
In Teen Wolf: As a Vampire

Earl Moore, has always wanted to live a life with a good group of friends, and with powers beyond that of a human, to be able to become the ‘cool kid,’ and not be a nerd. What will he do once he gains the powers? And will he be able to stop the threats which threaten him and his friends. (I do not own the cover or any of the original teen wolf characters) Yes i moved this from a different account, sue me

prata_wala · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 10

The week soon passed, and today is the first day of my Freshman year. To me, it is a special day as I will be meeting the main cast today! Well, some of them.

Even so, I woke up early to get my workout and sparring in. I also had a full breakfast of crispy Bacon and Scrambled Eggs. You will be surprised how well you can cook with Vampire abilities and watching Gordon Ramsey's cooking tutorials.

Man I must say, he cooked for my family once and it was the most delicious food I had eaten, and not to praise myself, but my cooking level is reaching his.

And I already had my first big problem for the day. Which car should I drive in? I mean in my garage was all of the most expensive and latest cars, most of which were gifts from business partners, but I have too many of them!

There are 20 cars, all of which value in the millions. I took a Bugatti Veyron 16.4 which came out in 2005. It was all black, and I took it because it looked nice yet discrete in my opinion.

I was pretty proud of myself for picking a car which didn't stand out too much, but James was looking at me like I was retarded.

His thoughts were,' Wow, he really thinks it's a normal car. I used to remember when he was younger, sir used to be frugal, but eventually he got used to spending huge amounts of money like his parents.'

Sigh, I have honestly forgotten how I must have struggled due to lack of money in my past life.

As for my license, first of all, I don't think any cop would dare to stop me, and even if they do I have the 'Manipulation' skill.

As for the students, meh, let them complain. At most, the Sheriff will ask me to not drive but I have never been one for rules.

As the engine roared and I drove out of the mansion, all the Vampires bowed in my direction till they couldn't see me. Hey I didn't ask them to do that, they just started and I didn't see a need to stop them.

'Sigh, the school will go to shits because of that car,' James thought as he saw me leaving.

I just followed the GPS to Beacon Hills High School. Everyone was looking at my car, and all the branded clothes I was wearing. Just remember that this was me trying not to show-off.

I 'coincidently' was in the same class as Scott McCall and the others.

I was eventually able to ask a student to lead me to my class. The school was supposed to send a teacher to help me, but I came earlier than the appointed time so I just found my way to the class.

I soon entered the class, and was immediately able to spot some of the people of the main cast.

I just walked up, and sat beside Stiles, and as I did so, people who knew of my facefrom reading the news started to mumble like crazy.

I purposely sat beside Stiles, because I know Stiles, he is THE MOST TALKATIVE PERSON EVER. There is like no arguments regarding this.

He is a curious guy, so seeing an unfamiliar face such as myself in town, he must have a lot of questions, and I know as long as I answer them patiently I can get close with him.

If I approached him after the whole werewolf mess started, he would probably be really suspicious of me, like he was with Theo, after all, I am hiding something, and the Stiles from the future will realize that.

And right on schedule, he turned towards me and asked," So, are you new here? I have never seen you in town before."

I replied," Yes I am new, I recently moved here from New-York."

"Wait, you're Earl Moore! My dad told me about you, he said that you came from a freaking Helicopter," he immediately got excited as he guessed my identity.

"Your dad is the Sheriff?" I asked a question to which I already knew the answer.

"Yeah, he said that he wanted to escort you, but you just rejected him and dropped him off at the station." Stiles said.

"Yes that did happen, anyway, what's your name?" I asked as I raised my hand for a handshake.

He shook my hand and said," My name is Stiles." He then proceeded to grab Scott who was in front of him and said," And this is my friend Scott."

Scott was confused as he didn't understand what was going on until, Lydia walked into class. She immediately saw me and started to walk towards me.

Stiles was staring at her, completely like a love struck fool, as Lydia looked at me with astonishment.

"I did hear that the great Earl Moore will be coming over to Beacon Hills, but I didn't believe it. I mean why did a genius such as yourself come to here of all places?" She asked while twirling her hair seductively.

Sigh, I forgot, Lydia in the first few years was a popular person so in my opinion she had this arrogance, until the whole Banshee, and becoming the Psyco of the town happened and she became the 'cool' person she is of the future.

"I wanted to get out of the public eye and live as a normal student for a few years." I replied. I mean this was the official reason for my reason to move to Beacon Hills. I can't exactly tell the world about world ending threats coming here soon.

Then Jackson, a character which I hated due to his Draco Malfoy attitude, kept his hand around Lydia's waist and pulled her over to him.

He then said," You look fit, do you play any sports?"

He still had his usual arrogance against me. Sigh, when I uttery beat the living shit out of him in the future he will definitely avoid me.

"I play Badminton," I replied, waiting for the diss to come in.

"Pfft, Badminton? Do people even play that in America? Anyway, our school is one of the best in Lacrosse, you should join, you look like a natural. Try outs is tomorrow for Freshman." He commented.

Sigh, him and his Young Master attitude of 'I deserve everything'. I still remember how he used to pressure Scott to make him get the 'bite' by threating to tell Allison his secret of being a Werewolf.

But he is such a wuss that eventually he got terrified and begged to not get bitten to Derek.

After the begging incident, he let me have the tiniest bit of hope that he had changed, but when Jackson realized that he might not have become a Shape-Shifter due to him gaining immunity from Lydia, HE GOES APE SHIT ON HER. LIKE??!! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE GIRL HE LOVES.

"I will try Lacrosse to see how it goes," I replied. I then proceeded to completely ignore Jackson and turned to the idiot pair.

"So, do you 2 think you can show me around?" I asked.

"Yeah," Stiles immediately said.

Scott seemed a little hesitant, but I would let him warm up to soon so that isn't a problem.

We then proceeded to have a normal day at school.


After school ended, we all walked out and entered the school parking lot. I then realized,' Shit, my car can only fit 2 people.'

Scott and Stiles were practically drooling on my car. Scott walked up to me, excited and wanted to ask me something but I stopped him.

"Wait," I said as I took my phone out and texted my trusty right-hand.

'James, I need you to pick me and 2 of my friends up,' I texted.

'15 Minutes sir,' was the reply I got.

"Okay, I got someone picking us up, in the mean time you guys wanna check out my car?" I asked while tossing my keys to Stiles.

"Why is someone picking us up?" Scott asked as Stiles caught my keys.

"The car only fits 2 people Stiles." I said to Stiles.

" Oh my god, Scott, come on follow me," Stiles said while being excited as he pulled Scott to follow him to see the car.

"Okay calm down Stiles," said Scott who was being dragged away.

Then Lydia and Jackson who seemed to have just finished school came up behind me and asked," Is this your car?"

Lydia was twirling her hair again. I still don't get why she was always twirling her hair in the earlier seasons.

"Yes it is," I replied nonchalantly.

Then I heard my car start," RGRRRR." Stiles seemed like he was having fun messing around with the car. Scott too seemed excited but he was being really conservative and did not want to scratch anything.

I walked up to the 2 of them, leaving Lydia and a jealous Jackson behind and said," Hey if you want you can drive the car around."

"WHAT! Wait, I don't have a license." Stiles said.

"Neither do I, but didn't you say your dad was the Sheriff? Just be careful to not get yourselves hurt." I said.

I then saw an extremely excited Scott and Stiles drive the car for about 10 minutes while I was chatting with Lydia. Jackson was just listening in, but I could see his eyes following my car, being extremely jealous.

Soon James came in the Limo and drew more attention from all the students.

Scott, who just finished his turn of driving my car got down with Stiles and passes me my keys.

They then joined all the surrounding students in admiring my car.

'How can someone be so rich.'

'I thought Jackson was rich, but this is a whole new level of rich.'

'Sigh, the world of the rich is completely different from us.'

Everyone was complaining about how rich I was as I walked towards the car leaving behind the group of 4.

I then turned to Stiles and Scott and asked," You guys coming?"

"When you said someone is picking us up, you meant in a Limo?" Scott asked confused.

Lydia who didn't seem as surprised as the rest said," You do know that Earl owns a business Empire which is worth a Trillion dollars right..."

She was gonna say Scotts name, but she stops because she doesn't know it yet.

'So what, his parents are rich,' Jackson was thinking to make himself feel better till Lydia burst his bubble by saying," And he earned half of it through his own business."

"What do you even do with so much money?" Asked Stiles shocked.

"I don't even know what to do with all my money, anyway, lets get going, I wanna see the town." I said.

" Can Jackson and I come to Earl?" Lydia asked.

"Sure just follow us." I said to the 4 of them.

With that, the 4 of them proceeded to bring me around town.

'Sir finnaly has friends, he looked so lonely as he was building his Coven and business. The only time I saw him smile like he is now was when the Argents came.' Thought James as he drove us around.