
In Teen Wolf: As a Vampire

Earl Moore, has always wanted to live a life with a good group of friends, and with powers beyond that of a human, to be able to become the ‘cool kid,’ and not be a nerd. What will he do once he gains the powers? And will he be able to stop the threats which threaten him and his friends. (I do not own the cover or any of the original teen wolf characters) Yes i moved this from a different account, sue me

prata_wala · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 6

It has been another year, and I couldn't keep my my tracks clean perfectly anymore. The hunters know Vampires are back. Well, I overheard my parents talking about them.

My parents believe that the Vampires have been in 'Hiding' to amass their numbers, and my parents are worried because vampires are one of the most horrifying species, not due to their initial power, but due to their massive growth rate, which is proportional to the amount of blood they feed on.

My parents have informed the Argents and other hunters about them as well, and apparently, the Argents are moving to New York, this year.

All hunters from all over there world are moving to New York to combat the terrifying race known as the vampires.

Well, for the growth of my Coven, it has been as good as it can be. I currently have, around 100 Elite-Vampires and 10 Pure-Vampires.

Each Pure-Vampires have 10 Elite-Vampires and they are all move in groups.

All the Vampires have also been trained by James himself.

They have all learnt basic infiltrating, and hand to hand combat. They also learned to proficiently use their Vampire-Mode.

It's a lot for barely a year of growing, and I am proud of the pace my coven is growing at.

Right now, I got all of the Vampires except for James to move to another state and to stay Low.

Each group is going to a different state, and I made them stay away from Beacon Hills, they are nowhere near them.

I want to make it seem to the hunters that the Vampires have decided to lay-Low again, and don't have any power.

Well, that's the progress for the Vampires and Hunters, the progress for my business is going well as well.

I mean, I am currently the youngest known Billionaire in the world. I am not nearly at the level of my parents who own hundreds of billions of dollars, but it's pretty damn good for a 12-year-old to have 5.6 Billion dollars.

In the 4 ideas, 500 million came from monopolosong the Anime and Manga industries.

Another 500 million came from the traders. They said they have had a bad year, and I was shocked. A bad year can get them 500 million. God dam, I am waiting for the god one.

The remaining which is roughly 4.6 Billion came from Instagram and the artists form the entertainment industries.

You see I made it so they are ever growing. Artists will advertise Instagram, causing Instagram's popularity to grow, and Instagram will advertise the Artists causing the artists to grow.

And I have to say you can make a lot of money off of commercials if you age the worlds best actors signed to you.

Anyway, right now it's time for my next big project.

I am using 3 Billion Dollars of my own money to open fast-food chains all over the world.

The food will be sold at the best quality fast food can be, and at a dirt-cheap price.

I am going to open centers in every single county, and there are over 3000 counties.

The restaurants are all just a cover. Their real existence is to act as temporary bases for hunter Vampires.

It will take about a year for all these restaurants to be built, but it will be worth it.

I also got James to take a little money, and buy some land in Beacon Hills to make a fortress of a Base there. I mean, I am going to need a solid base in a place I will spend a few important years at.

Now about my personal growth. Due to me basically leeching of the Vampires growth, all of my skills have gotten dramatically strengthened.

I have also been practicing Telekinesis while fighting and have gotten decently proficient with it.

And I am currently 10 times as strong as a normal human.

Right now, I feel my growth has been stagnating from only consuming Human blood. A way to get me even stronger is via supernatural blood, which I will get soon.

The only problem is, the vampires have a target on their back from the hunters but not from the supernatural.

You see I found out how the vampires got wiped out. It wasn't just the hunters hunting them, the entire supernatural world hunted them.

Why? Because Vampires are blood sucking monsters which will kill anyone to get their powers enhanced.

Especially if drinking the blood of a Bet-Werewolf is as good as drinking the blood of 10 normal people. It's just too tempting for the Vampires.

That is why I asked the Vampires to steer clear of the Supernatural. The race doesn't need a target on their backs yet.

Right now I am in front of James, who has been loyal without telling on me so far, but now I am worried, because James is my right-hand man, and if I am going to have to worry about him stabbing me in the back... Let's not think about it, I can't have that.

I mean I could manipulate him to my wishes but I don't wish to do that. I already made him into a Vampire against his wishes, I want him on my side with his own free will.

I can make people into a puppet. You see I might cross the line sometimes to get my goals going, but I believe it's for helping more people in the long run. Also, because I don't view myself as a monster for killing those people, because they deserved it, but I will become one for making human puppets.

"You called sir, " James asked as he entered my room.

"Sit down James we need to talk," I told him.

"I am comfortable standing sir." He said.

I sighed, he has been like this for the better part of the year.

"James, do you know why I am doing this? Building a business, lying to my parents, building power? Have you ever thought about it from my side?" I asked.

"You have never told me your side of the story sir. So I can only think about it from my standing. This is also the only reason I haven't told Lord Mark about you, because I don't know if you are doing good." He said.

"You mean to say you are not sure because I only hunt the bad-guys." I asked, to which he nodded.

"I had these visions when I was younger. Visions of the future, a vision where the world will go to shit due to a lot of supernatural threats. Threats which the hunters cannot handle." I spoke solemnly.

"Such as?" He questioned.

"The Nogitsune, Wild-Hunt, dread doctors, and many more other threats." I continued to speak solemnly.

"And that's why your building the Vampire race back? To combat these supernatural forces," he asked.

"Yes. And if you still want to then, after we have combated all the threats, I will turn you into a normal human" I promised.

What I said is true, in the later part of my locked power, I had a way to make a supernatural into a normal human.

"YOU CAN DO THAT?" He questioned with hopeful eyes, to which I nodded.

"I will help you," James said in return.

(A/N: Sorry if this conversation seemed rushed)


It's been a week since then, and we are expecting the Argents.

My parents told me my fathers friend is coming to New-York for about half a year, and since our 'Mansion had been collecting dust,' they want him to stay with us.

We are at the airport right now, and I can see the Argents coming in.

I was extremely surprised to see even the bitch known as 'Kate Argent,' was here.

I have to say even though she is good looking, she is a mass murdering piece of shit and I will kill her, or turn her into a Vampire, but not right now.

I could also see Chris Argent, Victoria Argent and Allison Argent.

Chris looked way younger than he did towards the end of the Teen Wolf series, and so did Victoria Argent.

'Seems like they really do take the Vampires seriously if they even brought Kate,' I thought as I saw the 4 of them walking towards us.

James was right behind me doing his body guard duties, so where another dozen men stationed around to keep my parents safe.

"Chris, it's been a while," my dad greeted with a bear hug.

"It sure has been a while Mark," Chris hugged back.

My mother did the same with Victoria.

Kate walked up to me and bent down slightly to reach my height. She stuck her hand out to ruffle my hair to which I dodged.

She tried again multiple times, until eventually I just let her do it.

She had a huge smile on her face as she said," Wow, you must be the young genius businessman, Earl Moore. Nice to meet you, the name is Kate."

Allison at the side was giggling. She looked really cute for a 12-year-old, one could tell that she would be good looking in the future

She wore jeans with a brown jacked, and a cute scarf hanging around her neck.

She walked up to me and said while smiling, revealing all her white teeth.

"My name is Allison Argent, nice to meet you."

I shook her hand and smiled as well," My name is Earl Moore, nice to meet you too."

She started blushing. Well, as much as a 12-year-old could blush.


(Allison's Perspective)

"Mom, why are we moving again. You guys said we wouldn't move anymore, and I was just starting to make friends," I whinnied.

"We are sorry sweetheart but it's really urgent," my dad said.

"It's always urgent," I mumbled to myself.

I was fed up I tell you, we keep moving! Can you imagine finally making friends? People who finally talk to you? And you just leave?

What is worse is, I moved half way through the school year from a different country, so they want me to repeat a grade this year! Ugh!

"Don't be so sad my favourite niece, I heard that the young boy who became famous over his business is going to be there, maybe you can finally get a boyfriend," Aunt Kate said.

"I AM 12!" I shouted back. LIKE DAM I WILL GO FOR A GUY WHO IS JUST RICH. If he's kind and good looking as well then it's another issue.

"Kate stop putting the wrong idea into her mind. Allison, no dating until you're of age." Dad warned, like he always does.

We were walking towards the exit where we saw them, more importantly, where I saw him.

With his blonde, wavy hair styled to the side, and his fit looking body which his suit could not hide. Even his eyes were bright-blue Colour which was so good looking.

'He's cute,' I thought while walking towards the family.

As I saw him trying to dodge my Aunt who was trying to ruffle his hair I started to giggle. He looked really cute trying to dodge aunt Kate's arm.

After Aunt Kate introduced herself, I walked up to him, and smiled while I introduced myself.

"My name is Allison Argent nice to meet you."

He shook my hand and gave of a smile which made him look really good.

"My name is Earl Moore, nice to meet you too."