
In Mist Shinobi, Start With A Frozen Fruit!

Qian Yu crosses paths with the Mist Shinobi and aligns himself with the Snow Clan, which will ultimately face extermination. He begins his journey with the Frozen Fruit, gradually developing his powers to their ultimate form. After mastering 100 levels of Ice Age manipulation, he freezes the entire Kirigakure. With his power reaching a remarkable 200 levels, he extends his control into frozen space, rendering even time-space ninjutsu ineffective. At the pinnacle of his strength, at level 500, he can freeze time itself, bringing the entire ninja world under his control.

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20 Chs

Chapter 10: "Surrender to Me, or Die!"

Tōshirō laughed and said, "The condition is very simple. It's that you become my subordinates."

Mangetsu Hōzuki and Ringo Yuyuri exchanged glances, realizing that Tōshirō was making a serious proposition.

Mangetsu Hōzuki: "You're saying that we have a chance to be on the winning side if we join you now?"

Ringo Yuyuri: "And what do you plan to do as Mizukage?"

Tōshirō: "I aim to bring change to Kirigakure, and I need powerful allies by my side. If you agree, you'll share in the future power and benefits."

Mangetsu Hōzuki: "But why should we trust you?"

Tōshirō: "That's a matter of choice. You can choose to trust or not. I'm not here to force anyone."

The two Seven Ninja Swordsmen considered Tōshirō's offer.

Mangetsu Hōzuki and Ringo Yuyuli were taken aback.

"What does it mean to be your subordinates?"

Tōshirō said: "Is it hard to understand?"

"Of course, it means to follow my orders and serve me."

Mangetsu Hōzuki: "..."

Ringo Yuyuri: "...Are you serious?"

"Why should we follow you?"

Tōshirō smiled: "It's not a joke."

"Right now, I'm just the patriarch of the Snow Clan."

"But soon, I will be the Mizukage of Kirigakure."

"Of course, you can pledge your loyalty to me at that time, but it might be a bit too late."

Mangetsu Hōzuki frowned.

"You want to be Mizukage?"

"Don't forget, even if the current Mizukage is no longer in power, it's not your place to take over, right?"

Tōshirō said calmly: "Yagura is no longer your Mizukage."

"He has been under the influence of illusion for years and has committed many wrongdoings."

"While I may not be a perfect choice, I believe I'm more qualified than him to lead."

Mangetsu Hōzuki immediately said, "How did you come to know about this?"

Tōshirō smiled and responded, "Who do you think spread the rumors about Kirigakure?"

The expressions of the two instantly changed.

Tōshirō replied, "Based on your reactions, I assume you've already discussed this matter, haven't you?"

"You are well aware that this is almost certainly true."

"When that happens, Yagura will have to abdicate, whether he wakes up or not."

"At that point, Kirigakure will be in chaos, and a new Mizukage-sama will be needed."

Mangetsu Hōzuki inquired, "You mean that person is you?"

Tōshirō responded, "Yes, that's right."

"Indeed, I am confident."

"Being able to single-handedly defeat two Ninja Swordsmen, as you know, gives me that confidence."

Mangetsu Hōzuki's expression suddenly shifted, but he also grasped the undeniable reality.

"So, are you acknowledging that you're responsible for the deaths of those two?" he questioned.

Tōshirō chuckled heartily, "Is there anything I wouldn't acknowledge?"

"They came to eliminate my Snow Clan, and all I did was defend ourselves," Tōshirō explained. "In this ninja world, there's no greater justification than strength, right?"

Ringo Yuyuri smiled and agreed, "Indeed, strength is the ultimate reason."



She suddenly attacked Qian Yu! Her kunai shot out instantly.


In an instant, Tōshirō's body was pierced directly! Even Mangetsu Hōzuki and Ringo Yuyuri themselves were taken aback. They didn't expect it to be resolved so easily.

"You bragged so much, and this is the only level you have?"

But the next moment, Tōshirō gently removed the kunai's blade. His body, which had been pierced, was restored, showing no scars or traces of injury at all.


It was only after this that Mangetsu Hōzuki and Ringo Yuyuri were left stunned, their faces pale with shock.

"What kind of ice escape ninjutsu is that?" Yuyuri asked. "How can you be immune to my attack?"

Mangetsu Hōzuki was equally baffled and said, "It resembles the hydration secret technique of our Hozuki clan, but it's used with ice escape."

Tōshirō chuckled. "Ah, you're on the right track. The hydration secret technique of the Hozuki Clan does have some similarities, but in comparison to my abilities, it's truly insignificant."

In the very next moment, Tōshirō casually raised his hand and unleashed the devastating power of Frozen Fruit's ultimate technique: Ice Age!

The ground rumbled as an intense, bone-chilling cold radiated from between his palms. Instantly, the entire atmosphere froze. It wasn't just the air; everything in the vicinity—the ground, buildings, and even the very earth itself—was encased in ice.

Mangetsu Hōzuki and Ringo Yuyuri attempted to evade the impending icy blast, but there was no escape from the frozen onslaught.

Thanks to the upgraded power of Frozen Fruit, Tōshirō's abilities had undergone a significant transformation. In the blink of an eye, the two figures, unable to escape, were completely encased in ice, their bodies connected to the frozen earth, leaving them completely immobilized.

The realization of the overwhelming might of the man before them dawned upon Yurei Kyodai and Ringo Yuyuri, sending shock and terror coursing through them.

Tōshirō calmly observed the two frozen individuals trapped inside a massive ice cube.

Tōshirō addressed them with a calm demeanor, despite their futile struggles within the ice.

"It seems my strength is sufficient to become your Mizukage, wouldn't you say?" He remarked casually, knowing they were unable to respond effectively.

Mangetsu Hōzuki strained to break free, but it was apparent that Tōshirō's freezing ability effectively countered their Hydration Technique.

Mangetsu Hōzuki struggled and let out a furious roar, but despite his efforts, he remained immobilized within the icy prison. He couldn't deny the truth in Tōshirō's words.

Despite the Hydration Technique's damage immunity and escape potential, Tōshirō's freezing ability proved to be a complete counter. Even after hydration, the technique couldn't save them from being entirely frozen. It was a clear-cut case of attribute restraint. Ringo Yuyuri, on the other hand, was too weak to even attempt resistance.

Tōshirō's voice resonated with a chilling determination. "I won't waste any more time on you."

"You have only two options left."

"Submit to my rule or face your inevitable demise."

"Will you surrender to me before the cold consumes you or meet your end when I shatter your icy prison?"

"Make your choice."

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