
In Teen Wolf: As a Vampire

Earl Moore, has always wanted to live a life with a good group of friends, and with powers beyond that of a human, to be able to become the ‘cool kid,’ and not be a nerd. What will he do once he gains the powers? And will he be able to stop the threats which threaten him and his friends. (I do not own the cover or any of the original teen wolf characters) Yes i moved this from a different account, sue me

prata_wala · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 8

I was stunned. Did she just say she wants to spar with me? I am a 12 year old, don't tell me she wants to start manipulating me already?

"No I am fine, I am bit tired from training since morning," I said while looking at her.

It's not that I am scared of accidentally revealing my strength, if that did happen I would just use my manipulation skill on all of them.

Its that if I show off too much, Kate will convince my parents to bring me into the supernatural world, and that's not something that I want, at least not yet.

"Oh come on, you don't seem tired. Anyway it's just a little spar so no one will get hurt," she explained.

As I was about to reject again my stupid father said," I think it will be great to see your progress Earl."

As soon as he said that, my mother started staring daggers at him, causing him to break out into a sweat.

'Shit, he will kill her accidentally if he isn't careful,' thought James as he also started to sweat as well.

"Sigh, okay let's have a quick spar." I said while walking away.

'Oh lord all mighty, make sure that Kate walks away from this with all her bones intact,' prayed James as I walked to the boxing ring in the gym.


Kate and I were wearing our protective vest, headguard and gloves to minimize the amount of damage we will take.

Chris was helping Kate to put them on while James was helping me.

I saw Chris and Kate talking so I listened to their conversation while using my super senses.

"Kate what were you thinking, he is just a kid," Chris asked as he helped Kate put her vest on.

"A kid who was able to immediately fire a bow with perfection after 1 look. He isn't just a kid Chris, he is a genius," Kate explained.

"Sigh, go easy on him. Mark might seem easygoing but if you hurt Earl he will forget that we were ever his friends." Chris said.

"I know what I am doing," Kate said.

"Sir?" James said to get my attention, while helping me to put my gloves on.

"Yes?" I asked in return.

"Sir, please control your strength, we can't have the hunters keeping an eye on us, more than they already are." James pleaded.

"Aww, James are you worried about me?" I teased him.

"Yes sir, I am worried that your overpowered strength can cause the hunters to kill us all." James deadpanned.

I chuckled as I entered the ring.

Kate looked at me and taunted," Just simple sparing kiddo, and don't worry about hurting me."

I didn't reply, and waited for her to make the first move, and it didn't take long for her to attack.

I could tell she wasn't serious and was underestimating me with all the openings she was showing. If I wanted to, I could probably attack all her vital spots and make it seem like I didn't move at all.

'Hunters without their weapons are too useless. I mean if she had a hand-to-hand fight with a properly trained Beta-Werewolf she will get crushed without her fancy gadgets, let alone with me, an original Vampire.' I thought.

Kate punched straight for my face. A straight punch, to which I simply ducked.

I was limiting my physical strength to that of 1 human, but even that, if the peak power of the human body.

There are different levels for a human after all, a decently fast, and the fastest have a huge difference. For me with my current held back power, I am the fastest and strongest a human can be.

After I ducked, I could have punched straight into her stomach, and had every intention of doing so, but I didn't, I just backed off.

I was not gonna fall for such a simple trap.

Anyhow, even though it will look weird for a hunter to lose to a kid, I have not intention of losing to Kate. I should have my pride as an Original to not lose to a normal human, even if it is just a spar.


(Kate Point Of View)

'This kid, he is smart enough to not fall for the trap. But how is he so fast? He dodged really quickly, and in the split second gap he had to punch me, he didn't. He found out that it was a trap.' Kate thought.

She was originally planning to get hit, and grab the kid, but he didn't hit get.

I decided to go serious now, this kid is not gonna be so easy to deal with.

I punched him again, kicked him, and tried to tackle him, but he dodged all my attacks with ease.

Sometimes when he almost got hit, he would parry my attacks and make me lose balance.

AND HE WOULD NEVER HIT BACK. Every time I made a mistake and left an opening, I felt as if I would be blown away if I don't guard properly. It was my instincts telling me to guard, or I will feel pain like I had never before.

Right now I am panting, and the kid hasn't even started to breath heavily.

"Why haven't you attacked back?" I asked while breathing heavily.

"I learned how to defend myself, not how to attack back, so I haven't attacked." He replied calmly.


"JUST FIGHT BACK." I roared as I launched myself at him.

"KATE STOP!" I heard my brother shout, but the next thing I knew I felt like a truck hit my stomach, forcing me to kneel, and the same amount of force hit my face, and I passed out.

(Kate Point Of View END)


"Sir, I told you to hold back," James started to complain immediately.

"I did James, no broken bones, she is just going to have some bruises," I replied calmly.

I actually didn't plan on attacking her, it's just when she charged at me, I sort of got annoyed. I felt like swatting the fly away so I did.

"She's fine, just a little tired and worn out," Chris said as he looked at me, who wasn't tired.

"Wow, that was so cool Earl! You won Kate." Allison who didn't exactly understand the situation said excitedly.

I had the extreme urge to pat her head, so I walked up to her and did.

'So this is how all the MC's in novels feel,' I thought as I patted her head while she was trying to push my hand off.

Little did I know, she was secretly enjoying it.


(A few hours later)

"Earl, can you take me out somewhere? I want to watch a movie," Allison asked while smiling.

"Sure, what movie do you want to watch?" I asked, while putting my documents regarding my companies to the side.

"Well, the newest movie which is doing well is Irom Man and it just came out, and I heard the reviews were nice," Allison asked.

(A/N: It is currently 2006, and I know the Iron Man movie came out at 2008, but let's just make it seem like the MC sped stuff up from the background. Again, just because there is a minor change like this does not mean that the main PLOT will change.)

"Sure, then let's go right now," I said while walking out of my room.

"Now? I am not even ready," Allison panicked.

"Why do you want to get ready, it's not like we are going far?" I asked confused.

"Not going far? Are we not going to a theatre?" She asked confused.

"We are, we have one in the Mansion. You know what on second thoughts, go dress up neatly, and ask a maid to lead you to the cinema room." I said as I left the utterly gobsmacked Allison.

"Did he just say that he has a cinema inside the Mansion. How rich is this family," she mumbled to herself.

After going back into my room, I took out my phone and called someone.

"Hey man it's been a while, do you think you and the some of the gang can come over to the Moore family mansion now?" I asked.

"Now Earl? Well, I will see what I can do. What time do you want us there? And why do you want us there?" The unknown man asked.

"In an hour should be fine. I want to impress a girl a little so I need you guys there," I said while rubbing my nose.

"HAHA, people want to start impressing girls at a young age huh. Well I will see what I can do, make sure to keep your Heli-pads open this time. And Earl, you owe me one." The unknown man said.

"Yeah, sure just hurry up and come down," I said as I hung up my phone, and told my maid to expect guests and lead them to the cinema room.

"Hopefully she likes the movie, or I won't be able to show off," I said outload.

I entered the cinema hall, as I saw Allison waving at me, and James handing me a bucket filled with popcorn.

I took the popcorn and said to him," I have a little surprise for you later."

James didn't say anything but looked at me suspiciously.

Soon the movie began, and Allison got comfortable really quickly and started to watch the show.

'Wait...Wait...WTF, IS THIS A DATE?! MY LONELY LIFE IS OVER. No wait she is 12 I am pretty sure she didn't have such intentions,she probably just wanted to watch a movie. God I hope I don't become dense,' I thought.

A little into the movie, a few people discreetly entered the hall, but they didn't escape my senses.

'They are here, I want to see James's reaction.

I turned around to see a blushing James talking to his celebrity crush Gwyneth Paltrow. (Pepper Potts)

'James I will make fun of you for the rest of your life.'

The rest of the main cast was here as well.

After the movie ended, Allison stood up and said," Wow that was a great movie."

"We would hope so, we worked really hard for it." Robert said.

"Wait, YOUR RDJ." She exclaimed.

'Plan success.' I thought.