
In Love With An Anti-fan

Chained to the bed I couldn't do anything but watch this beautiful woman mesmerizing me. She had her hair down, with perfect makeup that suits her face. As she walked towards me I could feel my heart jumping into my mouth. She came into the bed and sat perfectly on my body. I tried touching her but I couldn't because my hands were chained. I could only smell her and she smells real good that it drives me crazy. She leaned further close to me and I couldn't resist her anymore, I tried to free my hands but I couldn't. Then I woke up, it was just a dream. Sean looked anxiously at himself and he was sweating profusely. "Is this a nightmare or a wet dream? How could I dream about someone I just met and never going to see again". Sean gulped a glass of water and lay down back on his bed. "Who are you and why are you in my dreams? Are we going to meet again? Sean thought as he dozed off.

Ogene_jennifer · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


The shoot ended for that day and we started packing up things. I finished in time and didn't know if I should leave or wait for others. I just sat down there and watched them pack up, I got bored after a while and walked down to get a drink.

"Ice tea please..." I asked the waiter and waited to be served.

"See who came in front of me again". A familiar voice said behind me.

I turned around and it was Greg and Selena. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the waiter who handed me my drink and I paid him.

"Do you have to be everywhere? Or are you trying to get my attention?" He bragged.

"How long did it take you to come up with that one?". I spouted.

"Look here you better stay away from Sean's and I disagree, if not you will be caught in the crossfire". He threatened.

"Is that a threat?" I scoffed.

"You can call it whatever you want". He grinned .

"I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than that". I sneered.

"You are so raw and unclassy but I like it". He whispered in my ears.

"Do you want to get thrown on the ground again?" I asked  moving closer to him but Selena came between us.

"Enough!! Am tired of listening to your stupid and disgusting argument". Selena snapped.

"What do you have with Sean?" She asked, looking at me.

"I think you should ask him, he's in a better position to answer that question than me". I stated.

"Well he said you are his lawyer". She affirmed.

"Well there you go". I shrugged.

"....but why am I still uncomfortable with you by his side". She hinted.

"Then you don't trust your man enough". I affirmed.

"He's not her man!! Greg snapped from behind.

"Well not yet.... But he will". Selena barked at him.

"You have been chasing him around since high school but to no avail, now he's all weird like shit after what happened with that girl". He mentioned.

"Don't bring her into this... Come to think of it... Doesn't she look a bit like her?" Selena asked Greg, staring at me.

"Her!! Greg continued. "No way!!! She was as mild as a rat but she was as fierce as a lion... And I like it!" He expressed looking at me lustfully.

"You are right and moreover the name is different. She was Sandy but she is Eleanor..." Selena confirmed.

"Miss Eleanor... We are waiting for you..." Stan yelled out.

"I can't believe I have been wasting my time here with them". I mumbled and left them.

"Remember what I told you! Or you will be sorry!" Selena yelled.

"whatever". I turned and mouthed to her.

It's a good thing I changed my name, if not they would have recognized me. That was close...

"Sandy!!! How I despise that stupid name. That's the weak me and I never want to be her again". I murmured as I left.

"What kept you so long?" Sean asked when I got to the stand.

"Your little girlfriend and Greg". I replied.

"Are you okay?... And hey... She's not my girlfriend, just a friend from school days". He explained.

"You don't owe me any explanation Mr Sean". I stated.

"I wasn't giving one, just clearing up the air for any misconception". He Smirked.

I wish I could wipe that stupid smile off your face. I can't believe you thought you were hot, the truth is I will never stop hating you and your friends keep giving me a reason to remember. I thought.

"Hey! A penny for your thought". He teased me.

"Trust me you don't wanna know". I sneered. "I'm leaving guys thanks for today, it was really fun" I added as I walked to my car.

"Are you coming tomorrow too?" Mike asked.

"No... It's Sunday and I have a lot to do''. I expressed.

"I will call you tomorrow if I need you". Sean grinned.

"Okay sir..." I replied and hopped into my car.

I waved to them one last time as I zoomed off. 

"What is he calling me for". I Mumbled.

I was lost in thought when my phone rang.

"Hello...." I picked it up.

"Are you still there? It's getting late already". Olivia's voice came out of the receiver's end.

"I'm on my way darling.... Don't miss me so much". I joked.

"Who is missing you? I just want to hear everything that happened on set, did you see my prince?" She asked affectionately.

"Prince my foot..." I smirked.

"See you soon honey..." She screamed and cut the call.

It wasn't long before I got home. Olivia flew out from the house to welcome me.

"I missed you!!! She said, giving me a tight hug.

"You are squashing me...." I groaned.

"Oh sorry honey, I am just a little bit excited that you are home". She stated.

"So you will hear the gist about your prince huh? I grinned.

We grabbed my stuff and went inside. Just as I was about to sit down my phone rang.

"Hello... Mr Mike! I said.

"Hi... Miss Eleanor... Ummm I just wanted to know if you arrived home safely?" Mike stammers.

"Yes Mr Mike I just got home now, trying to freshen up". I hinted.

"Okay I will let you be then... Goodnight". He hung up.

Mike looked at Sean fuming.

"Hey man... What's the problem? Why are you staring at me like that?" He teased me.

"Next time you better not ask me to make such a call, do it yourself!". He snapped.

"...and say what?" Sean asked.

"What exactly did you make me say?". Mike replied.

"I don't know man... But I don't want to show her I am interested in her". Sean explained.

"Why? I mean she's the only woman on earth you can actually touch right now, do you really want to give up on her?" Mike asked.

"No, I am not giving up, I am just giving it time". Sean hinted.

"Okay... I hope Greg doesn't beat you to it". Mike expressed.

"Greg?" Sean asked, frowning.

"Didn't you see the way he was flirting with her". Mike asked.

"No... I only saw the way she flipped him on the ground". Sean smiked. 

"Yea we all saw that but weren't you shocked he didn't over react... Unlike him". Mike hinted.

Sean kept quiet for a while to think things through. 

"I don't think Eleanor will like someone like Greg". Sean finally said.

"Well... You are the only one thinking that", Mike replied standing up and taking his jacket. "I will be leaving now, I have a date". Mike smirked and left.

Sean stood up to get a bottle of whiskey. He poured some and gulped it down at once.

"Does Greg really like Eleanor?" He thought about taking a sip this time.

I can't possibly tell her how I feel at the moment cause I am not even sure yet. One thing I am sure of is that I long for her... For her touch... and kisses.

"Come on babe tell me how it went". Olivia asked, pulling my arm.

"Nothing much... We just stayed at the set and shot a simple movie, simple..." I replied.

"Seriously... That's all? Nothing interesting happened?" She asked.

"Yes nothing... Oh... I also flipped Greg on the floor". I sneered.

"What??? Why??" Olivia asked with her eyes widened.  " Don't tell me you want to continue your beating spree  there too?". Olivia demanded.

"Beating spree huh... He deserved it". I hinted "how dare he flirt with me? I added.

"Greg actually flirted with you...! Ahhhhh...." Olivia screamed with excitement.

"What's your problem?". I asked, looking at her. "What is so exciting about him flirting with me". I started standing up.

"I'm going to bed, I'm so tired". I walked sluggishly into my room and shut the door.

I immediately remembered something and opened the door a little.

"Olie... I forgot to tell you but we actually kissed". I whispered.

"You and who?" She asked, getting excited.

"Sean and I " I whispered again and shut the door immediately.

"Noooo I need details... Please..." She rushed to my door and started knocking it hard.

After a while she stopped while I freshened up quickly and went to bed.

"O boy...! Am so tired", I said and immediately I dozed off.

"The room was cozy with little or no light, I could see his fine figure and manliness but not his face. It was too dark, he came on the bed gently and slowly came on top of me. He teased me with his tongue and made me long for his kiss. I finally grabbed his face and kissed him deeply... I could feel the strong waves moving through my body. 

"...but why can't I see his face?" I thought.

"Yea the light!! I quickly reached for the light and turned it on.... Sean!!!!".

I jumped up immediately and it was only a dream.

"No....No!!!!". I Mumbled in fear.