
19. We Watch The Stars(2)

"Is she sweet on this boy?" Rose murmured to her sister as they walked behind the others.

"Oh no," Rick said, walking over to them as Patrick and Mary were keeping an eye on the girls. "He's not sweet on her either, they're friends and she's helping him fit in since they just moved here."

"I thought he was nisei?" Rose asked.

"He is, but they lived in Seattle," Kate said. "She's helping him here since there aren't many Japanese in the school right now."

"Hmm, I'm glad she is," Rose said. She smiled at her sister and brother in law and said, "She learned from her parents."

Watching his sister in law and the others go down the path, Rick turned to his wife and then glanced around. They were luckily on a path that provided them some cover and he leaned over, kissing her deeply on the lips. "I love you Kate," he told her.

"I love you too Rick," she replied. Letting him go, Kate slid her arm through her husband's and they walked together down the path after their family.

"I just want to make it clear," Castle said after he and Beckett were silent when he stopped talking. "Peter was Ichirou."

"I think that was a given," she replied. Beckett raised her head from his shoulder and looking at her husband asked, "Will you tell her?"

"I'll remind her," Castle said, smiling when his wife rolled her eyes. They kissed gently, and he said, "But we had a fun day at the park, dinner and the Alamo Square home… then back to Mill Valley the next day."

"It's lucky we fit into the house," Beckett said with a smile. She gently ran her fingers over his lower lip and said, "Rick?"

"Yeah love?" Castle asked caressing her hair and back.

"We can look for the houses," Beckett told him. She was startled when he didn't really react to that, instead smiled at her and she said, "Have you started?"

"No, I've been waiting," Castle told her, becoming serious. "Are you sure?"

Nodding Beckett said, "We want to see it, I feel an urge now to see it. Now that we're… so close," ending slowly as she wasn't sure about what she was saying.

"I'll see what I can do," Castle told her, kissing her after. They stared at one another before they moved and kissed at the same time. It was slow at first, but they finally deepened it, holding onto each other tightly where they could until they slowly parted, their tongues dragging out as they were still dueling together.

"I love you Rick," Beckett said seriously, studying her husband.

"I love you Kate, my goddess," Castle breathed as she drew him with her while she lay on her back. He wasn't sure how they'd worked one another up so easily but undressing each other managed to get them to the point where they needed one another, and he made love to her as soon as she drew him within her body.

Moving with her husband, Beckett kissed him, wanting them to have as much contact as possible. She knew, in their memory, that they'd made love in the Alamo Square home that March night and they needed to feel their nearness in the present before they slept. But the thought was fleeting and all her attention was with Castle, making sure she was pleasuring him as he was doing to her so well with their intoxicating intimacy as the night grew late.