
In Love With The Billionaire

"Bro! I got hurt." No answer. "Boss! Your building is on fire." "Take care of it." A cold and calm reply. "I saw sister-in-law coughing. She's sick." A figure dashed out from the study the very next moment. ~ Ajay had no time to think about women as he was busy building an empire after his father's death. But he couldn't say no when she asked him to marry her. Why? He wasn't sure. Diya had suffered her whole life because of her parents' failed marriage. But it became worse when her father started to hurt her loved ones so she will get married soon and stop 'messing around' like her relatives claimed her to be and he treasured his reputation more than anything. So she asked the first person she could think of to marry her. It was just a deal. Then why do they hesitate to go their separate ways when it's time? Tags: #powerfulmainlead #romance #abusivefather #billionaire

moonlight_14 · Urban
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47 Chs

Chapter 7

The next day, Diya tried her best to stay away from Rowan. She didn't want him to ruin her day again so she decided to be careful until she figure out a way to stop him.

After leaving the school, she decided to clean her house. "Woah, I'm getting way too lazy. Kaia would kill me if she were here to see this.".

"See what?". Diya jumped from the fright. "Speak of the devil and she shall appear. When did you come in? Didn't I tell you to never sneak in like this.".

"Oh my god! Look at your house. Can I even call this one? Who will marry a girl like you?" Kaia exclaimed after seeing the house's condition.

Diya rolled her eyes. "Why do I need someone else when I have you, darling~," she said, hugging Kaia from behind.

"Ewww. Who wants to marry you?! Get off me!" They fooled around until Ravi came with their dinner.

"Now now, tell me what happened yesterday," Ravi said, biting on his chicken. Kaia looked at them suspiciously.

Diya told them everything from what happened with Rowan to the cafe incident.

"That f**kin' bastard! I'm going to kill him.". Kaia said, a chicken nugget flying across the room.

Ravi asked Diya while trying to calm Kaia down "Is there anything that we can help you with?".

Diya didn't want them to get tangled in her problem. "No, It's fine. I'll find a way sooner. If I were to hit a dead end, I'll come to you.".

"You better come or I'll never forgive you,". Kaia said glaring at her. "But what about this Ajay guy? I think I've heard this name before. But I don't remember.".

"Don't engage in others' problems like this again. What if the Raj guy was to hold a grudge against you?" Ravi advised.

Diya said with a smile, "I just wanted to help that old lady. Let's hope that he wouldn't remember me the next time we meet. If there is one.".

Kaia looked at her, "We postponed the gathering for next weekend. So you can join us. And good luck with tomorrow's dinner. No matter what, we're here for you.".

Diya gave them both a grateful smile. "What would I do without you guys?".

After they went back, Diya finished her night routine and lied down in bed. 'Hmm... It's going to be a long day tomorrow.' with that thought Diya closed her eyes.

The next day.

'Good morning, lovely. How about dinner at my place?' Diya looked at her phone screen with an irritated look. It was only 10 am in the morning and she didn't want to ruin her day already.

'Sorry, sir. I have plans tonight.' With that, she started making breakfast for herself. Diya sucks at cooking. Every time she cooks, something goes wrong. She can only make toast, an omelet, and instant noodles. So she prefers to order food.

*Ding* Another text message. Diya expected it to be Rowan but it was Tasha. 'Tonight. Dinner. The usual place. Be ready.'

"Uh. Is she an alarm?" She sent back a 'thumps up' emoji.