
Immortal Swords

"Harry World, originally just an ordinary people, coincidently, adopted by a powerful old man , becoming the greatest legend in the world of cultivation, a myth within the realm of swords, a legend of swordsmanship.

jiajia_Lily · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Ten-True Competition 3

The rain fell steadily from the sky.

The Ten Great True Disciples, each wearing a hat, had their pants splattered with mud.

On such a rainy day, avoiding even a speck of mud was quite challenging.

However, the True Disciples soon realized they were mistaken.

The Gentle Sword, Squaring, emerged from the dense forest, stepping out without a speck of mud touching him.

Upon seeing Squaring, the voices of everyone present immediately lowered.

Among The Six Great Swords, the disciples feared Squaring the most. Regardless of what he did, he exuded an air of nobility.

His standards for himself were those of a gentleman. Under his powerful aura, the pressure on his juniors was immense.

Though Squaring seldom criticized other juniors, except for his own disciple Squary, under his overpowering presence, everyone felt the weight of his expectations.

Without needing to say much, Squaring arrived at the outskirts of Cloud-Mist Valley, and all the True Disciples fell silent.

Harry could only admire Squaring's presence.

Squaring's voice was calm and steady: "Cloud-Mist Valley is a place of dense clouds for our North Peak. After centuries of accumulation, it has finally produced two cloud spirit beasts: a cloud rabbit and a cloud cat. Upon discussion among the elders, it has been decided that you ten True Disciples will compete for them here in Cloud-Mist Valley. Each person can only capture one. Furthermore, do not harm each other. If there are injuries or fatalities, you will be expelled from the sect."

"Now, enter the valley and may the best disciple win."

Clearly, the imposing presence of The Gentle Sword made everyone eager to enter Cloud-Mist Valley and avoid lingering in his company.

Cloud-Mist Valley was essentially circular, with no other entrance except the one they came through. Even if someone wanted to fly out from the valley, there were various restrictions set by the predecessors of Sworthy Mountain's North Peak.

Entering the valley, they felt the immense mist. The mist floated like gauze or white cloth, dense or light, weaving before their eyes.

As the ten True Disciples entered, they saw a snowy white rabbit in the sky.

The rabbit was flying in the sky. Of course, it was the cloud rabbit.

Babber waved his hand and used the "Gentle Breeze" technique, aiming directly at the cloud rabbit.

Babber's Gentle Breeze technique was indeed quite skilled.

Just as the cloud rabbit was about to fall into his hands, a slightly curved flying sword suddenly appeared beside him.

Among the ten True Disciples, only Baily's flying sword had a slight curve.

Baily's flying sword, Dragonhead Sword, was quite distinctive. Instead of being straight like most swords, it had a slight curve, resembling the head of a dragon.This was specially crafted by his master, The Lonely Sword, Camilla, hoping he would become the leader among the next generation of disciples.

Camilla had always been ambitious, believing that her disciples could inherit the next generation's leadership. Hence, she named the flying sword Dragonhead Sword.

Babber's flying sword, Midfair Sword, was named after its balanced and fair characteristics. Caldwell, his master and the North Peak Master, had crafted it, hoping his disciple would embody balance and fairness.

The flying swords were like their owners.

Each flying sword crafted by The Six Great Swords reflected the personality of its wielder.

Abbas Lee hoped his disciples would cultivate good character and temperament, so he forged the Culti-me Sword.

Aeron Simon, with his domineering nature, wanted his disciples to become stronger. Hence, he forged the Longrainbow Sword, symbolizing power and dominance.

Camilla, despite being a woman, had an arrogant nature. She forged the Dragonhead Sword, hoping her disciples would become leaders among their peers.

Squaring wanted his disciple Squary to be straightforward and upright, so he forged the Notwrong Sword.

The Rounding Sword, Rouding, forged the Smoothing Sword for his disciple Round, hoping Round would adapt to the world's changes and be versatile.

Returning to the scene, Babber's Midfair Sword clashed heavily with Baily's Dragonhead Sword.

Neither used overly aggressive moves, fearing they might harm the cloud rabbit.

However, their immense power was palpable, even to the other eight True Disciples standing at a distance.

Now, both Babber and Baily went after the cloud rabbit, leaving the other eight True Disciples to contend for the remaining cloud cat.

This presented an opportunity for the others.

The eight True Disciples exchanged glances, clearly considering each other as rivals.

However, the main focus was on Ada, Fountain, and Bob. These three had greater strength.

As for the sixth disciple, Harry, although he had performed well last time, his lazy nature made it hard for anyone to see him as a significant threat.

As the eight True Disciples eyed each other, suddenly, with a "meow," a white light dashed into Harry's arms.

Harry looked down to find a white cat nestled in his arms.

Could it be that easy?