
7. When Somebody Plays(2)

Hearing her tone, Castle didn't respond verbally, instead moving to withdraw from her and allow her to lay down on the middle of the bed again. He moved down, sucking at her clit a bit before he pushed himself up and entered her again as she held onto him. Thrusting hard he ended up ramming into her and they both reacted vocally in their pleasure which made him start thrusting as soon as their skin was touching, his wife holding onto him tightly with both her arms and legs. He knew they were close, but she was begging him to fuck her, even as he was, and he tried to move faster to please her as they kissed hungrily.

After their kiss they were engaged in at that moment, she wasn't sure how many they'd been involved with, Beckett tilted her head back and she was moaning, "I'm going to come Rick… please… don't stop… I… don't stop fucking me… Rick!" before she broke. Her orgasm was strong and nearly took away her breath, but she wouldn't let it as she was calling Castle's name repeatedly until she was stopped feeling him joining her. She was gasping and clinging to him desperately as the sensation of his fulfilled desire was making her even hotter and her sex was throbbing uncontrollably. When she was stopping she was limp but sated while she waited for her husband to finish which he soon did.

"I didn't… hurt you… did I?" Castle asked panted before he was really ready to speak.

"No," Beckett said, glad he'd given her a moment to process the way he'd shuddered so hard with his last thrust that it almost turned into a second one. He'd collapsed on her a bit, but he had his weight above her enough and she squeezed his back with her hands. "Are you okay?" she asked him with a smile.

"Yeah," Castle said, breathing out heavily. He then moved to pull away from her, a little surprised when she let him go. He lay on his back and wrapped both his arms around her to pull her close against him. He kissed her deeply and after she slipped her tongue into his mouth he was rolling his around hers. They went back and forth between their mouths for a while until they had to breathe, and he pressed a few kisses to her hair. "Kate?" he asked when they'd been quiet for a few minutes.

"Hmm?" Beckett asked, pressing her cheek to his shoulder.

"Have I mentioned how much I love doing that?" Castle told her.

"Which part?" Beckett asked him with a smile.

"All of it," Castle said.

"Pervert," Beckett told him teasingly before they were kissing deeply. She reached up as they swiftly began dueling with their tongues and caressed his hair gently, feeling him shuddering in pleasure at her touch. After they had parted she nuzzled her nose to his and said, "So do I."

"It's a good thing we're going to Tahiti," Castle commented. They kissed again, gently, before he said, "Are you looking forward to that?""I am, I want to have the chance to enjoy some sun before winter really hits," Beckett replied.

"It feels like it's going to be a while until that," Castle said, as they were both fine without a cover over their naked bodies. Thinking of that he reached to her and ran his hand over her side until he rested it again the side of her ass. He looked down at her and watched her as she reached up to brush her fingers against his jaw and the side of his neck, making him shudder before he started to speak when she stopped him hurriedly by pulling him hard onto her body as she moved onto her back.

Beckett was pleased when she didn't really have to convey to her husband what she wanted, he moved so he was sliding into her and he began to move. As he was fast and hard immediately, she cried out a thank you before he crushed his lips to hers and they were kissing hungrily at the same time. They were climaxing together in a short amount of time and she was calling to him trying her best to take everything in before she was limp, and he was groaning her name as he finished. When he was still above her she said as she gently started to scratch his scalp, "Still with me." She couldn't help laughing when he groaned in response and she said, "Partially."

"Why are you all… conscious?" Castle asked jokingly as he raised his head to look at her.

"I had a little more time to recover," Beckett said with a smile before they kissed. When they parted, she reluctantly let him go, watching him lay back while she pushed herself up. He was reaching out to her and she smiled while she shook her head at him. Before he could protest, she gently covered his mouth with her hand and said, "I don't need to lay down just yet," waiting to see what he would say.

"Sure," Castle replied easily. He froze a moment when she leaned down but relaxed as she kissed him deeply. After they had parted he pulled her down to him and they were kissing again. Running his hands around her back at the same time he felt himself growing aroused again and he pulled away first saying, "I need to stop."

"Would it be a problem if we were together again?" Beckett asked.

"No, just… I want to take a long enough break," Castle replied.

"What would be a long enough break?" Beckett said with a smile.

"More than a few minutes," Castle said. He paused and then said, "Or seconds."

Beckett laughed and leaned down to kiss him before they parted and she said, "It would be nice, but we're not done."

"I'm glad we don't have much tomorrow," Castle said. He could feel his wife moving around and he said, "I know you don't want to talk about it, but we need to at some point."

Sighing, Beckett let herself collapse onto her husband, not surprised when he didn't say anything, and she said, "I don't know if we should do this."

"You said you could," Castle said. He could feel how tense she was and he suggested, "Maybe we should wait until we're clothed to discuss it."

"That would be better," Beckett said. When he rubbed her upper arm she said, "Sorry."

"No, you make a good point, it's awkward discussing this nude," Castle said. When she raised her head he asked, "Should I have used another word?"

"No," Beckett said slightly laughingly. Kissing him briefly she told him, "But we should talk about something else.""Okay," Castle said. "The book you're reading?" He smiled when his wife laughed and when she had stopped he said, "I love you Kate," seriously.

"I love you too Rick," Beckett replied in the same tone. She cupped his cheek with her hand and leaned down, kissing him sensuously before he was responding hungrily. They did that for some time before they parted, and she bit at her lower lip before she pulled him with her.

With Castle on top of his wife's body partially, he and Beckett began kissing one another and did that repeatedly. They weren't stopping to move into making love again, just enjoying their kissing while they could. And as they touched one another they knew ultimately they would be intimate again. But for the time being they did what they could showing each other how much they wanted one another as their desire was intensifying yet again while they were embracing tightly.