
In another world with my Gift

''I don't know how but there is something wrong with my Gift.'' ''What did he say, 'the Gift manifestation depends on one's soul?' '' ''Then, is there something wrong with my soul?'' Varun is confused as why his soul Gift different from the others. He is also a reincarnate as others in this new world but it seems his journey is different from the others. If you have nothing better to do then follow Varun in his journey in another world as he wreck havoc there with his soul Gift. Author's note: 1. You can rate my book after the release of 25 chapters. I am sure you will like my story. 2. The real Soul Gift of MC will be revealed after chapter 25 so be patient. 3. This is the first ever Novel written by yours truly. Don't expect perfection from it. There would be at least no spelling mistakes and very less grammatical mistakes. Enjoy.

Cold_Corpse · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 6 Journey To The West

'Since our village is located on the East side of the kingdom, we had to travel towards west to reach the Capital. After two days of journey, we have already covered almost half of the distance from my village to the Capital City. It will take another three days to arrive there.'

'What should I do till then?' Varun thought .

He took out a book and started reading. It was a history book regarding the the 'Black Day' of planet Lovinia.

Lovinia is twice as big as Jupiter. It has one sun and two moons revolving around itself. Lovinia originally had nine continents which were inhabited by nine different supreme races of this world. Dragons, Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Phoenix, Lycans, Night Dwellers, Witches and Demons. These races were at the top in this world all occupying one continent for each one of them. Phoenix were the strongest race among all the races. It was because of a reason.

( Author's Note: The reason for Phoenix being the strongest are depicted in further chapters.)

One thousand five hundred years ago, all the major races that time continuously had war going on among them to mark their supremacy over others. Millions of lives were sacrificed on a daily basis for stupid reasons.

The Gods of the world could not see this and turned their backs to this mayhem and left all the races on their own to fend for themselves. But the Prince of Hell, Azazel was totally frustrated and angered by this onslaught and bloodbath. He decided to teach them a lesson of their lifetime.

Azazel was not angry over Lovinians for fighting and killing themselves. No. He was mad at them because the Lovinians were fighting and also deciding themselves that which God's beliefs and followers should remain in the world. They also began to demolish the churches and temples of those Gods who were unwanted by the winners. Only the winner's Gods' belief and followers would remain in the world.

In their heat of battle, they destroyed the temples of many Gods and Azazel was one of them. These Lovinians suddenly decided that Azazel was a Demon God and his beliefs and followers should not remain in the Lovinia. Such audacity could not be tolerated by the Prince of Hell.

He decided to teach Lovinians their place and opened the Gates Of Hell in the world of Lovinia, without consulting the King of Hell, Lucifer. The Gates Of Hell were only open for one hour and then it was forcefully closed by Lucifer. But that particular one hour was enough to turn the whole Lovinia upside down.

Chaos would be a small word to describe the situation of Lovinia at that time. The number of beings who came out of the Hell were not in trillions but quadrillions. That day was noted as the 'Black Day' in the panels of history. Billions and billions of populations of Lovinia became food for Hell beings.

At that time, Humans had the most population among all races. After the day of Black day, only fifteen percent of their total population were remaining. Even the mighty Dragons were not able to do anything in front of the large number of Hell beings.

The king of hell punished Azazel for his indecisiveness and exiled him from the Hell for ever. From that day, Azazel disappeared from all the dimensions and planes. He could not be found even from the eyes of both Gods and Devils.

All the races were in danger and more than half of their population were eaten by hell beings. The most of the impact fell on the Phoenix race. They were the strongest race among all so they firstly decided to confront the Hell beings.

Alas, due to their small numbers they could not hold their fortress against hell beings and were totally wiped out. Yes, besides a very few of them, the entire Phoenix race was wiped out. Seeing this, other races understood that they don't stand a chance against the hell beings. Even the few survivors amongst the Phoenix race who survived were also lost after some time. Their whereabouts were unknown. The Phoenix face now has become a legend of the past.

All of the continents of all races were captured by hell beings so they had no choice but to move toward Tangaea Continent. Tangaea Continent was the biggest Continent in the entire Lovinia and it was occupied by humans because they had the most population amongst them. Tangaea continent was still safe and not totally captured by the hell beings.

The humans also has no choice but to let the other races move to their Continent because if they would not then even Tangaea would not be safe anymore and they could not save it by their own. Their population were also minimized after all.

The most funny thing was that when the hell beings invaded the Lovinia, the Demon race tried to befriend them and take them to their side. Due to their this stupidity, nearly ninety percent of their population was annihilated by the hell beings and were nearly wiped out like the Phoenix race.

Hell beings were vicious, cruel and total blood-thirsty. Even though Demons and hell beings were same race, they were not spared and also killed mercilessly.

After uniting all of their forces, they built a protective barrier around the Tangaea Continent to stop the advancement of the hell beings through air, water and land. Tangaea was the largest Continent and it occupied a total of twenty percent of the area all over the world. The thirty percent were the remaining eight Continents which were now captured by hell beings. The remaining fifty percent were oceans and glaciers and others.

Afterwards, all races joined their hands to fight against the common enemy, hell beings. Even after hundreds of years, the war is still going on between Lovinians and hell beings. To tell the truth, Lovinians have already accepted the fact that they can't win against all the hell beings by their own.

In this grave crisis people only had one hope. All the temple and churches were opened again and people begged Gods for their help. Gods were not allowed to meddle in the business of mortals hence they started to summon people from other worlds to help Lovinians in their fight. These people were called 'Otherworlders' by the Lovinians.

The otherworlders are always kept in high regards because they not only fight for them but they also share their knowledge with them. It is true as long as the other party is strong. If not, you are no any different than the horses and pigs.

With the help of Citadel Towers, everyone level up themselves and fight the hell beings.

The areas captured by hell beings are called 'Zones'. Zones are further divides into ten categories according to their danger level and powerful hell beings.

Time after time, some hell beings still try to enter the Tangaea Continent but they are killed by the forces of different races, if they somehow managed to enter.

Back to present -

'' Son, are you still angry with us? Horus asked.

''Yes. I am.''

Horus sighed and said, '' You can hate us if you want but as your parents, we don't want to see you ruin your future due to your childish behaviour. You just see the bad side but you don't see the advantages of this opportunity. We don't want you to waste this chance. We won't have the heart to see you regret later when all your friends will get higher education and bright future and on the other hand you would be stuck in a small village for all your life.''

Varun heard his father and didn't know how to feel about this. He never had parents before but now that he has them, he still can't understand their feelings and care towards him.

' Is this the love and care of a family which I missed in my previous life? Now I feel guilty again to make them worry about me.' Varun thought.

He looked and smiled at them, '' It's okay dad. I understand you did everything for my good and will always do. You are right. I was really being childish. But its okay now that you have said it. I will attend this Royal Academy and become a person that you would be proud of.''

His parents were happy now that he understood their feelings and is thinking properly in right way.

'' Now you are talking like my brother. Thank God, I thought l lost my real brother somewhere.'' Nisha said.

Varun heard her words and again his eyes started twitching. He again started to pull her cheeks.

''You cheeky brat.''

''Aaah'' and she did it again.