
In Mist Shinobi, Start With A Frozen Fruit!

Qian Yu crosses paths with the Mist Shinobi and aligns himself with the Snow Clan, which will ultimately face extermination. He begins his journey with the Frozen Fruit, gradually developing his powers to their ultimate form. After mastering 100 levels of Ice Age manipulation, he freezes the entire Kirigakure. With his power reaching a remarkable 200 levels, he extends his control into frozen space, rendering even time-space ninjutsu ineffective. At the pinnacle of his strength, at level 500, he can freeze time itself, bringing the entire ninja world under his control.

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20 Chs

Chapter 9: Ghostly Brilliance of the Mist Shinobi Prodigy - Ringo Yuri's Full Moon!

Yuanshi instructed Terumi Mei and Sora Hyūga to verify the truth regarding the Fourth Mizukage, while on the other side...

Mangetsu Hōzuki inquired, "What about the Snow Clan? You know, we sent two ninja swordsmen, but they've both gone missing."

Yuanshi gave him a knowing look. He was aware of Mangetsu Hōzuki's deep interest in the seven ninja swords and their wielders. Since the battle involving Might Dai, only three of the seven ninja swordsmen were still alive, and the rest had become mere legends. However, Yuanshi understood the importance of training new and young ninjas for the future, such as Ringo Yuri, Hoshigaki Kisame, and Suigetsu Hōzuki, who showed extraordinary potential. Among them, Mangetsu Hōzuki's talent shone brightly, especially considering his lineage within the Hozuki clan.

Mangetsu Hōzuki's ambition was clear. He already possessed four of the seven ninja swords, including the long needles, blunt knives, explosive knives, and double-knife flounder. However, he coveted the remaining three ninja swords, which he hoped to claim for himself. Although Samehada, the enormous sentient blade, was now in the possession of Fuguki Suikazan, Mangetsu Hōzuki didn't dare to challenge him directly. Nevertheless, he was determined to obtain the two missing ninja swords, whatever the cost.

Master Yuan sighed, "Where is the time to care about the matters of the Snow clan now?"

Mangetsu Hōzuki said, "No, this matter has to be done."

"Even the two seniors, Jūzō Biwa, and Raiga Kurosuki, were defeated by the Snow Clan."

"Something must have happened there."

"What's more, I also want to recover those two ninja swords."

Master Yuan nodded and said, "What you've mentioned makes sense."

"Then, I'll entrust this matter to the two of you."

"Remember, the Anbu sent by Mizukage-sama won't act without proper authorization."

"The investigation should be the top priority, so don't take any reckless actions."

"Understood, Master Yuan."

Yukigakure - The Snow Clan

Tōshirō is simultaneously reforming and developing the power of the entire Snow Clan while spending time with Minazuki's mother and daughter.

He also discovered that, in addition to combat, he could also refine and enhance his abilities during his free time, which brought him great joy.

Frozen Fruit's abilities continue to develop and become more powerful. But the other members of the Snow Clan, although they trust the patriarch very much, still had concerns in their hearts. After all, two Elite Jōnin were killed, and a dozen messengers were imprisoned. It seemed unlikely that Mizukage-sama and the Mist Shinobi higher-ups would sit idly by. The question on their minds was why no one had come to investigate the matter yet?!

On this day, Yukimatsu Shirogane and other elders also came to discuss matters with Tōshirō. When she saw these people arriving, Minazuki Yukina blushed and decided to leave them alone for the time being. Everyone around just smiled at her actions.

 Shirogane Afterward said: "Master Patriarch, it seems that your plan from last time was quite effective."

"Kirigakure seems to be at a loss as to how to track us down."

Tōshirō chuckled, saying, "Kirigakure's top management is most likely in turmoil now."

"But even if Mizukage is under control, he must have dispatched a ninja to investigate."

"It's just that they're not foolish. On one hand, Mizukage may have issues. On the other, our family managed to defeat two of the ninja swordsmen, so they probably won't act recklessly."

 Shirogane asked with concern, "Are you suggesting they've already sent someone?"

Tōshirō nodded, "Yes, if my guess is right, it's likely the Anbu ninja reporting directly to Mizukage."

Tōshirō had significantly improved his perceptual ninjutsu through deduction and development, which allowed him to detect someone secretly monitoring and investigating.

However, he didn't pay much attention to the ordinary Anbu operatives.

But on this day, he suddenly sensed a new and powerful chakra signature, far stronger than those Anbu ninja. Despite this, they still couldn't escape his enhanced sensory abilities.

Then, Tōshirō smiled slightly and said, "Since you're here, why don't you just come out?"

 Shirogane and the others were puzzled as they hadn't discovered anything.

The next moment, two figures emerged from the darkness outside. It was Mangetsu Hōzuki and Ringo Yuyuri. Ringo Yuyuri smiled slightly, revealing her jagged teeth.

"Are you the new head of the Snow Clan?" she asked. "The name is Tōshirō, right?"

Tōshirō glanced at her, and he recognized her as one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen from the original work. Despite her peculiar teeth, she appeared to be a cute female ninja.

"That's right," he said, "the two of you are Ringo Yuyuri and the child prodigy Mangetsu Hōzuki from the Hozuki clan, right?"

Ringo Yuyuri was taken aback, "You know me?"

It wasn't unusual for Tōshirō to know Mangetsu Hōzuki, given his reputation, but knowing Ringo Yuyuri was surprising to her.

Tōshirō smiled but did not provide an answer.

The sense of mystery surrounding Tōshirō's knowledge piqued Ringo Yuyuri's curiosity.

Shirogane frowned and asked, "Are you here on Mizukage-sama's orders, or do you intend to attack my Snow Clan like you did before?"

Finally, Mangetsu Hōzuki spoke up. He shook his head and said, "No, we can say that we came here independently."

 Shirogane asked, "Why?"

Mangetsu Hōzuki replied, "Don't worry, I have no interest in Mizukage's mission to exterminate the Snow Clan. Moreover, our Hozuki clan specializes in secret arts. How could I align with such an order?"

Tōshirō nodded, acknowledging the power of the Mangetsu Hōzuki clan's secret technique and their significance in Kirigakure. He smiled and said, "So, if I'm correct, you're here for those two ninja knives, right?"

Mangetsu Hōzuki spoke with admiration, "Patriarch Tōshirō is truly brilliant. Despite being so young, your intelligence surpasses even mine. I, as a child prodigy, am truly humbled by your wisdom." He genuinely acknowledged Tōshirō's intelligence and the difficulty of defeating Jūzō Biwa and Raiga Kurosuki.

Tōshirō smiled and stated, "I'm willing to return those two ninja swords to you, but I have a condition." The two asked in unison, "What's the condition?"

Warning: Originally, Tōshirō was from Kirigakure, but I changed it to Yukigakure to avoid future misunderstandings, as it can be quite confusing later on

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