
3. Traveling Deep Beneath The Waves(1)

"This is the house?" Clive asked as he looked at the abode they were slowing down in front of.

"It is," Beckett said in amusement. "But don't let the outside fool you."

"It's bigger," Julia told him.

"I hope so," Clive said jokingly. "Or else we won't fit."

"We will," Beckett said reassuringly before she parked in the garage. It was the fifth of September and they were just arriving at the beach house. Since there were seventeen of them, they'd taken four cars down to Laguna Beach and she looked behind her before she saw the car her husband had driven pulling up in the small driveway. Though she wanted to see where Skye was going to park her car, she went to the backseat and took out Josie saying, "Where are they?" since her husband was walking up to her.

"They're there," Peter said first; having gone with Castle, Martha, Mari and Eliza.

"Okay, at least we know we're all here," Castle said jokingly.

Beckett shook her head before she went to the driveway and looked out to see the last two cars going by to the neighbor to the south of the house. She shared a confused expression with her husband, walking down to the other house.

"How was the drive?" Skye asked as she was first out of the closer car.

"Good, why are you here?" Castle said first.

Laughing Mary said, "We have the neighbor's permission, Liam knows them."

"Oh… that helps," Castle said.

"Can you park in the garage?" Beckett asked.

Shaking her head Skye said, "We're just glad that we were able to get the parking spot. It's a pain here. Now that we're here let's hurry so we don't lose this first day."

Going to the cars where their things were, the group unloaded them and hurried to get through the gate which Marie could open.

"Oh cool," Peter said eagerly as they walked to the front door. "You can see the ocean. Wait," he said with a frown as he realized he couldn't see the beach.

"Wait and see," Julia told him with a wide smile though she was doing so at Mari since her best friend was looking at the water in obvious awe.

Going in Skye said, "Welcome to our vacation home and we hope you'll enjoy."

Laughing Beckett said, "I think they will."

"Okay," Mary said. "We have the stairs here, the family room there. Please mind those steps down to it. The kitchen is there of course and there's the balcony."

"Can we go look outside?" Clive asked.

"Yeah, I'm afraid we're floating," Mari quipped.

"After we get everything settled upstairs," Castle said. "And don't worry, we want to show you the outside ourselves so we'll get to that."

Getting the luggage, the group went up the stairs and to the other three bedrooms while Castle pushed his and Beckett's suitcase into their room swiftly. They followed the kids through the bedrooms where they would be staying, not surprised they admired the décor but seemed to be more interested in the beach. But Castle couldn't help going over to his mother; once they'd gotten to the room she and Eliza would share; about to ask her what she thought of it when she was replying to him already.

"It's wonderful so far," Martha said. "But I'm hoping to see the beach as well."

Laughing slightly Castle said, "You will. But I wonder if Julia knew we were going to come back here."

"What do you mean?" Beckett asked her husband as they were following the kids into the hallway so they could see the downstairs then.

"Here," Castle said, taking Josie from her. He kissed the baby on the cheek and said, "They didn't show any pictures of… you'll see."

"I know," Beckett said with a smile as she knew what he was talking about.

"Okay," Castle said easily as they were going to what was going to be the McDouglas girls' room. "Hey, is this still your dad's room?" he called to Skye and Mary.

The former turned and said with a smile, "No, he's taken the one that Julia and Mari have."

"Why doesn't he take the master bedroom?" Jim said.

"He doesn't like it being so big," Mary said. She shrugged as Beckett's father looked confused and she said, "I don't know why, it's just his way."

"Okay," Skye then said. "We have all our suitcases set so we can see the rest of the house. And so you know there's not all that much left."

"Grá?" Mary asked.

"Your suitcases," Beckett said in amusement as the investigator was looking at her wife questioningly.

"Oh, true," Skye said.

"Yeah, where are you going to stay?" Peter asked in confusion.

"Come on," Skye said simply, walking out of the room and over to the kitchen. She pointed out; to those that hadn't been there before; where the glasses, plates and other items were before they walked around the table and she opened the doors leading to the balcony. "Welcome to Laguna Beach," she said, allowing the kids to go first since she knew they were all wondering at Mari, Peter and Clive's reactions as they looked out on the beach below them.

"Whoa, you're on the edge of a cliff!" Clive exclaimed.

"We are," Skye said. "Santa Monica is as well," she added. "But with you all seeing this I'll ask that you be very careful with that and hold onto the railing when you're going down the stairs."

"Can we go down now?" Mari asked, looking over to their right and spotting the staircase.

"Sure, our room is down there anyway," Mary said first. She and Skye led the way to the next level of the stairs where she told them, "It's a small apartment, a living room and bedroom and bathroom. We'll take this one if my dad's here since we like being closer to the water."

"How cool," Peter said.

"Yeah, can you hear the ocean when you're in there?" Clive asked.

"Yep," Kathleen said with a smile.

"Yeah, even with the doors closed," Iris said eagerly.

"Can we go to the beach?" Eliza asked hopefully.

"Not just yet," Beckett said first as she was watching Josie and saw the baby was starting to fuss. "We need to unpack, and we should get food and drinks for the weekend," she said, looking at Skye.

"Very true, and it'll be nice to walk by where we'll grab lunch," the investigator said, looking on with the others as Castle and Beckett left with the baby. "Alright then," she told the others as they looked back at her. "Go on outside here but stay there on the balcony. If'n you please," she said, adding the end to her serious tone before she went with her wife into the bedroom so they could start unpacking their things.

"You don't need to take anything from my suitcase," Beckett was telling her husband in the master bedroom.

"What do you have?" Castle asked, looking over at her immediately.

With a slight smile on her face Beckett said, "Nothing. But you don't need to unpack, I wanted you to take her with the others."

"And leave you here on your own?" Castle said simply, putting his empty suitcase into the closet.

"Yes," Beckett replied easily. When he glanced at her she didn't say anything, merely looking at him until he shrugged. She switched Josie to her other breast and then said, "You also need to change her."

"Her bathing suit?" Castle said, standing next to the armchair she was on.

Nodding Beckett said, "And a sundress."

"You need to help me though," Castle pointed out.

"I was planning on it," Beckett replied in amusement. She looked down at the baby, waiting for her to finish before she said, "We'll be able to start her on baby food soon."

"Are you sure?" Castle asked.

"I am," Beckett said. "She's sitting up in her high chair now, we just need to make sure she can move the food once it's in her mouth."

"Hopefully she'll be able to do that as fast as her sister did," Castle said, taking the towel on her shoulder and placing it on his. He got the baby from her once Josie had pulled away from her breast and started to burp her while his wife stood. He was startled when she tugged on his arm gently and he followed her out to the steps down to the hallway and the room the baby was sharing with Martha and Eliza. He started to speak when his wife put the bag with the baby's clothes on the bed before Josie was shifting against his shoulder and he had to focus his attention on her.

"I'll be fine Rick," Beckett told her husband as she began to unpack.

"I know but-" Castle said as he walked over to her. When she squeezed his arm he said, "I wanted to help."

"Believe me, you are," Beckett assured him, kissing the back of Josie's head before squeezing her husband's hand. She quickly unpacked what little the baby had for their weekend and said, "Take her with the others."

"I will," Castle assured her, knowing she was serious. He went out to the hallway, in time to see that the kids were coming upstairs. "Is everyone changing?" he asked.

"We already have bathing suits Dad," Julia said first. "We're just seeing if we need to unpack."

"You can help us, it won't take too long…" Beckett said, seeing her father last in the group.

"I can either take Josie or help the boys with their clothes," Jim told his daughter.

Castle, seeing his wife glancing back at him, went to his father in law to hand the baby over to him before he took Clive and Peter to their room. He helped them unpack, wondering if his wife was helping the girls while she still needed to do the same. "Okay, head downstairs," he told the two. "And stay with Jim and my mom." Watching them go down the hallway outside the room he turned as his wife came out of his mother's room saying, "Everyone's ready?"

"They are," Beckett said quickly before they watched the girls heading to the stairs. "Go."

"But-" Castle began.

"I'm not going to take that long," Beckett said simply. "And our parents need the help."

Castle was about to speak when he paused and then recalled Skye and Mary were likely in their room on the second level. "I'll see you with them," he said simply before he left.

Watching him go down, Beckett went to the master bedroom, closing the door behind her. While she didn't have much in her carryon suitcase she'd brought two items she hadn't wanted her husband to see yet. She took care of those first and then put the rest of her clothes away, finishing in only fifteen minutes. A knock on the door drew her from the bathroom where she'd placed her makeup bag and she called, "Rick?"

"It's me," another voice said on the other end.

Calling them in, Beckett said, "I'm glad you knocked."

"It's not my house," Skye said in amusement as she walked into the room. "But are you set?"

"Have you been waiting for me?" Beckett asked as she nodded her head.

"No, we just got in," Skye said as she waited for her friend to walk around the bed to her. "Your husband seems to have been told he can't come in?"

"He's punishing me," Beckett said wryly in Irish.

"More punishing himself… or both of you," Skye said with a slight smirk. "But we have everything ready."

"The paddleboards?" Beckett asked.

"Yeah, all set," Skye replied. "We know how to work fast," she said in amusement while they went down the stairs.

"They do too," Beckett said as the first floor was empty.

"That was Mary," Skye said. "The girls; our girls; want to go."

"When do you stop coming down here?" Beckett asked, switching back to English.

"About the end of the month," Skye replied before they went outside to the flight of stairs down. "Thank you lot for waiting here for us at the least," she commented jokingly to the others.

"We weren't going down," Mary said wryly. "But we should go."

"We are," Skye said, picking up one of the two beach umbrellas they had. She started down first and unlocked the gate with the key she had in her swimming trunks pocket. After she was down on the concrete step she said, "Step down this way," to Martha and Jim. "It's easier to go onto the sand though it's unstable."

"How far are we going?" Jim asked, still holding Josie and being careful until he was down fully on the sand.

"Just to here," Mary said, looking at the rocks in front of them. She set down the bags she held, and she and her wife started to get everything set up with Castle and Beckett's help before they grabbed their kids from where they were wading and had them take off their covers so they could get some sunscreen on them.

"Now can we go in?" Clive asked.

"You can," Beckett told him and Peter as she'd had her husband help them first. "But don't go that far out."

"She's right," Skye commented as the boys opened their mouths to protest at the same time. "There's a current that can pick up out there, our girls know not to head that far."

"We'll call to you if you're going too far," Castle told them. When the two nodded and hurried into the water with all the other kids; except for Josie; he said, "What would you two like to know?"

"Their families," Mary said first.

"You know about Peter's mother," Beckett commented.

"And Clive?" Skye said.

"His parents weren't married," Castle said. "They were only dating and once Clive was about…"

"I think ten months," Beckett said, nodding as he'd looked over at her. "She left them and left custody of Clive with him."

"Where is she?" Skye asked.

Shaking her head Beckett said, "She'll send a birthday card in the mail and the postmark says Chicago but no address."

"They have no siblings," Mary said.

"No, I think that's why Peter's enjoyed spending time at our house," Martha said. "Or that's why we all think it," she added looking at the others.

Nodding Castle said, "He does. And I think Clive might too."

"How's his father?" Skye suddenly asked after they had been putting on sunscreen themselves and Josie as well.

"Temperament?" Beckett asked him. When the investigator nodded she said, "It's fine, he's a bit protective of Clive but I think it's because there's always the fear of his mother coming back and trying to take him away."

"That would make sense," Mary said as she was looking at her. "You could have looked at Skye too."

"Ah, not really grá," the investigator said with a smile. "I focus more on planes and pilots."

Shrugging Mary said, "We only have three boards," to bring their attention back to their kids.

"We'll take turns," Beckett assured them. "And we'll take the kids in front."

"Roshambo?" Castle asked.

Shaking her head, Beckett said, "We'll figure things out," before they went to the water.

"Mommy!" Eliza said eagerly when she saw them. "Mari says the cliff is scary."

"Well… the house being there at the top," the girl said in slight embarrassment.

"It's all right, I think it's a little scary like that too, but you don't need to worry," Castle said to her reassuringly.

"Just hold onto the railings," Marie said.

"Oh sweetling," Skye said in the heaviest tone of disappointment she could muster. When her oldest stuck her tongue out at her she said, "Why you little…"

"Wait!" Mary said suddenly. "Sorry, it's not serious," she said as all the kids were looking at her. "We forgot the market Skye."

"Whoops," the investigator said, walking back to them with Marie in front of her. "Go on sweetling."

"Mum," the little girl groaned though she was hugging her mother tightly before she ran to join the others.

"Well… you don't all need to go," Skye said. "I know what we need."

"Lunches and dinners?" Castle asked.

"The four of us could go," Mary said slowly. "But only if your parents are alright with watching them."

"The older kids will help them," Castle said as his wife walked up to their parents. "And we have the beach to use as punishment."

"Not getting to go out tomorrow?" Mary guessed, since her wife was heading into the water to gather all the children.

"Or for a while today," Castle said. "Stay with our parents." He looked at Beckett who was walking up to them and asked, "They're okay with it?"

"They are, but they want the kids to only go up to Marie and Kathleen's knees," she told the two.

"They're not going to be happy they didn't say Mari… or Julia," Mary said.

"No, but we won't be gone for too long," Skye told them. "Okay, so we're going to be only down the street. And we won't be getting anything sweet."

"What?" Mari said as the McDouglas girls were gasping.

"We might get ice cream, or something from the bakery?" Kathleen asked.

"Hold on," Castle said. "What is it?" he asked Jim as he reached them.

"It's past eleven," Beckett's father said. He couldn't help laughing slightly when the parents were looking at their watches and said, "It'll take us some time to pack up."

"He's right," Beckett said with a nod. "We should just get ready and go."

"We can have the kids go up on their own and use that outdoor shower," Skye said. "Kids," she then called.

Since they were told they were going somewhere for lunch and then shopping for food, the ten children dried off and went up the stairs before the McDouglas girls showed them the shower on the other side of the house that was too thin to walk through. They rinsed off before drying off and waited for the adults, heading inside with Martha as she was there first.

When everyone was dried, dressed and ready at the front door they left, walking to the main street and then north to reach The Orange Inn where they would be having lunch. The kids, telling the adults what they wanted, went to some tables that Jim and the oldest kids pushed together so they could sit together. When they'd finished ordering Castle, Beckett, Skye and Mary went to sit with their families when Eliza grabbed her mother's hand, pulling her to the high chair in between Martha and Jim to exclaim over the baby.

"She's still sitting Mommy!" the little girl said.

"I see," Beckett said in amusement. "And she probably will be for a while."

"Here's your shakes," Castle said, passing them out to their daughters and their friends. "Take a sip now and then save it for lunch."

"What'd you get?" Julia asked her dad that though she was directing it to both her parents since they had gotten the same smoothie.

"The Orange Inn one," Castle said, not surprised the kids started reading it.

"It's okay," Kathleen said.

"Yeah, not sweet," Fleur said.

"Easy with your smoothies girls," Skye said to her daughters.

Talking together, the kids were soon impatient about eating as it felt like it was taking a while. But finally their numbers were being called and Peter jumped up from his chair saying, "I can help!"

"Thank you," Castle said, trying not to laugh at his exuberance. He went with him and his wife to the counter and they got the three trays they had their food on before he passed out what dish went to who. "Kate," he said. "Your sandwich seems to have sprouted."

"Dad," Julia groaned, as her mother's turkey sandwich had sprouts in it.

"Sorry," Castle said, seeing that Skye and her wife were turned away from them. "I'll keep the jokes to a minimum so we can eat."

"Does everything have avocado here?" Clive asked after they'd been eating for a while.

"Welcome to California," Skye said with a smile. "But we do use them a lot. How's your guacamole?" she asked him since he'd gotten a cheese quesadilla.

"Good," Clive said, his cheeks starting to flush.

"Keep eating, the ocean's still outside," Ivy said to him.

Everyone began laughing before they turned their attention to their food again, finishing though the kids had to finish their shakes before they could get up.

"This is a really nice restaurant," Mari was saying to Julia as they waited by the front door.

"I know," she replied. "We didn't get to come here before, but Mom and Dad told us they came here. I hope we don't have to be at that market for that long." She wasn't surprised when Mari nodded in agreement and then turned when she felt a hand on her shoulder, seeing it was her mother.

"Can you hold her?" Beckett asked. When her daughter nodded she handed her the baby, smiling as Josie immediately reached out to Mari though it was more her waving her arm. She was quick to fix the carrier onto the stroller and was about to get the baby to put her in when she paused.

"Do you want her back Mom?" Julia asked, turning away from playfully nuzzling her sister's nose with her own and making the baby laugh.

"I think you can carry her to the market," Beckett said, pushing the stroller outside.

"Really, but…" Julia started to say before she saw the sign for the market across the street. "What about carrying her through the store?"

"She might fall asleep," Castle said.

"Nap time?" Eliza asked from on top of his shoulders.

"Just about," Castle said while the group of them were hurrying across the street. On the other side he followed his wife and Skye to the entrance where he got Eliza to set her down. "What's the plan for meals?"

"We don't need to worry about dinner," Skye said first.

"Our reservations are for six," Mary added. "So we just have breakfasts and dinner tomorrow."

"What about lunch tomorrow?" Fleur asked. "We 'ave to eat then too!"

"Don't worry mon petite," Skye replied. "If you lot don't mind, we'll eat at the Inn again." She smiled at Beckett when the kids agreed in some form and said, "I knew already."

"I was aware," Beckett said. "So, breakfasts?"

"Cereal!" Iris said eagerly.

"Eggs," Mary said firmly.

"And pancakes," Castle said. "I'll take care of those," he added, smiling as his daughters were gasping in eagerness. He walked with them into the market further before he thought of something and went over to Skye, murmuring something to her so the others wouldn't hear.

"Why is that a secret?" the investigator asked jokingly.

"No reason," Castle replied.

"What did he ask Mummy?" Ivy said.

"If there was a blender at the house," Skye said. "And there is; we made smoothies last time which is what I hope you're asking to make."

"Why are you looking at me?" Martha said in surprise when saw her son turn to her. Before he could respond to that she was frowning and told him, "Richard, with all these children here?"

"We have wine," Mary said, having heard Beckett ask Skye about that.

"With dinner," Martha said firmly. "I'll try those smoothies."

"How much does your grandma drink?" Clive asked Julia as they started to walk again.

"Not that much but she does like it," the girl said. "But at least she wants the smoothies," Julia added quickly as they were walking again.

"I was thinking we should have that for their snacks," Mary was saying to her wife, Castle and Beckett.

"They need something like vegetables," Castle commented.

"Good idea, we'll pick those up as well," Skye said absently as she was looking around the aisle they were on. "I'm thinking of grilling tomorrow night. Unless you're good at that Rick?"

"I'm passable," Castle replied. "Burgers?"

"Yes, so we have everything," Skye said.

"We should split up," Beckett said, not surprised when her friend looked at her. "I knew you'd suggest that," she explained. "And we'll get everything for breakfast."

"Right, we'll handle the burgers but the toppings we'll get together since they're with the smoothie fruits," Mary said before they were calling to their kids to gather them so they could go.

"We're really having burgers?" Eliza asked, holding her grandfather's hand and skipping next to him.

"Walk normally sweetie," Beckett said to her. "And we are."

"I wish we could have hot dogs too," Peter whispered.

"They're getting them," Castle said, spotting the two at the other end of the aisle that ran along the back of the market since the meat was there. "We'll have both," he added as he put down the cartons of eggs he'd gotten so they'd have enough for all of them for two mornings. He thought of something and got his phone from his pocket so he could text when his wife was calling to him as they walked again.

"What is it?" Beckett asked.

"I was going to tell her we should have sliders," Castle said, sending the message to the investigator. He looked with his wife over to the other end of the market and saw Skye was waving before they walked together after their family to get what they needed for the pancakes.

"Now can we get the fruit?" Julia asked hopefully.

"We can," Castle said as he looked into the basket they had to make sure everything they needed was there. "But do we need to pick the fruit out?"

"I'll grab the veggies for snacks," Beckett said.

"Kate," Clive said, hurrying over to her.

"Don't worry, we'll get different kinds," Beckett assured him. "And ranch dip."

"Cool," Clive said. He smiled briefly at her when she placed her hand on his back, shaking his head when she asked him what was wrong.

Studying the boy, Beckett didn't try to push him about that, only smiled slightly at him as they had reached the produce section. She went around to the vegetables, not surprised the two boys followed her with Mari and Julia as well. "I'm surprised," she said when she had finished. "You guys didn't say anything."

"We like the stuff you picked," Mari said first.

"Not everything," Peter was quick to say.

"But some stuff," Clive added.

"Okay, go with the other kids," Beckett told them with a laugh. "We'll get the fruit."

"I like watermelon," Clive said quickly.

"Me too," Peter added.

"We'll get one for the barbeque we're going to have tomorrow," Castle assured them. "Go." He then turned to his wife and said, "It'll be ripe," as she was looking at the watermelon that he had chosen.

"It is," Beckett replied simply as she'd knocked against the rind to test it. She then turned her attention to Skye and Mary who were walking to them and asked, "Are you choosing?"

"For the smoothies," the investigator said first. "Mary can pick out the fruits for breakfast."

"Oh," Castle said after a moment as he realized the two women had turned to him. "Berries, mixed, one kind. It's your choice."

"I'll get different kinds," Mary said before she left them.

"And for snacks…" Skye said.

"I got the vegetables," Beckett said simply. "And you want to grab those anyway." She smiled when the investigator merely smiled before she walked away to the fruits and she looked over at Josie as the baby was fussing. "She was asleep," she said with a sigh.

"She's hungry?" Castle asked her.

"No, she's just unsettled," Beckett replied, taking the baby out of her carrier. She held her against her shoulder, kissing her temple as Castle stepped up to her.

"Get back to sleep," he told the baby, kissing the back of her head. "Should we head back?"

"I'll take her," Jim said. He smiled when his daughter looked at him in surprise before he said, "I don't mind."

"I'll go with him," Martha added. "And I can stay with Josie of course."

"But… you mean sit on the balcony?" Castle asked. When his mother merely smiled, he then told his wife, "She was never a fan of the sand part of the beach."

"I had a feeling," Beckett said with a slight laugh. "And that's fine," she directed to their parents. "But if you want to come down to the beach Martha-"

"It'll be once Josie's awake," Castle's mother said firmly.

"Alright," Beckett said. She and her husband said goodbye to the two before they turned to one another. "I'll check on her."

"You don't need to," Castle said. He wasn't surprised in the slightest when she looked at him in surprise he said, "I'm just thinking of you walking up the stairs repeatedly."

Beckett was about to speak when she stopped herself and then sighed saying, "It's not that I don't trust your mother…"

"I knew that," Castle reassured her. "But Mother wouldn't like you going up and down either."

"Or you," Beckett said, starting to speak absently at the end. "How's your knee?"

"It's fine," Castle assured her. He then looked with her over to Skye and Mary and said, "They'll ask."

"Of course they will, three of us aren't here," Beckett said in amusement.

"They went back?" Mary asked first once they were grouped together again.

"They did," Beckett replied. "Josie needs to sleep." She wasn't surprised when the two women nodded and then went to pay before she followed them as Castle was going with the kids to the bakery. When they finished they left and she ended up walking with Skye before she heard the woman's phone, watching her looking at the text she received as she waited to hear who it was from.

"An incident," Skye said. "A near collision at Burbank."

"You're needed?" Beckett asked her.

"No," Skye said simply. "They're just letting me know in case they need advice. But it's Investigator Devine, you met her before we were…"

"I remember," Beckett said, recalling the woman at LAX when they'd investigated the murder of Skye's friend.

"So she won't need my help," the investigator said simply.

"How are you?" Beckett asked her.

"Good, not thinking of things this weekend," Skye replied.

"You still have time to practice," Beckett pointed out to her.

"Oh, I know," Skye said simply. "To tell you the truth I'm thinking of my costume more."

"It's comforting?" Beckett asked slowly.

Laughing, as they walked down the street to get to the one the beach house was on, Skye said, "To a degree. My trousers usually don't have those fake diamonds or whatever they are on the side."

"Of course," Beckett agreed, smiling as Skye walked ahead to put the code in for the gate. She couldn't help remembering the day before, when she and Mary had gone to the offices together where the costume designers had the investigator's first one for her Jive.

"Is there any reason why I'm here?" Beckett asked as they got out of her car.

"She asked you to come," Mary replied. "I guess it's the sister thing."

"Probably," Beckett said, following her inside.

Leaning against the wall of where she was waiting, Skye looked to her right and stood up straight when she saw her wife and friend. "Hey," she told the two. "Thanks for coming on your own."

"Should you have done that though?" Mary asked her wife after they shared a quick kiss on the lips. "The girls all know what you're wearing, and the other kids too."

Laughing for a moment Skye said, "I know. But I'd be more comfortable with you both here. Plus, you're off to home afterwards so you might as well be here."

"Hello," Derek said when the three women walked to where he was standing. "Your clothes," he said, handing them to her. "And your changing room is in here."

"I'll see you in the room," Skye told him before she went with her wife and friend over to the room he'd indicated. When they were inside, she said to Beckett, "I don't know what you'll do now."

"The screen?" she replied easily.

"Right, stay there," Skye said, taking her wife's hand and pulling her after her to it.

"Don't forget I'm here," Beckett said, hurrying after Mary so she could take the coat that she'd brought for her wife.

"We won't," Skye called before they were disappearing behind the screen. She immediately kissed her wife hard but didn't linger for very long before she murmured into her ear in Italian, "I missed you."

"I did too, but let me see," Mary told her.

Glancing at her, Skye started to remove her clothes and then pulled on the blouse and pants. She shook her head at her wife as she was holding the last thing and quickly put those on as well before she stepped out saying, "This isn't the complete costume of course, but it'll be on while I'm dancing."

"Suspenders?" Beckett asked in surprise. When Skye nodded, she stood and handed her her pilot's jacket, watching Mary help her put it on. She wasn't surprised when the doctor wrapped her arms tightly around the investigator and she slipped out the door to leave them for a moment. She smiled at Derek, expecting him to be waiting outside already, and she was about to tell him why she was on her own when he was speaking first.

"Skye warned me this might happen," the dancer said. When Beckett looked at him in confusion he explained, "Her wife would enjoy the costume."

Glancing back at the door behind her Beckett said, "Something about that jacket." She then realized that the dancer had on his costume and told him, "You look like a pilot."

"I haven't put on my hat yet," Derek said, raising his arm and placing the cap on his head.

"Even more," Beckett said. She turned back to the door and said, "I think they might be a while."

"We might as well go to the room," Derek replied, gesturing to her when she looked back at him. He took off his hat once the door was closed behind them and said, "So you and your husband know how to dance."

"Has Julia been talking to you?" Beckett said, sitting on one of the chairs near the door.

"No, Skye mentioned it," Derek said.

"You wouldn't have us go on TV, will you?" Beckett asked.

"Not unless Skye begs you," Derek said. He laughed at the startled expression on her face but then said, "She said she would. She wants to share it with you I think in a way. I know she wants her wife to share it as well."

"You better believe I do," Skye said, walking inside. "What?" she said when the two in the room just looked at her.

"You took a while," Derek said jokingly. "Your hat?"

Turning to take it from Mary, Skye settled it on her head and said, "Don't get this mixed up with yours."

"I won't," Derek replied. "So you'll take this off after the intro is on and we'll stand in front of the steps."

Skye threw her hat to Beckett and then stood with Derek in front of the mirror saying, "And unbutton the jacket?"

"Yeah," Derek replied. "And then when the music starts take off the jacket and toss it to the chairs. Sorry," he said, saying the last to Mary and Beckett as they were throwing the jackets to them. "And then we start."

Beckett watched as the two were dancing the opening steps, impressed with how different they looked in the costumes. She was going to tell them that when they stopped, and Mary was suddenly throwing herself at her wife.

"You're going to look amazing!" the doctor was saying before kissing her cheek. "Sorry," she said to them. "It was really well done."

"Thank you," Derek said with a slight laugh. "But the most important thing is how do you feel dancing in the costume?"

"Good," Skye said, looking down at herself. "I forgot to tell you," she directed to Beckett. "The suspenders we were going to test out."

"I like them," Beckett replied. "They make you look like Paul."

Skye laughed and said, "I suppose they would."

"Does he wear them now?" Derek asked.

"No," Skye replied. "Also, I don't think anyone's going to make the connection. Anything else?" she asked her partner.

"No, you can change but we still need to practice," Derek replied.

"Dress rehearsal?" Skye said.

"Next week," Derek assured her. "I'll go change, you can talk if you'd like but we need to get going."

"I'll be ready," Skye assured him. After they were alone in the room she turned to her wife and friend and said, "I'm not sure what we'll talk about but I'm glad you both came.""I'm still confused why I'm here," Beckett said as she stood up.

"Just so you could voice your opinion," Skye said. "And I wasn't about to ask your husband."

Laughing Beckett said, "Fair enough."

As they started to walk over to the door to leave Skye asked her wife, "The girls?"

"They're good, they wanted to come with me of course," Mary said. "See their mum."

Skye smiled and said, "What're you doing for P.E.?" while they were walking out into the hall.

"I think walking around the neighborhood with the dogs," Beckett said.

"Luckily it's not so hot today," Mary commented.

"I'll wait here," Beckett said as the two women paused in front of the door to the changing room. She smiled when they rushed inside and leaned against the wall across from it, getting her phone so she could text her husband and let him know they'd be returning to the home soon.

"Cut carefully," Castle said to Peter.

"I know," the boy replied. "Man," he then directed to Clive who was next to him. "My mom…"

"You two are feeling homesick, aren't you?" Castle asked them. When the two nodded; instead of speaking; he said, "I don't blame you. I was the same way when I went away to boarding school when I was a kid."

"Did-" Clive began.

"Pay attention to your cutting," Castle advised him quickly.

"Oh… sorry," Clive said before turning his attention back to his knife. "I was going to say, you stayed away from home?"

"I did. Luckily it was just for sixth grade and middle school, but I still didn't like it," Castle replied.

"Are you homesick now?" Peter asked.

"A bit but my family is here so it distracts me," Castle replied. "Okay, I think we're ready for the veggies. I'll call… oh you're here," he said, seeing Skye was walking in from the balcony.

"I had a feeling you were ready for me," the investigator said with a smile. "Take those down and I'll bring the smoothies."

Castle was about to tell her that he would stay with her to help her when Mary came in through the doors. "Okay, I'll take them down. Wait, the-" he started to say when he saw the plate of vegetables they'd cut up.

"We'll bring that too, go," Mary said firmly.

"Sure," Castle said, ushering the boys out.

Clive glanced back at the two women, and his eyes went wide when he saw they were kissing, arms wrapped around each other. "They-" he began.

"Shh, let them," Castle replied. "They've had to spend a lot of time apart."

"I think him and Kate are like that," Peter quipped when they went down the first staircase.

"Hey," Castle said jokingly.

"Sorry, I've seen you doing that before," Peter said. He then stopped at the first landing and said in a murmur, "It was just a joke."

"Don't worry, I know it was," Castle reassured him. He put his hands on both boy's shoulders and made them look at him before he said, "You're thinking of your parents."

"Yeah, my dad doesn't have anyone to do that with," Clive said. "To love?"

"That," Castle said, squeezing Peter's shoulder. "But you shouldn't worry too much about them. You're going to talk to them tonight aren't you." When the boys looked at each other he said, "I know, it's not enough but they promised to come as soon as they could."

"Yeah," Clive said first. "I hope that they come soon."

"I'm sure they will," Castle said. "But for now, you guys want to keep swimming?"

"Yeah," the two said at the same time. They turned to go down the next flight of stairs before Peter said as they went past the second landing, "Are you sure we can't go on the paddle boards?"

"Very," Castle said. "Like Kate said, we don't have vests so you're lucky we're taking you out in front of us."

"We could borrow Eliza's vest," Peter suggested.

Hearing laughter behind her, Beckett turned and saw that her husband was coming down the last steps to the beach with the boys in front of her. "Careful," she said to them as they ran past her into the water. "And the snack?" she asked her husband once he approached her.

Castle grabbed for his wife as soon as he was close enough to her, pulling her close so he could kiss her. He could feel her surprise but she very quickly responded to him and he felt her arms circling his neck. They parted shortly after and he said, "They were doing the same," in Irish.

"You got jealous?" Beckett replied.

"Yes," Castle said simply. He then smiled and hugged her tightly before he let her go; reluctantly; and asked, "How's Josie?"

"Good, I wanted to take her into the water now you're back," Beckett said with a smile before they walked together to where their baby was with their parents. "Is she awake?" she asked her father since he was holding her.

"She is, are you taking her?" Jim asked.

Beckett nodded and then took the baby from him, kissing her temple as Josie cooed and rested her hand against her cheek. "We're going now sweetie," she told her before she and Castle walked together to the breaking waves.

"Are we sitting?" he asked his wife once they were close.

"Of course," Beckett said though she was looking at Josie as she spoke. When they were at the point where the waves would wash around them fully she sat down, setting the baby on her lap while Castle joined them.

"Alright Josie," he told the baby. "Don't get scared if you get splashed. We need you to love the water just like your sisters."

"Oh no pressure on her," Beckett said exaggeratedly. She smiled when he made a face at her, but the next wave was breaking around them and they laughed together as they were getting splashed by the water. Checking the baby, she was relieved when she saw the smile on Josie's face, making her lean down and kiss her temple.

"Only twelve more days," Castle commented, letting Josie take his index finger with her hand.

"You're counting down to that?" Beckett asked, knowing he meant when she was turning five months.

"Of course, it's a birthday," Castle said.

Beckett rolled her eyes, while she smiled, and she then heard Skye's voice behind them making her say, "I think it's time for a snack."

"What about her?" Castle asked as he stood and watched her to make sure she would be okay doing the same holding the baby.

"She won't need me for a while," Beckett assured him. She handed Josie to him and then went into the water, calling all the kids that were there so they could go onto the sand and have their snack.

"What's in this?" Julia asked as she took one of the cups that Mary was handing out.

"Watermelon, just watermelon," the investigator answered. "And ice."

"Cool," Julia said, smiling at her.

"Good one," Skye said.

"And the veggies?" Peter asked.

"Here," the investigator said, lowering the plate that was in her hands and letting him take a tomato. "And no double dipping," she told the boy as he got some ranch on it.

"I won't," Peter replied, wrinkling his nose. He popped it into his mouth and ate the cherry tomato before he went over to the edge of the blankets that were set under the umbrellas. He looked at Julia who walked over to him with Mari and he said, "The watermelon drink is good."

"It is," Mari said first. "It tastes like California."

"What tastes like New York?" Julia asked her, glancing at Peter.

"Cider?" Mari said after thinking for a moment, shrugging her shoulders before they started to laugh.

"I'm going to get some carrots," Peter said.

"I wonder what we're going to do for dinner," Julia said after she and Mari were alone.

"I know," the girl said. She smiled and said, "This place is really nice."

"You like home better, huh?" Julia asked. She wasn't surprised when her friend nodded and said, "The cliff is cool, but I like getting to run straight to the beach."

Nodding in agreement Mari said, "But I can't wait for the show."

"Me too," Julia said before they walked together over to Martha who was holding the plate of vegetables.

After the kids had finished their drinks and snacks they were coaxed into playing badminton on the sand by the adults. They played until the sun was starting to get lower in the west and they could go swimming again.

"What's that over there?" Peter eventually asked.

"Catalina Island," Marie answered before the adults could say anything.

"Have you been there?" Mari asked.

"Yeah, it's a pretty island," Kathleen said. She then smiled and said, "Our little sisters haven't been there yet."

"We might have to wait to go next year," Mary said, walking up to where they were standing in the water up to their knees.

"Why-" Marie suddenly said before she cut herself off. "The weather?"

"Yes," Mary replied.

"Oh, do we have to get out of the water?" Peter said with a groan.

"We need to get ready," Mary said with a smile as the kids were all groaning.

"What about swimming?" Fleur asked.

"Tomorrow, come on everyone," Mary told them firmly.

Though it took a little time, the kids went to the adults who had towels and started to dry off before they sat, looking down at the water.

"This was really fun," Julia said. "I'm glad we're doing this tomorrow."

"Yeah," Ivy said. "I can't wait to know where we're gonna eat."

"It's down the beach," Skye said first. "Well… we'll need to walk down the street, but we'll have a very nice view."

"Are we dressing up?" Clive asked cautiously.

"A little," Castle said. "Head up the stairs and go to the shower."

"Are we taking showers?" Julia said.

"Yes," Beckett said. "Hurry but stay out on the balcony to dry off and wait for us." When the kids were gone, she looked at the others and said with a smile, "Now we try to make our reservations."

"We'll make it," Castle said reassuringly.

Glancing at him, Beckett smiled when her husband raised and lowered his eyebrows a few times before they turned their attention to helping the others cleaning up the beach so they could head up and get ready themselves.

"Here's our table," Skye said as they reached the tables that were pushed together, next to the acrylic that looked out on the ocean. "Good view?"

"Wow!" Mari gasped.

"Where do we sit?" Iris asked excitedly.

"Hold on," Skye said as they then got everyone to a seat. When they were finished, she said, "I almost thought about having you lot bring your dogs," to Castle and Beckett. "But I don't know if they'd handle six huge dogs."

"They'd eat everything in the kitchen," Castle said before they turned their attention to the menus and he glanced at the kids who were across from them against the acrylic so they could turn and look at the water when they wanted. He wasn't surprised to see the confused expressions on their faces eventually and he gently nudged his wife's arm so she would speak to them first.

"You can get a sandwich or a hot dog," Beckett said. "But ask us first."

"Or us," Mary commented. "Or was that implied?"

"That was implied," Beckett said in amusement. She turned her attention back to the menu herself and said when she was finished, "A burger for you?" to her husband.

"This'll surprise you, but no," Castle replied, setting down his menu. "I'm tempted by the Macadamia Chicken. Mexican?" he asked her.

Shaking her head Beckett said, "Italian," before they had to turn their attention to ordering after the waiters had brought their drinks. "You guys can turn your chairs to the side now," she said to the kids who were sitting tense in front of her and the other adults.

"Really?" Julia asked in surprise.

"Yes," Skye took up as Beckett had looked at her. "But when the food comes we all turn around."

"Our appetizer?" Marie asked.

"Yes, we're not eating it by ourselves," Mary said.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Castle asked.

Beckett, smiling, shook her head and squeezed her husband's hand before she turned her attention to Skye as she was asking them about Alexis. "She's good," she answered first. "She and Louis are enjoying their jobs."

"I was going to ask about him next," the investigator said with a smile.

"They have Monday off?" Mary asked.

"They do," Martha answered. "They're at the beach house right now."

"Good idea," Skye said. "The last weekend you've got for the beach isn't it?"

"Not necessarily," Beckett said with a smile. "But for them it's easier."

"Mom," Julia said, turning to them. "Are we gonna talk to her today?"

"We are, we're letting them have tomorrow and Monday off," Castle answered instead. He then smiled and said, "How's the view?"

"Good," Julia said, turning back to the ocean. She then thought of something and turned back to the adults before they were all looking at Josie as the baby started to cry.

"I'll take her," Castle said to his wife. He got up quickly to take the baby from her carrier between his mother and father in law and went back to his seat, taking the bottle that Beckett had ready for him.

"Are we going to do anything different tomorrow?" Mari asked once the baby had stopped crying.

"No, just swimming," Skye replied. "We're leaving after breakfast on Monday remember."

"Couldn't we stay longer Mum?" Kathleen asked.

"I'm afraid not," Skye replied. "There'll be a lot of traffic you all know, and you have school Tuesday."

"Hmm, they seem to be enjoying it," Martha said when the kids didn't protest.

"It's fun," Mari said first.

"Hopefully you guys won't mind you'll have to go back after the show's over," Castle said.

"We'll get used to it," Julia said, sharing a look with Peter.

"You will," Beckett assured them. She took Josie's bottle as their appetizer was being served and she watched her husband asking, "Do you want me to feed you?"

"I can wait," Castle said, watching her dip a piece of pita bread in humus. When she held it up to his lips he tried giving her a look, but it didn't last long as he opened his mouth. "Thank you," he said after he'd eaten the bread.

Beckett merely smiled at him, as she had gotten a piece for herself, and leaned back in her chair. She watched the kids with him, leaning her head on his shoulder and talking with the others while they waited for their meal to be brought to them.

"Here," Beckett said, handing Mari her tablet.

"Hi Mom!" the little girl said eagerly, waving to the screen.

"We'll be in the living room," Beckett told her, not surprised when Mari merely nodded. She left the girl alone in hers and Julia's room, closing the door behind her before she passed the boys who were talking to their parents in the other two rooms.

"Mom, 'lexis is ready," Julia said when she spotted her mother coming down the stairs.

"I'm here," Beckett said, walking quickly down the steps to the living room.

"Hey everyone," Alexis said with a smile when she saw her mother joining the others. "How is it in sunny California?" she asked, unable to help laughing as the girls' heads turned to the right at the same time.

"Still sunny," Julia said.

"But the sun is going down," Eliza added.

"How is it back home?" Beckett said.

"Good," Alexis replied. "We haven't had any parties."

"Why would you think I would ask about that?" Castle said as he knew his daughter was talking about him.

"I wonder why," Martha said wryly.

"How's Josa?" Alexis then said.

"She's good," Castle said since he was holding the baby on his lap.

"Daddy she's asleep," Eliza told him.

Trying to look at the baby, Castle soon saw the little girl was right and he nodded saying, "Too much for her today."

"What did you do?" Alexis asked.

"Went down to the beach," Julia said first. "And went swimming."

Alexis smiled as her little sisters talked about their day once they'd reached the beach house and up until they'd returned home. She was surprised to hear they'd gotten dessert and was about to ask why they'd done that when her grandfather was explaining.

"Skye and Mary wanted us to try the macarons at a bakery near the restaurant," Jim said. "So we went there instead."

"They have really cool flavors," Julia said eagerly.

"She's right," Beckett said. "But they took pictures and we'll tell you about them once we're back home with you."

"I hope they're good," Alexis said to her sisters, smiling when the two nodded eagerly.

"Louis' talking to his family?" Castle asked.

"He is," Alexis said. "We stayed here at the house, swimming on the beach. And we're about to watch a movie really soon and then go to bed."

"I don't know what we'll do yet," Beckett said with a smile as the girls were looking at her and Castle. "We'll likely play games." She then turned her attention back to her oldest and asked, "How was work yesterday?"

"Good, I spoke to a child on my own for a bit while Dr. Raleigh was talking to their parent. I think I was able to make a bit of a breakthrough with them," Alexis said.

"Really?" Castle asked.

"I'll find out in a few weeks," Alexis replied.

"We should let you go," Beckett said, touching her husband's arm.

"That's right, everyone's going to be coming back and you guys have that movie," Castle said, realizing why his wife had said that. "Say goodnight you guys."

"I'll let you know when I can talk next week," Alexis told her family. "Maybe Tuesday. Oh, how's Skye doing?"

"She has her costume and she's getting prepared," Beckett said, smiling as nearly everyone had turned to her to answer. "You'll see her on the fourteenth."

"Alright, goodnight everyone," Alexis said as she could hear Louis calling for her.

Once they'd said goodbye to her and had told her they loved her, Castle stood up to take the tablet off the TV when his wife went with him as he'd given Josie to her. "Oh… put her to bed?" he asked.

Nodding Beckett said, "She'll need to be nursed in a few hours though."

"Are we gonna be in bed then Mommy?" Eliza asked as they stood up to say goodnight to the baby.

"I'm not sure, but I'll take her to the room," Beckett replied. She watched with her husband as everyone said goodnight to Josie and she told them, "We'll be right back, and we'll get our macarons for tonight after," before she and Castle left for the room Martha was sharing with their two youngest.

"Why am I not surprised they cheered?" Castle said to his wife. He wasn't startled when she just smiled and shook her head, and they walked into the room before he kissed Josie's forehead telling her, "I love you sweetheart, get as much sleep as you can."

Beckett, watching him with a smile as he gently hugged the baby, turned her attention to saying goodnight to her too. "I love you Josie," she murmured, gently kissing the top of her forehead. "Sweet dreams until you need me." She went to the bassinet, setting the baby inside and tucking her in lightly. She waited for Castle to make sure the camera was on the end of the bassinet and after she made sure the monitor was on she took his hand as he grabbed her tablet and she had the other end of the monitor. Stepping out into the hall she saw Clive and Peter were talking to each other and she asked, "All set?" as Castle closed the door behind him.

"Yeah, the baby's asleep?" the latter asked.

"She is," Beckett said, smiling at him keep his voice low. "Go ahead to the living room, we're going to have our macarons." She heard another door opening and she looked over to find it was Mari. "Now we can go," she said before she went to the little girl. "How's your family?"

"Good," Mari said, rubbing her cheek a little. She then smiled slightly and said, "I was crying."

"I don't blame you," Beckett said, rubbing her shoulder as they walked. "But they'll try to get out here soon."

"I hope my dad can," Mari said firmly.

"So do I," Beckett said, nodding her head. "Now though we're going to have one of the macarons we got if you'd like to too."

"Yeah," Mari said, nodding eagerly as she went down the steps.

Watching the little girl in the entry to make sure she was okay, Beckett smiled as Julia and Mari started to talk before she heard the front door unlocking behind her. "Hey," she said with a smile. "How was your walk?"

"Good," Skye replied. "How's everyone after talking to home?"

"The kids are a bit down," Beckett said, knowing her friend would understand she meant Julia's friends. "And Alexis is doing well.""Fantastic to know about the latter," Skye replied as she watched her wife and daughters go down to the living room. "We'll have to split up into groups."

"I realized," Beckett said with a nod. "But…"

"A song?" Skye asked wryly. When her friend just nodded, she sighed and said, "I suppose I couldn't have my macaron first?""And a cuppa?" Castle asked, walking over to them.

"It's Earl Grey so I don't really need the tea," Skye said in amusement. "I'll get them to the kitchen first."

"I still think you should have gotten the rose one," Castle told his wife when they were alone in the entry.

With a smirk Beckett said, "I didn't want my breath to smell like that."

"An bhfuil tú tuirseach?" Castle said, asking if she was tired.

Looking at him in amusement Beckett said simply, "Ní ar do shon," which meant the phrase not for you. She went down the steps and then up to the kitchen where the kids were starting to gather to get their dessert.

"Okay, Eliza you'll want your peanut butter and jelly," Mary was saying, handing the macarons out on napkins. "Iris, Fleur you have the same. Ivy and Marie your red velvets. And all four of you from New York," she said teasingly. "Cookies and cream."

"Tell me how that one tastes," Julia said to Kathleen as she was getting her blueberry lavender one.

"I will," the little girl said with a smile.

"Martha your green tea," Skye said, starting to pass out to the adults then. "I hope this won't be too strong," she said to Jim who'd picked out a coffee macaron.

"I'll be fine," Beckett's father said with a smile.

"I'll take my chai one tonight," Beckett said to Skye.

"Rick?" the investigator asked.

"The passion fruit," Castle said. He watched Skye take out the two Earl Grey flavored ones before they went over to the chairs and couches in the family room. "Are we having music first?" he asked once they were settled and Skye and Mary had placed their napkins with their desserts on the coffee table in front of them.

"Yes, what do you want us to play," Skye replied. "Something from George?"

"Oh…" Julia said in mock annoyance when the others looked at her. She then smiled and hurried over to the two women, murmuring the song she'd thought of to them. "Can you play it?" she asked.

"Of course," Skye said first.

"She's right, she loves the lyrics on it," Mary said. She checked her acoustic guitar, watching her wife doing the same before she waited for her to play the opening notes until Skye began to sing and she provided backup on the two-line chorus.

There he, sitting in the moonlightNot found, livin' no cityHe smile, mucho in a sunshineHigh life, counting de fruit bat

Troppo, gone troppo, troppoIt's time you know I gone troppo

Plant me, in de HeliconaNo thank, meeting de peoplesWake me, eata the papayaMuch hot, not much on the body

Troppo, gone troppo, troppoIt's time you know I gone troppo

Warm sea, see right to the bottomNo like, shoveling snowfallGood time, drinking on me bottleThe high wide Moreton Bay Fig

Troppo, gone troppo, troppoIt's time you know I gone troppo

At the instrumental, Beckett glanced at Clive, since Peter had been around the investigator playing a little more than him. She smiled when she saw the way he was watching the two women playing the guitar though she wondered what the other kids; who hadn't heard the song; thought of the lyrics before the two were singing again.

Quite like, you ain't seen a sunsetCould be, living in Rain hillSun hot, you don't got a backacheBrown skin and very a peeling

Troppo, gone troppo, troppoIt's time you know I gone troppo

After the two had stopped playing they acknowledged the applause they were getting before they were all eating their macarons. And as soon as she had finished, Julia took a sip of the milk she'd been given before she was about to speak when Clive was talking first near her to all their surprise.

"Can you play anything?" the boy asked.

"Not anything," Skye said. "But we know a lot of songs. Did you have a request?"

"Not really," Clive said in slight embarrassment.

"Alright, I-" Skye began before the sound of crying from the monitor interrupted her. "I suppose we're on pause."

"I'll be back," Beckett said, getting up and hurrying to the stairs.

"Go," Martha said to her son as she was watching him following his wife with his eyes.

"Yeah," Castle said quickly, hurrying over to the stairs after her. He knocked gently on the door once he'd reached the room and slipped inside before saying, "I couldn't resist."

"I'm not surprised," Beckett said, smiling up at him. "I expected you to come up here sooner."

Castle merely smiled, since he'd only been a few seconds behind her, and sat next to her saying, "She's okay?"

"Mmm-hmm," Beckett said with a smile, looking down at the baby. "She should sleep after this."

Nodding, Castle wrapped his arm around his wife and pressed his lips to the side of her head saying quietly, "Are you tired?"

"Don't ask me that all night," Beckett said swiftly. "I'm not," she said when he pulled away slightly to look at her. She then smiled again and told him, "I have plans… a plan I mean," speaking in Irish.

"Oh," Castle said. "Good to hear," he finally said, trying not to let her know that a lot of ideas were running through his mind.

"Pervert," Beckett said wryly before she turned her attention back to Josie. When she had finished nursing she burped the baby herself, only giving her to Castle so she could fix her sundress. She let him get her to sleep and kissed the top of Josie's head before watching him do the same and set the baby into her bassinet again. They left together and stepping out they could hear one of the guitars being played before she reached for her husband's hand and they headed back to the living room to see what was going on in their absence.

"Hey, is Josie set?" Mary asked, spotting the couple first.

"She is," Beckett answered. "What're you playing?"

"Just random notes," Skye said. "I had a request."

"Not me," Julia said quickly, not surprised her mother looked at her. "Lizzy did."

"Yeah," Eliza said, hurrying to her father and climbing onto his lap as soon as he was sitting.

"Good Times," Mary stated.

"Really?" Castle said in surprise as he looked at the little girl questioningly.

While Eliza was giggling Jim told them, "She came to me for a suggestion."

"You can play that?" Beckett asked Skye who was playing a few notes on her guitar.

"I can, I can sing it too," the investigator said. Skye smiled when her friend rolled her eyes and then said, "And I will now but give me a moment," before she got up. She went to the kitchen, getting a cup of water and another for her wife.

"No gargling?" Castle couldn't help asking.

"Why would I do that?" Skye asked wryly.

"Seems to be a singer thing," Castle said, shrugging.

"Stick to writing," Skye said jokingly. When he bowed his head to her, she shook her head with a smile before she spoke to her wife in Japanese for a moment. "Okay, sorry we needed to go over something for a moment," she directed to everyone else. "We're ready now." And with that she and Mary began to play and she was quick to begin singing the vocalizing that Sam Cooke had done at the start until she had reached the lyrics with Mary joining her for backup.

Yeah, come on and let the good times rollWe're gonna stay here till we soothe our soulsIf it take all night longOne more time, come on and let the good times rollWe're gonna stay here till we soothe our soulsIf it take all night long

Gotta tell you, evenin' sun is sinkin' lowThe clock on the wall say it's time to goI got my plans, I don't know about youI'll tell you exactly what I'm gonna do

Get in the groove and let the good times rollI'm gonna stay here till I soothe my soulIf it take all night longYeah, everybody let the good times rollWe're gonna stay here till we soothe our soulsIf it take all night long

Yeah, it might be one o'clock and it might threeTime don't mean that much to meI've ain't felt this good since I don't know whenAnd I might not feel this good again

So come on and let the good times rollWe're gonna stay here till we soothe our soulsIf it take all night longAnd all night (all night) and all night (all night)And all night (all night) and all night long (all night)Somebody said it might take all night longAnd all night (all night) and all night (all night), soCome on and let the good times rollWe're gonna stay here till we soothe our soulsIf it take all night long

"Alright," Skye said in mock annoyance after the others had stopped applauding. She laughed when her wife pinched her side and said, "Let's get to the games," before they got up and joined their family and friends so they start playing for the rest of the night.

Looking out at the night, Beckett wrapped her arms around herself before she turned back towards the bedroom at the sound of the shower stopping in the bathroom. She leaned back against the glass behind her and waited for her husband to come out, trying not to become impatient. They had spent some time with the kids, playing different board or card games before they were put into bed and the adults could go to their rooms. She rubbed her upper arms after she turned towards the door as it opened and she straightened, watching Castle walking out.

"Hey," he said, pausing for a moment outside the doorway when he saw her. "Have you been standing there the whole time?"

"Not the whole time," Beckett said simply, going over to stand by him while he was putting his clothes away. When he turned to her she said, "I think you can tell by now."

"It wasn't a plan?" Castle asked with a smile as he stepped up to her. At her nod he wrapped his arms around her and held her close saying, "I'm tempted to ask if you'll be up to this."

"I know," Beckett said. "But you're aware already I wouldn't be wearing this if I wasn't."

"Which is why I said I'm tempted," Castle said, leaning down and kissing at the top of her head as she laughed softly. "You didn't have to do anything for me," he then said as he held her by her shoulders to look at her.

"But I want to," Beckett reassured him.

"That's all I wanted to hear," Castle said seriously before he was kissing her. He started out tenderly before they deepened it at the same time and then proceeded to fight one another with their tongues until they had to breathe. He was tempted to tell her she could take her time in showing him whatever she had when she pressed a little closer against him, cutting him off.

"What about you?" Beckett asked him.

"Me?" Castle replied. "I'm…" he started to say before he looked down at himself. "I'm not wearing a shirt…" he said slowly.

Laughing softly, Beckett pressed a few kisses to his jaw before she said, "That's good enough for me." She gasped when her husband reached down her back to cup her ass and she said, "You want to start?"

"No," Castle said slowly. "Sorry, I was going to tell you that we didn't need to rush."

"I'm surprised," Beckett said. She got the desired reaction from him as he was quick to look down at her and she told him, "Maybe not. But Rick…"

"What?" Castle asked as he knew she'd thought of something. He let her go as she started to move away from him and then watched her take his hand. With that indication he followed her over to the bed and he sat down as she stayed standing. He wasn't surprised when she immediately sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around her tightly, holding her close before he kissed her. After they had been doing that for some time he pulled away from their kiss when she moved suddenly, and he looked down to see her hand reaching for her robe.

Beckett wasn't surprised that her husband was watching her closely before he helped her in spreading apart her robe. She cupped his cheek as he reached down to her thigh, running his hand up and down to the hem of her negligée she'd brought. Her breathing began to deepen as he slipped underneath the silk and she stopped him gently saying, "A little too much."

"Oh…" Castle said in surprise as he didn't think it had been. He had to let her go as she stood up and he looked on while she pulled off her robe. "Are you taking this off?" he said, pulling her to him so he could kiss at her abdomen and wouldn't get close to her breasts.

"Not yet," Beckett said with a smile. "But you need to do two things."

Standing up Castle said, "And I'll ask you for one." He wasn't surprised when his wife looked at him in confusion and he leaned over to her, murmuring in Irish near her ear before he pulled away to look at her.

Beckett wanted to roll her eyes but she found; the more she thought of it; that it wasn't such a bad idea. Once her husband was sitting down she pulled the bottom of the light blue silk up until he could see her sex and she gasped when he grabbed for her and then pulled her onto the bed with him. "You said-" she began as she lay on her back in the middle and he moved to get on top of her.

"It was the start," Castle said with a smirk. He then kissed her, pressing his hips down against hers and feeling her groan against his lips. He did his best not to move too much but the temptation was too great, and he thrust against her gently a few times. When she broke off their kiss he said, "I want you love. You're so fucking gorgeous."

"Help me," Beckett said, pushing his shoulders gently. She let him remove the last of his clothes before she moved to the edge of the bed to sit on her knees so he could pull her negligée up and off her body. As soon as it was on the nightstand she reached for him and lay back as he was quick to follow her. She wrapped her arms around him before they were kissing, and she tried to put her legs around him as well when he stopped her.

"I had something else in mind," Castle replied before he moved down her body. He could feel his wife's slight tensing, but she relaxed as his lips trailed over her stomach and then his tongue began to work over her skin. When he reached her sex he carefully kissed at her clit before he began using his tongue. Her cries of joy in reaction to him reached him quickly and he threw himself into pleasuring her as much as he possibly could before he moved down lower to her entrance.

"Rick," Beckett moaned as her legs moved to drape over his shoulders before she could stop herself. She was feeling too much pleasure in the way his tongue slipped into her sex and began to move, trying to tell him though she couldn't really speak as everything was building up in her. She made one last attempt to talk but instead was crying out as she broke fully, arching her back while her orgasm racked every inch of her body. She was a little lost, her focus fully on her pleasure, and she could only take each wave of it as it struck her until it finally slowed and eventually stopped. "Love," she breathed out when her husband moved away from her and then up to wrap his arms around her.

"You don't-" Castle began before his wife was cutting him off by wrapping her hand around his erection. "Kate I was going to…" he started before he groaned heavily in pleasure.

Moving then, Beckett pushed herself up and made him lay on his back before she was leaning down and starting to pepper his chest with kisses. After she had done that for a while she raised her head to look down at him and said, "Should I?"

"I would say no," Castle said after hesitating. "But I can tell you want to."

"I think you'll be alright after," Beckett said.

"I knew that already," Castle said, trying not to let his frustration show in his tone. "But you…"

"This does help," Beckett replied. When her husband breathed out hard she couldn't help smiling and leaned over, kissing him tenderly. She didn't let that last for very long, moving down his body until she was at his stomach. She took his erection in her hand and moved to take him in her mouth quickly since she knew he was straining after working on her. Moving her mouth up and down on him she listened to his pleasure as he reacted vocally before she brought up her right hand to work with her mouth. She moved away carefully and then said, "I won't linger for very long."

"No," Castle said, not sure how he'd managed to speak but glad he could. He watched her move down again until she was taking him with her mouth and he found himself clutching at the bed underneath him while he was breaking. He tried not to feel embarrassed at how he'd climaxed so fast, luckily feeling his release distracted him enough. But as soon as he had calmed down he reached for her, pulling Beckett up to him so they could kiss.

After they'd parted, she smiled and said, "I think we're alright now… if you want to start too."

"Not yet," Castle said. He could feel her pleasure as she pushed against him and he kissed her again before they slowly parted. Brushing her hair behind her ear he turned her onto her back before he said, "I think we should try and work ourselves up again."

Beckett wanted to point out they didn't really need it but pushed that aside quickly before she took him on her. "We should, but how far do you expect that to go?"

"As far as it can," Castle replied before they were kissing one another passionately. After they had parted he moved them around so she was laying on her stomach, waiting for her to protest. When she looked back at him he said, "Nothing?"

Beckett couldn't help laughing before she said, "Not really. But is there anything more you're planning on doing?"

"Just this," Castle said before he leaned over and began kissing at her back, hearing her suck in a breath of air quickly. He didn't stop, moving his way down before he reached the small of her back, pulling away and gently blowing along her skin to watch it react. "I adore you," he told her seriously.

"I feel the same about you," Beckett said, looking at him as he was pushing himself up to lay next to her. They kissed gently before they parted, and she said, "I know what you want to do." She wasn't surprised when her husband froze for a moment before she gave him a quick kiss, smiling at him. She was about to tell him he had her permission before he moved his hand in anticipation of that and murmured into her ear at the same time.

"I didn't want to slap you," Castle said, resting his hand on her ass. "Just touch."

"Which you never stop doing," Beckett commented. She wasn't surprised when her husband playfully bit at her shoulder before his hand moved up to the small of her back and she said, "I wasn't complaining about it."

"I know," Castle replied with a smile before he leaned over and kissed at her shoulder. He pressed his nose against her skin and said, "Would you mind turning back around?"

"No," Beckett said easily before she moved to lay on her back in the middle of the bed. She was quick to wrap her arms around her husband when he lowered himself to her and she whispered, "You'll fuck me now, right?"

"I want to," Castle told her.

Biting at her lower lip for a moment, Beckett gasped and then moaned when his hand started to rub her clit in between them. "Ooh! Rick you don't need to do that! I'm already…" she started to say before he was reaching for her hand. She was quick to take his length in her hand, helping him to her before he was entering her slowly. She gasped out his name at his speed until his hips were pressing against her and she said with a moan, "Don't… don't take too long."

"I won't," Castle assured her before he started to thrust. He went slowly at first, watching his wife closely so he could see her reaction. When she wrapped her legs around him fully he started to angle his thrusts, loving the way she cried out. He then sped up a little before he leaned down, kissing her as deeply as he could until she was responding to him hungrily. They were dueling heavily, and he couldn't help himself, slowing down before he stopped completely.

"Are you going to keep doing that?" Beckett asked, her tone heavily unsatisfied. She tilted her head back as her husband kissed at her neck, caressing the back of his head before she went to his neck. "Rick," she told him, ready to tell him to start again when he did so. She was crying out his name, doing her best to move with him as much as possible until he was stopping again, making her say his name in complete frustration.

"Don't worry, I just don't want to end this before we can do anything," Castle told her, nuzzling her lips with his own. He then took them, and they were kissing hungrily for some time before they slowly parted. "Don't hate me for this," he told her before he was pulling out of her carefully.

Beckett wanted to swear at the how empty she felt with him gone but her husband was starting to kiss around her body and she was slightly mollified by the sensation. The pleasure was developing into warmth and it spread through her entire form, making her writhe a little and moan her husband's name. She opened her eyes as he laid on her slightly and said, "Are you finished."

"Yes," Castle said, moving himself so he could enter her again. He didn't waste much time in thrusting and felt his wife's leg slip underneath his ass and hold him there so he was able to press further into her. He moved to kiss her hard, loving that she was kissing him back and they were thrusting together though he could feel her struggling before he moved to raise himself above her. "Tell me…" he started to say before clenching his teeth together hard in response to what he was feeling between them both. He forced himself to speak and told her, "Tell me how you want me to fuck you."

Beckett bit at her swollen lower lip for a moment before she managed to recover just as her husband had stopped. She didn't protest that time and said, "You know how to do it already."

"I know, but I want you to direct me," Castle said.

Smiling briefly, Beckett soon raised her head and kissed him so they could do that for a while before they parted slowly and said, "Fuck me slowly right now." She knew, as her husband nodded, that his heart was pounding as hard as her own and she waited for him to begin again eagerly.

Thrusting slowly, Castle felt his wife rising off the bed a bit eventually and he said, "Don't… forget to tell… me to… how you want me to… move."

"Go… faster," Beckett said before she was crying out his name as he was doing so. She found she couldn't speak, so she squeezed his shoulders and was relieved when he slowed down. When he stopped, she was about to speak when he was kissing her, trying not to become too impatient while she responded to him hungrily.

"Do that love… I forgot you can't speak," Castle told his wife before they were kissing once more, and he proceeded to thrust again, hard. He groaned as she pulled away from him to cry out herself, their hips slapping almost noisily though the bed under her was joining in. "Kate," he breathed heavily to her.

"Keep fucking me," Beckett cried out in her joy. She was clutching at him as tightly as she could with both her arms and legs, squeezing her eyes shut. The friction was rough between them and she could feel her husband straining against her and the muscles of his back working underneath her hands. "Rick… oh… please," she moaned as he was kissing around her neck and collarbone feverishly.

"You're… so fucking beautiful love," Castle groaned to her. "I adore… let me adore you."

"You are… don't stop," Beckett whispered to him before they were kissing deeply. She could feel him reaching down her thigh with his right hand and she tilted her head back, squeezing her eyes shut tightly before she realized she couldn't fight with herself anymore. "I'm… Rick I'm going to come," she gasped out to him.

"I am too," Castle was able to say. "Come for me love, it's… not going to be the last time."

Feeling the way he was brushing against her, striking her clit, Beckett threw her head back and snapped completely, calling her husband's name repeatedly until he was joining her. The rush of ecstasy that provided nearly made her climax again though she ended up distracting herself by running her nails over his scalp and back. She wasn't sure how long they were like that, but she realized when she was still and she was breathing roughly while he was making a few last thrusts. "That took too much out of you," she said with a smile on her face as he was pressing his face into her neck.

Grunting, Castle took a moment before he pulled away and said, "Please tell me it does the same to you."

Laughing softly, Beckett brushed her lips to his and assured him, "It did, it always does. You do a great job."

Castle couldn't stop himself from kissing her deeply and after they were parting he said, "So do you."

"That's a very nice compliment," Beckett replied. She was going to say more when he pulled away from her and she paused before he was laying on his back. Moving to press against his side she then said, "Though honestly how much can I do?"

"More than enough," Castle said quickly. He leaned over and kissed her gently before they parted, and he said, "We took our time though."

"We did," Beckett said with a smile, knowing that was a question. She pressed her lips to the middle of his chest, hearing him grunt in response, and she said as she propped her head up onto her hand, "I love you, you know."

"I do," Castle said swiftly. "I love you too." He reached up to her and ran his hand over the back of her head, letting his fingers go through her hair before he said, "I meant what I said."

"You know I'd like to do the same," Beckett told him.

"You have," Castle said. "But-" he began before she was suddenly kissing him. He was startled for a moment and then moved to wrap his arms around her to bring her on top of him. Feeling her breasts against his bare chest he groaned, starting to slide his hand up her side before he suddenly realized what he was doing. He swore heavily as he tried to move away from her and said, "Sorry."

"No, don't worry," Beckett said. "I know it's hard sometimes."

"Wait-" Castle said before she was covering his mouth with her hand.

"I didn't mean it like that," Beckett told him firmly. When he nodded his head, she moved her hand and said, "I didn't need to state that in an innuendo. Your cock is hard most of the time."

Shuddering hard Castle said, "I'm guessing you're fine with us continuing?"

"I may be persuaded," Beckett commented. When her husband was sliding his hand over to the small of her back she said, "You're not going to?"