
In Love With An Anti-fan

Chained to the bed I couldn't do anything but watch this beautiful woman mesmerizing me. She had her hair down, with perfect makeup that suits her face. As she walked towards me I could feel my heart jumping into my mouth. She came into the bed and sat perfectly on my body. I tried touching her but I couldn't because my hands were chained. I could only smell her and she smells real good that it drives me crazy. She leaned further close to me and I couldn't resist her anymore, I tried to free my hands but I couldn't. Then I woke up, it was just a dream. Sean looked anxiously at himself and he was sweating profusely. "Is this a nightmare or a wet dream? How could I dream about someone I just met and never going to see again". Sean gulped a glass of water and lay down back on his bed. "Who are you and why are you in my dreams? Are we going to meet again? Sean thought as he dozed off.

Ogene_jennifer · Urban
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19 Chs

Love my son

"What just happened? Did I really see him in my dream or was it someone else?" I Mumbled.

I stood up from the bed and walked around the room for a while thinking about this nightmare I just had.

"Yes... Seeing Sean O'Connor in my dream... On my bed is definitely a nightmare". I agreed.

"I need to get laid... Yes!! That's the only way I can get my shit together..." I thought before lying down back and dozing off.

The hard knock on my door got me flying from the bed.

"What is Olie...!!! It's Sunday and I am still sleeping". I whined as I opened the door to meet Olivia's super excited face.

"I couldn't sleep... Thanks to you...." She Mentioned as she made her way to my bed.

"Ughhhh!!" I groaned and threw myself on the bed. "Go away... I want to sleep..." I added.

"Not until you tell me how it happened... How did you guys kiss?" She asked curiously.

"You're not going to leave me alone are you?" I asked, looking at her.

"No...." She replied, glaring at me.

"Okay... Fine...." I sat up and stared at it for a while.

I should just tell her the truth. No! I will just tell her about the kiss. I thought.

"Well it's not like we fell in love and kissed because as you obviously know I hate his guts". I explained.

"For no reason....". She interjected, rolling her eyes.

"Anyways I helped him practice his script today on Set". I stated.

"So you guys kissed during the kissing scene in the script...?" She chipped in immediately with her eyes widened in excitement as she waited for me to affirm what she just said.

"Yes....." I replied plainly.

"Yes!!!!! She exclaimed and jumped up. "Don't worry babe you are the only person I can give to my Sean on this earth". She added holding both my hands.

"Give?? Why will you do that? You can keep your Sean, I don't want him". I stood up and went to my wardrobe.

"You don't want him". She asked.

"I just want a man to keep me company tonight" I smirked.

"Don't tell me you are going out tonight". She asked me to stand close to me.

"We are going out tonight," she replied with a grin.

"I don't want to go out and moreover don't you have work to do?" She asked, looking at me.

"Who works on Sundays?" I asked. "He wouldn't dare call me to work today because no matter what happens I will definitely get laid today". I winked at her.

I looked through my clothes to prepare what I need for clubbing tonight. Then suddenly my phone rang.

I stared at my phone as it kept on ringing.

"You just had to jinx it". I finally said looking at Olivia.

"Why is he calling me on a Sunday…!!" I snapped.

"Are you gonna take that or what?"  Olivia asked with a sneer...

I looked at her furiously as I picked up.

"Hello Good morning Mr Sean". I answered.

"You can drop the Mister and just call me Sean". He replied.

"Okay... Hello Sean". I rephrased.

"Are you busy today?" He asked.

"Actually I am... very busy". I responded.

"Oh really?? What are you doing? He inquired.

I couldn't possibly tell him I had plans to go out.

"I... I... Have ....plans with some clients". I replied and immediately regretted it.

"Oh good, then can you add me to the clients you are seeing today? I have a pressing issue to discuss with you". He mentioned.

"Oh.. uh.... Am not sure I can add you to the list... I mean... It's already filled up". I stammered.

"I'm sure you can work something out or should I call your boss and check with him?" He threatened.

"Oh no... That's not necessary... I will definitely fix you up somewhere". I stated.

"Alright... See you in two hours then..." He said and hung up.

"No....it's.... Shit!!! He hung up". I snapped.

"Oh my God... I can't help laughing...". Olivia giggles.

"This is all your fault, you had to jinx me this morning by mentioning him and now his calling to meet". I fummed. 

"I just knew he will call you, oh come on stop making a fuss over this, we can still party tonight after your meeting... Okay??" She said,

"He better have a good reason for calling me out, if not he won't like what I will do to him". I blurted.

I took my towel and stormed into the bathroom to have a shower.

"Can you make me breakfast please". I pleaded with Olivia.

"Of course I can but I don't want to". She teased.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You are bad mouthing my prince... So why should I help you" she joked.

"Your prince is making my life miserable and I will teach him a big lesson". I admitted.

I had my breakfast quickly and dressed up nicely with a pair of jeans and a crop top with a booth.

"Wow... You look dashing in this outfit, are you going to work or do you plan to seduce your client". Olivia compliments teasing me.

"I don't need to seduce anyone with an outfit, I look sexy already without clothes on". I affirmed flicking my hair. 

" Are you sure you will still club today?" Olivia asked.

"Definitely... I must get laid today... I have to burn down some overflowing passion". I teased and touched my body.

"You go girl!!! Olivia yelled.

I took my bag and my car keys and made my way to my car.

"Whew... I still can't wrap my head around this". I Mumbled as I drove off to the address he sent to me.

The neighborhood of the place is really nice and safe. I bet the houses here will be very expensive, I thought. I picked up my phone and called him but he didn't pick up.

"Hello! A strange voice said from behind.

I turned to see a young guy standing there.

"I'm sorry I am not interested, go and look for your age mates". I replied furiously and turned back again.

He giggled and called me again.

"Actually my brother said I should pick you up". He chuckles.

I turned quietly to look at him feeling embarrassed.

"Your brother is??" I asked.

"Over there..." He pointed at Sean standing by the gate.

"Oh okay, I'm coming right away". I said and went into my car to pick up my bag.

We walked together to the beautiful house.

"Bro she actually thought I was there to make a pass at her". He giggles and his brother grinned.

"Really...that's funny coming from you, do you always get such? Sean asked curiously.

"Always, I'm sorry I misinterpreted a little boy..." I apologized.

"It's Aaron... My name is Aaron and I am his younger brother and please don't apologize if you actually look hot". He explained checking me out. 

Sean tapped his head and kicked him inside.

"Children... And why are you dressed like this?" He inquires.

"Well it's Sunday and this is my normal Sunday outfit. I thought we would be meeting in a restaurant or something?". I asked.

"This is my mum's place, let's go inside". He offered as we went inside.

"Mum, this is Eleanor, my lawyer," Sean introduced.

"Hello Mrs O'Connor" I replied, stretching my hands for a shake.

"Come here darling" she said and opened her hands for a hug.

She hugged me tightly and I was honestly surprised.

"My mum is a hugger, don't mind her". Sean explained.

"No problem at all. I'm sorry I didn't get any presents Mrs O'Connor, I didn't know I was coming here". I explained.

"Oh no problem at all, I am just happy to meet you, please sit down my dear". She offered.

"Mum please don't make her uncomfortable". Sean pleaded.

"So tell me, do you love my son?" Mrs O'Connor asked.