
In Teen Wolf: As a Vampire

Earl Moore, has always wanted to live a life with a good group of friends, and with powers beyond that of a human, to be able to become the ‘cool kid,’ and not be a nerd. What will he do once he gains the powers? And will he be able to stop the threats which threaten him and his friends. (I do not own the cover or any of the original teen wolf characters) Yes i moved this from a different account, sue me

prata_wala · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 9

It's 2007, and I am 13 now. Another year has quickly passed. The argents left 6 months ago, and it was honestly sad. It was nice to have a little ball of happiness like Allison around.

Even my parents liked it, because with me they never actually experienced such emotions, I was always, 'mature.'

Allison was also pretty attached to me so she straight up started to cry when they left for Paris. I have to say it was really cute.

Kate was low key pissed off about the punch to her face till the end, although she didn't show it, I could tell due to my super senses.

For Chris, he seemed to have a good impression on me.

Lastly, Victoria, I honestly didn't care about her, she is a bitch who wanted to kill Scott for no reason, and I haven't decided if I want to let her stay alive.

Anyways right now my powers have significantly strengthened. Not my base strength, in my opinion that's still low at 15 times as powerful as a human. My skills got enhanced drastically though so that's a plus.

It's mainly due to the fact that I started to allow the Coven to hunt Omega's. Hunting Omega's did give me a boost in terms of power, I think if we didn't hunt omega's then I would probably not have gotten stronger.

I even unlocked one of my more overpowered skills which is unique to me.

'Clones- This skill is unique to the original, and doesn't have a limit. With proper training and concentration, the Original can create a clone. This clone has the exact same power as the original and can even think for itself. There is only 1 drawback for the skill, the entire fatigue of the clone is sent back to the Original.'

Okay I might have asked this skill from god, which was similar to a certain Jutsu from a certain anime. It's also kinda similar to a certain manga where his opponent copied his move and made 1 trillion clones.

And my coven has been complaining a little. About what you ask? Well apparently there were weaknesses for Elite-Vampires which I didn't even know about. At least what God must have forgotten to tell me.

When Elite Vampires walk in the sunlight and transform into their Vampire-Mode they die. I mean it only took so long for us to realise this because no Vampire wanted to transform in broad daylight in fear of getting caught.

I couldn't find a solution for this so for now all the Elite Vampires won't even leave their houses during daylight unless necessary.


They found this out while hunting a Omega. They never realised because wherever they went, they used my money to buy the properties, thus never had to trespass.

Also, they get affected during the full moon. This is something I already knew but I didn't care about it. As long as they just didn't leave their houses, they could behave like normal people. They have to be isolated, if they see any living thing they will go ape shit.

Luckily, the higher your rank, the more your resistance. For the Elite Vampires they need to be isolated, for the Pure Vampires, they just have to concentrate a little, like Alpha Werewolves. For me, the Original, I don't even feel the effects of the full moon.

Next up is white oak trees. Apparently there is a specific type of tree which can be used to stop vampires regardless of rank. If the stake pierces their heart, lower rank vampires while die, and since the higher ranking vampires can't die, they get paralysed.

(A/N: Original Vampire is immune.)

Hunters have found a few vampires and used these stakes, but luckily there is barely any left in the world. At least there is barely any left in the black market. I am not sure if the hunters have some stored away somewhere. If they do, I will have to destroy all of it.

But according to some texts the Vampires found from the hunters, the stake cannot affect an original.

Another thing is that the hunters have gotten onto the tails of some vampires, but something I realised in common is that whenever a pure vampire appears, the hunters run in complete and utter fear.

It's probably due to the potential growth of the pure vampires, they will make Alpha werewolves look like a guard dog.

And there was something that James pointed out. If Pure-Vampires cannot die, there might be some of them, from the past that might still be alive, and we might be able to get them back.

But it is highly unlikely, God himself did say he will take care of the race.

Anyways, right now, the amount of money I have has reached 70 Billion. I have officially reached the Top of the Top of the world.

These were not only from my original 4 projects, I have dabbled into any industry that would earn me money.

I used this money to open my bases everywhere, and the main thing is, I used nearly 500 million to buy some land in Beacom Hills and make a MASIVE Mansion, almost as big as the Moore Mansion.

And the last important thing is, I used the Manipulation skill on my parents.

I used it to allow me to go to Beacon Hills, and that it is completely their idea, which they think will be good for my growth.

Anyways I have another year, and then I can make my grand entrance to Beacon Hills.


It's been another 2 years, it's 2009 and I am 15 years old now. I am going to be attending Beacon Hills high school, and let me tell you, the world freaked out when they heard the news.

I mean, I am a genius not only I'm business but also in studies, with my powers, studying is a piece of cake.

I think someone from the higher ups leaked my documents to the media for money, and the media went nuts over it. The guy was fired a day later due to my influence, I don't like my private life being leaked.

That's besides the point, the entire world was confused as to why the genius of the century would actually move to a no name high school in the middle of nowhere.

The popular High Schools in New-York even contacted me to see if they did something wrong, and because of that I had to use my Manipulation skill to get them to not bother me. Sigh, being rich has it's downsides as well.

It seems like the Higher ups pressured Beacon Counties Mayor to take care of me well, because he personally came to meet me, and he was sweating the whole time.

Sigh, other than my public life problems, my businesses have become as huge as the Moore Enterprises. My parents gave me the CEO position to the Enterprises as well, but it's only in name for now, so that I don't get too busy.

Right now my value is nearly a Trillion Dollars, and I can basically control the entire world with the amount of money I have, so I am going to be spending it like crazy.

I mean what's the use of having so much money if I am not going to use it.

Officially, I am the youngest, richest person on the planet.

I also used the black market to get blood for the Normal-Vampires I have, the rest hunt by themselves.

For my coven, we have expanded like crazy In numbers. Even though I got no more new skills, all my current skills have benefited greatly.

Also, from this year I have given my Coven the permission to hunt supernaturals and I got the top 50 strongest Pure-Vampires of the 500 I have, and 50 Normal-Vampires to move to the Mansion I have in Beacon Hills.

Right now my numbers are 500 Pure-Vampires, 50,000 Elite-Vampires and 1,000 Normal-Vampires. These Normal-Vampires were originally who were extremely sick but wanted to live and I let them live so they requested to serve me in Beacon Hills.

I didn't bring any Elite-Vampires because they are going to be hunting the Supernatural for me.

My power level is currently 20 times that of a human. My telekinesis can be used perfectly within 5m, and I can currently create 500 clones. But the problem for the clones is, just because I can create so many clones it doesn't mean my body can handle the pressure of it.

Right now, I am in a Helicopter going to Beacon county with James. Beacon County doesn't exactly have a airport, so I took my jet to the nearest state, then I took my helicopter.

"Sir, I just got news that the Sheriff of Beacon Hills will be escorting us to our mansion." James told me.

"What, why would they do that?" I asked confused.

"Not sure sir, it's probably because the world won't exactly be able to handle something if anything happen to you," James said while chuckling.

I just laughed. I can't even die though.

I was honestly excited to meet Sheriff Stilinski. I respected this character a lot, especially the love he has for his son, and his drive to save people.

The sheriff basically gave up on his wife for his son during the Wild Hunt season. Even though he was constantly freaked out by the supernatural, he always tried to save lives.

Soon, the Helicopter landed, and as soon as I came out, Sheriff came out to greet me.

"Sir, please follow me," he said over the roaring sounds of the Helicopter.

He lead me to a limo nearby, and he was about to enter his own cop car, but I stopped him and said," Sheriff, please follow me in my limo."

"This..." as I saw the Sheriff hesitating, I just continued and said as I entered the limo," Come on Sheriff I won't bite you, I just want to have a talk with a local."

He obliged and sat in the limo.

James sat beside as the Sheriff sat at the front.

For me, it was normal, but the Sheriff seemed extremely uncomfortable due to being seated in such a luxurious vehicle.

As the limo started, I asked," so Sheriff, can I know why you came to escort me? I don't think I asked for the police to come over?"

"The Mayor of the county told us of your arrival sir, and that we must take your safety strictly." He replied.

Sigh, that fucking Mayor is annoying.

"Sheriff while I appreciate you trying to help me, one of the reasons I came to Beacon Hills is to avoid a scenario like this. Being the Center of attention, so I would appreciate it if you don't do this next time. I have trained professionals taking care of me." I said.

'He doesn't want to be the Center of attention after arriving in a Helicopter? The world of the rich is weird,' Stilinski thought.

"I am just doing my job sir," he said.

"Sheriff just drop the formalities, you can call me Earl." I said.

Then Stilinski and I proceeded to chat for a while. Even though he seemed uncomfortable at the start, I was able to get him to behave normally with me.

We first reached the Police station to drop the Sheriff off, according to my request.

As the Sheriff got out of the limo, I passed him a cheque for a million dollars.

I literally saw Stilinski counting the number of zero's 5 times, and then he panicked and said," Earl I can't take this much money."

"Sheriff, it's for the department, are you going to tell me that you don't need the money. Use the money to save more lives Sheriff." I said.

"... I mean we do need the money but... we don't need this much." He said.

"Sheriff, it's an anonymous donation to the Police Force of Beacon Hills. You can use ask much money as you want and keep the remaining." I smiled and said, as I signalled my driver to go away.

I left a flabbergasted Sheriff behind to go to my mansion.

"Sir did you need to give him that much money?" James asked.

"No, but I have so much I don't know what to do with it, so I might as well help him, who will save this place plenty of times." I said.

Sigh, school starts in a week, and I need to do a few preparations.