
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Movies
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139 Chs


After Buggy Ship came close to Max Ship, several ropes were thrown out to anchor their ship to Max's ship.

"Gyahahahaha, I am Buggy. The clown, obediently lay down your treasures to this lord,, Buggy." Buggy jumped on the Max ship and boasted, facing the direction where no one was standing.

Bucky : "...."

Ace : "...."

Deuce : "...."

Felicia : "...."

Bucky and others were confused by this guy's action, while Max secretly smiled. First, this guy climbed on their ship with visible sweat on his face, and now he is boasting, looking at the place where no one is standing.

"We are here, actually," Deuce said, seeing Buggy's situation.

"hhah?, When did you guys go there?" Buggy asked, turning his head towards the right.

"Hahahhahah!" Max laughed out loud, unable to control himself. It was Max who used the trickster ring to fool Buggy before.

"Bastard, did you laugh at my red nose?" Buggy shouted and threw knives at the laughing Max.

Max, dodging the knives, said, "Ace and Deuce, will fight this Red Nose and his gang, Bucky Felicia, make sure none of them get seriously injured?".

Buggy roared hearing Max's words" Bastard, how dare you call me Red Nose?"

Ace and others nodded and started fighting.

Ace charged up to Buggy and attempted to punch him in the face, but Buggy removed his head from his body to avoid being punched and then punched back. Ace grabbed Bucky's left hand, pulled him towards himself, and kicked Buggy in the guts.

Deuce, on the other hand, began attacking the Cabaji. He also has a machete that he stole from a pirate lackey. Every time their swords come into contact, sparks fly. Deuce is easily parrying all Cabaji assaults. His blade snapped while parrying the Cabaji horizontal slash. When he saw the blade approaching, he crossed his hands, but Bucky held the Cabaji blade, keeping him from hurting Deuce.

After knocking back the Cabaji, Bucky hands Deuce a vibranium alloy sword that Max made after realizing how Deuce was responding. Max just took an old machete and used the Remaker ring to transform it into a vibranium one.

"A new sword won't change the outcome; I will claim that magnificent sword after slaying you," Cabaji said. Seeing the new sword Deuce is holding, his swordsman intuition is telling him that the vibranium sword is many times better than the one he is holding, and now he wants it. His greed for the sword caused him to forget about Bucky, who easily knocked him earlier.

Felicia also knocked out others after Max told her to. Ace and Deuce already had worthy opponents; there was no need for others to intervene, so he asked Felicia to knock others out.

Ace is continuously fighting Buggy but wasn't able to deliver a good attack on Buggy. Buggy's split fruit is causing great difficulty for Ace.

Deuce is also injured, but Cabaji is more injured; his sword is also broken, resulting in Deuce's victory.

Max healed Deuce using healing magic and praised him for his victory over Cabaji.

"System, how much UP would it take to extract devil fruit from its eater?" Max asked the system because he wants Buggy split-split fruit, which is quite good but wasted on Buggy, and Buggy himself does not want it.

[100 UP when died recently (within 15 seconds) and 1000 UP if alive]

"Hmm, it seems like I have to imprison him for some time before I can extract devil fruit out of him without killing him," thought Max when he saw the price.

"Or I can advance to Tier 9 Magus and learn the resurrection spell," Max

After an hour of non-stop fighting, Buggy and Ace duel came to an end, with neither of them winning.

"You can't even defeat this clown, pathetic," Max mocked Ace after he was unable to defeat Buggy.

Ace just gritted his teeth and didn't respond.

"If this is your level, you can forget about defeating me," Max said coldly.

"I will defeat you in the future," Ace said this time, raising his head with fire burning in his eyes.

"Good, you're still motivated, or I'd have kicked you off my ship," Max stated as he approached Buggy.

"Buggy, The Clown, what's your bounty?" Max asked, standing next to the exhausted buggy.

"Bastard, I am a pirate with a bounty of 10 million Baileys," Buggy yelled when he heard Max's contemptuous tone.

"Pirate King's Crew having just 10 million bounty, what a shame," Max continued.

Hearing Max's words, both Ace and Deuce looked at Buggy with wide eyes.

"No way, he is the crew of the Pirate King Roger; he is too weak," Deuce said in an unbelievable voice.

Ace frowned but didn't say anything.

Bucky and Felicia were confused by Ace and Deuce's behavior.

Max tapped Buggy Temple and used his Trickster ring memory projection ability to display the Roger execution.


"Roger, where is your treasure?" a random person asked.

"Whahahah, want my treasure; go and get it; One Piece is real," Roger laughed and said.

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhh" *Cheerrs* *Cheeerrrrs*


Seeing the heroic posture of the man who was being executed, Felicia said, "He was the Pirate King; Gol D. Roger, he had some charm.".

"Yes, despite being executed, he can still laugh; he is something else," Bucky commented too.

"Captain, *Sob*" A crying voice attracted their attention. Turning their heads, they saw Buggy bawling his eyes out.

"Dammmit, why cry for that bastard who started this dreadful era of pirates?" Ace shouted, seeing Buggy cry for Roger.

"Portgas D. Ace, or should I call you Gol D. Ace, why did you think? The Pirate Era was stared at by Roger," Max asked Ace calmly.

Hearing Max say Ace's full name, everyone's attention is now shifted to Ace; even Buggy stopped crying after hearing Max's words.

"Gol D. Ace, Wasn't Gol D. the surname of the Pirate King Roger? which means he is...." Felicia didn't complete her sentence, but everybody understands what she meant.

"Yes, I am his son, but I don't consider him my dad," Ace shouted, sensing everyone's gaze on him.

"And weren't his words, started the pirate era, causing countless people to go to sea to become pirates and harm innocent people?" Ace said to Max:.

"It's funny how you pushed everything on Roger's head. Tell me, if I told you to kill an innocent, and I will pay you for it, will you kill him?" Max chuckled at Ace's naivety and asked.

"I will never do that," Ace replied.

"Exactly, Roger did say, One Piece Treasure is real but never said to become pirates. They could have been bounty hunters, merchants, and many other things, but pirates choose to be pirates, not because they were influenced by Roger's word but because they themselves wanted to be," Max explained to Ace.

"But navy and news said..." "Information is power, Ace, and those in power know how to manipulate it well. Tell me, there are so many marines; then why do pirates like him roam the seas?" Max interrupted Ace and asked.

Seeing Ace wasn't able to answer his question, Max said, "Because those in power want it to be, the pirates work as a deterrent to kingdoms, and when kingdoms want protection from pirates, they have to pay Heavenly Gold for it. Now if they eliminate all pirates, who will need protection, and no protection means no gold, That's why pirates like him still roam the sea." pointing at Buggy.

"Also, your father never wanted to be a pirate; he just wanted to explore the whole world, which he did, but the end of this world contains some shocking secret that would have caused the current rulers; World government's rule to come to an end; that's why they declared him Pirate King." Max

"You know Garp is called a Marine Hero, right? But do you know why? Because he and Roger together defeated Rock's Pirate , Rock was even stronger than Roger and Garp, and he wanted to rule the world; he was a true pirate, unlike your father, who wanted to be an adventurer. It took the alliance of both Garp and Roger and all the admirals of that time to defeat Rock and his crew," Max continued.

"It was shameful for the Marines and the World Government to announce the alliance of pirates and marines, so they fabricated it, and gave all credits to Garp" Max

"Marine even lied about Roger surrendering; they told the world that they captured Roger, but in reality, Roger surrendered to them." Max finally stopped dropping shocking secrets.


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