
In DC Universe with my Wishes (Rewriting in the process)

A man who had died and fully suffered the unfairness of the world got reincarnated in the dark and cruel DC Universe along with a few wishes. Will he become a hero? A villain? Time will tell. Follow our MC on his adventure throughout the DC Universe! (A/N: I decided to rewrite my first ever book and change the whole plot to make it more interesting.) This fanfic contains R-18 content not suitable for children. Disclaimer: I don't own anything aside from the OC's and the MC's life back on earth. I also don't own the cover, all credit belongs to its rightful owner.

FanfictionLover · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


Diana left Aron's room as she calmly walk through the corridor with a steady pace. She made a turn and was a bit surprised seeing her mother, Hippolyta, with her ever so present majestic and noble aura.

Hippolyta was standing while crossing her arms as she stared straight at her daughter's eyes while squinting her eyes a little.

Diana quickly composed herself as she greeted her mother. "Good evening, mother". She said while bowing a little in proper courtesy.

Hippolyta only hummed at her daughter's greeting as she continued to stare at her.

Diana was confused, so she queried. "Mother, do you need something?" Hippolyta stayed silent.

After a couple of minutes of just standing there awkwardly, Hippolyta asked.

"How's the boy, Diana?" Diana raised a brow, as her mother continued.

"Can he be trusted? I noticed that you've been quite close to the kid". Hippolyta turned her back at her daughter as she walked in the window and stared at the twinkling stars above.

Diana became serious as she said. "I don't know, mother. But I'm sure that he bears no ill will towards us or Themyscira".

Hippolyta continued staring at the stars above as she then asked calmly. "Really? What makes you think like that?"

Diana reasoned. "Mother, he's just a kid".

Hippolyta closed her eyes as she then turned around slowly and faced her daughter. "You never know, Diana. He may be just a kid, but I can see him improving everyday. As an experienced warrior I am sure that you have noticed how he's holding back".

Diana was about to say something, but Hippolyta continued. "Diana... have you forgotten the cruelty of men? You were not born at that time, but you should know better why we can't trust the boy. Just because "he's only a kid" is not enough of a reason".

Diana's brows frowned as she said. "Mother, I am well aware of the Amazons hatred of men. But that doesn't mean they were all the same".

"I also thought the same back then, Diana. Now, tell me, what was the result of my foolishness?" Hippolyta asked sternly. Diana's expression turned sad after hearing her mother's question.

Hippolyta closed her eyes as she can feel her eyes moisten a bit as she recalled the cries of helplessness and despair from her fellow sisters. She quickly composed herself as anger flashed through her eyes. After a moment of silence, she sighed heavily as she stared at her daughter seriously. "I may had allowed him to stay here as we can still benefit in some ways, but that doesn't mean I trust the boy". Hippolyta then turned her back at Diana and started walking away.

Diana followed her mother's figure with her eyes as hippolyta continued walking away, she was about to vanish from Diana's line of sight, when she suddenly stopped in her tracks, as she looked over her shoulder and said.

"I can see that you are having fun taking care of the boy, but remember, Diana. Anyone, as long as they are not from here, are cannot to be trusted easily. We don't even know where he came from. If we ever find his existence dangerous and or if he's planning something towards us... I hope you won't hesitate to kill the boy at that time.". She stated coldly with subtle killing intent as she then walked out.

Diana continued staring at her mother's back, as she completely vanished from her line of sight. Diana took a deep breath as she sighed heavily while shaking her head. She landed her gaze at Aron's room as she looked over to the door with a frown. After a while, she shook her head as her lips raised into a little smile. "There's no need to worry, mother". She mumbled as she took out a rope inside of her robe, the rope shone brightly with golden hue as she stared at it. Diana smiled again as she then put it back inside her robe and started walking away.

What diana just took out was none other than the "Lasso of Truth". Aron might have not notice it because he was lost on his thoughts, but Diana actually accidentally made aron sit on a part of the Lasso of Truth. The Lasso was inside her left chest, but a part of it slid its way from her sleeves and into Aron, when diana put her hand at the back for support.

Diana notice this but thought there is no harm to it, so she let it be. Diana then asked Aron what happened to him and diana believes it all. It was also the reason why she hugged and comforted Aron, because she knew that he was telling the truth when he said he was feeling empty. Actually, just like Hippolyta, Diana also has some doubts in Aron's intention here in Themyscira. Though they were really close, but they only met for over a month.

She treats Aron as her younger brother as all her life she was only sorrounded and got close with her sisters, the fellow amazonas and a stray pilot that accidentally crushed in Themyscira.

(A/N: Yes, she's already the wonder woman when she went with trevor outside of Themyscira in the past. Justice Leaugue is still not formed by the way, so she's still staying at Themyscira and going out when there are wars and dangers outside.)

Though Diana indeed was fond of Aron, but she was also a little scared, she doesn't want to go to a point where she needed to choose which side she would support. Of course she would choose themyscira, but the idea of Aron doing something that might endanger Themyscira, make her feel gloomy and sad.


(Next Morning)

"Ugghh.... *Yawn*". Aron sat up from his bed as he yawned. He stretched his body and gave a pleasurable sigh. "Never thought sleeping would be that good". He smiled gently as he remembered Diana.

Aron was well aware of Diana accidentally making him sit on a part of the Lasso of Truth. How did he know? Well, though Aron was also close to Diana and he was also feeling fond of her, but he doesn't stop on using his <Mind Reading> ability on her. Lisa wished him to use this ability so he won't be deceived or cheated anymore, and so he did. He also find sitting on the Lasso of Truth interesting, cause it indeed can make someone speak the truth.

Hearing the thoughts of Diana and the care she expressed to him really made him feel warm and grateful for the beautiful amazon, he even thought how nice for her to become his wife. Arriving at this thought, Aron laughed. "Naah, she may be beautiful, but I'm just a brat right now. She even thought of me as her younger brother, so I'm not going to do anything that might affect that relationship.

He knows that she still has some inhibitions about him, but he don't mind cause they were the same after all. He was just grateful that even though she doesn't know him that much, she still gives a part of her trust and won't avoid him like the other amazons.

Finishing his thoughts, Aron stood up from his bed as he then did some simple water release. Quite ironic, really. He has the jutsus but he haven't even used it in a fight, even once. He wanted to get stronger physically first and after that, he would train his chakra and magic, or maybe fuse them both? Arriving at this thought, aron stopped what he's doing as he thought about it deeply.

"Hmmm... that might work, heh, interesting. But before that, let's finish this mission in themyscira first". He grinned as he then finished washing his face and brushing his teeth. After that, he wore his anbu outfit and went out to train.

Aron went out with a fresh mind, the sleep last night was actually his best as of yet, so he was in a very good mood. He then walked to the direction of the arena with a steady pace and greeted his amazon acquaintances along the way.

After a while, he finally arrived at the arena and saw a lot of armed amazons. He looked around and noticed that there are a lot of amazons than usual. The Amazonian armor is a one piece metallic suit that covers the upper-body and comes in different shapes and sizes. These pieces of armor usually have a skirts to cover the lower half of the body, whether its a short slit skirt, long slit skirt, long shredded skirt, to armor pads.

He looked around confusedly and he actually felt awkward being the only male here. While looking around, he saw lulu and she waved at him and walked to his direction, she was also wearing her armor. "Hahaha, why are you so stiff...brat?"

Aron gave her wry smile at first but his smile froze hearing the word brat. "Hey, don't call me a brat. You were not calling me like that before". He said while frowning.

"Heeeeh~ I wonder? Who was it that were being carried in a princess carry while sleeping like a baby yesterday~??? Hahahaha" Lulu teased him mercilessly.

(A/N: Look, I know majority of the amazons were not like that. But let's just say that I made them have some different kind of personalities, ok? So don't complain. By the way, if you want to know how lulu look like, then search Tione from danmachi but imagine her hair into a pony tail with flawless white skin. Reminder, they were still speaking in Ancient Greek Language)

"Ugggh, you saw?" He asked with a stiff smile.

"Of course, I went to find you cause I didn't see you hunting with the others and actually found you cuddling with princess Diana". She said as she grinned at him.

Aron rolled his eyes at her and refused to say anything, defending himself would only make it worse, so he chose to ignore Lulu's teasing and looked at the commotion around the arena.

Lulu pouted when she saw him ignoring her but she suddenly snapped out of it. 'Why am I pouting?' She thought with a shocked expression, as far as she know, she never showed that kind of expression before. Unbeknownst to her, the presence of Aron was slowly changing her personality a bit, back then she was all strict and only has the desire to grow stronger and bond with her fellow amazons through hunting. She only got to experienced to be in a conversation that was not related to training with aron.

After a while, Lulu snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Aron. She saw him looking around the arena with curiousity so she informed. "Today is not like any other day, today is the day where everyone would battle each other to find out who's the strongest. Anyone can compete as long as they were confident with their strength and abilities". She said while crossing her arms and looking at the situation in the stage where a mock battle was currently ongoing.

Aron's brows raised as he inquired. "There is such an event?".

Lulu nodded her head while humming as she said. "It was held every 5 years and princess Diana always come out the strongest. This is not the same competition of choosing who would be the Champion of the Amazons are, princess Diana already has that title. This is only a way to see the progress of the Amazons in terms of strength and ability".

"Ohh". Aron nodded as he continued to stare at the stage. After a while, he asked. "So... your competing Lulu?"

Lulu nodded in confirmation. "Yes, I may not be that strong yet, but the experience of fighting someone stronger than me is always exciting". She said with her eyes shining in excitement.

Aron sighed as he shook his head, then it came to him. 'If I compete with the other amazons and win, I would get acknowledged, resulting to the completion to both of my missions, it would also be a good experience to fight stronger and more experienced amazon'. He thought with a serious look.

After a while, he smiled and looked at lulu. "So I can compete with the other amazons too, right? You said anyone can compete as long as they are confident with their strength".

Lulu widen her eyes as she look at this 4'7 tall boy, she didn't know why, but she find it funny seeing this short boy competing even though she's well aware of his strength, so she then asked while stopping herself from laughing. "You...want to compete too?"

Aron cannot help but feel his face twitch after hearing what she was thinking. He glared at her for a moment and nodded. He promised that he would have his revenge when grew taller.

Seeing him nodding, Lulu said. "I don't really know if you can join the competition as that never happen befo-" She can't complete her sentence as someone interrupted her.

"He can"

Aron and Lulu were quite surprised that someone interrupted them so they both turned around and saw Diana wearing her own Amazonian armor and was looking at them while smiling gently.

Lulu snapped out of it as she then bowed and greeted in proper courtesy along with the other Amazons. "Princess Diana!". Aron looked in a daze at Lulu and the other amazons showing respect to diana, for a moment he realized, diana was actually a princess, he knows it but it was only now that he finally acknowledge her status when he saw Lulu and the others bowing.

He was about to bow himself when Diana interrupted. "No need to be so formal everyone". As she motioned for them to stand up. Aron looked at Diana and he nodded in greetings, she said to not be so formal, so he did.

After standing up, Lulu asked. "Aron can compete with us Princess Diana?". Aron too listened carefully at Diana as he really wanted to compete with the others.

Diana smiled and was about to reply when someone interrupted her.

"Princess, he was but an outsider. He has no such rights". A woman who has her blonde hair tied into a bun and was wearing her armor while holding her head gear at her right hand interjected while frowning as she looked at Aron.

Diana turned beside her and said. "Cydippe, this is a competition to see who is the strongest, there was no such rules which stated that outsiders are not allowed to compete". Diana looked at her aid and gently explained.

Cydippe's frown grew deeper. "But, princess-".

"Don't worry, Cydippe. I would ask for mother's permission first". Cydippe slowly calmed down as she nodded and said. "Yes, princess".

Diana then looked at Aron and smiled gently as she said. "I would ask mother for permission first and see if she agrees".

Aron nodded and said. "Thank you, princess Diana".

Diana was surprised for a bit from the way that Aron adresses her, but she then calmed down after seeing everyone around them. She nodded once again and walked away.

Aron stared at her back for a bit before turning his attention to Lulu. "If I ever got permission, I would show my abilities without holding back". He said with a grin.

Lulu only harrumphed as she said. "Show off all you want, I'm sure someone would beat your little ass".

Aron's face twitch once again as he stared at her. "Just you wait, I'll show you who's little, when I grow older". He said with a glare.

"Heeehhh~??? Let's see about that, but for now? Grow up first". Lulu said with a grin.

Aron ignored her teasing as he swear to give his revenge and just continued to stare around the arena. After a while of waiting, everyone suddenly went silent.

Above the platform on the stage, they can all see queen Hippolyta standing there overlooking all of them. She was also wearing her Amazonian armor as well as her magic Girdle on her waist. She has a golden tiara on her head which make her title "Queen of Amazons" befitting.

All of the Amazons bowed in proper courtesy as they greeted. "Our Queen". Aron also bowed in respect. Hippolyta nodded and motioned for all of them to stand straight. She looked at her fellow sisters and announced emotionaly loud.

"My sisters! Today is another day which we would compete and decide to see who's the strongest!.... Show me and the the gods your progress!

"Yes! Our queen!" All amazons raised their hands as they cheered.

Hippolyta nodded and announced. "Let's begin".


(A/N: I noticed this lately. Why were some of you so much in a hurry? The hell? The book only has less than 12 chapters and hasn't even reached the 20th and your telling me to do this, do that, why is he not doing this? So stupid! Oh my god author I'll drop this BS, the MC is so stupid. Really? It's ok to request some powers and training method you know, but to demand me on doing things when there are only so few chapters??? What the hell's wrong with you guys? You guys have deadlines when reading books or something? Again, I would say this. If you don't like the shit your reading then fine, drop it. But some people still continued to read and insult my book for every paragraph and chapters. Seriously, get out of here if you can't even suggest a decent thing for the book.)

Here's another chapter for you guys! Support and motivate me by leaving some review, give me your stones as well, the power ones.

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