
Immortal Swords

"Harry World, originally just an ordinary people, coincidently, adopted by a powerful old man , becoming the greatest legend in the world of cultivation, a myth within the realm of swords, a legend of swordsmanship.

jiajia_Lily · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Ten-True Competition 2

The autumn rain has been falling continuously for three days and nights.

The fine rain weaved a misty net in the air, obscuring the distant mountains and nearby palaces.

However, the atmosphere on Sworthy Mountain's North Peak was completely different from this continuous drizzle.

Following the North Peak Grand Competition, which was relatively calm, things have heated up recently.

The ultimate reason was the elders spreading the news that cloud-based spiritual beasts had appeared in the Cloud-Mist Valley.

The appearance of such rare creatures made many disciples, who were usually calm, become quite uneasy.

"Have you heard? This time, there are cloud beasts appearing in the Cloud-Mist Valley."

"Yes, it is said that there are two cloud-based spiritual beasts, one is a cloud rabbit, and the other is a cloud cat."

"Unfortunately, us ordinary disciples don't have the qualification to enter the Cloud-Mist Valley. Only the top ten true disciples have the qualification."

"The top ten true disciples have such great positions. Unfortunately, we don't have such good luck to be born under the tutelage of power-holding elders like The Six Great Swords."

"Even if one is under The Six Great Swords, they may not necessarily become one of the top ten true disciples. Last time during the North Peak Grand Competition, wasn't Houk Simon, Aeron's grandson, trying to snatch Harry's position, only to be beaten miserably? The position of the top ten true disciples depends on birth, luck, personal aptitude, and character. All these factors are indispensable."

"That's true."

"And even if one becomes one of the top ten true disciples, it's not certain they will obtain the cloud-based spiritual beasts this time. After all, there are only two of them, but there are ten true disciples. It's not that easy."

These discussions were not just gossip; they were related to their future.

The top ten true disciples would become the power-holding elders of the North Peak in the future, just like The Six Great Swords today.

Other ordinary disciples would have to rely on these true disciples to gain greater benefits in the future.

Even in a harmonious righteous sect, there were matters of taking sides. If one sided with the wrong faction, they might not lose their lives, but they wouldn't reap any good fruits either.

When asked which disciple was most likely to obtain the cloud-based spiritual beasts, the senior brother with extensive information pondered for a moment.

"It's hard to say. In terms of strength, it's naturally Babber and Baily. Their strength far surpasses the others. However, these two have always been arch-rivals, always eager to compete with each other. This time, I'm afraid they will also vie for it."

"As for the others, Ada is naturally the strongest."

"However, the fourth brother, Fountain, is quite formidable too."

"The fifth brother, Bob Simon, was recently bestowed with the true Great Sun Swordsmanship by Aeron. I heard he has defeated several skilled opponents recently. This time, his momentum is extraordinary."

"As for Harry, he used to rank at the bottom among the top ten true disciples, but his performance in the last North Peak Grand Competition was excellent. He also has a chance."

After this analysis, the junior disciple nodded admiringly at the senior brother, impressed by his insights.

Receiving the expected admiring looks, the senior brother nodded in satisfaction.


Carrying the Culti-Me Sword on his back and wearing a bamboo hat, Harry walked on the forest path.

Although the bamboo hat was large, some rainwater still seeped in.

It was said that those with incredibly strong and continuously flowing mana could cover themselves with dense mana, preventing even a drop of rainwater from invading.

However, it was evident that although Harry's mana was considered decent among the tenth-generation disciples, reaching the sixth stage of the Meditation Phase, he was still far from having such robust and unceasing mana.

This was a forest path leading to the Cloud-Mist Valley.

Under the orders of his master, Harry naturally headed towards the Cloud-Mist Valley.

 The cultivation of mana required natural treasures and accumulated efforts. Therefore, cloud-based spiritual beasts became even more important. The improvement of his Cloud Dragon Heart Technique relied on these spiritual beasts.

Without cloud-based spiritual beasts, even a slight increase in mana would require his own cultivation, which would be exhausting.

Yes, undoubtedly, Harry wanted to snatch the cloud-based spiritual beasts because he wanted to take the easy way out.

Cloud-Mist Valley appeared in front of him as he was thinking.

The valley was where the cloud vapor was densest.

Even before reaching the valley, he could feel the dense cloud vapor. He felt his Cloud Dragon Heart Technique becoming more lively.

At the entrance of the valley, there was a plaque that read: "Calm as practice, agile as smoke, light as cotton, broad as the sea, white as snow."

Arriving here, Harry remembered that when he learned the Cloud Dragon Heart Technique back then, his master, Abbas, pointed at the inscription at the valley entrance and said, "Calm as practice, agile as smoke, light as cotton, broad as the sea, white as snow." These words told him the true essence of the Cloud Dragon Heart Technique.

When Harry arrived, he found that he was a bit late.

The other nine true disciples had already arrived.

Babber and Baily were indeed different from the other true disciples. Even though Harry had reached the sixth stage of the Meditation Phase, he still felt that Babber and Baily were unfathomable.

"Oh, Harry is here."

"Harry, good morning." Squary and Round greeted Harry with cheerful smiles. Although they called him Harry, there was no respect in their tone. Being close friends for so long, it was natural for them to be very familiar with each other. It was impossible for them to show any respect.

"Oh, Harry, you're the last one again." A familiar disdainful voice that could make Harry feel disgusted immediately upon hearing it. Apart from Aeron's line, who else could it be but Bob? Bob said, "Could it be that you overslept again? As a true disciple, being lazy like this is not good."

Harry couldn't be bothered to pay attention to him. After all, he had already beaten him soundly.

Bob's sarcastic remarks about his laziness were so bland that Harry couldn't be bothered to respond.

Over there, Babber laughed heartily. "Harry, you're here. It's been a while."

Previously, Babber had no interest in befriending Harry, but after Harry's good performance in the North Peak Grand Competition, he became interested in befriending him.

Baily immediately thought to himself that Babber was quick to act. He had already begun trying to befriend Harry. Baily couldn't afford to lag behind and immediately smiled at Harry, saying, "Harry, I recently got a bottle of Cloudy Confusion Wine. I heard you like good wine. When you have time, let's sit down and have a few drinks together."

As soon as Harry arrived, reactions came from all sides.

Indeed, where there are people, there is waves.