
In Another Life with a Sign In System

A man dies and is granted a chance to be reborn into a new life. In this new life, he lives as he pleases with a goal of collecting a large harem of beautiful women.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 77

Inside the palace, the King sat on his throne with his head resting on his hands. In front of him was his tomboy daughter who wore breastplate and metal shin guards. Around her waist was a large sword as she wore a furious expression.

"We must do something, Father. Everyday his power and territory is growing."

A light sigh escaped his lips as the King eyed his daughter. He admired her determination and bravery, but she failed to grasp important details. If they went with her idea, it would likely cause a calamity that neither this or the surrounding kingdoms can survive. For she has been pestering him to deal with the Vampire known as Leo who currently resides in Dungeon City.

Ever since the news of him demolishing a large orc horde. It has gotten her and other nobles behind her wanting this vampire gone. A sentiment he agreed with as he wants Leo at least out of his territory. Only, his best option is just for Leo to move on his own.

"Daughter, we have been over this before. We are powerless to do anything besides wait." The King answered.

Leo harem has their claws in about every piece of business and while he hates to admit it. They have a heavy influence on the kingdom's economy. Hence they can be considered nearly untouchable due to influence, wealth and strength. All three they have in spades which only grew as news of two more succubus clans are now contracted to him.

"Father, if we sit and do nothing, it won't be long before we lose the kingdom." she shouted furiously.

"Daughter, we must not poke the hornet nest." The King replied but silently hoped his daughter didn't do anything.

Growling at him as she stomped away, the King sighed once more as he felt dozens of years older. The Nobles that keep pushing his daughter forward seem to want this kingdom to burn. Don't they have any brains among them or have they drank it away.


Inside Dungeon City, Leo, the king's constant headache, laid on a chair. Not at all aware of the trouble he was bringing to the leader of the nation he currently resides in. Even if he did know, he wouldn't care.

"Aren't you bored? You do the same thing day after day."

Appearing beside him, a woman with fairly voluptuous breasts asked. She had brown hair and cat shaped ears while wearing a black two piece swimsuit. Which also had a red cat paw on the front of her briefs.

"Life is like that. I can't really do much about this." Leo replied lightly.

Thinking about it, he should have gone the cultivation route. Then besides bedding countless women, he could just sit around saying he cultivating. An idle auto-cultivation and sign in system is a terrible but amazing combo.

"I guess." Millianna replied. "So have you brought another woman?"

"No for the time being. I figured waiting a few days is fine. It is slightly boring seducing them one day after another." Leo replied with a slightly lazy answer.

She just nodded her head as her eyes rolled. While she saw his point, she also didn't believe him much either. He loves women way too much for him to believe him.

"Hey Leo, can I get you to forge a magic staff with all your effort." Millianna asked.

Not answering right away, Leo thought it over wondering why she wanted one. She didn't use one and while a few hundred of his lovers did. They didn't use them enough to ask for a custom one. So this request was fairly strange and made him put all his effort into it. Most of what he sells in his shop is more Shigure product than his anymore.

"Why?" He finally gave in.

"I need prizes for a tournament I am hosting at my guild. While I got the rest sorted but the winning prize. Due to it being the first one, I want the prize to be something grand." Millianna answered.

Rubbing his chin, Leo felt it might be a fun challenge. "Ok, I will take a few girls to the dungeon later to gather the needed materials. A few gems and metals from the deeper levels should work."

Millianna smiled as the corner of her mouth twitched. She thought he would just use the material in stock. Now she was slightly nervous at what he would make, but also curious.

'If it's too outrageous, I will just find something else.' She thought to herself.

While Leo was thinking of something else. 'Going dungeon diving should be relaxing and it will be interesting to see what I find. Now I need to find shoes and a shirt.' a light sigh could be heard from his mouth as he muttered that life is hard.

After a bit and finding the motivation to move, Leo went to find his clothes. His mind was thinking about who he should take on his adventure. He felt like taking Caulifla but he probably hump the daylight out of her after a bit inside the dungeon. So she was a no go sadly and Kale as she probably was little to no help. That girl had either no combat ability or just went berserk.

"I will just take Mabui and Kurotsuchi. Both were complaining that their skills were growing rusty."

However, as he was making his way to find the two to make preparations for the coming dungeon visit. Leo found Caulifla bent over a counter as a servant was cooking a large meat leg. Hence a small distraction was in order.

Walking up behind Caulifla, Leo without an ounce of hesitation, groped her butt. The soft texture of her purple harem pants and well fit butt filling his hand. His hands sliding inside as he instantly began to play with her nether lips he heard a small moan as she turned her head at him.

Rolling her eyes, she slightly spread her legs a bit as he pulled her pants down. Her nether lips appeared before him as he lowered his shorts and placed his hardened cock inside her. Her hot core squeezed around him as he bent over her back and began giving her a lot of his love.

Then he dumped his load into her when her food finished. Caulifla glared at him, but he positioned her on his lap so as she ate he continued his own meal. Hence it was a few hours later than he intended before finding the two women for the dungeon run.

Thanks for Reading.

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