
In Teen Wolf: As a Vampire

Earl Moore, has always wanted to live a life with a good group of friends, and with powers beyond that of a human, to be able to become the ‘cool kid,’ and not be a nerd. What will he do once he gains the powers? And will he be able to stop the threats which threaten him and his friends. (I do not own the cover or any of the original teen wolf characters) Yes i moved this from a different account, sue me

prata_wala · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 7

I woke up early today, like I always do. It didn't really bother me that today was a Saturday, because my power is constantly growing, and if I cannot control it, not only will I blow my cover, I might even hurt innocent people.

It was 6am in the morning, and I went to the gym in the mansion. The gym is the place where I always train at with James. There is even weights for people like me, disguised as normal weights but 10 times as heavy.

The reason I train with weights is because my powers don't exactly immediately give my body 10 times the strength of a human. I have the strength, but I have to constantly train to use it, if not I won't be able to.

To put it simply, a normal human can punch around 180kg's with martial arts. For me I can punch 1800kg, but I cannot do it constantly. My first punch might be 1800kg's worth, but the second might be around 1600kg. So I won't be able to fight at my full capacity if I don't train.

I don't only lift weights, I also train in Jujitsu, Boxing and knife combat. Why would I learn knife combat when a Vampire has claws and super strength? Well that's because at one point I will have to fight without using Vampire powers to keep my identity a secret, so I need to train in the art of weapons, and I picked knifes.

I mean I wanted to learn sword skills like the cultivation novels I used to read but, I can't tell my parents I am learning self defense with swords involved.

We also had a boxing ring inside, and a gun and archery range attached to the gym which I was never allowed to use. My mother wants to teach me archery herself when I hit 15. Don't really know why that specific age.

Anyway, I got into the gym bright and early after brushing my teeth, so it's 6.30am right now.

James was waiting for me as always, ready to train and spar with me.

We then kept on special braces James was able to buy. 1 for each limb, and 1 for the waist. Each was around 100kg's each for me, and 50kg's each for James.

We then practiced general punching and kicking routines. After about an hour, we were sweating bricks, but we still were only half-way there.

We took off our braces, and now were properly sparing, daggers and protective vests included. Not like knife wounds would hurt us.

"What's your maximum power output without the Vampire-Mode?" I asked James.

"It's still 5 times the power of a human sir. And, my proficiency with telekinesis has also improved." He replied.

"Well it seems like you are working hard, considering you only unlocked your telekinesis 5 days ago." I replied.

You see, only Pure-Vampires will be able to unlock telekinesis, and they will also be able to unlock normal skills of mine eventually, but the truly over-powered skills which I have yet to unlock will be unique to me only.

I spread my senses to make sure that no-one was around, and floated 5 daggers around me. James did the same.

To be fair I could use 50 daggers at the same time but, I want to make it a fair fight. Just kidding, I am gonna thrash him.

"Then I will reduce my power to that of 5 times of a human as well." I said before I launched a dagger at him.

(A/N: Damn, it's getting annoying to constantly say,'10 times the power of a human,' and what not, can someone in the comments come up with a unit, or should I go with Power Level?)

James dodged by leaning to the side, and punched straight at my face, while using 2 knifes to attack my sides, and 1 for my back.

I smirked at his futile attempt to hurt me, and use my telekinesis to create a sort of barrier around me, and pushed all the incoming attacks away. James flew back a little, and stabilized himself before he touched the side of the boxing ring.

He then threw a dagger with his left-hand, and charged at me with one on his right. I threw all the daggers which were floating around me towards his legs, causing him to jump.

While he will mid-air, I punched at him. Even though there was a gap between us, as if hit by the air himself, James flew right out of the ring.

"Cough, Cough. Sir, were you able to finally form the skill?" He asked as he looked at me.

I smiled and replied," I just completed it yesterday. I just wanted to show off a little."

What James was talking about was the new skill I invented. You see telekinesis by definition was-the supposed ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other non-physical means.

But I found out something a while ago. If I concentrated enough, I could also manipulate air! It took a lot of concentration, and I could barely do it for more than 50 centimeters away from me but, with this I thought of a new skill.

I was able to force all the air in that little space to become compact, and if I thought of letting the pressure go, it would disperse like a bomb. But I didn't want a bomb like skill detonating 50 centimeters away from me, so, I used my inhuman strength to give the air a direction to go towards, and it became similar to a bullet!

The greatest part? I could charge the skill to make it stronger.

You see when you make air compact, there will be remaining space inside of the 50 centimetres, and air in the atmosphere will rush to fill the space. So essentially, I can charge up for a whole minute, and make the destructiveness of the skill equivalent to a bomb.

(A/N: Think of a good name for the skill, I am not too good with names.)

"So it's a draw then sir, because you did use skills above my level, so you cheated," the sore loser James asked.

"Hey, I never said I wouldn't use my telekinesis to the maximum potential I just said I would limit my strength to 5 times that of a human. You just assumed that I would follow your telekinesis progress because I only used 5 daggers. And who was the one who used 2 hidden-daggers?" I shot back.

James was like this for the past week. Since I told him about the future threats, and his possible life as a human in the future, he has opened up to me more, and I have found him to be a sore-loser.

We continued talking for a bit as we were picking all the daggers up, when I found 5 people inside the range of my senses.

I could tell who they were as well.

" Sigh, James, we have company. Mum and Dad are here for their regular work-out, but this time they brought along Kate, Chris and Allison. I don't want to continue working out with the argents here, so our session is done for today, and we will start earlier tomorrow." I sighed and said.

Even though the gym was huge, I don't like being observed. Especially by Kate.

We quickly packed up, and James passed me a towel and a bottle of water, and the 5 of them entered.

I saw my mother and Allison come in first, and Allison brought a bow. Seems like she wanted to practice her archery. I think at this point in her life she is still competing for nationals.

My mum who also uses a bow most probably wanted to do some archery with her.

My dad and Chris brought nothing, but knowing my dad, he is probably here to show off his gun range.

Kate was in proper work out clothes.

My mum walked up to me and said," Earl, you finished with your work out already?"

"Yes, James and I just ended, why do you ask," I lied through my teeth. I cannot exactly say that I don't want to continue due to the Argents being here.

"Wonderful. Well, I know I told you that I don't want you to learn archery till you were 15 but I just found out that Allison here, has already learned it and wants to practice. She has even learned it to the National Level. If she can why not you, so we will start our practice today, and it's perfect since your work out just ended." My mother said while smiling.

I really wanted to reject her, but my mother rarely asks me of things, so I sighed as I nodded, indicating I was fine with it.

"Don't worry, I will go easy on you," Allison said while smiling brightly.

"Well then how about we all watch them practice archery and then move onto the gun range?" Kate asked.

"Sure, I want to see if my son is talented with the bow as well," my dad said.

We all walked into the archery range, where my mother picked a bow out for me from out rack. My mothers a bit of a frantic when it comes to bows, like my father is for guns, so she has the best bows in the world.

Allison was practically drooling, until my mother asked her to take her pick of the lot.

After that, my mother went on to demonstrate everything, from how to hold a bow and position yourself, to how to properly pull the bow string.

She then let go of her bow-string, in what seemed to me like text-book form and hit a bullseye, for a 70m target.

No one seemed surprised, except Allison.

"Wow, that was perfect form," she exclaimed loudly.

My mother smiled and said to me," Your turn son, and do not worry about missing, it is your first try after all."

I just nodded silently. In my mind I had been analyzing what my mother did. With the amount of power I have gained, I can think 10 times fasters than humans. Not all Vampires can think this fast, only the Pure-Vampires and the Originals, with or without the skill.

It's because the higher ranked Vampires have self control, and even if they become exhausted after using the skills, they don't get thirsty for blood. But it was still extremely tiring to stay in this state for longer than a minute.

Anyway, in the short amount of time, my brain was able to analyze my mothers' posture and shooting form and made it my own.

In my mind, I had already shot the bow nearly thousands of times. But still, when I held the bow it was unfamiliar, yet felt like I have been using it my whole life.

This is another useful skill I came up with.

I awkwardly strung the arrow, and let out a short breath. After a few seconds of trying to aim properly I let the arrow go.

'Shit,' I thought as I saw the arrow perfectly heading towards the bullseye. I can't have my first shot be perfect!

Luckily it seems like James had predicted this, and discreetly used his telekinesis, so the arrow missed the target.

'I got saved,' I thought as I saw the gaping mouths of everyone there except for Allison who was straight giggling.

"That was perfect, how did the arrow miss?" My mother absent mindedly asked outload.

"Hahaha, you tried well, at least you imitated your mom well," Allison said while laughing and patting my back.

I sighed as I put the bow down and said," Seems like archery is not for me."

In reality I was thinking,' What a drag, I nearly showed off my abilities.'


(Kate Argents' point of view)

This kid, he is more than meets the eye. He is definitely an archery genius, with a little practice he might be as good as Allison, or even his mother.

I even heard Mark bragging that his son is good at hand-to-hand combat. I might be able to use this kid in the future, but first I need to see his full combat prowess.

"Earl, is it fine if we had a spar? I heard Mark bragging that you were really good at hand-to-hand combat, maybe we could have a spar right now." I asked.

If he is as good as Mark says, I need him as my pawn for the Moore family, like dad asked me to do.