
In Love With An Anti-fan

Chained to the bed I couldn't do anything but watch this beautiful woman mesmerizing me. She had her hair down, with perfect makeup that suits her face. As she walked towards me I could feel my heart jumping into my mouth. She came into the bed and sat perfectly on my body. I tried touching her but I couldn't because my hands were chained. I could only smell her and she smells real good that it drives me crazy. She leaned further close to me and I couldn't resist her anymore, I tried to free my hands but I couldn't. Then I woke up, it was just a dream. Sean looked anxiously at himself and he was sweating profusely. "Is this a nightmare or a wet dream? How could I dream about someone I just met and never going to see again". Sean gulped a glass of water and lay down back on his bed. "Who are you and why are you in my dreams? Are we going to meet again? Sean thought as he dozed off.

Ogene_jennifer · Urban
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19 Chs

Never again!!!

Did I just enjoy his kiss? Was I immersed in it?  I thought...

Well it doesn't matter... I can actually flirt with him but that doesn't stop me from actualizing my aim. 

I must get my revenge!!! I concluded.

"Kissing practice huh?" I finally replied. "Wait a sec I thought you can't touch women?. So how come you...can...kiss me? I asked timidly.

"I wonder the same thing too, I was wondering if you could tell me why?. He demanded.

"How should I know? I'm not the sick one here". I gushed out nonchalantly.

"Sorry about that Mr Sean i'm just really confused". I admitted.

"We both are... But I was wondering if you could clear my confusion about why you are the only woman I am not allergic to..." I looked at her and thought.... "And why do I always see you in my dream". I mumbled.

"Wait what?? You mean I am the only woman you can touch and kiss...?" I asked, sitting close to him.

"Yes...." He admitted and touched my hands I left on my lap.

I looked at him and then to the hand he placed on mine. He squeezed my hands gently and I didn't know when I turned my hand and locked it with his.

We were both mesmerized for a moment and just looked at each other.

"You have no idea what you do to me? Sean thought.

I really want you more than anything you can ever imagine.

I immediately realized myself and removed my hand from his.

"Sorry I was lost in thought for a while". I affirmed.

"I'm more confused now". I added.

"Don't be... Let's just go with the flow... at least now I have someone to practice with instead of putting Mike in an awkward situation". He stated.

"Okay... How awkward can it be?" I asked.

"Why don't you read it for yourself". He sneered.

I quickly went through the script and wondered what exactly he wanted me to do.

"What do you want us to practice?" I asked.

"Everything on the script" . He grinned and looked at me.

What do you think? That I will be scared? I think I already know my perfect revenge.... I thought.

"Sure... Let's go ahead then". I insisted. 

I sat closer and faced him. We read some lines together, until we got to the sex scene.

"I'm guessing we are stopping here right?" I tried to stand up but he pulled me down and waved his head.."no".

"This is actually the mean part, I don't have intimacy outside here so I don't really know how to go about.... it". He stuttered.

"So you mean Mr Mike is the one that tells you what to do and how to do it?" I inquired.

"Yes... Funny right". He asked when he noticed I was holding back my laughter.

"Yes...", I replied and burst out in laughter.

"Well it is funny, especially as we are not gay..." He expressed.

"How do you know you are not?". I asked. " Maybe that's the reason you are allergic to women". I added.

He pulled closer to me and locked his eyes with mine.

"Do you really think am gay?" He asked.

Wow! What lovely eyes... I remember when I used to love these eyes so much. I thought.

"Well....no.... You're definitely not gay!" I stated. "Not with the way you kiss". I mumbled.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Oh nothing..."I shrugged.

"Let's begin then". He insisted on standing up.

I took the script and stood up too to face him.

"Okay so the first scene is that the girl was about to leave and all you have to do is pull her back and hold her waist". I explained.

We acted it out. I was about to leave just like the script says and he's immediately pulled me back to his chest and held my waist firmly.

We locked contact for a while and he refused to let go.

"Uhmmm you need to let go so I can read the next line". I insisted.

"You don't have to... I already know the next line". He whispered in my ears.

He pulled me closer and took one hand to my face and ran a finger through my left cheek. Then he gently lifted up my face and planted a slight kiss on my lips, he withdrew back to look at me, then he came back again and kissed me again this time around he deepened it and I could taste him.

Well it's just practice... Nothing more. I told myself as I kissed him back passionately.

He removed his lips to look at me for a while then he slowly carried me in his arms and laid me on the couch there.

He stood up and removed some buttons on his shirt and came on top of me gently. As he came on top he caressed my legs, thighs and up almost close to my breast but Immediately I pushed him away and stood then shouted "cut"!!!.

"Wow... You really memorized the whole script". I said timidly.

"Well... Yeah... That's why I'm a good actor". He bragged.

"I was supposed to be teaching you but it seems it was the other way around". I admitted. "I don't think you need someone to practice with you at all... You got this''. I was taunted.

"Actually... I think I still do... Just in case I make a mistake". He sneered.

I know exactly what you are doing.  Since that's what we want we will see who suffers from it.

"Well I think you're right, you definitely need an assistant". I teased.

"I have a question though, since I am not obviously the female lead, how will you do all this". I asked curiously.

"Well... I'm on anti anxiety pills, it helps to get me through the scene without having an attack". He confessed.

"Wow... Really". I gasped. Just for a second I felt pity for him.

"So you do see a therapist?" I asked.

"Yea ever since I was a kid... Have been seeing a therapist". He admitted coldly.

"Wow... But why? I asked.

"I will tell you one day... But it's actually PTSD".  He added.

"Did something happen to you when you were a kid?" I asked. I really need to know what he's hiding.

"Something like that..." He admitted. "Let's forget about the topic and move on with our kissing scene". He insisted on coming close to me.

"Why do I feel like you are enjoying this kissing scene a lot?" I joked.

We both smiled and suddenly Mike came in.

"Please excuse us," Mike said, looking at me.

"No need for that, I have already told her everything". Sean explained to Mike. 

Mike looked at me for a while and then back to Sean.

"Like you have told her everything". Mike inquires. 

"Well... Not everything but she knows about the pills I am about to take now". He expressed.

"Okay...". Mike agreed.

Mike gave him some pills which he swallowed and drank water.

"I will be going out now..." I informed them and went out to wait for the scene to take place.

Shortly after Mike and Sean came out and Sean walked directly to Amber Leah for the scene...

It went really fine and he acted it very well like we practiced.  After the scene he rushed into his shelter. I was curious why he rushed in like that so I followed him.

Sean brought out his toothpaste and brush and started brushing his mouth strongly.

"Wow... Is it that bad?" I whispered

After brushing he started  removing his clothes to take a shower. 

"Are you going to watch me bathe too?". He asked me to look in the mirror.

"You knew I was watching you?" I asked.

"Of course I knew it, I saw you from the mirror". He admitted.

"Sorry about that... I was just wondering if you were okay". I said.

"Yea I'm fine... Now back to my question, do you want to join me?". 

"No thank you but I am rather too clean to bathe again". I bragged.

"Okay... Suit yourself". He expressed.

I turned to leave but he called out my name again.

"One day you won't be able to resist me". He boasted.

I stopped for a while and thought of what he said.

"Yea that will never happen". I mumbled.

"Never again!!!". I mumbled again and left.