
20. Gonna Sing My Song(1)

November 6 th , 2020

Hello again diary. I know it's been a long time since I wrote here but we've been so busy it's not funny. It's mostly been stuff like school and practice and I don't even think I'm going to write that long today, since we're going to leave soon and I'm just taking a chance right now.

We've been having a lot of fun, going to different places still but again, I don't have a lot of time for that. Shoot, Mom just called me, and I need to go. I hate to put this, but I probably won't be able to write again until we're back at home. Then I'll write a whole lot more, I promise!

"Julia," Beckett called up the stairs. "We're going to be late to the rehearsal, let's go."

Setting down her pen, Julia rushed to toss her diary in one of her dresser drawers on her clothes and ran out of the room.

"Don't run," Beckett told her, seeing her daughter doing that at the top of the stairs.

"Sorry, I didn't really write much," Julia said. "And I wrote that I probably won't be able to write in it until we're back at home."

"I'm not surprised," Beckett said. When she saw the questioning look on her daughter's face she explained, "We've been very busy. Come on," she then said once her daughter had reached her and they walked swiftly together to the car they'd be going in with Castle, Eliza and Josie.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yeah," Julia replied as her father had been talking to her. "I tried to do an entry, but I didn't have a chance to write much. I'll write when I go back home."

"Are you sure?" Castle asked after he was in the passenger seat and Beckett was starting the car.

"Yeah, it's too hard to right now," Julia said. "Plus, I want to get to focus on everything else."

"We're not going yet," Beckett said.

"Where?" Eliza asked.

"To Disneyland," Beckett replied. "I know your sister was thinking of that."

"Oh yeah, when's your birthday Mommy?" Eliza said eagerly.

"Not for another eleven days," Beckett said wryly.

Looking out the window, Julia tried to see when they would be closer to the Staples Center, but she couldn't tell until they were actually there. "I can't wait," she told her sister as she was unbuckling Josie in her car seat in between them.

"Me too," Eliza said. "But why do I need to have ear plugs?"

"We talked about it," Beckett said, going to get the baby out of her seat.

"Ma-oh," Josie said.

"I know sweetie, give me a second," Beckett told her with a smile. When she and the baby were out of the car she told the little girl, "You won't need to wear them, your sister was at his concert before."

"We'll have them on us," Castle added while they walked to where Paul had told them to go to head inside. "So if you need them we can give them to you."

"Kay," Eliza said, nodding. She smiled and said, "I'm happy I get to go."

"So am I," Beckett replied.

"Me too," Julia said before they were suddenly inside the arena and she looked around with her eyes wide open. "Wow."

"This is huge!" Peter exclaimed. He turned around before he said with a slight frown on his face, "This is where the Lakers play right?"

"It is, but not at the moment," Skye said. She then turned her attention to the stage and said, "We're here."

"Ah, hello," Paul said from where he stood at the edge of it. "You're a bit late."

"It's what happens when there's so many kids," Skye replied. "You should know," she told him jokingly. "Stay here you guys, you can do whatever you'd like as long as it's here," she said, speaking to all the kids.

Watching the two women heading up Rebecca said, "Are they nervous at all?"

"They are," Beckett said, nodding her head. "They're just trying to stay calm so they don't worry their daughters."

Glancing at them Rebecca said, "That makes sense." She then smiled and said, "We forgot to tell the rest of you, we can stay until the eighteenth."

"We're all going to Disneyland?" Castle asked as he'd heard that.

"We are," Isaac said with a nod. "But we have to leave in the morning."

"Will you have time for breakfast at the hotel at least?" Beckett asked the other parents. She did her best not to smile when the four assured her quickly they would, and she replied, "Your kids must be happy."

"Very, though I think the fact we're going to Disneyland is fighting with that for Peter's sake," Genevieve said with a smile.

"Clive too," Isaac added.

"Most likely," Castle told them with a nod before they turned to look at the stage as someone was playing a guitar. He wasn't surprised to see it was Skye, on her blue Rickenbacker, but was when Julia was suddenly running.

"J-" Beckett started to say before Skye was waving to her.

"It's alright," the investigator said. When the girl was on the stage she smiled at her wife as Julia looked out before Skye told her, "Paul wanted to show you the set list."

"Oh, sure," the girl said, shaking herself and taking the paper that the singer was bringing to her. She beamed and said, "You really took all my suggestions."

"I did, they were fantastic ones," Paul said. He glanced at everyone in the audience; seeing they were greeting his wife; and he said, "You should show them."

"Sure, thanks Paul," Julia said, smiling at him widely.

"Sweetie-" Beckett started to say when she had reached them.

"Sorry Mom, but I was keeping this a secret for way too long," Julia said simply.

"What secret?" Jim asked.

"It's the set list," Castle said.

"Did you ask Paul to sing something special?" Martha asked in confusion.

Shaking her head Julia explained, "He asked if I would make up the spaces in a list he had; there were some songs he always performs. And I did, I e-mailed Skye and she sent this to Paul." When she saw the shock on everyone's face; except for Nancy McCartney who she waved to quickly; she said in slight embarrassment, "It's just for tonight, since this is the special concert with the band."

"You picked out some really great songs," Castle said.

"Thanks, and he wanted some that weren't really going to be well known," Julia replied. She then asked shyly, "Could I show that to Mari?"

"Here," Beckett replied, handing it to her. She watched her go and said to her husband, "Did you notice?"

"Of course," Castle replied before they turned back to the stage when they heard Paul calling to them.

"Alright, we can start rehearsal," the singer called. "If you lot are ready as well."

"I am!" Julia said, raising her hand. She looked over at her sister, watching her jumping up and down and squealing and she laughed before telling him, "She is too Paul."

"Alright, we're singing this tonight but we need a bit of practice," Raj was saying from the keyboard he was standing behind. "Since we're not used to having Paul here."

"Are all of you going to be performing?" David couldn't help asking.

"I will," Jackie said, knowing he was thinking of her being there. "Luckily we have tried this, and it does work."

"What's the song?" Clive couldn't help asking.

After they'd stopped laughing Skye said, "It's called It's What You Value."

"I can see why they wanted to practice this one," Isaac said.

Nodding Beckett watched as Skye played them in and it kept playing until the investigator stepped up to the mic and began singing, not surprised the kids were very shortly after beginning to dance.

Someone's driving a 450And his friends are so wildThey're still in their stick shiftiesBut they feel they have much more styleBut I've found…

At the chorus, Castle looked to the stage as Mary and Paul were joining her for that, surprised that it ended up sounding as harmonious as it did since it wasn't the latter's song.

It's all up to what you valueDown to where you areIt all swings on the pain you've gone throughGetting where you are

It's all up to what you valueIn your motor carIt all rests on what it's cost youGetting where you areIt's what you value

Julia laughed when the McDouglas girls stopped so they could cheer their mother on, Skye playing bass there a little more prominently. She joined them in applauding her before Mari was touching her shoulder, making her turn her head slightly before she spoke.

"It's really good, they're going to sing this tonight?" the girl asked her.

Julia merely nodded before Skye was beginning to sing again and she grabbed her partner's hand so they could begin to dance. She thought she noticed two people behind them, but she was too busy moving to really check.

Someone's driving a 6-wheelerSeems the world is all blurredKnows he's in a show stealerWith a sound that's uncomparedAnd I've found…

Glancing behind them, Castle touched his wife's arm quickly while she was checking on Josie. Since the music was loud they had headphones on the baby and he could see that she was alright. When Beckett looked at him he nodded behind them, seeing her turning her head just slightly before she smiled and then looked back at the band and Paul.

It's all up to what you valueDown to where you areIt all swings on the pain you've gone throughGetting where you are

It's all up to what you valueIn your motor carIt all rests on what it costs youGetting where you areIt's what you value

When the song stopped with that, Julia was startled when two people began to applaud and looked over with the others. Her mouth dropped open when she saw the man of the pair and she looked at Mari with wide eyes.

"Is that George?" Peter asked in a stunned whisper, though his voice wasn't as low as he'd thought it was.

"Peter," Julia said quickly. She looked back at the pair as they walked by them and she watched Paul greet them, looking at her parents. "Did you know they were coming?"

"We did, Skye told us," Castle said, not sure they could really keep that from her.

"How long ago?" Julia asked.

"It doesn't matter," Beckett said, speaking swiftly as Paul was bringing the two new guests over.

"Everyone," the singer was saying. "This is Olivia and Dhani Harrison," Paul told them while the others were looking at him. "They came to hear the performance of the last song."

"Hopefully that was good enough to pass muster," Skye said; she and the band having come off the stage with Paul.

"It was," Dhani said. "You're handy with the bass."

Nodding her head Skye said, "Would need to be, they push me to it." She laughed when Raj and Barry hissed at her; playfully; and said, "Or I just enjoy it."

"They can sing that later tonight?" Julia finally said, trying not to let the words blurt out of her mouth.

"They can," Olivia said. She smiled at the girl and said, "You're one of the four from the Hamptons, aren't you?"

"Yeah, and all of us danced last week," Julia was quick to say to include all the other kids. "And that's Mari's sister Dani, and that's my baby sister Josa- Josie."

"I should give better introductions," Skye said with a slight laugh. Since she'd met George's wife and son before with the band and her family she didn't need to introduce them and focused on their guests. When she was finished she put her hand on Julia's shoulder and said, "She's quite a fan of George's," squeezing her so she wouldn't become embarrassed before Dhani was speaking.

"She's told us," the man said. "Skye told us you and Peter have danced to my father's songs."

"A couple," Julia said, blushing deeply.

"Including the one Skye and Derek are dancing to this week?" Olivia asked.

Julia was about to answer when she heard someone calling to them and smiled when she saw that it was the dancer. "You're going to practice?" she said to Skye.

"Not yet," the investigator said. "But eventually we will."

After Derek had greeted everyone the band and Paul went up to the stage and they proceeded to rehearse, performing a few of the songs they'd be singing that night. The kids were mostly dancing to them, though eventually the younger ones became tired and they sat on the chairs there were.

"Alright," Paul eventually said, stopping the band. "I think we're good and ready."

"What about the other band?" Julia asked, going to the stage.

"They're taking the day off," Paul said.

"What about you?" Julia said, almost speaking over his words before he finished.

"The tour's nearly over," Nancy said, coming up to stand with her.

"Come with us to Disneyland," Julia blurted out. She then winced and said, "Sorry, I mean I wish you could." She was surprised when they didn't say anything, the six on stage getting off before Paul came up to her.

"We are," Paul said simply.

"You are?" Julia said in amazement.

"We are," Nancy said. When the girl looked at her she said with a smile, "Paul wanted to surprise you."

"Sorry lass," the singer said with a laugh when the girl whipped her head around to look at him, her nose wrinkled. "Couldn't resist. But we are going to join you, Beatrice too."

"She's coming here?" Beckett asked, walking up to them with Josie in her arms.

"She is," Paul said. "Do you mind?" he asked, holding his arms out to her. When Beckett handed him the baby he said, "You're just growing and growing Josie." He laughed when she smiled at him before he said, "Look at those pearly whites. How's that been going for you?"

"Not too badly," Martha said. "She wants to chew and luckily they have these mittens with a rubber like end she can do that with."

"My grandchildren have had those when they teethe," Paul said with a nod. "Marvelous invention. She's not wary of strangers."

Castle was about to say something as Olivia walked up to the baby when Josie started to cry. He hurriedly took her and said, "Just a little bit," bouncing her gently.

"But that's not why she's crying," Beckett said, coming over with a bottle. "Are you okay to take her?" she asked her husband. Before he could answer she was surprised when Paul was talking instead, and she glanced at Julia after what he said next.

"We're treating you all to lunch," the singer said. "And I hope it's alright, it's vegan."

"That's fine," Castle said first after he had looked at his wife.

"Yeah, the kids will be fine won't they?" Genevieve asked.

"They will," Paul said.

"The restaurant isn't too far," Mary said. "But we'll take the cars."

Heading out to the parking lot, Beckett wondered if they'd be joined by others she knew worked with Paul for the concerts but the two McCartneys were on their own. At their car she let her husband get into the driver's seat and she turned to him once the girls were settled in the back. She was about to ask him if he knew the area from his previous trips when Julia was talking to them in the back.

"Mom, what're we going to eat at the restaurant?" the girl asked.

"What's vegan?" Eliza asked before their mother could reply.

"It means it has nothing to do with animals," Beckett said, settling for a simple explanation.

"So… plants?" Eliza said.

"And fruits, it'll be something different," Beckett said reassuringly.

"Do you want to try it Dad?" Julia asked, looking at him.

"Yeah, I don't mind," Castle said, smiling at her in the mirror. "Do you?"

Shaking her head, Julia didn't want to say that she had always wanted to try that kind of food, though she knew Paul only ate vegan when he went to that particular restaurant as he'd told her earlier since he was strictly a vegetarian. She looked out the window as they were stopping and she said, "Mary was right, we didn't go that far."

"No," Castle replied before they were leaving the parking structure they'd driven to. Once the girls were out of the car he took Josie's carrier and was going to take Eliza's hand when she looked around them as soon as they were outside.

"It looks like at home!" the little girl cried.

"Stay with us sweetie," Beckett said, taking her hand. "And you're right, it does a little."

"This way," Skye called to the others once they were all out on the sidewalk. She was talking with her wife and Oliva, about the show and the next week. "I wasn't aware you watched it," she said.

"I never have," the woman said with a smile. "But when they were asking for permission to use George's songs I decided I should see." Looking at her son for a moment Olivia said, "Dhani was surprised you wanted to sing it, but he appreciated the performance."

"It needed to be there fully," Skye replied. "Oh, we're here," she said quickly as they'd come to a courtyard between some buildings.

Entering the restaurant, the group was taken towards the back where there were more empty tables, they sat apart in smaller groups and were looking at the menu together.

"Dad, they have burgers," Julia said with a smile after she looked at the one her grandfather was holding.

"I saw," Castle replied. He glanced at Eliza who was next to him and said, "It's soy meat sweetie, not real meat but they treat it as if it were."

"Oh… can I try it?" the little girl said.

"I think you should get the alfredo," Beckett said gently.

"Will that be enough for her?" Martha asked.

"I think it's the best option," Beckett said as she'd looked at the kid's menu first.

"Mom?" Julia asked.

"It's up to you," Beckett said, knowing what she was going to ask.

"What're you getting?" Castle asked her.

"The beef teriyaki," Beckett said.

"I'm not surprised," Castle said. He looked at their second oldest and said, "Do you want to try the same."

"Go ahead," Beckett said. "But remember it's not meat."

"I know," Julia replied with a nod. She then said, "The burger?" to her father.

"Of course," Castle said with a smile. "Mother?"

"The same as Kate and Julia," Martha said.

"So will I," Jim said as he knew someone was going to ask about his choice.

When they had ordered, Paul called Julia over to where he and Nancy were sitting with Olivia and Dhani. She hurried over to him and said, "What is it?"

"I was telling them about your dancing," Paul said. "Hold on," he told her when she turned towards her partner. "It's just concerning you."

"He told them you had the idea to have the song go in and out of hearing when you danced to Shanghai Surprise," Nancy told her.

"Oh… well my parents said there was a word in there that was bad," Julia said, wishing she wouldn't blush. "I really liked the music and the other lyrics so I wanted to dance to it still. I said they should do that and we got to dance to it."

"And they'll get to dance to it on Monday," Dhani said.

"We'll do our best," Skye said, the McDouglas table near them.

"Will you be there to watch?" Julia asked.

"We're flying back to London on tomorrow," Olivia replied. "Dhani has some work to do. But we will watch."

Nodding the young man said, "Some recordings."

"Cool," Julia said. She was about to go back to her family before she paused and then asked, "I'm sorry, but I was wondering, do you still live at Friar's Park?"

"I do," Olivia replied with a smile. "I'm not surprised you know about it."

"It looks really pretty," Julia said with a nod. She heard her mother calling her and she said quickly, "When we went to Liverpool we met a cousin of George's, Jane French. She knew my gram when she used to live in New York City."

"We know her," Olivia said with a nod. "I didn't know your grandmother did."

Smiling Julia nodded and went over to the table telling Martha, "I told them you know his cousin. George's."

"Oh, good I can ask how Jane is doing," Martha said. "I haven't called her since before we left."Looking down at her food, since it had been served while she'd been talking to the others, Julia said, "Wow… it looks a lot like it's meat."

"Try it," Beckett urged her.

Glancing at her mother, Julia realized that she had already done so with her dish and she picked up a piece of the 'meat'. Eating it she was unsure at first, but then realized it wasn't that bad once she stopped thinking of it as if it was meat. "It's good," she said with a smile. "I like the teriyaki sauce with it."

"Can I try?" Eliza asked immediately.

"Here," Beckett said feeding her some. "Rick," she said, getting his attention as the was watching their daughter.

Turing to his wife, Castle was a little startled when his wife fed him a piece of it as well. He smiled at her and said, "She's right, with the teriyaki sauce it's even better.""Eat yours love," Beckett said, smiling at him.

After they'd been eating for a while Eliza asked, "What are we gonna do next?"

"We need to get home," Beckett replied.

"That's it?" Julia asked in surprise.

"I think Derek has another plan," Castle said, seeing the dancer was waving towards him and Beckett.

"We'll ask him after we eat," she said before either girl could say anything. When they had finished she murmured to her husband for a moment and then walked over to the dancer and Skye who were standing by the time she reached them.

"Derek's heading back to the house with us," Skye said first. "Bit of practice for the kids."

"Very little," Derek said. "I need to head to the studios for something before I join you for the concert."

"Not dinner?" Skye asked him.

Shaking his head Derek said, "I'll be going to a dinner with friends, but I'll meet you at the center.""Okay, come on girls," Skye said quickly.

"How're you doing?" Beckett asked in her friend's ear in Irish.

"Good," Skye replied. "Trying not to think about it."

"I don't blame you," Beckett said with a slight laugh before she went over to her family so they could start getting ready to go back to Santa Monica.


His wife's voice making him jump, Castle turned and said, "Hey love, I was just about to see if… You don't buy it do you?" trailing off when he saw the expression on her face.

"Not really, and Mary said they should be finished soon," Beckett said, taking his hand with her free one.

"She was fussing?" Castle asked, walking with her as she was pulling him along.

"Yes," Beckett said simply. They came to the family room and kitchen and she let him go saying to her mother in law, "I just managed to stop him."

"Let me take her," Castle told his wife.

As her son was holding the baby Martha said, "I wonder why they didn't just use the guest house temporarily.""It's not going to take that long," Beckett said. "Derek does need to go." She turned to her father and said, "What're you doing?"

"Getting some water for them," Jim replied as he was in the kitchen and getting six glasses out. He looked at them when he finished and asked his daughter, "Will Derek want some?"

"Get it for him," Beckett told him, watching him fill them at the fridge before she heard laughter coming their way.

"Why the other kids got to go and not us…" Castle grumbled in mock annoyance.

Beckett merely glanced at her husband before she was turning to the kids as they were coming towards them. Looking for their daughters, she wasn't surprised when Eliza was in the middle with Fleur and Julia in the back with the other three dancers and Derek. "How did it go?" she asked her daughter once she was close.

"Good, I think we're going to be ready really soon," Julia said with a wide smile.

"Tell your dad why you didn't let us go too," Beckett commented.

"Dad," Julia said with a frown, putting her hands on her hips.

"And I'm looking at you at eleven Kate," Castle told his wife.

Shaking her head, and smiling at the same time, Beckett said, "He wanted to see the dance."

"I know Dad, but since it's later in the week not until Monday and the episode," Julia told him firmly.

Castle merely nodded and walked over to the kitchen, watching as Derek said goodbye to them. "I guess it's important," he said after the dancer had left.

"Most likely," Mary said. When the others looked at her she nodded over to the backyard and watched with the others as Mari, Clive and Peter ran out to their families that had just arrived.

"I wonder why the boys' parents went to their hotel," Martha commented while they watched the kids talking eagerly to their parents outside.

"To rest," Beckett said. "They got in late last night remember," she said while the others were walking inside."How long do we have until you go?" David asked the investigator and doctor.

"About two hours," Skye replied. "I'm going to make some tea; anyone else want some?""What is it?" Beckett asked as she was the only adult who hadn't said yes to that.

"Peppermint, good for my throat," Skye replied.

"I'll take it," Beckett said. "And while we're having that I think we should let the kids head out to play."

"Play with the games we have, no kites," Mary said to hers and Skye's daughters though she wasn't too harsh in her tone.

"Oh, come on Mom," Kathleen said in mock annoyance.

"Kathleen," Mary said before she smiled and hugged her daughter quickly. "Go."

Watching them go Beckett headed out to the patio while her husband was following her, and she turned to see the others were following. She was surprised to see Rebecca shaking her head at her husband and she got her friend's attention, looking at her questioningly before the woman was speaking with a heavy sigh.

"He wanted to ask you something, I told him not to," Rebecca replied.

"Is it that bad a question?" Isaac asked.

"No, it's because you guys are here," David said, not surprised when his wife put her hand on her face. "Have you heard about their past life?" he asked.

"I have," Genevieve said, Clive's father nodding as well.

"If I gave you guys a date," David said, speaking to Castle and Beckett then. "Would you be able to remember?"

"You might want to ask him," Beckett said, nodding to her husband. "He might have a better chance of doing that."

"She's right," Castle said when the others looked at him. "How come?"

"Just to see if you could," David replied.

"Go ahead," Castle told him. When the man was getting his phone out of his pocket he said in amusement to his wife, "I knew he had something ready."

"Okay," David said before giving his friend a quick look. "September seventeenth, in 1929."

"What day?" Castle replied.

"Tuesday," David said.

Beckett was watching her husband, wondering if he actually would recall something when he was smiling and looking at her. "What?" she asked in surprise.

"Okay, I can remember it. Julia was seven, so she was at school, but we had Eliza and Alexis with us," Castle said, looking at Genevieve and Isaac to see their reactions. "Eliza was just barely two and Alexis was two weeks away from turning a year old; which meant they were at home with us. Where I'm remembering was after lunch so they were taking a nap."

"You didn't need to look in on them," Kate told her husband with a smile as he walked to where she was sitting in the living room knitting.

"I felt I should," Rick said easily. "And I didn't want to write yet."

Kate frowned for a moment before she said, "You're not having trouble, are you?"

"No, I'd just like to sit with you," Rick said. They were silent, and he glanced at her at the sound of her needles hitting together lightly. "I thought you'd already gotten Julia's scarf?" he asked. "Are you knitting one in white?"

"No," Kate replied. She finished the row she was on and then flicked out what was underneath the needles at the end of the yarn.

"That's an awfully small sock… even for Alex…andra… Kate?" Rick started to say before he realized why the sock was so tiny. When his wife nodded he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into an embrace though her knitting needles were still between them. "When?" he asked when he let her go.

"It may be February," Kate said, pleased at his reaction. She moved her knitting to the table next to the couch and let him place his hand on her stomach saying, "I waited a bit longer this time love. I wanted to be sure," as she was aware it was a little more curved which she knew meant she was further along. She then put her hand on his and said, "This will be the last though."

"It will be," Rick replied. He then looked up at her and said, "I'll be glad for that; so you won't need to go through this anymore."

Kate smiled before her husband leaned into her and their lips met before she wrapped her arms around him and they were holding onto one another tightly as they took their chance to celebrate the good news together.

"That's sweet," Genevieve said. "Amazing if it was real."

"Yeah," Castle said with a nod, not arguing that it was.

When they were left alone Beckett said softly, "I'm glad you stopped where you did."

"I had to," Castle said, taking her hand so they could sit at the table with the others to have their tea. He was thinking of the memory still and he glanced at his wife when she squeezed his hand, very aware they were both recalling it.

When they parted, Rick found that his hand had slipped underneath his wife's dress and he moved it away slowly as they looked at each other. "I couldn't help myself," he told her.

"No," Kate replied simply. She then reached for his hand and stood, pulling him over to the stairs so they could make their way up to their bedroom. When they reached the bedrooms on the second floor, she paused for a moment, looking at her husband to wait and see if their children were awake. But there were no sounds and they continued to the steps down the hall and up into their room.

Rick left the door open slightly, and then literally raced to his wife so he could help her out of her dress and then underclothing so she was naked. He followed suit himself; he'd urged her to the bed to wait for him; and once he could he was climbing onto her. He kissed her at first, deeply, until they needed to breathe and once he pulled away from her he then began kissing over her neck until he had reached her breasts.

At her husband's pause, Kate smiled and caressed his cheek with the back of her hand before she said, "Hurry love."

Rick nodded but instead of beginning to make love to her he slid down to her stomach and kissed at it gently. He felt his wife's hand on the back of his head and looked up at her saying, "I love you Kate," as meaningfully as he could.

Pulling on her husband's arm gently, Kate waited until he was above her again and she said, "I love you Rick. Please."With his wife's help, Rick slid within her sex going as slowly as he could, listening to her moans of pleasure in response to him. "Kate…" he breathed out once they were coupled fully.

"Yes…" she sighed as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Kate let out a soft cry when her husband thrust once, and she told him, "Don't stop."

"I wouldn't love," Rick told her. He thrust a little harder after a few times but was very careful, not surprised when he felt his wife's nails digging into his back. He was biting at the inside of his mouth, the pleasure intense even with as slowly as he was going, and he moved to kiss her so he could keep from becoming too loud and wake their daughters. With their tongues fighting together he ran his right hand over where he could of her body, all to allow them more time to feel each other.

Kate was moving her hands all around her husband's back, feeling him moving there as well until he suddenly stopped. "Why are you-" she began to say.

"Shall we now?" Rick asked. When she nodded rapidly to him, he started to move, and they kissed passionately while they were thrusting together. He wasn't sure why he began moving faster, but when he did he knew his wife was enjoying it as she was crying out into his mouth.

Though she didn't want to, when she reached her orgasm Kate was pulling away from her husband and crying out to him, forgetting everything but the intense pleasure he was giving her. She was pleased when he quickly joined her a few seconds later, and they were groaning and gasping out together until they stopped, sated on the bed.

"I couldn't wait for tonight my love," Rick said, rousing himself when he had enough of his strength back.

"Was this to thank me?" Kate asked with a smile, reaching up and running her fingers through his hair.

"Partially, you're intoxicating," Rick replied. "I'm that glad I'm not with the police, I'd never make it to the station."

Raising her head, Kate kissed him deeply before she told him, "Then it's a good thing you aren't." When he started to kiss at her neck she sighed and said, "We need to get up love."

Groaning against his wife's skin, Rick took a moment to enjoy that before he pushed himself to move away from her carefully. After they got off the bed he asked, "Should we bathe?"

Glancing over towards the door, Kate told him, "Quickly." She wasn't surprised when her husband nodded, and they went together to their bathroom where they began to wash one another with a washcloth. After she had dried her husband; which she had only been able to do when he'd finished with her body; she held her towel around herself and went to the bedroom to get her clothes.

Rick made sure that he moved slowly then, wanting to watch his wife while she dressed. As she slipped her stockings on, he had to sit on the armchair that was near the dresser suddenly and he was breathing heavily though he abruptly stopped when she turned to him.

Standing straight Kate put her hands on her hips and said, "You have to get dressed as well you sap. We can't be doing that again; the girls will be up, and we'll need to get Julia soon enough."

Rick's response was to stand up, striding to her and grabbing her by her arms before he kissed her roughly. Their lips crushed together he was slightly startled when her tongue slipped through his and he groaned before they began to duel until they had to breathe. "I'm sorry love," he said when they parted.

"Get dressed," Kate told him firmly before she pushed him gently to the armoire.

Nodding, Rick turned his attention to his own clothes and dressed, speeding up at the end as his wife was nearly running out since one of the girls was crying. He ran a comb through his hair swiftly and then made his way down to see who had woken up. But before he was at Alexandra's room he heard Elizabeth cry, "Dada! Dada!" Going inside, he saw the toddler was standing in her crib and he smiled at her saying, "You've had enough of your nap honey?"

"Up Dada!" Elizabeth said.

Taking her out, Rick dressed her back in her clothes she'd worn before lunch and set her nightgown aside before they went over to Alexandra's room. "She's awake love," he told her.

"I could hear," Kate said with a smile. "And since you're ready so quickly, I think we can start walking to your sister's school now."

Rick followed his wife downstairs and they got their coats before leaving the home. He hurried to his wife on the sidewalk and he walked with Elizabeth while Alexandra was being carried by her mother. When they reached the school, the bell was just ringing for the day and they waited together for their oldest to come outside.

"Ma! Da!" Julia cried once she was on the top step. She hurried down and over to them saying, "You both came," before she looked down at her sister. "They came too?" she asked.

"We couldn't leave them at home," Kate said, trying not to laugh at the little girl's surprised tone. "Come on, we'll head to the grocers and then home."

"I can go too?" Julia asked.

"You can," Rick said as they turned to head over to the store.

"How was school today?" Kate eventually asked.

While Julia was telling her parents about what she had learned, she was holding her little sister's hand and trying to keep her from pulling away from her. "Elizabeth, stay still!" she finally had to say as her sister wasn't stopping.

"Here, let me take her," Rick said, picking her up. He waited for her to cry but when she merely wrapped her arms around him he smiled at his wife before they entered the store to get the last things they needed for dinner that night with their girls.

"This is quite a dinner Kate," Rick said, following his wife with the ham that she'd made.

"We'll have enough for lunch tomorrow," Kate replied. "I'll make you some sandwiches honey," she told Julia.

"We can eat?" the little girl asked, holding Alexandra for her parents.

"Yes, let me have her," Kate said, hurrying to get her apron into the kitchen before going back to the girls. Taking the baby, she set her in her chair and sat down in her own next to Alexandra. "We need to eat all the eggs," she told her husband and their oldest.

"We can put them in the icebox," Rick reminded her.

"No wonder you wanted us to have these," Kate said as she'd allowed him to make the eggs at his insistence.

"Your ma's recipe is the best," Rick said simply, not surprised his wife was looking at him while he was carving the ham. He set two small slices on the first plate on the stack in front of him and handed it to his wife so she could put some mashed potatoes on it. Once Julia had the plate with a deviled egg and warm roll on it as well, he cut more ham for his wife and then for his own plate. With them ready they sat and began to eat, watching the two youngest to make sure they were alright.

"Are you sure they can't eat Ma?" Julia asked her mother.

"I'm sure," Kate replied with a smile, it not being the first time the girl had asked her that though she was feeding Elizabeth some mashed potatoes and smaller pieces of ham. "They have their own food. And you have yours which you need to eat."

Julia frowned for a moment before she returned to her plate, picking up her roll as she listened to her parents talking about a serial story her father was going to write for the San Francisco Chronicle.

"I think I may do well," Rick said at the end of the meal.

"You will," Kate told her husband reassuringly as he stopped her from standing. She smiled and said, "I must get the girls cleaned up."

"I can do it myself Ma," Julia said quickly.

"Help your ma after that," Rick said, getting the plates and then food. He listened to his wife and their daughters before they were going over to the living room. He hurried to make a sandwich for their oldest for school and he then went over to where his family was, pausing to watch them in the doorway from the dining room.

"What letter is that?" Kate was telling her daughter as she was holding a book for her.

"A, so it says The horse and the an-te-lope…" Julia began before trailing off and looking at her mother hopefully.

"It does, keep reading," Kate told her.

"Ran around the field, jumping for joy," Julia said. She looked up at her mother and then smiled as she spotted her father out of the corner of her eye. "Da, did you hear me?"

"I did, that was swell honey," Rick told her before he walked into the room. He picked up Alexandra from the blanket she was on before he took Elizabeth's hand. He sat next to the two on the couch and told his wife, "Should we?"

"We will now," Kate said. She took the book Julia had and set it aside before she turned to their daughters and said, "I told your da something today and now it's your turn to know."

"Are you still in love?" Julia blurted out.

"We are," Kate said with a slight laugh as her husband looked thoughtful. "But it's not that. In February of next year, you'll have a brother or another sister."

"You're gonna have another baby!" Julia cried. When her mother nodded she smiled widely and threw her arms around her mother and hugged her hard. "Oh… but do they understand?" she asked, looking over at her baby sisters.

"They will when it's near time for the baby to be born," Kate replied. She then smiled and said, "We'll have to have my ma and the others come on Friday."

"I can call them now," Rick said after he looked at his pocket watch.

Nodding, Kate watched her husband go over to their telephone by the front door and she and the girls listened in to his conversation. She smiled at him just inviting her family to dinner and once he returned to them said, "They didn't ask if anything was amiss?"

"No, they just think the girls want to see them," Rick replied with a smile.

"Good," Kate replied.

"What do we do now?" Julia asked, looking at the two.

"Whatever you'd like," Kate told the girl. She watched her go over to her games and she felt her husband taking her hand, smiling as she pulled it and then placed it on her abdomen. They spent some time like that watching their daughters as Julia was playing with her baby sisters the best she could.

"I can't believe we get to come backstage," Julia was saying to her mother. It was that evening and they were walking through the backstage area of Staples Center, about to meet with Paul and the band before the concert. "And we got front row seats."

"And I get to see my first concert!" Eliza said happily.

"What's that noise?" Martha asked.

Looking ahead of them, Castle said, "I'm not sure, it does sound like Barry though."

"He's not singing," Beckett said.

"It sounds like he's chanting," Julia said before the worker that had led them there allowed them to walk into a room.

"They do this," Jackie said, looking at the group that walked inside.

"Guys," Mary called to Barry and Raj who had their hands on each other's shoulders, chanting to one another as they bounced up and down. "Our family is here and you're scaring the heck out of our daughters.""Sorry," Raj said once he and his husband had stopped and let each other go. "We do that before cricket matches. It helps calm us."

Beckett looked at the other end of the room, spotting Skye and Paul towards the back talking to one another before they looked over towards the kids laughing.

"Sorry," the investigator said, walking to them quickly. "We were going over some last-minute things."

"An bhfuil tú néarógach?" Beckett asked as her friend walked up to her, asking her if she was nervous.

"Ar ndóigh," Skye said, which meant the words of course. She was startled when her friend suddenly hugged her but wrapped her arms around Beckett a second later saying, "You did this for me before," still speaking in Irish.

"Of course, I did," Beckett replied, pulling away. "We were sisters after all." She smiled as she squeezed her shoulders and said, "You'll break a leg."

"Thanks," Skye said, speaking in English. She turned to greet her daughters and after she had done so she greeted the others until she said, "Did you lot have dinner?"

"They've eaten," Liam assured his daughter. "And well, you?""Tea and a bit of almonds," Skye said. "What?" she said to Beckett's look.

"Nothing," she replied, knowing she wasn't going to be able to eat that much with her nerves.

"We also had a pastry from the cafeteria," Mary said. "Something sweet at the very least, for energy."

"You had dessert already?" Kathleen said in obvious disappointment.

"No, that's cruel grá," Skye told her wife. "We're having dessert right now."

"Really?" Fleur asked.

"Yes, we have a lot of time until we go on," Skye began.

"I'll be back to get you," Paul began. He then looked around and said, "Or someone will. I'll see you before you all go to the arena."

After saying goodbye to the singer Eliza asked, "Where did he go?"

"He's going to meet some fans," Mary explained. "Come on, who's hungry for some sweet crêpes?"

Laughing as all the kids were saying they did Beckett took Eliza's hand and they walked down the hall outside so they could go to the room and have their dessert.

The group ate with the band, talking together until they needed to go but not before Derek was arriving.

"I'm sorry," the pro was saying. "I got stuck in traffic all the way out here."

"At least you made it," Skye said, hugging him. She smiled and then said, "And you're here in time."

"Alright," Paul said, walking in then. "Time to go."

Skye wasn't surprised when hers and Mary's daughters hugged them and said, "Don't worry, we're ready."

"You'll be great Mum," Ivy said.

"Yeah, break a leg!" Iris added.

"Thank you, girls," Mary said when all five said that to both her and Skye. "We'll see you in the front row and as soon as the show's over."

"I can't wait to see you playing," Marie said. "This is going to be really cool."

"I hope so!" Skye said, hugging the five one more time before she let them go with the others.

"Come on," Paul told them, leading them out to the hallway once the others had left. They went near the stage and he turned to them saying, "I usually huddle up with the other lads."

"We do that," Jackie said quickly. "And we'll do it with you too."

"Then huddle up," Paul said before they were doing so in a circle. With their arms wrapped around each other he said, "Let's get out there, make all the kiddies happy, your family and friends happy and all the others who've come to listen to some music in this arena. Let us have some fun and rock out tonight."

When the group had let out a collective, "Yeah!" they parted and clapped before those that needed them got their guitars.

Going onto the stage, Skye breathed out heavily, feeling her wife squeezing her shoulder. She smiled back at her and they kissed quickly before she looked to see Raj and Barry doing the same. When they were told everything was ready, she smiled at Paul and nodded, waiting for him to count them in with his fingers before they began, Raj leading them with one of Paul Wicken's keyboards he was being allowed to use. She prepared herself to sing, doing so with Mary in the same mic as they joined in with Paul.

Sitting in the stand of the sports arenaWaiting for the show to beginRed lights, green lightsStrawberry wine

A good friend of mineFollows the starsVenus and Mars are alright tonight

Watching the dark stage with red and green lights flashing around, Julia was jumping up and down hearing Paul with the two women. She hadn't been sure Paul was going to use her suggestion for the opening but hearing it she was overjoyed.

With the instrumental after the two verses of the short song, Beckett was looking down at her daughter with a smile. She was going to squeeze Julia's shoulder but then felt a tug on her hand, looking over at Eliza who she picked up as she knew she wanted to ask something.

"Do they like her?" the little girl asked, close to her mother's ear. Eliza was glad she remembered not to yell but her mother never answered her question as the music began to change and sped up. She cried out; as her big sister was doing so; when the lights came up on the stage fully and the audience began to cheer as Paul was singing, Skye and Jackie signing back up with him as well.

What's that man holding in his hand?He looks a lot like a guy I knew way back whenIt's silly willy with the Philly bandCould be… Oo-ee…Tell me, what's that man movin' cross the stage?It looks a lot like the one used by Jimmy PageIt's like a relic from a different ageCould be… Oo-ee…

If there's a ROCK SHOW at the ConcertgebouwThey've got long hair at the Madison SquareYou've got Rock and Roll at the Hollywood BowlWe'll be there…Oh yeah…

Handing Eliza to Castle, Beckett was watching Skye while there was an instrumental there and she smiled at her friend. She could tell; so early in; that she was enjoying it greatly though she had to wonder about her nerves. She supposed that because the investigator and the rest of the band had performed in smaller spaces for smaller audiences it was a little better, but she kept her eye on her friend as Paul was going back to his mic and the three guitarists joined the singer the next verse.

The lights go downThey're back in town O.K.Behind the stacks you glimpse and axeThe tension mounts you score an ounce, ole!Temperatures rise as you see the whites of their eyes…

If there's a ROCK SHOW at the ConcertgebouwThey've got long hair at the Madison SquareYou've got Rock and Roll at the Hollywood BowlWe'll be there…Oh yeah…

"Down to the Rock Show!" Paul was speaking/singing as he raised his hand while the music changed.

Julia, holding onto the barrier in front of them, jumped up and down as the band started to chant, "Oi!" before Paul was continuing to the next verse.

In my green metal suitI'm preparing to shoot up the cityAnd the ring at the end of my nose makes look rather prettyIt's a pity there's nobody here to witness the end…Save for my dear old friend and confidante Mademoiselle Kitty

Smiling at the way the band called out the word, "Kitty," before Paul responded with the same and then they all together said the same word before playing again, Beckett squeezed Julia's shoulder as she could hear her screaming out in joy. She was surprised that she reached back to her to squeeze back but turned to the group on stage as Paul was returning to his mic after playing his guitar with the other three.

What's that man movin' to and fro?That decibel meter doesn't seem to be reading lowBut they was louder at the RainbowCould be… Oo-ee…

If there's a ROCK SHOW at the ConcertgebouwThey've got long hair at the Madison SquareYou've got Rock and Roll at the Hollywood BowlWe'll be there…Oh yeah…

If there's a ROCK SHOW at the ConcertgebouwThey've got long hair at the Madison SquareYou've got Rock and Roll at the Hollywood BowlWe'll be there…Oh yeah…

The band and Paul played out the rest of the song until they finished with Mary playing some higher chords until she stopped, and Barry did as well at the same time.

"Alright," Paul said, brushing back his hair quickly. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen and Los Angeles," he said, pausing as the audience was cheering loudly. "We have… hold on, hold on," he said jokingly, looking over at the band members as they'd started to play some chords though they'd planned that before. "Can't get on with it just yet. I must introduce this band of troubadours… this band of minstrels. Shall I?" he asked, looking at the audience.

Julia screamed with her friends in response and she laughed as Paul looked surprised before he was laughing. "These are The Rambling O'Dells-" he had to pause again as some in the audience were cheering. "Well then, I think we've all set."

"Should we start?" Skye asked. Paul had told them he was going to do that to introduce them, but they hadn't discussed what exactly they would be saying.

"Not yet," the singer replied with a smile. "First off we have Skye McDouglas, Mary McDouglas and Jackie Masterson, the guitarists." Paul waited for the audience to cheer and applaud as the three women were bowing, and he said, "Tonight on keyboards we have Raj Fox. And last on drums," he finished with. "Is Barry Fox."

Castle was impressed by the way the drummer played then, a brief instrumental before he stopped by hitting the hi-hats. He applauded with Eliza, trying his best since he was holding her still, and then looking up at the singer as he was counting down.

When they started to play, Beckett looked at Julia with a smile and wasn't surprised she was beaming herself. She knew her daughter loved the song and was pleased Paul had asked her daughter to think of part of the set list for the concert as he started to sing with Skye and Mary helping him on the background vocals.

I saw you flash a smile, that seemed to me to sayYou wanted so much more than casual conversationI swear I caught a look before you turned awayNow I don't see the point resisting your temptation

Did you come on to me?Will I come on to you?If you come on to meWell I'll come on to you

As the band was playing the instrumental, Paul was vocalizing with the two women until they got to the next verse.

I don't think I can wait like I'm supposed to doHow soon can we arrange a formal introduction?We need to find a place where we can be aloneTo spend some special time without an interruption

If you come on to meWill I come on to you?If you come on to meWill I come on to you?

Beckett smiled at the way Skye was rocking her upper body with the rhythm of the music, letting her know how much her friend was enjoying it. After the vocalization she watched Julia as she was almost hanging on the barrier, reaching over to her before her daughter was moving back.

Before you grab your coat, I'll try to be discreetYou know we can't be seen exchanging information

There was another instrumental and Julia was awed by the four guitarists, not having been aware they could do that with the song. But it worked, and she smiled as Skye was following Paul with her guitar until he was signing again, and the three women joined him for the chorus immediately after.

Well, I saw you flash a smile that seemed to me to sayYou wanted so much more than casual conversation

If you come on to me then I'll come on to youIf you come on to me then I'll come on to youIf you come on to me well, I'll come on to youIf you come on to me well, I'll come on to youIf you come on to me then I'll come on to youIf you come on to me then I'll come on to you

If you come on to me then I'll come on to youIf you come on to me then I'll come on to you

Eliza was about to start applauding; when it sounded like the song was over; but Fleur was grabbing her hand since they were standing together, and she cried, "Not yet!" before Paul was singing again.

Yes I will, yes I will, yes I will nowYes I will, yes I will, yes I will now, aha

Watching Barry, Beckett was impressed by his drumming there, knowing the man had been concerned about his efforts. But the audience was cheering, and her husband was whistling to show his appreciation before she looked from him to the stage as Paul was singing with Skye and Mary for the rest of the song.

If you come on to me then I'll come on to youIf you come on to me then I'll come on to youYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahIf you come on to me then I'll come on to youYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahIf you come on to me then I'll come on to you

When they had finished performing, Paul raised his hand and said, "Let's hear it for Barry."

Skye smiled at the drummer as he stood and bowed; not surprised to see the relief on his face before he sat back down again. They went into their next songs, all chosen by Julia, but first was This One which she was relieved the audience was seeming to enjoy, singing it as a duet with Paul. She glanced down a few times at her family and friends, pleased that the kids were mostly singing along with it.

Julia, clapping as hard as she could when Paul went to his piano to play Let It Be, was surprised that he was okay with her order of songs. But when he finished the song and moved to get back onto his guitar for the song Silly Love Songs she thought of the next songs in her head. 'Monkberry Moon Delight, Get Out of My Way, Here Today,' she thought to herself. And she had just thought of the next three songs, Press, Live and Let Die and It's What You Value, before Paul and the band were moving on.

Holding her husband's hand, Beckett looked at her father to make sure that he was alright standing and seeing he was she turned her head back to the stage.

Some time later, Paul was sitting at one of the keyboards with Raj and he said in his mic there, "Thank you, bit of a nod to our dear friend George. He might have wanted to sing that for you to dance to."

"Go on," Skye said with a smile, not surprised when the audience cheered.

"You'll all be voting for Skye and Derek, won't you?" Paul asked. He was laughing heavily at the cheers from the audience at that and told the investigator, "I think they might."

"We'll appreciate it," Skye said. "Shall we sing then?"

"Yes, we shall," Paul said, playing on his keyboard. "When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza… Hold on a minute," he said as he was taking his hands off the keys as Skye was playfully waving and telling him to stop. "That's not right. What'll be next?"

Julia was jumping up and down; not surprised the McDouglas girls were too; as Paul played the intro to the song and Barry soon joined him before the rest were as well and Paul began to sing with the women joining him for backup.

Well I was talking last nightMagneto and Titanium Man…We were talking you, babeThey said

You was involved in a robberyThat was due to happenAt a quarter to threeIn the main street

I didn't believe themMagneto and Titanium Man…But when the Crimson DynamoFinally assured me, well, I knew

You was involved in a robberyThat was due to happenAt a quarter to threeIn the main street

So we went outMagneto and Titanium ManAnd the Crimson DynamoCame along for the ride

We went to town with the libraryAnd we swung all overThat long tall bank in the main street

Well there she were and to my despairShe's a five-star criminalBreaking the code

Magneto said "Now the time has comeTo gather our forces and RUN!"Oh no…This can't be so…

And then it occurred to me!You couldn't be bad…Magneto was mad!Titanium too!And the Crimson DynamoJust couldn't cut it no moreYou were the law…

Waving her hands as the group continued to play, Eliza was squealing in joy as her father was bouncing her to the faster rhythm of the song. When they stopped and Paul went to the piano that raised up from the floor she made her father put her down before she hurried to her sister. "What's next?" she asked her when Julia had leaned down to her.

"Want me to tell them all to you?" the girl asked quickly. Julia smiled when her little sister nodded rapidly and she leaned down, talking as fast as she could before Paul started the next song, which would be English Tea. "That Was Me, Flaming Pie, Maybe I'm Amazed, A Love for You, Band on the Run-" she was able to say before the next song was beginning and she smiled at her sister before they turned to the stage to watch the performance. Going through the next songs she was glad that she'd put Maybe I'm Amazed there, as it allowed her parents to be close since her father was hugging her mother from behind. When they reached the end of Band on the Run she smiled at her little sister before Skye was speaking above them.

"We're going to take a little trip," the investigator began with, watching to make sure that everyone was ready. "Heading down to Old Siam… Sir," and with that Paul began to play bass before the rest of them joined in until she and the singer were making it a duet.

In a village in Old Siam SirLived a lady who lost her wayIn an effort to find a man sirShe found herself in the old U.K.

She waited round in WalthamstowShe skated round in ScarboroughShe waited round in WalthamstowShe skated round in Scarborough

In a village in old East Ham sirShe met a fellow who made her reelTook her rushes to show his mam sirMet his dad at the wedding meal

At the instrumental, Skye was playing her guitar and she walked back and forth a bit in front of the mic until she went back to it to sing with Paul again.

In a letter from Old Siam SirCame a terrible tale of woeShe decided the only answerWas to get up a pile of dough

She waited round in WalthamstowShe skated round in ScarboroughShe waited round in WalthamstowShe skated round in Scarborough

When a relative told her man sirHe directed her not to stayIn a village in Old Siam SirLives a lady who lost her way

In a village in Old Siam SirLived a lady who lost her wayIn an effort to find a man sirShe found herself in the old U.K.

She waited round in WalthamstowShe skated round in ScarboroughShe waited round in WalthamstowShe skated round in Scarborough

"Thank you," Paul said, waving his hand before he was going over to the piano. Once he was sitting he began playing, singing the song Winedark Open Sea with Skye's help before Mary and Jackie were joining in as well.

Julia felt her mother's hand on her shoulder and looked behind her, smiling widely before she looked at the stage. She was listening to the song closely as she wrapped her arm around her sister, eager to hear the rest of the songs as the concert continued.

Watching Eliza jumping up and down as the confetti rained down on them, Beckett debated whether she needed to pick her up before she slipped. But the little girl was fine, and she noticed that their group was starting to move. She made sure Castle was getting their second youngest and they walked together to move backstage, security helping them.

"My ears are kinda ringing," Iris said with a soft laugh.

"Are you alright?" Liam asked her.

"Yeah," Iris replied with a nod.

"Where're Mummy and Mommy?" Ivy asked.

"We'll meet with them soon," Castle said.

"Why didn't we leave with everyone else?" Fleur said.

"They wanted us to come backstage," Liam said.

"But what about everyone else?" Fleur was quick to ask.

Laughing slightly, Liam ruffled her hair and told her, "Your mums wanted us to come to see them. So here we are."

Watching the girls racing over to their mothers, Rebecca said, "That doesn't explain the rest of us really."

"I don't think she wanted to leave us out," Beckett said simply.

"Hopefully we'll get out of here sooner," Genevieve commented.

"It's not that late Mom," Peter said.

"It is, luckily tomorrow's a Saturday," Genevieve replied. She then thought of something and looked at Derek asking, "Do they have practice?"

"No, with the concert I figured Skye and Mary would both be tired," the pro replied. "Sunday morning I need the kids there too," Derek continued with. "But only until lunch for the four of them."

"Don't wear my wife out," Mary commented as she and Skye had heard that.

"Or mine," Skye commented before they were all laughing together. She then turned to her friends as some were hugging her and they were all telling her how well they'd done. "We're heading back home for the kids," she finally said when things had calmed down. "But come over for something to drink; likely tea though."

"We're heading to the hotel," Isaac said, the Fosters and Genevieve agreeing.

"Then it's goodnight until breakfast tomorrow on the beach," Mary said. And they began the process of saying goodnight to everyone before they went out to their cars to leave Staples Center for the night.

"It looks like everyone's saying it was a good performance," Castle said, setting down his phone. "And it was."

"Thank you, we'll have to get that movie out definitely," Paul replied. "I'm surprised you didn't really react to the cameras."

"I think we're used to them now," Mary said laughing. "I know the kids are."

"They ham it up for the cameras?" Nancy asked.

"Yes, but mostly our girls," Skye said with a smile. "I think they'll miss this whenever I finish."

"It'll be to the end grá," Mary said. When her wife just waved her free hand; they were holding hands with the other; she sighed and said to the singer and his wife, "You see how this goes for me."

"I noticed," Paul commented. "So we're invited too."

"For everything you can join us for," Skye said, glancing at Beckett.

"I don't care," she said, shaking her head and smiling at her friend's teasing glance as she knew she was talking about Disneyland. "I told you that was up to them."

"And Julia," Castle couldn't help saying.

Laughing, Beckett said, "I hope you'll go on a ride with her."

"Oh, many if she'd like to," Paul said. "I haven't been to Disneyland in… years."

"It's two parks," Skye commented.

"We have those two park tickets?" Nancy asked.

"Park hopper," Skye said with a nod.

"You'll enjoy that one," Mary said first. "Though…" she began before glancing at her wife momentarily. "Do you mind inversions; going upside down."

"I do," Paul said, Nancy nodding next to him.

"I'll go with you," Beckett said.

"Me too, likely Julia and the other older kids too," Castle said. "But your daughters it depends on you two."

"They're tall enough to and they love it now," Skye said with a smile. "Pixar Pier and all."

"It should be quite a birthday," Paul said, smiling at Beckett.

"It will," she said with a slight smile on her face. She wasn't surprised when the older couple stood, and she joined the others in saying goodbye to them before they were off with their driver to get to their Santa Monica hotel safely. That made her think of something and Beckett asked her husband, "Did you suggest the hotel?"

"Of course, it has anonymity enough for them both," Castle replied as they went into the house. "And it's a nice quality hotel. Plus, Paul's people looked at it."

"They would," Skye said, trying to keep him from taking the mugs they'd used for their tea.

"I've got this, you two had a tiring night," Castle said.

"Tiring but it was great," Skye said with a sigh as she sat. She looked at the table for a moment before she started to speak when her friend interrupted her to her surprise.

"What do you have planned next?" Beckett asked

"We're planning on heading to the Huntington Library," Skye replied.

"We're not sure which day yet though," Mary added. "It depends on her practice schedule," she commented, looking pointedly at her wife.

Sighing Skye said, "What she said."

"I'm guessing we're all going," Beckett said. "But are you sure?"

The investigator smiled and said, "I know, it wouldn't seem like we'd want you to come with us, but we do. The place is huge and where I proposed to her is just a small part." Skye squeezed her wife's hand when it took her own and she said, "We're going to show our three youngest the spot. And where we got married."

"I'm glad you're letting us go," Beckett said, handing her husband a towel to dry his hands as he'd finished with the mugs. "I'd like to see where you took that picture in person."

Laughing briefly, Skye nodded and said, "I'm not surprised. But would you mind going to the tea house that's there for lunch?"

"No, and if Julia found out there was a tea house she'd never leave us alone about it," Castle said jokingly.

"That's not why we ask," Mary said. "It's because there's a place to eat at the Chinese garden."

Shaking her head Beckett said, "We've had that here before."

"Okay, we'll make reservations as soon as we know what day we're going," Skye said. "And with that…"

Looking at her friend when she trailed off, Beckett followed her gaze and saw that her daughter was coming down the stairs. "Julia-" she started to say.

"I wanted to get my list," the girl said softly.

"Let me," Castle said to his wife as he picked up the copy of the set list that Paul and the band had signed for Julia.

"I'll take her up," Beckett said, taking the page from him. She glanced at Macca who had come down by then and said, "Both of them."

"Mom-" Julia began.

"It's alright, I had a feeling you might come back for this," Beckett said, letting her take the paper as they ascended the stairs. "Be careful," she told her as she expected the girl to look at the set list.

"It was so fun Mom," Julia told her.

"It was," Beckett said with a nod. She smiled when they were silent, and she could hear her daughter murmuring the names of the songs. "Okay, we're here," she told her as they reached the room she was sharing with Mari. She let her climb onto the bed and they shared a quick kiss before she left, knowing her daughter would sleep and hurrying downstairs so she could say goodnight to Skye and Mary.

Opening her eyes, Julia watched her mother leave before she looked up at the ceiling. She had thought she could fall asleep but thinking about the show and her own copy of the set list she couldn't really. So she murmured the songs, to see if his had them committed to memory, doing her best not to wake up her friend. "Winedark Open Sea, Calico Skies, Please Please Me, Whatever Gets You Thru the Night, Nod Your Head, Spin It On," she was able to say before she paused as Mari was shifting next to her. She waited a little breathlessly, hoping she hadn't woken up, but finally was sure and she went back to her list since she had scared herself enough to keep herself awake again. "Rocky Racoon," she said under her breath. "Back in the USSR, Coming Up, Yesterday, Fuh You, I Saw Her Standing There, Pipes of Peace, Save Us, Paperback Writer," she said before she paused, trying to remember the next song for a moment before she got it. "Hi, Hi, Hi," she said, smiling as she recalled how the three women had played their guitars for that one. "Hey Jude, the second Sgt. Pepper's then Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight and The End." She smiled sleepily at her memory then and thought she should go through the songs by their lyrics when she fell asleep, turning towards her friend and pressing close as her memories of that night ran through her mind.

Gasping out her husband's name, Beckett reached down to him and threaded her fingers through his hair as he was pleasuring her almost furiously. When he pulled away she breathed out roughly and said, slightly wearily, "Again?"

"You told me to make it last as long as I could," Castle said as he raised his head to look at her below him. "You're not tired?"

"We're all sleeping in," Beckett said firmly. She wasn't surprised when her husband studied her, and she bit her lower lip before looking away. When he gently turned her head she whispered, "I needed you."

"I need you too," Castle replied before he leaned over and kissed her. When they stopped he said, "How-" before she was wrapping her legs around his waist. They had to shift around for a moment before he was sliding within her body and when their hips had met he said, "How love?"

"Do whatever you want to me, but… you'll need to make me come again," Beckett said, her voice a little shaky as she'd climaxed once he'd entered her.

"Yeah," Castle breathed, suddenly pushing himself up and visibly licking at his fingertips before he slid his hand in between them both. He proceeded to rub carefully at her clit, finding it easily as it was heavily swollen. He watched her, making sure he was pleasuring her, until she grabbed him by the arm. When his wife kissed him, he groaned and moved his hand so he could hold himself up on the bed. While their tongues were tangling around each other he thrust once, not surprised at the cry that she gave though it was muffled. He eventually pulled back, thrusting by using just his hips, and he went slowly at first before he sped up gradually. When she was crying out heavily and holding onto him tighter he thrust with his entire body, going faster and faster until he was almost moving the bed as well.

Digging her nails into her husband's back, Beckett was doing her best to withstand what he was doing. But it was becoming more and more difficult and feeling her peak nearing she cried, "Rick! Please… I'm going to come if you don't… stop…"

"Do you want me to?" Castle asked, slowing down slightly.

"No!" Beckett cried before he was pounding into her. She was calling his name the second she began to orgasm, and she was relieved when he joined her in pleasure a second later. Her nails were still raking over his back and she kept that up until she was spent and limp on the bed underneath him. She gasped at his last two thrusts since they were harder than before, and she held him to her when he slightly collapsed on top of her. "Okay?" she asked with a smile as she could feel him groaning against her neck.

"Yeah," Castle finally said when he felt stronger. Raising his head he kissed her, keeping it calm but sensuous so their tongues could meet lazily until they needed to breathe and part. Pressing his forehead to hers he said, "Should we stop?"

"Unfortunately," Beckett replied before she reluctantly let him go so he could lay on his back. Once he was set she moved to press against him saying his name while she pressed her cheek to his shoulder.

"Yeah love?" Castle asked, raising his hand to lazily run his fingers through her hair.

"Do you remember the date that you recalled earlier?" Beckett asked him.

"I do," Castle said. He looked down at her and with a slight smile asked, "Do you want me to try again?" When she nodded he didn't respond to that verbally, instead he leaned over to her to brush his lips against hers before he began to turn to get his phone. "What- you have a date in mind?" he asked, when he realized why she'd stopped him from moving.

"I do," Beckett said, slightly uncomfortably. "January twentieth, in 1939… a Friday."

"Can you remember anything?" Castle asked, studying her. When she shook her head, he shared a quick kiss with her before laying back and looking up at the ceiling for a while until he began to smile.

"What is it?" Beckett asked as she was watching him.

Castle was about to ask her if she remembered anything herself but had a feeling she didn't just yet so instead said, "It was later that night and we were inside our room. I came in after getting some water and you were sitting at your vanity… you had that since you-"

"Don't worry," Beckett said in slight amusement since his voice had suddenly sped up. "I know women had that back then; and I'm not going to be the way I was back then." She then urged him, "I was sitting there…"

"And I went over to you because I was worried about you," Castle said simply though he continued quickly after.

"What's wrong my love?" Rick said, putting his hands on her shoulders and lowering his head to hers. He looked at their reflection; his cheek against her own; and was slightly startled when she let out a slight groan of annoyance and got up.

"I'm not a looker anymore Rick," Kate said, turning to lean back against the table. She glanced at him and said, "I was talking to Mrs. Jansen and she kept saying she hoped she would be as lucky as I was having three children. But she wasn't complimenting me," sighing. "She was telling me, under all that, that I was lucky you were still here with me."

Frowning; as their new neighbor was very young and obviously unhappily married to her Navy husband who was in Hawaii at that time; Rick said, "She had that all wrong; I'm lucky you're still with me." When he saw she was about to speak he quickly said, "I'm not the young big six I used to be."

"No," Kate breathed out, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Oh no Rick you still are. I love you and you're a Sheik. My Sheik."

"And you're my Sheba," Rick said firmly though he loved how steady her tone of voice was. "I don't care how Mrs. Jansen looks; she's married to another man. What I care about is why my wife thinks she's not going to make me wild for her anymore."

Though she didn't want to, Kate let go of her husband and walked away to the bed before she said, "I'm not young Rick."

"Neither am I," he replied simply.

Kate nearly spoke but she merely turned away from him and shook her head saying, "I'm not the same dame I was ten years ago."

Stepping up to her while she was turned away from him, Rick wanted to touch her but felt it wasn't the time. Instead he said gently, "We've aged my love. And what we've done all during that time is grow." He was relieved when she finally turned to him and he told her, "In our family; our love. I haven't stopped loving you just because of an age that you'll be. I love you because you're my love, a goddess that was given to me to pleasure in every way." He saw the tears welling in her eyes and he said firmly, relieved she seemed to be shaking her self-doubt, "And I will do that because I married you; I swore it to you to love you forever Kate. I intend to keep my promise." When she let out a sob and rushed up to him he was overjoyed at her embrace, holding her tight against him while he could.

"Oh Rick, I will too," Kate breathed when she felt a little calmer though she still had tears in her eyes. She looked at him and cupped his face with her hands telling him, "You've been everything I've wanted my love, since we were in Golden Gate Park. I was happy you were with us; I never wanted you to leave. We grew older and I wanted you as a suitor…" She bit at her lower lip and then said softly, "Then you were a man and I wanted you as a woman. I wanted you to love me as much as I love you." They kissed gently before she whispered, "I'll never stop wanting that Rick."

Leaning over slightly, Rick kissed his wife again, but he was a little more intense that time and he soon slipped his tongue into her mouth. Feeling her responding to him he was joyful, tangling around her tongue before they slowly parted. "Kate," he breathed.

"She wants this," she suddenly said. "To be-" Kate started to say before her husband was kissing her again.

"Shh," Rick said when they'd parted to breathe. "I don't care about her, you're my wife and all I desire." He smiled and said, "You're the cat's meow Kate."

Kate kissed him deeply before she said, "So are you. What-"

Brushing his lips gently across hers Rick stopped her so he could then tell her, "Will you do something for me?"

"Of course," Kate said quickly. She was startled when her husband let go of her to step away, and she watched with slightly wide eyes as he was unbuttoning his vest. When his tie, shirt and trousers joined it on the floor she started to ask, "Should I-" as she was starting to grab the tie of her robe.

Shaking his head, Rick didn't say anything else, undressing fully and relieved he hadn't grown fully aroused from their kissing. He then finally spoke telling her, "I don't like saying this, but it's necessary my love. Play with my cock without touching it; and you'll know how much I adore you."

Kate felt her cheeks flush but at the same time her sex throbbed, and she felt a sense of excitement at his request. Her answer to him was to push his shoulder, watching him hurriedly sit on the edge of the bed. She tugged her robe open and discarded it, hearing his rougher breathing as her nipples were straining against the fabric of her nightgown. That was lost as well before she was left in front of him naked, stepping up to him and saying, "I need some help myself Rick. Play with my cunny?"

"Yes," Rick breathed as he reached for her by her hips, pulling her against him. He leaned down and kissed around her clit roughly at first before he slowed down and then was just brushing his lips to her swollen nub. He was fully erect by then and it took little effort to help her onto him before she was moving, rocking on him while he was rubbing her back and ass. He ran his fingers through her hair which she'd let down before he'd come in, and he was soon kissing her neck once it was out of the way until they were orgasming together. He breathed out realizing they'd done so extremely fast that time and he said, "I won't have that with any dame; just you my love," when they'd recovered their strength. He was nuzzling her neck, feeling her pulse racing and he was thrilled at the feeling, knowing he'd helped that happen before she was gently making him tilt his head back.

"I was a sap Rick," Kate told him, caressing his lower lip with her thumb. "I should never have doubted you."

"I needed to show you," he said firmly. "I think," Rick said slowly. "I didn't do very well, I have so much more to show you."Kate was going to speak when her husband suddenly picked her up to her cry of surprise and she let out a soft laugh as he laid her in the middle of the bed. She reached for her husband as he moved to climb on top of her and they were kissing hungrily while her arms and legs were around him. She expected him to slide into her, but he was soon pulling away and she was gasping in surprise and then joy while he kissed around her neck before he went to her breasts. She was waiting for him to take them but when he instead nipped playfully at her shoulder she was laughing again, startled to see his heavy shudder and his eyes nearly black.

"I love you Kate," Rick told her huskily. When she caressed his hair while she looked at him questioningly he told her, "You laughed the same when we were in Daly City; that first night. I wanted to hear it for the rest of my life."

"You will," Kate told him firmly. She leaned up and kissed him passionately before they were slowly parting, and she smiled for a moment. "I love you Rick," she told him seriously.

The two kissed deeply again and they didn't stop, touching each other at the same time and slowly working their desire until it became unbearable. They coupled slowly, allowing them to feel one another more easily, and they made love that time; already knowing they would come together again and be rough once more as they couldn't resist each other in any way.

"So… the word cun-" Castle started to say when he'd finished.

"I know," Beckett told him. "I've heard of that word before and I'm not surprised I used it." She shifted a little and told him, "Rick?"

"I can't…" Castle said. "I shouldn't have talked about that but… it was what we did." He wasn't surprised when his wife carefully moved his hand from her sex and he said, "You had to do the same for me about twelve years later.""Hmm, it ended the same way," Beckett said turning back on her side as she'd moved to her back while he'd been telling her about the memory. "Which I'm really glad it did."

Castle moved to kiss his wife, engaging her tongue soon after before they had to part as they were breathless. He stared at her, caressing her hair before he said, "You know I feel the same about you now right?""As long as you know I feel the same about you," Beckett said with a smile. She leaned over and kissed him gently before she traced his lips with her fingertip and told him, "But I don't know that I'd be that worried."

"No, but I get the feeling that neighbor flirted the few times I talked to her a little too much," Castle replied. He became thoughtful and then said, "But we were passionate after those times."

Beckett smiled and said, "We were," before they kissed each other again.