
6. They Danced And Sang(2)

"No," Castle told her hurriedly. "I was the same." He kissed her gently as he was caressing her hair and said when they were apart, "But we didn't have to take too long with this," slightly startled when his wife smiled at him.

"You realize you have amazing endurance," Beckett told him.

"I have to," Castle replied. "I really don't want to just fuck you… there has to be more."

Beckett kissed him deeply for that before she started to move again, but that time she merely rolled her hips as they were groaning into each other's mouths. "And this is… why I… want you so often," she breathed as she pressed her cheek to his.

"The same… for me," Castle groaned against her skin before he was stopping her. How he was able to get onto his knees he never was able to figure out, but he held his wife's body against his own until he could thrust better with her. Her legs were straddling him still and when they met their skin was smacking hard together as they kissed fervently until he felt her beginning to falter. "Are you going to come my love?" he whispered harshly into her ear.

"Yes," Beckett moaned heavily.

"Come for me Kate," Castle told her firmly. "And I'll worship you the rest of the night, my fucking love," he said as he was groaning in joy at the feel of her sex throbbing harder around him.

Leaning her head back, Beckett could only hold onto her husband's shoulders as her orgasm racked her body. The ecstasy nearly made her breathless, but she was able to call his name repeatedly until she felt him joining her. The way he was yelling her name the first time made her tremble, and feeling his pleasure was the last straw, climaxing a second time before she could stop herself. She clung to Castle, realizing he was moving faster than he had been. Her sense of awareness was focused on him and how he was treating her body, so it was little surprise when he was reaching a second peak with her.

Holding his wife's limp body once she was satiated, Castle hoped he wasn't hurting her moving in her still. He only had a couple thrusts luckily and he breathed out in joy at his last. "Kate," he said quickly, touching the back of her head.

"I'm okay," Beckett said, raising her head as she had recovered enough energy for that. She smiled at him as he was still breathing roughly, and she said, "I think this should reassure you how I feel about your… physique." She gasped when he suddenly groaned, as it moved his length within her, and she said, "What?"

"It wasn't vanity," Castle said, trying not to shudder at how pleasurable it was when she gently ran her fingers through his hair. "I don't want to crush you with my stomach."

Beckett brushed her lips against his and said, "It doesn't. Move."

Startled by how sternly she said the word, Castle did so after she'd gotten off him and he found himself suddenly pulled on top of her body. "Okay… you're right," he said as she pressed her hands to his back. "Kate?" he said when she wouldn't let him go as her legs had wound around his waist.

"You said you would worship me," Beckett told him simply.

"Yeah," Castle replied quickly, leaning down and capturing her lips with his own. They kissed sensuously for some time and he moved with her so he could slip inside of her sex. They breathed out in pleasure together before he focused on her and coupling completely. They kissed a second time and while they were he began to thrust, feeling her moving with him. When they parted he was a little startled when she moved up to his ear but as she told him, "Fuck me hard lover," he found he could easily follow her demand. He was as hard and fast as he could get until she was climaxing and he followed. He realized their quickie was going against what she had said about his endurance earlier but when they had calmed down he said, "I'm surprised you wanted to do that."

"I needed it," Beckett told him with a smile. She hugged him and then told him, "And you did."Nodding Castle said, "I'm not going to deny that. Should I move?" When his wife let him go she followed him to lay against his side, pressing her cheek to his shoulder as he held her tightly against him. "Is it crass of me to say I enjoy that… a lot?" he asked her.

"No, not when I feel the same way," Beckett said before she leaned up to kiss at his jaw. As his hand caressed her side she smiled and told him, "We're not finished, are we?"

"Not by a long shot," Castle said, turning her onto her back. He was overjoyed when she reached for his erection and he slid easily within her a moment later before he began to thrust. They were rough before they were beginning to move, and they continued to until he was feeling her climaxing first. He responded very shortly after and they were kissing as soon as they caught their breath and he moved away from her carefully once they'd stopped. Wrapping his arm around her again he rubbed her shoulder and said, "I think we'll have to take a break."

"Yes, we can be together again," Beckett said, turning fully onto her side and pressing a kiss to his shoulder. She smiled when he squeezed her a little tighter and said, "We don't need to worry about time."

"No," Castle said simply, turning so he was on his side and kissing her as hard as he could. When she responded to him he didn't want to stop but they eventually needed to breathe, and he moved away from her lips. "It's hard to stop," he confessed to her.

"I know," Beckett replied. She nuzzled his lips with her own and told him, "But this is nice too."

"It is," Castle replied. "But it's a little uncomfortable."

Sitting up with him, Beckett wasn't surprised when he grabbed her and then held her close against him while they met in another kiss. She held onto him and let him pull her onto his lap before he was gently rubbing at her side. She ended the kiss as he had moved around to slap her ass, making her say, "You couldn't help yourself."

"Not really," Castle said, kissing her. When they stopped he nuzzled at her jaw for a moment before telling her, "But I'll stop. And promise me something?"

"Of course," Beckett told him.

"Let me touch you," Castle stated instead of asking. When she kissed him, he knew immediately he had his answer and he slid his hand down her leg to gently grasp her knee. "I love you Kate," he told her adoringly.

Kissing him Beckett told him, "I love you too Rick." They came together again before they slowly parted that time and once they had she told him, "Take me love."

"Always," Castle breathed in his pleasure as he moved his wife so she could lay down on the bed. He followed her, and they worked together to couple their bodies and once they'd done so he was breathing out her name. After they had shared a deep, passionate kiss he began to thrust within her, telling her, "I want to pleasure you love."

"You will, I just want you!" Beckett cried out in rapture as she was moving with him.

As they gave each other what they wanted, Castle and Beckett forgot about their plans the next day. They found the need to experience their pleasure repeatedly too great to ignore, hungry again for it when they were sated. And as they were doing what they could to bring each other to their peak they promised they would repeat their night as it continued outside their world that comprised of their bed, themselves and their complete sensuality with one another.