
In Marvel as The Hive

Liliana Goldbrone, she was a normal girl living in a normal world, living out her normal life. As normal as she could make it at least, until one day she found herself drifting away into an endless sleep. Waking up, she found herself in a world she had only seen in stories. She decided to live her life to the fullest in this new world, as a new race. As the Hive.

ZeroX0666 · Movies
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106 Chs

Chapter 66 - Mission Flight

The flight was quite dull and long, taking at least a few hours before they arrived at their landing point. When Lily first arrived on the flight, she received some odd stares from other Agents.

It made sense again; she was very young-looking, and to them, she was but a child. She would probably be mistaken for a civilian if she wasn't with Agent May and Phil.

Other Agents didn't know about her, at least not those outside her personal trainers, Phil and the Higher Ups. She was an asset that was kept for special missions, and as such, her identity wasn't easily revealed.

But they moved on quickly, as they were trained to do.

The flight itself was so dull, in fact, that May ended up boring a music player from someone called O'Brian to pass the time; she even allowed Lily to listen along with her, which was fun.

After they had landed, though, she returned the music and thanked the man for the music, or as she put it, tunes.

May left Lily to the side while she walked over to Phil, who was in the process of gearing up, and asked him a question.

Thankfully with her enhanced hearing, Lily could hear them just fine.

"Is this really a gifted individual? What do we know?"

"Not much yet. You know they're retiring this fleet?"

Phil replied as he loaded his weapons.

"About time, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s putting every dime into the Triskelion."

From what Lily knew, the Triskelion was a base made by S.H.I.E.L.D. located in New York, but she wasn't aware of all the details about it since it was rarely mentioned in the movies.

"Well, not all the dimes."

Replied Phil as he lowered his voice and spoke the May in a hushed voice, but it changed nothing to Lily's ears.

"Fury's quietly started a new initiative. Instead of this catch-and-release with powered people, we form a team. Take earth's mightiest to find out if they're heroes."

He explained, which Lily already knew was the future Avengers.

"And you mention this because you want my help?"

"Well, I know you got the family planning thing going on."

"I'm staying in the field."

May replied before Phil could even finish his sentence properly.

"Good because you'd be great. And that way, we could keep working together."

Phil said, as his eyes glanced to the side for a moment towards the direction of Lily, who was listening in.

"And I could use someone like-minded to help look after her."

He said as he turned back to May.

"Fury wants her on the team?"

She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's not decided, but he's thinking about it. Her powers could be beneficial."

Avengers, Lily didn't expect that Fury would want to recruit her for it, but she honestly didn't plan to join it even if he did.

While S.H.I.E.L.D. had its uses and benefits for joining for the time being, the Avengers did not, and joining would just be a lot of unnecessary risks and work that she wasn't interested in.

As they finished speaking, a man entered the hangar where they were all gearing up and spoke loud enough to call their attention.

Agent Hart was what Phil called him as he gathered them all around a screen to explain the mission.

"Meet Eva Belyakov, 35, Index Candidate."

Clicking a button on his remote, the screen changed to show the headshot of a woman that looked to be somewhere in her mid-thirties. She had blond hair and light blue eyes, which was all Lily could make out from the photo.

"Russian intelligence has been pursuing her. Agents Coulson and May have been brought in to advise and make the approach. Agent Lily has been brought in in case of emergencies."

The Agent nodded at Phil, who took over explaining the details of the operation as he stood in front of the screen.

"We believe Miss Belyakov possesses enhanced strength. This is what happened when a Russian Intelligence Agent tried to stop her with his car."

Pressing the button, the screen switched to another image that showed the front of a car destroyed, as if it had made contact with an iron pole.

Lily now understood why she was wanted for this mission. The target was someone with enhanced capabilities, most likely a mutant or inhuman, and as such, they wanted her enhanced body to combat the ladies.

"She fled Russia unharmed. Looks pretty strong to me."

Phil said as he turned to face the group.

"So it's important we don't spook her. Just a friendly chat to bring her in for evaluation. And if all goes really well, we'd gain an asset before the Russians find her."

As Phil finished speaking, the other man spoke up once more, explaining more details.

"The approach will be public. It is not ideal, but we go in now, or we lose our window to go in at all. Local military's not used to standing down."

He explained as he finally said the name of the place they were at since no one had told Lily where they were just yet.

"Welcome to Bahrain. Let's hope Belyakov cooperates."

After hearing him say that, May asked a question.

"And if she doesn't?"

"Then I call in the Cavalry."

He replied.