
3. Traveling Deep Beneath The Waves(2)

"You're addictive my love," as he nuzzled her jaw and part of her neck.

"Hmm, so are you," Beckett said, running her hands through his hair. She then lowered them to his shoulders and began to go over his back until she was at his ass.

"Ah," Castle grunted as she squeezed him. "You know I'm ready right?"

"I'm aware," Beckett said. "I'm not allowed to?"

"Oh no, you are," Castle assured her. "But-" he began before he was cut off when his wife squeezed his ass again. "Will-" he tried to say when his wife was slapping him. He jerked against her and they groaned together before he breathed out, "Vixen."

"I'd like-" Beckett began before her husband was moving and making her turn onto her stomach. She looked back at him as he started to kiss over her entire back, making her bite her lower lip before he reached her ass. She expected him to start but was startled when he didn't do anything, and she glanced back at him to find he was staring at her reverently. "Rick-" she began, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Sorry it's… stunning," Castle replied. Before his wife could say anything, he leaned down and started to kiss at her, feeling her moving underneath him as he did so. He then slapped her a little hard, delighting in her cry of pleasure and he moved to kiss her again before hitting her a second time.

"Are you finished?" Beckett asked, finding herself breathing a little hard in response to what he'd been doing.

"Yeah," Castle said though he was speaking reluctantly. He laid on his back; knowing already she wanted him to do that; and he took her in his arms as she came to him. They kissed deeply before they slowed down, and he caressed her hair again saying, "Why didn't we do this before?"

"I don't know," Beckett said in amusement. She kissed him lightly and told him, "But I'm not minding it."

"No," Castle replied seriously. He smiled when she laughed, and he drew her down to him, kissing her again, before he turned her onto her back. He ran his hand down her abdomen before he proceeded to caress at it as she made slight noises under her breath. "Good?" he asked her. When she said, "Mmm-hmm," he kissed her but made it quick before he moved down further to her clit. "Wow," he couldn't help saying as he fingered it. "Still so hard."

Beckett smiled and said, "There's a reason for that." She then reached down and grabbed his hand, kissing him as she lowered her head down to his. They were kissing for a while before she got an idea and let him go, moving her hand so she could curl it around his erection. "Still so hard," she said, deliberately echoing him as he moved back to look at her.

"You're a goddess love," Castle replied seriously as he moved her hand off him and they proceeded to kiss. He felt her moaning into his mouth and he moved a little so he could lay on her slightly as he knew she enjoyed. Dueling with her tongue, he did his best to make sure he was going to do what she liked when he pulled back to look at her. Seeing her eyes were half lidded in her pleasure, her lips slightly swollen, he couldn't stop himself and crushed his lips against her. He felt her leg wrap around him and he adjusted himself enough so his hips were resting directly on hers and he moved back to murmur to her, "Do you want me my love?"

"I need you Rick," Beckett said breathily. "Fuck me lover," she commanded him.

Castle needed little else to spur him to move and he and Beckett were soon coupled, thrusting against one another. As they made love roughly they were beginning what would be several instances of doing their best to make sure they could feel as much of their passion for each other they could while their night continued.