
In Marvel as The Hive

Liliana Goldbrone, she was a normal girl living in a normal world, living out her normal life. As normal as she could make it at least, until one day she found herself drifting away into an endless sleep. Waking up, she found herself in a world she had only seen in stories. She decided to live her life to the fullest in this new world, as a new race. As the Hive.

ZeroX0666 · Movies
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102 Chs

Chapter 47 - Status Update

Lily stood up and finally opened her status for the first time in a long time, getting a good look at the growth she had undergone.

While she could feel it as the status was nothing but an extension of her DNA, seeing it with her own eyes was still satisfying.

[Name: Liliana Goldbrone

Age: Physical: Unknown, Soul: 18

Race: Mimictarion BroodMother.

Titles: Last of Their Kind, Hivemind.


Energy: 90

Strength: 350

Durability: 300

Agility: 100

Mental: 120


Free Mass: 30000




Adapt, Evolve, Overcome

Mimic Creation

Bat Capabilities

Enhanced Senses

Enhanced Reflexes

Poison Resistance

Parasite Resistance

Illness Resistance


Regenerative Healing Factor

Amphibian Physiology

Reptile Physiology

Werecat XGene

Combustion XGene

Mental Projection XGene - The user can tap into their mental energy, extending it from their mind and enter the minds of others, reading their outer thoughts and emotions. The user can forcefully inflict a specific emotion into the minds of the people they have entered. The user can enter the minds of others and find out their guilty secrets. The user can enter the minds of others to restore, erase, or even implement memories; however, memories can fade or be resisted if the will or mental capabilities of the being is strong enough.

Weredog XGene - The user has the abilities of a large Canin even in their standard form, having capabilities such as enhanced hearing, sight, smell, taste, and even touch, along with things such as tough skin, enhanced stamina, and common capabilities of a large Canin. The user can also temporarily enter a state of overdrive, growing ears, tail, and dog-like features to boost all their Canin capabilities.

Frog XGene - The user has the abilities of a frog even in their normal form, having capabilities such as enhanced hearing, sight, smell, taste, and even touch, along with things such as enhanced leaping, enhanced movement perception, enhanced tongue, and common capabilities of a fog.

Radioactive Body XGene - The user's body naturally produces a very low level of radiation. The radiation is very low and can not be produced outside the user's body. However, the type of radiation within the user can vary depending on the radiation they have been exposed to.

Less Demon Physiology - The user has adapted a body and genetic coding similar to that of a demon from one of the many Hells; however, it is much lesser due to generations of diluting. This allows the user to speak Demonic Script, Lesser Charm Aura, Lesser Life Drain, and Lesser Eye of Suppression. The user can also temporarily go into overdrive, allowing their form to become more demonic to temporarily boost all demonic abilities.

Acid Secretion XGene - At will, the user can exude acid from their body that is capable of searing a path through solid stone in seconds. The user's physical body and clothing are unaffected by the acid.

Hardening XGene - At will, the user can harden their skin into an organic layer of armor that can increase durability.

Astral Projection XGene - The user can separate their soul from their body and travel around in astral form. The user can change the appearance of their projection to seemingly anything they want. Their strength and capabilities of the astral form are equal to their Mental and Energy strength.

Energy Condensing XGene - The user can absorb and condense energy within the area around them, able to shoot that condensed energy out in a direction around them.

Superhuman Body XGene - The user has the body of a superhuman, granting them a significant increase in strength, durability, stamina, and senses.

Ink Manipulation XGene - The user can create and control a type of non-toxic black ink.

Other abilities are dormant until the user has fully awakened]

Glancing over her expansive status information, Lily couldn't help but be amazed at the sudden spike in power she had.

The first thing she noticed was the massive increase in her stats, with her strength and durability reaching numbers over 300.

That sudden and exponential increase could only be attributed to the superhuman mutation she had gotten from the man; as for her other stats, they didn't fall behind either.

All of her stats aside from energy had reached a hundred or above, with the increase in her speed being attributed to a mixture of different mutants, primarily the weredog, less demon body, and superhuman capabilities.

As for her mental attribute, it was boosted due to her sudden increase in mental-related mutations and all the mutations she gained that fused together to make them better.

As for her lowest stat of all, energy, it had increased quite a bit but not as significant as the others because her mutations didn't have much to do with energy.

Aside from the energy blast mutation, and maybe even the radiation one.

But that was completely fine; she could keep growing it in the future.

Something else her eyes fell on was the massive amount of mass she had collected. Over 30000 mass had been collected from all the mutants she devoured.

A large chunk of that mass came from the man with the radiation power.

'Radiation gives a lot of mass?'

It was a theory she had to test out eventually. Still, she didn't have any easily accessible source of radiation she could just casually eat, so it would be on hold for now.

Finally, she glanced over the abilities she had gained, and she was delighted with them.

Due to these new abilities, she would have to change some of the plans she was currently working on. Some would make her plans more accessible, and some even opened up new paths for her to work with that she didn't have before.

Ideas, lots of them flooded her mind.

But for now, it was time to head home and get some rest.

Mainly a status dump chapter, hope you enjoyed it.

Starting next chapter, the Morlocks Arc will temporarily finish and we will move on to a growth Arc.

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