
In MCU with wish (MARVEL)

"My child," God said, "I have been watching you, and I know how much you loved the worlds of fiction and fantasy. I also know that your time on Earth was cut short, and that you had many unfulfilled dreams and desires." John nodded, unable to find his voice. He had always believed in God, but he had never expected to come face to face with the Creator of the universe. "Because of your love for the worlds of fiction," God continued, "I have decided to grant you a special opportunity. You may choose to be reincarnated into one of your favorite fictional worlds, with three wishes to guide you on your journey." Like always "I'm new to writing ,english is not my first language,my third actually. " [The cover isn't mine , i found it on Pinterest.]

black_sun · Movies
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

The next morning, Ian woke up early in his small, rundown house in St. Kilda. He looked out the window at the gloomy, foggy weather outside, typical of the harsh living conditions in this era. He stretched his well-toned Saiyan body, feeling refreshed and energized after a good night's sleep. He had to be cautious about using the Omnitrix openly, as he didn't want to disrupt the timeline or draw unnecessary attention to himself. Despite he couldn't help but feel excited about the possibilities that the Omnitrix had opened up for him.

Ian put on his tattered clothes and headed to the small makeshift kitchen in his apartment. To his surprise, he found his mother, Mairi, already there, preparing the porridge with the limited supplies they had. She looked tired and weary, her once vibrant spirit dulled by the harsh living conditions they were facing in St. Kilda. Ian felt a pang of sadness in his heart as he looked at his mother, who had sacrificed so much for him.

Over the course of ten years, Ian had developed a deep bond with his new mother. Despite Ian being a reincarnatior and already had a mother he dearly loved in his previous world , Mairi motherly love had touched Ian's heart and melted away his initial reservations. He was amazed by her resilience and unwavering spirit, despite the harsh living conditions in St Kilda. Her warmth and kindness had slowly chipped away at Ian's stoic demeanor, and he had come to regard her as a second mother.

Ian often helped her with various tasks, from repairing her cottage to gathering firewood, and they spent many evenings sitting by the fireplace, sharing stories and laughter. She had become a pillar of strength for Ian, and he was grateful for the motherly love and care she had shown him.

"Morning, Mom," Ian said softly, walking up to her. "Let me take over. You've been working so hard."

Mairi looked up at her son, her eyes filled with gratitude. She nodded and stepped aside, allowing Ian to take over the cooking. Ian took out the dried fruits he had saved and added them to the porridge, giving it a touch of sweetness and flavor. He stirred the pot with care, making sure the porridge was cooked to perfection.

As they sat down to eat, Ian couldn't help but feel sorry for his mother's living conditions. She had done everything she could to provide for him, despite the hardships they faced. He knew he had to do something to change their situation. Ian had always insisted to work and let her rest but his mother was to stubborn.Those harsh labours were nothing to him but alas she believed her struggle and pain was a trial set by god to test her. Her faith in god was to stong, that to in a harmful way .

"Mom," Ian said earnestly, looking into his mother's eyes, "I promise you, I'm going to change our living conditions. I won't let us struggle like this anymore. I'll find a way to make things better."

Mrs. Matthews smiled weakly, touched by her son's determination. "I believe in you, Ian," she said softly. "You've always been strong and resourceful. I know you can do it."

As they ate, he reflected on his plans for the day.

He needed to start working on creating the advanced weapons and training equipment he needed to push his limits further. He had already used the Omnitrix to transform into Grey Matter, the genius-level intellect alien, and had come up with some rough blueprints for the technology he needed. He would need to gather materials and find a suitable location for his workshop.

After finishing his breakfast, Ian grabbed his bag and with the Omnitrix which took the form of a iron bracelet resting in his arm.

Ian made his way through the narrow, winding streets of St. Kilda, carefully avoiding the watchful eyes of the locals. He had to be cautious not to draw too much attention to himself, as he didn't want anyone to discover the place he was going to set up as his makeshift workshop . He made his way to a rocky cliff that he had scouted earlier as a potential location for his workshop.

The cliffs of St. Kilda had a dramatic and imposing presence, with their sheer faces plunging down into the churning sea below. They create a stunning backdrop against the ever-changing skies, with waves crashing against the base of the cliffs, sending plumes of spray into the air. Standing at the edge of these rocky cliffs, one can feel the raw power of nature and be awestruck by the rugged beauty of this remote and wild landscape.

Ian found a secluded spot on the steep side of the cliff, facing the shore, and decided to set up his workshop there. The rocky terrain was challenging, but he was determined to make the most of the unique location. With the crashing waves of the North Atlantic Ocean as his backdrop and the rugged cliffs as his inspiration, Ian set about creating his workshop in this awe-inspiring setting. He carefully carved out a space in the rocky cliff, using his resourcess and raw power to create a functional workspace amidst the challenging environment. It was not easy, but Ian's determination and ingenuity prevailed as he transformed the rocky cliff into a place where he could work . The sheer beauty and raw power of the cliffside location filled him with inspiration and motivation. Despite the difficulties posed by the rugged terrain, Ian found solace and purpose in his workshop nestled in the steep side of the cliff, overlooking the shore of St. Kilda.

Using his enhanced intellect as Grey Matter, Ian quickly devised a plan to transform his new lair into his secret laboratory. He gathered the necessary materials, salvaging scraps of metal and technology using his transformation upgrade, and set to work. With his superior intelligence and technical skills, he worked tirelessly for hours, designing and building advanced weapons, training equipment, and other gadgets that he would need for his training regimen.

As the day turned into night, Ian finally completed his makeshift workshop inside the cliff. He stood back, admiring his handiwork, and was satisfied with the results. He had also created a high-tech training facility that would allow him to further push his limits and enhance his Saiyan powers.

Ian transformed back into his Saiyan form and looked at the Omnitrix on his wrist. He was grateful for the added features and powers it had granted him. With the Absolute Mind Shield and the Absolutely Cosmic Concealer, he was now better protected against potential threats. He was also excited about the new abilities he could access by transforming into various alien species.

With his workshop now ready, Ian was eager to start his intense training regimen once again. He knew he had come a long way in the past three years, but he was determined to continue pushing his limits and unlocking new levels of power. He had a singular focus: to become the strongest warrior in the universe ... (Ok just kidding i don't really have a goal for now, at least, maybe.)

But one thing Ian knew for sure was that 'with great power comes great responsibility' , but he kinda wanted to use it irresponsibly.

[AN-Sorry fo the late update, anyways thanks for reading , i hope you enjoyed .]