
2. I And I In The Sky(2)

"She used my name," Skye said wryly. "But I don't mind in this case. We'll be outside of course and against the edge so we can see the view. Night."

"Thank you, both of you," Beckett said first. "Goodnight."

Castle said the same to the women before he was walking after his wife to the guest house telling them, "We'll help out with breakfast."

"Good to know," Skye said before she and her wife went into the house. She got the mugs in her hands on the table before she locked the sliding door, going after Mary to the kitchen where they rinsed out the cups. Walking up the stairs she was tempted to check on their children when her hand was being tugged gently before they went into their room. "I'm not in need of all that much rest grá," she told her wife honestly.

Deftly locking the door while Skye watched, Mary smiled at her and said, "Neither am I," before they fell into one another, kissing deeply while they made their way over to their bed.

"We're traveling again," Castle said to his wife as he locked the door to the guest house closed behind him.

"I know," Beckett said with a smile. "And I don't mind."

"Yeah… it's been a while since we've been there," Castle said a little absently, thinking that over. "So we'll be crowded."

"Except for the married couples?" Beckett asked him.

"Yes," Castle replied. When she pushed him slightly he laughed and then told her, "There's a reason for that."

Nodding, as they knew from their last visit that their room in the beach house was sound proofed, Beckett said, "And I'm glad for that as well but let's wait and see how tired we are for that."

"I know," Castle replied with a nod. He then looked at her as she turned to him at the top of the stairs in their room and he said, "Do you want to take a bath?"

Smiling, Beckett shook her head and then reached for her husband, taking his hands and pulling him closer to her so she could wrap her arms around his neck. They immediately began to kiss, feeling his arms wrapping about her and his hands resting on the small of her back. After they had parted she said with a smile, "We'll take one tomorrow. No, I'd like to sit for a little."

"Sure," Castle said quickly as the idea immediately appealed to him. He followed her to the window seat, letting her sit down first before he was quick to join her. Looking at her he reached over, brushing some of her hair behind her ear before he leaned over and gently kissed her. "Was that alright?" he asked her when he pulled away soon after.

"Yes," Beckett said before she bit at her lower lip for a moment. She slid closer to him and then leaned into him, kissing him deeply before he was suddenly pulling away from her. She wasn't surprised when he pulled on her until she was sitting on his lap and she went willingly, wrapping her arms around him again before they were kissing once more.

Running his hands up and down her back, Castle drew her as close to his body as he could before they were parting carefully. Pressing his forehead against hers he murmured, "I love you."

"I love you too," Beckett replied. She then smiled and said, "I didn't want to race to the bed."

"Sure," Castle said quickly. He laughed when his wife pulled back to look at him in surprise and said, "Sorry, I wanted to make sure you knew I agreed with you."

"I know," Beckett said, kissing his temple. "But there's something I want to ask you."

"Sure," Castle replied.

"Do you mind so many of us at the beach house?" Beckett asked.

"Do you?" Castle countered with.

"No," Beckett replied with a smile, knowing she had her answer with that. She brushed her lips against his and told him, "I know you wouldn't be… but it's a lot of people."

"Do you want to be abstinent?" Castle asked, hoping he could keep the disappointment out of his voice.

Shaking her head Beckett said, "I've been thinking about that. I don't think I can really resist though."

"There's a tub in the bathroom we have," Castle said. "And a shower."

Beckett laughed softly and said, "You just to make love to me in water."

"It's more if I can make you comfortable," Castle said seriously. He was a little startled when she frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm not very comfortable at the moment," Beckett told him.

Castle opened his mouth, about to ask her if she wanted to sit on the bed when he paused. Looking at her closely he then said, "To tell you the truth, I'm not either."

"Pervert," Beckett told him teasingly.

"You love me," Castle told her, moving to pick her up as he stood.

"Táim ag iarraidh ort," Beckett murmured, telling him that she craved him.

Breathing hard, Castle laid his wife in the middle of the bed telling her, "Ba mhaith liom tú," which meant he wanted her.

Beckett immediately reached up to Castle, pulling him down to her so they could kiss, becoming passionate quickly. Shortly after they began to undress, doing so hurriedly as they wanted to explore everything they could do together with the time they had the rest of their night alone.