
In another world with my Gift

''I don't know how but there is something wrong with my Gift.'' ''What did he say, 'the Gift manifestation depends on one's soul?' '' ''Then, is there something wrong with my soul?'' Varun is confused as why his soul Gift different from the others. He is also a reincarnate as others in this new world but it seems his journey is different from the others. If you have nothing better to do then follow Varun in his journey in another world as he wreck havoc there with his soul Gift. Author's note: 1. You can rate my book after the release of 25 chapters. I am sure you will like my story. 2. The real Soul Gift of MC will be revealed after chapter 25 so be patient. 3. This is the first ever Novel written by yours truly. Don't expect perfection from it. There would be at least no spelling mistakes and very less grammatical mistakes. Enjoy.

Cold_Corpse · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 5 His POV (part 3)

My name is Varun Victory and I am in a predicament. I am forcefully being dragged here against my wish. My mouth is also gagged by a handkerchief. My hands and legs are tied and I am being carried like an old sack on someone's shoulders. As you have guessed it, I am kidnapped. By whom? Let's find out.

Seven hours ago --

My name is Varun Victory and currently I am reading a book in my room related to the history of our kingdom and suddenly -


The poor and old door of my room was abruptly opened. This door was already on the verge of collapsing but now only God can save it. It was actually made from a very good quality wood but due to constant thrashing like this from a certain person its condition is now severe.

The door opened and an over-enthusiastic father came in.

''Son, where are you?''

Seriously? You are asking me where I am while looking into my eyes and when I am just in front of you?

''What happened, dad?'' I asked in lazy voice and continued to study my book while laying on my bed.

''Be ready. Today we are going to Capital City.''

Suddenly I gained so much energy. I stood up in panic and asked, ''Capital City? But why?''

''Have you forgotten brother? You are already fifteen years old now. It is time for your awakening ceremony.'' Suddenly we were interrupted by a voice. A girl who had a similar look as my mother came into my room. She is my sister. She is currently twelve years old.

She has a habit of sometimes acting very bossy in front of me but I guess every little sister has this kind of habit too.

She also likes to act as a mature lady but she is still a brat. For this, she often get teased by me and everybody else. She always run to father to complain about me. She is also as beautiful as our mother. People say one day she would surpass mother in prettiness.

On the other hand, I think I have somehow offended the Goddess of beauty because even in this life, I am still a very average looking boy. Same black hair, average height, and most of all, I am again poor but I am happy. The only thing that has changed from my previous life is that now I have loving parents but pretty much everything is same as my previous life.

''Nisha, we will talk later about this. Go to your room now.'' I said to her because believe me, whenever this father-daughter pair agree on something, it becomes my doom so first I should chase away this little troublemaker.

''Gosh, you are such a child, brother. When will you grow up?'' she said this to me?

My eyes started twitching listening her, I said, '' Nisha, if you don't go now, I am going to burn all your dolls and write a complaint letter to your teacher about all the bullying you have done to the neighbor kids.''

''Nooo. Don't touch my dolls. They are innocent and don't write anything to my teacher.'' She started crying and went to hug father to gain some sympathy. Afterwards, father started lecturing me that I should not bully my little sister.

Seeing that father could not make me agree to go to Capital, now it was my mother's turn.

''Varun, don't you want to awaken your Gift? It's time already.'' Mother said to me.

''I can awaken my Gift in the village temple too. What's the need to go to the Capital City? It is just a waste of time and money.'' Of course, I am not backing off.

''My baby boy. Don't you want to meet your otherworld friends? They are in the Capital. The king has announced that all the otherworlders would be awakening their Gifts in the SUN TEMPLE in the Capital city.'' she said again.

As you can guess, the information about otherworlders have been leaked by the oracle. Who is this oracle? That oracle is none other than that voluptuous babe we saw in the Heaven. When we became ten years old, a message was spread in the temples and churches about upcoming otherworlders all over the world. I had no choice but to reveal to my parents about my identity too because sooner or later they were going to find out about this. I did not want to hide this and later make things awkward between us. I did not keep them in dark and hurt their feelings.

''Mom. I don't want to meet them. You don't know but they all are bad people. They always bullied me when we were in school. I was very afraid of them.'' If any of his former classmates heard this, they would lose faith from humanity.

'' Brother, don't lie to us. You are the bully. I bet you bullied them and all of them were afraid of you.''

'How does she know? Shit, I can fool anyone in this house but not this sister of mine.' so I started to pull her cheeks.

''Aaah'' I did not even pinch her hard but she screamed like I was plucking her cheeks out.

''Son, all your friends would get the backing of the king and also a chance to study at the Royal Academy. Don't you want to study there. People die to enroll into Royal Acadmy to get a chance to study there.''

'' No. I don't want anyone's backing. I can do everything with my own ability and no dad I don't want to go to the Royal Academy.''

' There are three reasons why I don't want to go to Capital city. First, I don't want to reveal my early awakening to anyone. Second, I also can't reveal what Gift I have awakened. Third, I don't want see those motherfu*kers again in my life.'

'' I understand if you don't want the king's backing since I know you hate Nobles and Royals for some reason but why don't you want to go to the Royal Academy? We would be so proud if you could study there?''

''Because it is very bothersome to study among Nobles. Their haughtiness is even bigger than this world. They don't put anyone in their eyes and treat us like we are some kind of disease. I dont want to have their germs of almightiness on me. I am perfectly okay with attending a normal school.''

'' Varun, do you know? Even though your mother was from a small Noble family but she was also a Noble.

Even with her status, she could not study at the Royal Academy. They said she was not capable enough even after she worked very hard but when destiny is giving you a better chance than us, why are you shaking it off?''

I feel guilty lying to my parents like this but what can I do? I am also helpless this time. The Sun Temple will reveal all of my secrets to the entire world and then I will be in danger.

'' Even though you try to emotionally blackmail me I still won't go there.'' I replied.

After saying this I turned around to hide my tears.

''It's time for Plan B.'' I was not even fully recovered from my sentiments suddenly I heard these particular words from my behind.

Again I don't know why but I felt three piercing gazes on my back and suddenly I blacked out and lost consciousness. Before blacking out, I heard some words from my father.

'' I am sorry, son but this is for your own good.''

In present time -

I am currently sitting in a horse cart which is moving towards the Capital City. My legs and hands are still tied. At least, my mouth is open. I looked towards my parents but they are avoiding their gazes from me and my sister is grinning at me looking me all tied up.

I can't believe I was feeling guilty for rejecting them. They already had a foolproof plan ready to take me to the Capital City.

I looked at Nisha who was also a perpetrator in this abduction plan and said, '' I am going to cut all your hairs and feed it to the horses when we reach the Capital.''

Her grinning increased by two fold. It was her way to say, 'I am not buying any of your bullshit.'