
In Mist Shinobi, Start With A Frozen Fruit!

Qian Yu crosses paths with the Mist Shinobi and aligns himself with the Snow Clan, which will ultimately face extermination. He begins his journey with the Frozen Fruit, gradually developing his powers to their ultimate form. After mastering 100 levels of Ice Age manipulation, he freezes the entire Kirigakure. With his power reaching a remarkable 200 levels, he extends his control into frozen space, rendering even time-space ninjutsu ineffective. At the pinnacle of his strength, at level 500, he can freeze time itself, bringing the entire ninja world under his control.

Sharigano · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 8: Bed Battle of Minazuki Yukina - Terumi Mei's Determination and Strategy!

Without waiting for her to speak, Tōshirō pulled her closer. In her exclamation, he embraced her tightly. A warm and fragrant presence leaned into his arms, creating an ambiguous atmosphere.

"Sister Yuki, I understand what you're trying to say..."

"I... I'm not... um!"

Yukina didn't have the chance to speak as Tōshirō silenced her with a kiss. Words became unnecessary.

In the office of the Snow Clan's patriarch, Tōshirō and Yukina embarked on a different kind of battle. The atmosphere was filled with passion, and the room grew warmer with every moment.

At the end of their passionate encounter, Tōshirō emerged victorious, leaving Minazuki Yukina breathless and blushing. She lightly punched him and said, "I just wanted to talk, but you... I never expected you to..."

Tōshirō grinned and said, "Sister Yuki, honesty is the best policy.

Yukina, with a mix of shyness and sweetness, teased, "You Bastard."

Tōshirō chuckled and retorted, "Bastard? I'm the hero who saved the family!"

She couldn't stay mad at him and, blushing, nestled her head into Tōshirō's arms once more.

And with that, their intimate encounter began again.

The Land of Water, Kirigakure.

Fourth Mizukage Yagura's expression darkened.


"Jūzō Biwa and Raiga Kurosuki haven't returned yet?"

"The entire messenger group is missing?!"

The Anbu ninja under his command replied with trembling words, "Yes, Mizukage-sama."

Despite being part of the elite ninja force, this youthful Mizukage had developed a reputation for unpredictability and mood swings, striking fear into the hearts of all the ninjas serving under him.

With a thunderous crash, Yagura slammed his hand on the table, causing a section of the table to shatter.

"What's happening here?"

"It's just the Snow Clan!"

"They have only a few hundred people at most, and just a handful of combat-ready ninjas."

"How can they resist the strength of two Ninja Swordsmen and an envoy group?"

The Anbu ninja kept his head low.

"Find out what happened!"

"Get to the bottom of it no matter what!"

"Yes, Mizukage-sama!"

And at this moment, while observing the bloodlust and cruelty in Yagura's eyes, a white-haired old man in the room furrowed his brow.

He quietly withdrew from the room and held a discussion with a few confidants. Among them were Kirigakure's Jōnin Ao, his partner Jōnin Chōjūrō, and Gonhei. The only surviving big sword, Samehada, from the first batch of Seven Ninja Swordsmen Fuguki Suikazan was also present, along with some young up-and-comers like Terumi Mei, Ringo Yuyuri, the genius child prodigy Mangetsu Hōzuki, and others.

The respected and revered elder among them was Master Yuanshi from the Hidden Rain Village. He sighed heavily and said, "Master Mizukage is becoming increasingly violent."

The elder Yuanshi expressed his concerns, "If this continues, I'm afraid Kirigakure will remain in a precarious state and could collapse at any moment. What are your thoughts?"

These individuals fell into an uncomfortable silence. The sensitive nature of the topic made it risky to speak out, knowing that any misstep could have dire consequences. Those who had endured the harsh environment of the blood mist understood this all too well.

At this moment, Terumi Mei, a female voice, suddenly chimed in. 'Master Yuan, have you heard a recent rumor that's been circulating within Kirigakure?'"

"What rumor?" he asked, placing a lot of emphasis on these young ninjas, as he understood that only they still carried the vitality and hope necessary to challenge Kirigakure's oppressive regime. Terumi Mei, in particular, was among the most promising.

Terumi Mei continued, "There's a rumor going around that the Fourth Mizukage..."

"...has been under the influence of a powerful illusion."

"This would explain his increased violence and cruelty, as well as the worsening blood mist."

Master Yuan's expression changed immediately as he responded, "You can't speak carelessly about such matters."

"Is the source of this rumor reliable?"

Terumi Mei shook her head and explained, "The source is not reliable, it's just a rumor circulating in Kirigakure."

"Nevertheless, I think it's a possibility."

"After all, the Fourth Mizukage's transformation was quite sudden."

The other ninjas present stared at Terumi Mei, a mix of shock and admiration in their eyes.

She remained composed, evidently ready for any consequences.

The other ninjas present continued to gaze at Terumi Mei in disbelief.

How could she dare to speak such words...

Despite the shock, many couldn't help but admire her courage and determination.

Terumi Mei remained composed, showing that she was ready to face any consequences.

Master Yuan inquired, "Then, if it were you, how would you handle such a situation?"

His question appeared to test Terumi Mei's resolve.

In response, Terumi Mei replied, "With Kirigakure in its current state, it's on the brink of collapse."

"It's akin to a severely wounded person fighting for their life. When there's even a glimmer of hope, I'll hold onto it with all my might."

"I'll make every effort to confirm the validity of this rumor."

"For instance, using the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan, we might discover relevant clues."

Sora was taken aback and stared at Terumi Mei in astonishment.

"I... I..." he hesitated and couldn't find the words to respond.

Master Yuan nodded approvingly, saying, "You're absolutely right, Terumi Mei."

"The present Kirigakure desperately needs young talents like you. You possess determination and vigor, a ninja spirit that has not wavered."

He gazed at those present and continued, "That's the plan."

"Terumi Mei, Sora Hyūga."

"Without delay, find a way to verify the accuracy of the information concerning Fourth Mizukage!"

"Subsequently, report back to me, and we will make a decision."

"Yes, Master Yuan!" Terumi Mei and Sora Hyūga acknowledged.

The turbulence within Kirigakure escalated rapidly, with top management facing a precarious situation, and other groups of ninja hatching their own plans. Among them, a faction led by Momochi Zabuza was conspiring to carry out a rebellion.

Their objectives were clear: eliminate the current Mizukage, orchestrate a coup d'état, and assume control over Kirigakure. The entire village was now engulfed in turmoil and upheaval as power struggles and conspiracies unfolded.