
In another world with my Gift

''I don't know how but there is something wrong with my Gift.'' ''What did he say, 'the Gift manifestation depends on one's soul?' '' ''Then, is there something wrong with my soul?'' Varun is confused as why his soul Gift different from the others. He is also a reincarnate as others in this new world but it seems his journey is different from the others. If you have nothing better to do then follow Varun in his journey in another world as he wreck havoc there with his soul Gift. Author's note: 1. You can rate my book after the release of 25 chapters. I am sure you will like my story. 2. The real Soul Gift of MC will be revealed after chapter 25 so be patient. 3. This is the first ever Novel written by yours truly. Don't expect perfection from it. There would be at least no spelling mistakes and very less grammatical mistakes. Enjoy.

Cold_Corpse · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 7 Attack on ti...Wagons.

It is already the time of evening now. Tomorrow would be the day they would reach to their destination which is the Capital City. The horse wagon is moving at slow speed. At this period of day, it is better to move slowly to not attract unwanted attention from wild animals. The coachman of the horse wagon was experienced in these things. He is from the same village as Varun who was going to Capital to earn money for his family.

Varun travelled to many cities and found one thing amazing that in the cities that they passed from, there were actual stone paved roads. They don't have these types of roads in their village. This world which looked like a medieval world also had some modernity.

In the nighttime, they found a good place to build a camp and took out the tents to set them up. They will have to cross one more city before reaching the Capital.

Even though the place was safe from wild animals but it was nighttime and it was a forest so it was a big 'No compromise'. Varun and Horus decided to watch over the night and sleep during the day.

Some time after setting the tents they heard the galloping sound of horses and wagons. They became alert. It is already very dangerous to travel at night and on top of that it was a forest. Anything can happen to them during night.

Upon coming close, Horus found that it was a merchant group which was passing from there. Seeing Horus setting tents, they also decided it was better to stay here than travelling in night. They had five people with them. They were going to the next city.

They exchanged some greetings and after talking among themselves for some time, the merchant group also set their camp some distance away from Varun's camp to give them some space. They did not look like shady people who would attack someone in the middle of the night but for precautions Horus decided to remain cautious and be ready for any sudden attack at any time.

Amber, Nisha and coachman went to sleep in their tents while Varun and Horus were on night duty.

During midnight, Horus was walking around the tents and Varun was again reading a book to pass the time.

Suddenly he heard a noise in his mother's tent and found her coming out of the tent. She had a serious look on her face. She looked towards her husband and said, '' Horus, be ready. ''

She then looked towards the bushes and said loudly, '' Come out. All of you. We know you are there.''

First, Varun started thinking that his mother was talking about that merchant group who suddenly decided to attack them but he was wrong.

Hearing Amber's loud about, that merchant group who were sleeping in their tents woke up and came out of their tents to see what's happening outside.

If it were not merchant's group then whom his mother was talking to?

After one minute, some people came out of the bushes and behind the trees. They were all wearing black clothes to mend in darkness of the night and had masks covering their faces. They all had weapons in hands. It does not take a genius to tell that they were robbers.

Don't mistake them for assassins. If they were, they would not had been discovered by Amber so quickly.

It was understandable that Varun was totally unaware of their presence. He was still a newbie in this world plus he has not started levelling up now but how the hell the guards of the merchant group could not sense them?

It could be said now that the senses of a former Royal Knight were no joke. Even Horus was already ready with his sword. He had also sensed them earlier but didn't disclose their location before preparing himself.

''Varun, go to Nisha in the tent and protect her. Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to you both.'' Amber said.

Varun quickly went inside the tent and saw Nisha was also awake due to her mother's shout. After a second, the coachman also joined him in the tent. He was very afraid.

Varun looked outside the tent.

There were five people within merchant group including the merchant and his four bodyguards. The number of bandits were twelve. Eight people surrounded merchant's group and four people surrounded Horus and Amber in which one was the leader of the bandits.

Both Amber and Horus stuck their backs to each other to cover each other's back view point. It was a basic formation for two people to watch each other's back and blind spots.

''Yo, beautiful miss, it seems you are quite capable. You could sense us from that far. Even your husband is pretty quick too.'' The masked leader said.

''Who are you and what do you want?'' Horus asked.

''Such dumb question. What do we look like to you, dancers? We are obviously here loot you guys. Initially, our target was the wagon of that merchant. We did not think about encountering anybody else but it seems your luck is bad. Now hand over everything if you want to live, from money to even clothes, we are not biased, we will take everything.''

''Sorry to disappoint you but we have nothing costly to give you.'' Horus said.

''Now that is upsetting, then how about we take your kids? I think they will fetch good price in black market.''

The leader thought the duo would become angry and attack him carelessly but he was wrong. This was a tactic to break their formation by angering them and separate them. After separating them successfully, it will be easy to deal with them but they did not get angry over his provocative words. They are veterans in these situations.

''Hey boss, why just kids, the mother is also very beautiful. Let's take her too. It has been some time already, we have not had some fun lately. Seeing this bitch makes me excited.'' Another one of the bandit said looking at Amber lustfully.

''Then it is settled. Kill the man and the merchant group. Only take the loots and grab those kids and the woman. Attack.'' Leader ordered.

The robbers started the attack on both sides. The robbers had number advantage that's why they were confident but they totally underestimated the duo. Not even one minute has passed and two of them has died under their hands.

The guards of the merchant were not able to kill robbers but they did a pretty good job in protecting the merchant until help from the duo arrived.

The robbers had advantage in number but they were not very high levelled and weapons proficient. Under two trained soldiers' full counter attack, they stood no chance.

In the span of a moment, their number started to decrease and the pressure on the leader increased. Horus was a hunter and Amber was a trained knight. Under the assault of these two, robbers stood no chance.

The leader thought of an idea and ordered his one of his goon to grab the children as hostages and deal with the parents first. The goon received the order and crawled towards the tent stealthily.

Apparently Varun was watching everything from inside the tent. He saw on of them was coming towards them. He had to do something to save his sister.

He turned towards the coachman and his sister who were continuously pestering him to look outside and tell the situation.

''Okay both of you. Now shut your mouth and do what I say.'' Varun said to both Nisha and coachman.

''Close your eyes and if possible your ears too.''

''No. First tell me what's happening outside.'' Nisha said.

''Boy, are your parents okay? '' coachman asked.

''Just do it as I say, you idiots.'' Varun was glaring at them and said in an angry voice.

They did as Varun said although reluctantly. When the robber arrived there, he saw this particular scene and Varun who was standing in front of him.

After one minute, the robber came out of the tent carrying a boy on his shoulders. He ran towards the leader.

''Boss, I got this one. He was really a pain in the ass.''

''Very good. Give him to me.''

The leader took Varun in his hands and put a sword on his neck. He shouted, ''stop resisting, you bastards. Stop now or I am going to kill this pup of yours.''

Both Horus and Amber looked towards the leader and were shocked seeing Varun in his hands. His head was down like he was unconscious.

Seeing them stop fighting, a smirk formed on the leader's mouth. He had already imagined himself winning out of this situation. He said, ''Very good. Now drop your weapons and kneel on AAAAH ''.

The leader could not even finish his words before a sword pierced his chest. The leader was shocked. He could not understand what happened and then he looked back and his eyes were in disbelief.

The person who stabbed him was none other than the man who brought Varun up to him. He had a cold and dead expression on his face when he stabbed his own leader.