
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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138 Chs

First prey

Max and others boarded the Angel of Destruction, and then Max went to the command center of the ship and brought out the Captain Jack's Compass. He set his destination, which is Coco Village, the village of Nami.

In the East Sea, Arlong is the one with the highest bounty, so Max's first target is him.

The compass needle started to rotate and halted in a NE direction as he held it and wished for it to guide him in the direction of Coco Village. The compass was then inserted into the ship scanner so that the A.I. could read it. He gave the order, "Follow this compass."

"Yes, sir," an electronic female voice, the ship's artificial intelligence, answered.

The ship soon began to move in the direction indicated by the compass. Max then entered the modest laboratory he had constructed. When he arrived, he whispered, "I should create Focus and the suits for the crew," adding that he had begun building a 3D printer to aid him in his work.

On the other side,

After 4 days

Bucky and Felicia are training as usual, but this time two more people have joined them: Ace and Deuce.

Bucky first told them to do physical exercise first, then they could join them in training.

Both Ace and Deuce then started training rigorously; Ace, in particular, is training harder so that he can defeat Max.

"Poor guy, he thinks he can defeat Max." Felicia made a statement about Ace's diligence.

"At least he got some motivation from it, but I have to say his growth is amazing. He wasn't able to do much of the basic exercise initially, and now, just after some days, he can already do 500 sets of it easily," Bucky responded, talking about Ace's unbelievable development.

"Don't judge this world's people by our standards; Max did say people in this world have a better physique than ours," Felica stated, remembering Max's words.

"Hmm, true, I almost forgot about that." Bucky nodded.

Max walked into the training area and said, "You guys are training hard; well done."

Ace yelled, "Just wait; I will defeat you and form a pirate group with this ship," as soon as he heard Max speak.

"You are welcome to try, but until you defeat me, be an obedient bounty hunter of my Moonlight League," Max said with a sneer.

In an attempt to inspire Ace even more, Max said, "How about this? If you can hunt a pirate with over 500 million bounty, I will give you a mythical zoan devil fruit." Ace is descended from Roger, and since he is a man who can tie with peak White Beard even when critically ill, Ace will never be less talented than Roger, and Max wants to bring out the best in him.

Originally, Ace didn't grow much because of two factors: first, the Logia devil fruit, which made him neglect his physical training; and second, the protection of the strongest man, Edward Newgate. But Max is not Newgate; he will definitely push this guy to the limit of his potential and not let him waste his talent.

"Are you saying the truth?" Ace asked suspiciously.

"Of course, remember the fruit Bucky snatched from you? That is a devil fruit that can give unimaginable powers to its eater," remarked Max.

"Bastard, doesn't that mean you're just returning my stuff to me?" Ace shouted in response to Max's shamelessness.

"The one Bucky snatched is just flame fruit, a waste fruit that can just let its user wield flames, and the one I am going to give you is Mythical Zoan, way better than flame fruit," Max said with a calm voice.

Ace nodded and added, "Okay, then, but don't forget what you promised today."

"Of course, just bring me a 500 million plus head, and the mythical Zoan is yours," Max gave him a nod.

"You have a way to get it, Mythical Zoan, but isn't that fruit the rarest one in this world?" Felicia asked after Ace returned to training.

"I do have a way," Max replied to Felicia, adding in his heart, 'I just have to synthesize it by mixing the perfect combination of devil fruits using the synthesis function of the system.'

' I will just synthesize flame-flame, hot-hot, and any ancient species of devil fruit, and voila, A Mythical Zoan' Max laughed in his heart.

"By the way, guys, do you also want a mythical Zoan or Logia Devil Fruit?" Max asked Bucky and Felicia.

"Just give me any fruit with good potential," Bucky replied.

"Give me a mythical cat-type fruit, if you can," Felicia said after a while of thinking.

"Hmm, I will give it to you if I find the fruit you guys require." Max nodded.

'Mythical cat fruit is easy, but the problem is Bucky's fruit, Max thought.

"Sir, a ship has been detected a mile from our location," Angel (Angel of Destruction A.I.) said, jolting him out of his thoughts.

"What's the flag design?" Max inquired after hearing the angel's reminder.

"Sir, it's a skull and bones, and the nose of the skull is a red ball," Angel said.

"Red nose, isn't it buggy? Interesting." Max chuckled as he considered Ace and Buggy's relationship.

"All right, everyone, we got our first prey; let's go and welcome them," Max stated through the mic, and others except Bucky raced to the deck when they heard his voice.

"They are not going to run away, so why's the rush?" Bucky whispered as he followed the group.

"It's a pirate ship of Buggy the Clown," Ace said after looking at the approaching ship.

"Buggy the clown, what an interesting name," Felicia commented, hearing Ace's words.


On Buggy Ship

"Captain, we are closing that sailless ship," Pirate Lackey said to Buggy.

"Let's go, little ones; they must have survived a battle; that's why their sail is broken. We have the opportunity to loot their treasures," Buggy said loudly to his crew.

"Yes, Captain." Everybody cheered.


"No, wonder this idiot is attacking my ship; he thinks our ship sail is broken because of the fight, and we will be weak after the fight," Max thought, hearing the Buggy voice. He was wondering why the cowardly Buggy was attacking him, but it turns out it's a ridiculous reason.


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