's asleep." She watched her husband lean over and kiss the baby's forehead before she watched Skye and Mary getting up to join their daughters. "Come on," she told him.

Castle was a little startled at his wife taking his hand, but when she tugged him towards the sidewalk he was quick to follow. And while they were watching the planes coming in he wrapped his arm around her waist as she began taking pictures. They listened to the kids exclaiming over each plane as it called on the radio and flew past them while dusk settled around them.

"Rick?" Beckett called to her husband as she leaned over the railing.

"Yeah?" Castle asked her, turning from the stove to look up.

"Is the tea almost ready?" Beckett said.

"Almost," Castle replied after he'd looked at the kettle. He then glanced up at her asking, "Am I taking too long?"

"No," Beckett replied. "I just feel awkward here by myself."

"It's ready," Castle said rapidly as the kettle began to whistle. He took it off the burner before he poured it out into the two mugs he had set up and then made his way up to his wife. "You don't want anything else?" he asked her.

"No," Beckett said firmly as she kissed him on the lips quickly. "This is enough."

"Did you get everything ready for them tomorrow?" Castle said as they sat on the window seat.

"I did, it didn't take very long," Beckett replied. She set her mug aside; to let it cool down; before she said to him, "What about you?"

"It didn't take me very long either," Castle replied. "Just some history and math… we are teaching them Friday?"

"We are," Beckett said with a nod. She then told him, "But Friday we'll stop early for P.E."

"A walk tomorrow?" Castle inquired. When she nodded he did the same and said, "Great.""What is it?" Beckett asked him with a smile.

Shaking his head Castle said, "It's nothing."

"Really?" Beckett commented. When he looked at her in confusion she told him, "If you've thought of it I'm sure it's not nothing." She waited then, picking up her mug of tea to drink while she let him find what he wanted to say.

"It's… you asked if what we do is normal," Castle said. "How many times," he quickly corrected himself. "What was it like for you before?" he said after a moment of hesitation.

Beckett couldn't really pretend she wasn't aware of what her husband was talking about and she said, "It wasn't like it is now." She took another sip of tea and told him, "But that's all I really want to say."

"That's fine," Castle replied quickly. "You don't need to say anything else." He looked down at her mug and said, "Do you want another cup?"

"No," Beckett said, handing it to him. She watched him go and then leaned back, looking at the ceiling before she heard the water in the sink running. She stood up and was about to go downstairs to join him when she saw he was coming up. "That was fast," she said in slight surprise.

"I just filled them with water," Castle said, wrapping his arms around her as soon as he was with her. He kissed her but kept it gentle and short before they parted slowly making him say, "You wanted to…" stopping himself when he realized he wasn't sure he wanted to say that.

"Start?" Beckett finished for him. When her husband nodded quickly she smiled and said, "I would. But you should know I don't want to delay."

"Okay," Castle said, not sure what else he could say to that. When she kissed him, he held her tightly against him before they began to duel with each other's tongues until they moved away slowly. "What do you want to do first?" he asked.

"Here," Beckett replied, reaching up to him and unbuttoning his shirt. She pulled it apart once she had finished; as he had remained still and let her continue; and then said, "I didn't want to go that slowly."

"Yeah… I was enjoying that," Castle said though he wasn't speaking apologetically. He then took off his shirt himself before he moved to get rid of the rest of his clothes while she was doing the same in front of him. He watched her move to the bed and he was following, getting on his knees with her before she pressed her hand to his chest and he said, "I'm fine."

"You're sure?" Beckett said.

Leaning over, Castle kissed her gently on the lips before he said, "I am, but if you want me to lay down…"Beckett's response to that was to kiss him, gently on the lips at first before she deepened it. She gasped into his mouth before she pulled away and said, "You took that as permission," teasingly.

"Yes," Castle said simply as he had reached around her and grasped her ass firmly.

"Come here," Beckett said, pulling him with her and making him lay down on the bed.

"I asked you," Castle told her teasingly.

"I know, but I think how I answered was a lot better," Beckett told him.

"I think I have to agree," Castle said after he pretended to contemplate that for a moment.

"Pervert," Beckett said with a slight laugh before they kissed one another. She let him slip his tongue into her mouth and turn her onto her back though she had wanted him to stay on his. Eventually they needed to stop and when they were apart she reached up and cupped his face before she said, "You interrupted me."

"I know, sorry," Castle said as he let go of her and moved to get on his back. He wrapped his arm around her, rubbing her back and saying, "What're you thinking?"

"You'll find out," Beckett said simply. When he frowned at her she laughed softly and said, "To be honest I wanted to pleasure you.""First?" Castle asked to make sure.

"Yes," Beckett replied firmly.

"I'm going to let you," Castle said, studying her closely. "I know you want to." He wasn't surprised when she let out an exasperated breath and then pressed her face into his neck. He reached up to caress her hair and said, "As long as you enjoy it."

Raising her head Beckett said, "I do." She studied him for a moment and then leaned down, meeting his lips for a kiss that soon after became intense while she could feel him caressing the back of her body. When she needed to breathe she ended the kiss, pulling away from him and then moving, startled when her husband grabbed her. She looked at him in confusion before he asked her something that made her begin to smile.

"I can do the same to you, right?" Castle said.

"Do you really need to ask?" Beckett inquired, one eyebrow raised.

"I mean you're going to let me finish," Castle said.

"As long as you let me do the same," Beckett pointed out. When he nodded she smiled again and kissed him before he was responding, and they were soon dueling with their tongues again. She didn't let that last for too long, pulling away and then moving to kiss around his jaw. Moving from there she went to his chest, kissing at it a few times before she paused and then said, "Can I?"

"Yes…" Castle said, reaching up to hold onto the back of her head while she was lowering it. He let out a hiss as she wrapped her lips around his nipple and held her with his arm tightly, digging his fingertips into her skin since she had sucked at him. "Kate," he groaned heavily.

Raising her head, Beckett smiled and then kissed him quickly before she moved down his chest again. She worked on his other nipple for a bit, moving down as she found she couldn't wait any longer. While she was doing that she could hear her husband's breathing growing rougher and rougher and she didn't stop until she reached his erection and paused there to look at him.

"What is it?" Castle asked, trying not to strain at how close she was to him.

"Will it be alright if I touch?" Beckett asked him with a smile.

"Yeah but… not too much," Castle begged her.

Leaning over, Beckett pressed a quick kiss to his lips before she moved down as fast as she could until she reached where she'd left off. Taking his member in her hand she lowered her head to it and began to gently kiss him, going over him as much as she could until she had worked her way back up to the tip.

"I… I thought you s-said you were going to t-touch," Castle stammered as he was watching her licking at him almost hungrily. He couldn't wait for her answer, throwing his head down on the pillow under him as her tongue started to try and curl around him.

Hearing the way he was groaning her name, Beckett was pleased to get a reaction from him before she moved again. That time she was slipping him inside of her mouth and she immediately proceeded to bob her head up and down. She kept her speed slow at first and began to speed up a bit more while her husband was calling her name in pleasure. While she was doing that she reached up to him with her hand, gently cupping him as he yelled to her.

Relieved when his wife stopped shortly after that, Castle breathed out, "That… that would have been too much." He half expected her to respond, but she was still working over him and he didn't bother to say anything else, laying back on the bed fully again. She wasn't stopping over him and while he did his best to withstand her he groaned, "I'm going to come love… you're too g-good."

Though she wanted to smile at his stammering, Beckett nodded her head, hearing him swearing as she'd done it enough to move on him. When she felt he was calm she laved her tongue over the tip of him for a bit before she went back to working over him. Doing that for barely a minute more, she could feel his body under hers tense up and she knew he had reached his peak. Her name coming out of him in a near yell, she was quick to take his release and felt him stopping and starting to move as she knew he was trying not to thrust. Finally, he was laying still on the bed and she kissed over his erection that hadn't diminished yet before she let him pull her up to him.

Castle was pleased when his wife was ready to meet his kiss and they were holding onto one another tightly as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. After they'd parted he said, "Thank you," breathing out the words.

"You're welcome," Beckett said with a smile. "But I wanted to," she reminded him.

"Yeah," Castle said, breathing out hard again. He rubbed her back and then said, "I need to recover; don't think I don't want to."

"I wasn't thinking that," Beckett replied easily. She brushed her lips to his and then said, "But I wasn't going to make you start right now."Castle nodded and then reached for her to bring her down to him for another kiss and once they'd parted he told her, "I can do something now."

A little startled, Beckett couldn't help letting out a gasp as her husband moved so he could flip her onto her back. She only had a moment to respond to his kiss but was lucky to have expected it enough to do so quickly. After they had parted she smiled and said, "I don't need anything so badly you-" when he was kissing her a second time. When he lingered, she realized why that was and she gently pushed against his shoulders so he would look down at her. "Don't worry," she said as he seemed to look both hopeful and concerned at the same time.

"About…" Castle began as she wasn't continuing after that.

"I still want you, but you don't need to race to me," Beckett replied before she reached up and cupped his cheek with her hand.

"I want you though," Castle told her earnestly. When his wife merely smiled at him he had to kiss her and he did so lovingly before they were parting and he told her, "I adore you Kate. I can show you, right?"

Beckett found she didn't really want to respond to that vocally, so she merely nodded her head before he was leaning down to her and kissing at her neck. She knew he would slightly follow what she had done to him as he moved back up to her jaw and she sighed in pleasure before he moved away.

"When you let me have your breasts again… I'm going to work them over," Castle groaned as he pushed himself up. "I mean," he said, frowning when he realized what he had said. "I'll do that with my mouth and hands and pleasurably so-"

Gently covering her husband's mouth with her hand Beckett said, "I know love, just hurry."

As he was nodding his head rapidly, Castle carefully moved her hand from his mouth before he went to her abdomen. He began to kiss over it gently and then trailed his lips down to her mound. Pulling away a little, he looked up at her to see she was watching him, and he took her hand that came down to rest on the top of his head. Kissing her palm lovingly he told her, "Is breá liom tú Kate," using Irish to tell her he adored her again as he felt it was needed.

"Is-" Beckett began, wanting to tell him the same before her husband was moving to her sex. She gasped as he pressed a firm kiss to her clit and then moaned when his mouth was taking the swollen nub to begin sucking on it gently. "Rick…" she sighed as she couldn't stop her body stretching in reaction to the pleasure that he was making her feel. When she stopped she wasn't surprised to find her legs were over her husband's shoulders or that he was holding onto her.

After a moment, Castle moved to go lower on her and gently slid his tongue past her swollen folds. He wasn't surprised when she cried out heavily in pleasure in response to him and he had to push his hands down on her legs so she wouldn't push him off her. He was able to calm her down slightly, but it wasn't for very long as he was moving his tongue within her, feeling her beginning to writhe underneath him. He brought his hand into play shortly after, realizing she was close already, and pushed her steadily to the edge.

"Oh… you… you haven't been working on me for that long!" Beckett moaned as she realized what he was doing. When he wasn't stopping, she arched her back and suddenly broke when his tongue rubbed hard against her that time, crying his name repeatedly. Her orgasm was rough, and she wasn't sure how much she was moving for him but he wasn't doing much to her so she let that go before she was slowing down and then completely still. "Thank you," she breathed when she felt she could speak.

Castle didn't reply at first, too busy making sure he'd finished completely until he was moving so he could lay next to her, kissing her hungrily. He was pleased when she responded to him and they were busy with their tongues for some time. When they had stopped and pulled away he pressed his forehead against hers telling her, "You're welcome."

"You enjoyed it?" Beckett asked him with a smile.

"As much as you enjoyed doing that to me," Castle assured her. He then laid down and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her tightly to his side before he said, "I hope we'll manage something else if you'd like."

"I don't blame you," Beckett replied. She couldn't help laughing when he was looking at her in surprise and she said, "I can feel you.""Yes… I can feel me too and it's really making me hope I don't explode," Castle said swiftly.

"Why would you?" Beckett said in confusion.

"Even this…" Castle began.

"You don't need to kiss my ass," Beckett commented wryly.

"Oh of course not," Castle said, cupping his hand over her ass as he was well aware that was her invitation for him to do that. "But why are you so unaware of your power over me?"

"Is that you telling me that you want me to be a dominatrix right now?" Beckett said as she pushed herself up to get on top of his body. She raised her body up but kept her head close enough to him so she could feel his breath on her lips.

"You've never done that fully," Castle said. "And I really don't want you to."

"Are you sure?" Beckett said with a smile as she knew he was. When he pulled her down to him, she went with him before she was suddenly on her back again. The kiss over, she smiled at him and said, "I don't want to."

"It's a surprise," Castle confessed to her.

"I know," Beckett said, nodding her head. She then smiled and said, "I did that enough in interrogation, I deserve a break."

"And a reward," Castle said rapidly. When she looked at him in surprise he said, "You're good at it, and I wanted you watching you."

"While we were talking?" Beckett said. She smiled when her husband kissed at her ear before he nibbled at her lobe which made her sigh. "Rick… wait," she told him. She was a little surprised when he immediately pulled away and she said, "How-"

"I've taught myself to," Castle replied simply. He was going to ask her what she wanted when she grabbed his erection, jerking as he breathed out heavily. He moved with her so he could enter her and they were groaning in joy as they were shortly after coupled. "I…" he began. He stopped himself and said, "I'm so glad you're aroused."

"I wouldn't have pulled you here," Beckett said, pausing a bit here and there as she was moving her hips back and forth slightly and feeling him easily.

Castle was more than ready to move when he paused and asked her, "What do you want?" startled as she was shaking her head.

"You pick," Beckett said simply. She saw his desire to protest but she merely stared at him before he sighed and then bowed his head near her shoulder. Though she had to push herself up a little she raised her head and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. "What do you want Rick?" she asked him.

Looking at her Castle said, "I want to fuck you.""I want you to do that too," Beckett said with a smile.

"Were you trying to get me to say that?" Castle asked her. When she just looked at him again he grit his teeth for a moment before he moved. He was pleased when Beckett cried out heavily in pleasure as he was rough immediately and he didn't pause, moving repeatedly until he realized she was moving her legs. "What-" he started to say.

"I wasn't sure what I wanted," Beckett replied, moaning throughout between her words. She'd wrapped her right leg around his waist and raised her left so he would hold it under his arm. Their first thrust after they were set in their position they were groaning together before he was leaning down to try and kiss her. She needed to push herself up, but they were able to meet and after their tongues were curling together in their mouths she reached up to hold onto his arms as tightly as she could.

Castle watched her fall back fully to the bed, moving at the same time to start varying his thrusts. He was pleased when her leg around his waist immediately tightened in response and he did that for some time. He kept his eye on her while he was giving her his slower thrusts. She arched her back and he felt her nipples just barely brushing against him, making him go into his harder thrusts. Beckett was crying out his name and her grip on his body was even stronger until he was slowing down again. He had no idea how many times he was doing that but finally he couldn't help himself and he stopped, turning her around with him so she was above him.

"Do you want me to…" Beckett began, gently running her hands over his hair, nails raking along his scalp.

Shaking his head Castle said, "This is just so we don't explode now." He smiled when she laughed softly, and they then kissed, doing so sensuously before he started to caress her hair and back until he was at her ass. There he hesitated, wondering if he should ask her for something he wanted badly when she had let him do so much already. Luckily his wife seemed to sense what he wanted, and she was bringing her lips against his to have them brush together while he spoke. "Can-" he began before he stopped himself and pulled away.

Beckett was startled when he had her get off him, but she moved quickly, losing her surprise when he pushed her against the headboard. She looked at him over her shoulder and asked in amusement, "You couldn't have told me that?"

"Not really," Castle said simply, kissing at her shoulder. He moved up to her neck and pulled her hair carefully out of the way before he was nibbling at her skin. "Love," he murmured to her.

"Here," Beckett said, reaching back to him and taking his hand. When she placed it on her ass she told him, "You made me anticipate."

"If you wanted it already you should have told me," Castle replied, moving his head so they could kiss. They were a little intense, but they soon parted, leading him to slap her firmly to her short cry.

"Again?" Beckett asked him.

Castle was momentarily surprised, but guessed she really did want him to, so he responded by slapping her a second time, grasping her ass a little hard before he was moving. Hearing her gasp as he pressed fully against his back he murmured into her ear, "Do you want this?"

"Yes, but…" Beckett started to say. She had to stop talking as her husband was reaching down in between her legs to rub her clit for a moment and she was moaning in response. When she had managed to stop she continued saying, "I want you to fuck me into the bed before we come."

"I will," Castle promised before he was taking her hand and they worked together to help him slip inside her sex. Once he was there he took her hips and while she was leaning over on the bed he thrust as hard as he could until his hips were slamming against her ass. He was groaning and swearing while she was crying out heavily at the sensation. He started to move and was hissing when she thrust herself and he kissed at the side of Beckett's head wildly, wishing he could get to her lips. But he made do with her back and shoulders until he stopped thrusting.