
In Another Life with a Sign In System

A man dies and is granted a chance to be reborn into a new life. In this new life, he lives as he pleases with a goal of collecting a large harem of beautiful women.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 78


From a mighty beast that had the head of a lion and body of a giant lizard. Its dying roar was soon cut off as a boy with silver hair and red eyes who sat calmly on its head. As its massive body crashed down alongside a dust cloud. Two women just looked up at it before the one with dark skin pressed her hand on it.


In an instant the massive beast vanished as a mountain of material appeared before them. It hide and bones shining brightly as one the largest magic core in the world sat on top illuminating its surroundings.

Falling with grace, the boy's hair turned black as his eyes turned blue. Wrapping his arms around the two he let out a bored yawn. Then as black smoke engulfed the materials it soon sank inside and vanished.

"I expected at least a little entertainment from floor ninety nine." He sighed heavily. "I think I spend more energy during our orgy nights then coming here."

Both women sighed heavily at his words as the lighter skin on with pink iris pulled out a watch. The three were naturally Leo, Mabui and Kurotsuchi who had climbed down the dungeon fairly quickly. Well, more the two followed Leo after the fifty floor as they had trouble keeping up with his pace.

Neither believed they wouldn't be able to reach here in time, but at the pace Leo went down the floors. They could only leave it to him and take up the task of harvesting and attempting to store the materials. Sadly the amount they collected quickly filled their breast storage.

"Do we have the materials you wanted?" Mabui asked.

She had crossed her arms underneath her impressive chess and boosted them up a bit. Which made Leo riled up but sadly it wasn't the time. Hence he felt the pain of looking but couldn't touch. A pain he planned to return tenfold when returning home.

"They are a bit weak. I think I should use the corpse I collected from the Forsaken Forest." Leo answered after a moment.

Both Mabui and Kurotsuchi didn't reply even if they didn't agree. Clearly what they thought was strong and what he thought was decent were very different concepts. So both are determined to help Millianna find a good first place prize as what he makes will be overboard.

"Are you going to look at Floor One Hundred?" Kurotsuchi asked curiously.

"Maybe next time." Leo shrugged.

While it was his goal to reach it. He was slightly hungry and he could just come back another day to take a look. So he wasn't in any rush to see it, these monsters were too weak.

'I haven't even had my job evolved yet.' Leo thought to himself.

While job evolution was a serious matter, to Leo it was more of a game at this point. His skills were basically reaching the max limit which others would spend their lives trying to reach. Yet it would take him a week if he was fast and dedicated or a month if he put in a bit of effort.

'Most of my skills are battle skills, be it killing or seducing; they are all nearly max level.' Leo hummed to himself.

He didn't forget that he also had the crafting skill he picked up when he learned Blacksmithing. A few skills he long max out at this point.

Throwing his hands behind his head, Leo began to walk back towards the staircase. Since he made his decision, neither woman knew they couldn't change his mind. The only way they knew how was to offer him a orgy of at least twenty or thirty women. Something neither felt nor really wanted to be part of just to hit floor one hundred.


Upon returning Leo wandered around the mansion for a bit. From sexy succubus women wearing skimpy clothes or topless to servants in tight or short outfits. Leo's eyes feast upon their bodies before he watches a small army of them wearing normal clothes care for the infants.

While he had a few sons, he had more daughters. Which didn't surprise him much as most of the time succubus do tend to bear girls.

Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man looking both ways before a leechous grin surfaced on his face. Puffing his chest out he began walking around as his eyes would linger on a few women before moving onwards. It wasn't until he tried to grope one of the servants Leo decided this man had balls of steel.

The man had short brown hair and light gray eyes with a healthy hue skin. A frown crossed Leo lips as the woman playfully swatted his hand away. From his memories she was just recruited in, but judging from her actions and the man's courage. It was either not his first time here or she had been allowing a few others in. Neither Leo allowed and a growl escaped his lips as his eyes blazed red.

He turned his head and looked at the nearest servant with his eyes nearly scaring her soul out of her body. "Give me everything about that woman and the man, friends and families. Three generations out of all of them should be fine. Within the next couple hours at the latest."

"Y-Yes sir." She ran off to relay and gather the information.

"It seems some didn't listen to my rules." Leo glared as he watched them walk a bit out of sight.

Leaving his spot he walked over and found them with her embracing him with his hands roaming where they shouldn't. His fingernails extended as he gripped the back of the man's head and yanked it back. Before the servant could scream, his other hand grabbed her mouth and lifted her up.

"You were warned." This was all Leo said as he crushed the man's head making it rain blood.

Then in a very brutal fashion, he dismembered both of them and prepared them for the pikes. For they will not be the last and he cracked his neck as it seemed to be hunting time.


The next morning outside the town, the guards trembled as over a hundred men, women and children were brutally killed and put on spikes. The fear in their eyes still present alongside five women in servant clothes. The five who were far more mutilated compared to some of the others.

"They must have really ticked him off." An older guard said.

What the guard said was an understatement as over two thousands women were currently trembling. For they found the cold Leo difficult to handle and was on egg shells for the next two weeks.

Thanks for Reading.

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