
In Love With An Anti-fan

Chained to the bed I couldn't do anything but watch this beautiful woman mesmerizing me. She had her hair down, with perfect makeup that suits her face. As she walked towards me I could feel my heart jumping into my mouth. She came into the bed and sat perfectly on my body. I tried touching her but I couldn't because my hands were chained. I could only smell her and she smells real good that it drives me crazy. She leaned further close to me and I couldn't resist her anymore, I tried to free my hands but I couldn't. Then I woke up, it was just a dream. Sean looked anxiously at himself and he was sweating profusely. "Is this a nightmare or a wet dream? How could I dream about someone I just met and never going to see again". Sean gulped a glass of water and lay down back on his bed. "Who are you and why are you in my dreams? Are we going to meet again? Sean thought as he dozed off.

Ogene_jennifer · Urban
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19 Chs

Kissing practice

Mike walked in and stared at them both, Sean looked at him and didn't know what to say at first.

"I was on a call with mum", Sean explained. Pointing at his phone.

"I didn't say anything", Mike sneered.

"Ahhh Hmmm I think I will just leave you two to it". I sneered leaving the room hastily.

I dashed out of the room and was finally able to take a deep breath. 

"What's wrong with me? Was I just flustered because I was so close to him or what? I thought about hitting my heart really hard.

"Hey you! Get a hold of yourself, I scolded pointing at my heart. Don't forget everything he did to you, you must never forget"! I added.

Mike went closer to Sean, still staring at him.

"What! If you have something to say just say it okay?" Sean snapped.

"Hey... Take it easy man, I came here because I thought you were right behind me but when I turned and didn't see you I had come back to look for you, only to.... He stopped.

"Only to see me talking on the phone with my mum...?" Sean asked.

"Oh yeah..sure... Talking to you mum". Mike agreed.

"I have to go home this weekend to see mum, she misses me alot and I miss her too". Sean admitted.

" Okay...come on then, the director wants to see you". Mike said and they walked out together.

I sat at his she'd waiting for the shoot to start. Selena was all over the place, from buying different delicacies for the crew to getting them things to drink.

"Busy bee". I sneered looking in another direction.

"Is what she's doing bothering you?" Stan asked from behind. I turned sharply and rolled my eyes at him.

"Why should it? I don't have any business with her, just that some things never change". I expressed.

"You sound like you know her". Stan noticed.

" I just know her type". I responded.

"And what's her type". Mike charmed in.

I looked at both men and smiled.

"I'm being interrogated or what?". I joked.

"Of course not Miss Eleanor". Mike admitted raising his hands up.

We all laughed out loud.

"I hope he's going to be okay". Stan starts looking at Sean as he talks together with Greg to the director.

"He will surely be fine but we have to keep an eye on him". Mike ordered.

"Okay sir". Stan agreed.

"You too". He said, looking at me. Make sure you keep an eye on him, for some reason I feel better that you are here". Mike admitted.

I looked at him for a while.... Almost touched by what he said but little did they know am actually his worst enemy here.

" Sure... I will look out for him". I responded.

They stood there for a while with the director as he explained the scene carefully. It's a scene where they are supposed to hit each other on the face.

"Remember your hands should get close to the face but don't hit". The director warned.

"Alright then.... Let's start... Camera rolling... Action!!" The director shouted.

Sean slapped Greg and obviously didn't touch his face but Greg retaliated and gave him a tight slap.

"Cut!!! The director yelled.

Mike rushed to Sean to see what happened.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit him". Greg apologized pretentiously raising both hands up.

"Of course you did! You stupid clown!! Mike fumed with anger.

"It's okay Mike it doesn't hurt at all, he hits like a girl". Sean joked.

Greg looked at him very furious. I looked at them from a distance and wondered what happened to those two.

"They used to be very very close". I thought.

"Greg, I warned you not to hit him in the face". The director hinted.

"It was a mistake and moreover it's not like I punched him. It was just a slap". Greg admitted.

"Let's do it again". Camera rolling.... Action!!!". The director said.

Sean slapped him again but didn't touch him while Greg gave him a hard punch this time which sent Sean flying to the ground.

"What is wrong with you!" I yelled standing up from my seat. "I'm pretty sure you are doing this purposely". I fumed at Greg.

"If you are not ready to shoot, why don't you just leave and make room for others". I lashed at him.

"Hey pretty lawyer... What makes you think you can speak to me like that? Greg asked, coming closer to my face. 

"You are only good for warming up beds, nothing more!" Greg whispered in my ears.

My eyes widened and I felt my blood rush to my eyes.

I didn't know when I quickly threw his arm over my shoulders and threw him hard on the floor.

"Jeezzzz! Mike yelled.

Sean came standing close to me.

"Why did you do that?" The director fumed.

"He deserves it and more". I said pointing at him.

"God damnit!!! How dare you throw me on the floor". He groaned as he tried standing up with the help of his crew members.

"What is wrong you ?" Selena charmed in. "This is a movie set, not some taekwondo class... She added.

"I think you both should go to your various seats and treat yourself". The director said and left.

We walked to our stand and sat down. I couldn't help getting more angry as I thought of what he said. 

"Wow... Miss Eleanor I didn't know you could do that". Stan stated.

"Well... He just has a way of getting me so agitated". I responded.

"I wonder what he said that made you sooo mad". Sean asked curiously.

"Yea... What did he whisper to you". Mike asked too.

I looked at them as they glared at me curiously.

"Well... He...said...he said..." She stammers as she gets embarrassed by the way they were staring at her.

"You guys are going to put a hole through me with your eyes", I blurted.

Sean coughed and adjusted himself.

"I'm sure he flirted with you". Sean sneered.

We all turned to look at him.

"I don't think you really need me here Mr Sean, I think I should take my leave before I cause a scandal here". I admitted standing up.

"You have some things to do, we haven't read my script . Sean hinted.

"Your script? Is that part of my job description too?" I fumed looking at Mike.

"Well.... You wanted to be his lawyer... Desperately. So that's what comes with it".

I collapsed on a chair and rolled my eyes. I have to take in all this shits till I succeed. I thought.

"Can you guys please leave? I have to read for the next scene". Sean urged.

"Okay we are leaving it to you then..." Mike grinned standing up, followed by Stan and me. "Where are you going?" Mike asked, looking at me.

"Outside...". I responded.

"No, you are staying behind Miss Eleanor". Sean expressed.

I remembered and sat behind while they left.

"Come closer... It's a really serious scene... See it yourself". He hinted at giving me the script.

"A kissing scene?? I asked, widening my eyes.

"How can someone that can't touch a woman, kiss a woman". I inquired. 

"Do you know how many awards I have won for a kissing scene?" He bragged.

"So how did you do it?" I asked again. 

He looked at me in a different way I have never seen.

"Come closer let me tell you...". He expressed.

I came closer to him.

"Or I could just show you". He mumbled and immediately he grabbed my head towards his mouth and locked it in mine.

It was gentle at first as if he was indecisive about doing it and later it devoured and we couldn't hold back anymore.

"What am I doing??" I asked myself and pulled out immediately.

"Uhmmm.... What was that?" I asked, catching my breath.

"We...were....just practicing the kissing scene". He insisted.