
In Love With An Anti-fan

Chained to the bed I couldn't do anything but watch this beautiful woman mesmerizing me. She had her hair down, with perfect makeup that suits her face. As she walked towards me I could feel my heart jumping into my mouth. She came into the bed and sat perfectly on my body. I tried touching her but I couldn't because my hands were chained. I could only smell her and she smells real good that it drives me crazy. She leaned further close to me and I couldn't resist her anymore, I tried to free my hands but I couldn't. Then I woke up, it was just a dream. Sean looked anxiously at himself and he was sweating profusely. "Is this a nightmare or a wet dream? How could I dream about someone I just met and never going to see again". Sean gulped a glass of water and lay down back on his bed. "Who are you and why are you in my dreams? Are we going to meet again? Sean thought as he dozed off.

Ogene_jennifer · Urban
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19 Chs

Just Friends

There was a total silence as she dropped the bombshell of a question. It's like everything stopped moving, like time stopped.

What made her think so? Can't she see the hatred in my eyes? I mean I even avoid Sean's gaze so he wouldn't see it. How come she can't see it?

"Mrs O'Connor... That's ...." I started but was cut off by Sean.

"Mum... please don't make my lawyer uncomfortable, we are just business partners". Sean explained but his mum kept staring at me.

"Yes Mrs O'Connor... He's right, we are just friends, nothing much". I explained.

"Oh really... But I am seeing something different...." She observed.

"Mum please... I just came to visit you because I missed you alot and your cooking". Sean stated.

"I'm so happy you remembered me, Son". Mrs O'Connor replied standing up to serve the food.

When she left I finally had the chance to ask Sean some questions.

"I don't understand, what am I doing here? This is  obviously a family gathering that's why your mum misunderstands us". I stated.

"Just ignore her, she's just excited because she has never seen me with a woman before". Sean explained.

"Oh... I understand now, well it's very understandable... She's a mother after all". I expressed.

"I have been very curious about something... Do you normally dress like this to meet your clients?" Sean asked, staring at me.

I looked at him for a while and then myself. What exactly should I tell him? I hope his not thinking too much there.

"Well... It's.... Sunday and this is my casual Sunday outfit... And my clients don't mind". I smirked. "Or do you mind?" I added.

"Of course not... It looks good on you". Sean complimented.

"....and moreover I have plans tonight". I mentioned.

"Plans?... What plans?" Sean inquires.

"I'm sorry Sean, that doesn't concern you at all". I stated.

"Sure I know... Am just looking out for you that's all". He claims.

"You and I know I can take care of myself". I bragged.

"Yes I know that.... I know you are very capable of taking care of yourself but have you ever allowed someone to take care of you?" He asked with so much curiosity in his eyes.

I was lost in his gaze for a while. Is he insinuating he wants to take care of me? Wake up Eleanor!!!

"Well...I don't need to be taken care of, I am a big girl now". I said, crossing my leg.

He chuckled and glared at me.

"Okay... No problem, I know you are a big girl but I still want to take care of you". He looked at me with a very serious gaze.

The awkward quietness after he said that was broken by the sound of footsteps approaching towards us 

"Come to the dinning dear, brunch is served". Mrs O'Connor offered and led the way.

Sean stood up and cleared his throat while I followed behind awkwardly.

"I hope you like the sis my dear, it's all Sean's favorite". She explained. "Before you leave, tell me all your favorite food and I will b e sure to make it for you next time you visit". She added.

"Thank you so much Mrs O'Connor". I appreciated it.

"Enough with Mrs O'Connor please call me Sharon". She requested.

"Okay Sharon.... Thanks a lot... This all looks good''. I admitted.

We ate silently on the table. I couldn't control myself because the food was really tasty, it reminded me so much of home.... And mum.

"Are you okay Eleanor dear? Your countenance just changed... Don't you like the dishes? I can make something else''. She stated.

"No Sharon... These are all very tasty... It just reminded me of home". I admitted.

"Are your parents far away dear?"she asked.

"Not really but I don't usually have time to go home". I mentioned.

"You should dear... Your mum must be missing you so much, i know what it means when your child refuses to visit you in months". She said glaring at Sean.

"Mum.... Give me a break please, I have apologized several times and you said you've forgiven me so why are you still bringing it up?". Sean emphasized.

"Well I lied.... I'm still very mad at you". Sharon admitted looking away.

"Okay... Then I am leaving". Sean teased standing up and pretending to leave.

"Okay fine! I forgive you!" Sharon frowned.

He giggled and we all continued to eat.  It didn't take time till we all finished eating. I stood up to clear the dishes.

"No you don't have to do that honey I will take care of the dishes". Sharon tries stopping me.

"No Sharon... You already cooked so I should do the dishes". I insisted.

"Mum, I told you we need a permanent helper here to help you with stuff like this". Sean suggested.

"No they can't stay in my house, I prefer they just come , do their chores and go back". Sharon explained.

"I will do the dishes, don't worry Sharon". I insisted on packing the dirty dishes to the kitchen.

"Let me just go and relax". Sean said, coming close and quietly pushing me to the exit.

"Let him do it dear, let's have a chat... Come". Sharon called out to me with a bottle of wine in her hand.

"I love this wine.... Thanks a lot" I acknowledged taking a gulp.

"I wanted to confirm something from you". Sharon began. "Sean said he's not allergic to you". She added.

"Well...ummm yeah... We just... Noticed". I stammered.

"It's the first time this is happening... That means my son will soon be cured... Thanks to you". She stood up and gave me a tight hug.

We continued chatting and laughing as we enjoyed the delicious wine. My phone rang and it was Olivia.

Shit!! I totally forgot our outing. I stood up immediately.

"Yes Olie.... Okay... No problem, I will be there soon... Okay go am coming". I hung up.

"Sharon thanks alot for today but I really have to go, my roomie is waiting for me". I explained and suddenly Sean walked in.

"Let me give you a lift". He offered.

"No but I drove". I replied. 

"You drank dear... So let him drop you off". she insisted.

"Okay Sharon.... It was really nice chatting with you... Thanks for your hospitality". I acknowledged.

She saw us off to the gate and waved us as we drove off.

"You didn't have to drop me off, you know, I would have just called a driver". I stated.

"I know but I want to do it". He lamented.

We drove quietly to my place as I showed him the direction to my place.

"Okay we are here.... Thanks for the ride". I appreciated it and came down.

"How will you get to your friend?" He inquired.

"I will take a cab to the place... Thanks for asking". I said as I walked to my apartment.

I quickly rushed into the shower to have a quick shower, after which I dressed up quickly in my short gown and heels.

I locked my door quickly and rushed out. I brought out my phone to book a cab but was interrupted by a honk from the parking lot.

"Is he still here?" I wondered as I walked gently to his car.

"Hop on... I will drop you off". He insisted.

"I thought I  told you I will take a cab to the place". I stated.

"Yea I remember but I will be happier if I hand you over to your friend safe and sound". He argued.

Arguing with him will only yield nothing. I better just concur for today. So I reluctantly hoped in.

"Was that so difficult?". He teased as we drove off. " So what pub are you going to?". He added.

"I will direct you". I snapped. "Don't you think you should wear your disguise as per celebrity so people won't recognize you". I added.

He glared at me for a while and smiked.

"Well I won't need a disguise since I am not clubbing with you, well except you are inviting me". He teased me.

"No of course not, I'm just.... Being concerned". I blurted as he parked the car.

"Thanks for the ride and seriously please go home this time around" I pleaded. My phone rang and it was Olivia.

"Olie.... Am outside at the parking lot". I described.

She came dashing to me.

"I'm so happy to see you," she said and hugged me tightly.

"I have a surprise for you" I smiled.

"Look into the car".

She bent over and looked into it and her eyes widened at once. She covered her mouth.

"Sean... Sean.... O'Connor...." She stammers.